![]() | 刘嘉庚 ( ljg@guet.edu.cn) () |
2020年5月--至今 星空网页版登录入口 博士后
2019年9月--至今 材料成型及控制工程专业 专任教师(科教并重型)
1、Jing-kun Li, Bin-guo Fu, Tian-shun Dong, Guo-lu Li*,Yong-yue Liu,Jia-geng Liu,et al.A new nano-scale rhombic precipitate in the SiC ceramic manufactured bymilling-sintering process[J].Materials Characterization, 2023,112731.
2、Jiageng Liu*, Jiang Wu, Qian Liu, Shuai Ji, Xinlu Zheng, Feng Wang and Jiang Wang*. Analysis of Cold Composite Sheet Rolling Considering Anisotropic Effect and Position-Dependent Friction Model [J]. Metals, 2023, 13, 259.
3、Jiageng Liu*, Jiang Wu, Qian Liu, Shuai Ji, Xinlu Zheng, Feng Wang and Jiang Wang*. Effect of the Strength of Initial Aluminium on the Bonding Properties and Deformation Coordination of Ti/Al Composite Sheets by the Cold Roll Bonding Process [J]. Crystals, 2022, 12, 1665.
4、Liu Q.,Liu J.-G., Han J.-T.,Chen Y.-X.,Zheng, X.-P., Tian, Y.-Q. Uniaxial tensile constitutive relationship of cold rolling steel and ductile fracture parameter [J]. Journal of Plasticity Engineering, 2019, 26(1), pp. 162–167.
5、J.G. Liu, W.C. Cai, L. Liu, J.T. Han, J. Liu⁎.Investigation of interfacial structure and mechanical properties of titanium clad steel sheets prepared by a brazing-rolling process, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2017,703: 386
2、2020.10-2022.9基于最优化钛/铝层状复合材料制备工艺的界面结构研究(广西电子信息材料重点实验室自由探索项目,2万, 主持)