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About Quezon City University
Quezon City University (QCU), formerly known as Quezon City Polytechnic University (QCPU), is a city government-funded university in Quezon City, Philippines. It was established on March 1, 1994, as the Quezon City Polytechnic offering technical and vocational courses. It was renamed Quezon City Polytechnic University when it was elevated into university status in 2001. By virtue of City Ordinance No. SP-2812, series of 2019, also known as the Quezon City University Charter of 2019, QCPU was rechristened as the Quezon City University to qualify as a beneficiary of Republic Act 10931, also known as the free tuition law. The University was given recognition and became a full-fledged university from the CHED in 2021.