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Research at USM is driven by 3 main thrusts areas namely curiosity-driven, people-focused and industry-driven. In line with the university's values of quality, equity, availability, accessibility. affordability, and appropriateness, USM has set its Research focus to be "a pioneering, trans-disciplinary research intensive university that empowers future talents and enables the bottom billions to transform their socio-economic well-being".
Admission to USM
Greetings from USM. We welcome you to our spectacular yet amazing schools and the wonderful classes.
We truly hope that you will excel in your studies and make us proud with your outstanding efforts and results.

An Undergraduate degree (also called first degree or simply degree) is a colloquial term for an academic degree earned by a person who has completed undergraduate courses. The most common type of these undergraduate degrees are the bachelor’s degree.

A postgraduate is a student who has successfully completed an undergraduate degree level course at a college or university and is undertaking further study at a more advanced level.

IMCC will be the platform for USM students and international students from our partner institutions to pursue quality higher education through various mobility programmes. Through these programmes, students will be ..