![]() | 刘呈燕 ( chengyanliu@guet.edu.cn) () |
2004年9月-- 2008年07月 太原理工大学 本科/学士
2008年9月-- 2013年7月 中国科学院大学 研究生/博士
2013年7月--2015年7月 中科院广州能源研究所 助理研究员
(1)Journal of Advanced Ceramics期刊编辑委员会委员
1、Bai Xiaobo; Liu Chengyan; Li Fucong; Zhang Zhongwei; Peng Ying; Si Ruifan; Feng Baoquan; Wu Guojing; Gao Jie; Wei Haiqiao; Miao Lei; Tailoring 5s2Lone Pair-Antibonding Orbital Interaction by Zr-Doping to Realize Ultrahigh Power Factor in Thermoelectric GeTe,Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.cej.2023.142069.(IF=16.7)
2、Feng Baoquan; Cheng Yiran; Liu Chengyan; Gao Jie; Wu Guojing; Bai Xiaobo; Si Ruifan; Li Wenpei; Guo Yue; Miao Lei; Ag Interstitial Inhibition and Phonon Scattering at the ZnSe Nano-Precipitates to Enhance the Thermoelectric Performance of Ag2Se,ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2023, DOI:10.1021/acsaem.2c03704. (IF=7.0)
3、Yu Zhonghai; Wang Xiuxia; Liu Chengyan; Cheng yiran; Zhang Zhongwei; Si Ruifan; Bai Xiaobo; Hu Xiaokai; Gao Jie; Peng Ying; Miao Lei; Carrier and Microstructure Tuning for Improving the Thermoelectric Properties of Ag8SnSe6via Introducing SnBr2,Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2022, 11, 1144-1152.(IF=11.5)
4、Liao Yuntiao; Chen Junliang; Liu Chengyan; Liang Jisheng; Zhou Qi; Wang Ping; Miao Lei; Sintering Pressure as a “Scalpel” to Enhance the Thermoelectric Performance of MgAgSb.Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2022, 10: 3360-3367.(IF=8.1)
5、Xu Wenjing; Yang Hengquan; Liu Chengyan; Zhang Zhongwei; Chen Chunguang; Ye Zhenyuan; Lu Zhao; Wang Xiaoyang; Gao Jie; Chen Junliang; Xie Zhengchuan; Miao Lei ; Optimized Electronic Bands and Ultralow Lattice Thermal Conductivity in Ag and Y Codoped SnTe,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13,32876-32885. (IF=10.4)
6、Xu Wenjing; Zhang Zhongwei; Liu Chengyan; Gao Jie; Ye Zhenyuan; Chen Chunguang; Peng Ying; Bai Xiaobo; Miao Lei ; Substantial Thermoelectric Enhancement Achieved by Manipulatingthe Band Structure and Dislocations in Ag and La Co-Doped SnTe,Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2021, 10, 860-870. (IF=11.5)
7、Zhang Zhongwei; Xu Wenjing; Liu Chengyan; Li Fucong; Yang Hengquan; Wang Xiaoyang; Gao Jie; Chen chen; Zhang Qian; Liu Jing; Bai Xiaobo; Peng Ying; Miao Lei; Manipulating the Solubility of SnSe in SnTe by Br Doping for Improving the Thermoelectric Performance.ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2021, 4, 13027-13035.(IF=7.0)
8、Wang Xiuxia; Liu Chengyan; Chen Junliang; Miao Lei; Wu Shaohai; Wang Xiaoyang; Xie Zhengchuan; Xu Wenjing; Chen Qiufeng; Synergistically Optimizing the Thermoelectric Properties of Polycrystalline Ag8SnSe6by Introducing Additional Sn.CrystEngComn, 2020, 22, 248. (IF=3.8)
1、Zhang Guoliang; Liu Chengyan; Guo Liang; Liu Ruowei; Miao Lei; Dang Feng; Electronic “Bridge” Construction via Ag Intercalation to Diminish Catalytic Anisotropy for 2D Tin Diselenide Cathode Catalyst in Lithium–Oxygen Batteries,Advanced Energy Materials, 2022, 12, 2200791. (IF=29.7)
2、Zheng Yanyan;Liu Chengyan; Miao Lei; Li Chao; Huang Rong; Gao Jie; Wang Xiaoyang; Chen Junliang; Zhou Yanchun; Nishibori Eiji; Extraordinary Thermoelectric Performance in MgAgSb Alloy with Ultralow Thermal Conductivity,Nano Energy, 2019, 59: 311-320.(IF=19.1)
3、Liu Chengyan; Huang Zhiwei; Wang Dianhui; Wang Xiuxia; Miao Lei; Wang Xiaoyang; Wu Shaohai; Toyama Nozomu; Asaka Toru; Chen Junliang; Nishibori Eiji; Zhao Li Dong; Dynamic Ag+-Intercalation with AgSnSe2Nano-Precipitates in Cl-Doped Polycrystalline SnSe2toward Ultra-High Thermoelectric Performance,Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7: 9761-9772. (IF=14.5)
4、Liu Chengyan; Miao Lei; Wang Xiaoyang; Wu Shaohai; Zheng Yanyan; Deng Ziyang; Chen Yulian; Wang Guiwen; Zhou Xiaoyuan; Enhanced Thermoelectric Properties of p-Type Polycrystalline SnSe by Regulating the Anisotropic Crystal Growth and Sn Vacancy,Chinese Physics B, 2018, 27, 047211.
1、Li Jiahui; Gao Jie; Jia Lida; Miao Lei; Zhu Sijing; Zhang Zhongwei; Liu Chengyan; Wang Xiaoyang; Realization of high output power density in solution-processed flexibleα-Cu2Se film by compositional off-stoichiometry and optimization of length.Applied Surface Science, 2023, 619, 156719.
2、Zhu Sijing; Miao Lei; Peng Ying; Gao Jie; Lai Huajun; Liu Chengyan; Zhang Yong; Zhang Xinyue; Chen Zhiwei; Pei Yanzhong; Persistently Self-Powered Wearable Thermoelectric Generator Enabled by Phase-Change Inorganics as the Heat Sink,Materials Today Physics, 2023, 32, 101011.
3、Nong Jian; Peng Ying; Liu Chengyan; Shen Jinbo; Liao Qing; Chiew Yiling; Oshima Yoshifumi; Li Fucong; Zhang Zhongwei; Miao Lei; Ultra-low thermal conductivity in B2O3composited SiGe bulk with enhanced thermoelectric performance at medium temperature region,Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2022, 10, 4120-4130.
4、Wu Xinzhi; Lin Yangjian; Han Zhijia; Li Huan; Liu Chengyan; Wang Yupeng; Zhang Pengxiang; Zhu Kang; Jiang Feng; Huang Jian; Fan Haohan; Cheng Feng; Ge Binghui; Liu Weishu; Interface and Surface Engineering Realized High Efficiency of 13% and Improved Thermal Stability in Mg3Sb1.5Bi0.5-Based Thermoelectric Generation Devices,Advanced Energy Materials, 2022, 12, 2203039.
5、Wu Xinzhi; Han Zhijia; Zhu Yongbin; Deng Biao; Zhu Kang; Liu Chengyan; Jiang Feng; Liu Weishu; A General Design Strategy for Thermoelectric Interface Materials in n-type Mg3Sb1.5Bi0.5Single Leg Used in TEGs,Acta Materialia, 2022, 226, 117616.
6、Liang Jisheng; Shi Xiaolei; Peng Ying; Liu Weidi; Yang Hengquan; Liu Chengyan; Chen Junliang; Zhou Qi; Miao Lei; Chen Zhigang; Synergistic Effect of Band and Nanostructure Engineering on the Boosted Thermoelectric Performance of n‐Type Mg3+ δ(Sb, Bi)2Zintls,Advanced Energy Materials, 2022, 2201086.
7、Peng Ying; Miao Lei; Liu Chengyan; Song Haili; Kurosawa Masashi; Nakatsuka Osamu; Back Song Yi; Rhyee Jong Soo; Murata Masayuki; Tanemura Sakae; Baba Takahiro; Baba Tetsuya; Ishizaki Takahiro; Mori Takao ; Constructed Ge Quantum Dots and Sn Precipitate SiGeSn Hybrid Film with High Thermoelectric Performance at Low Temperature Region,Advanced Energy Materials, 2021, 12, 2103191.
8、Chen Junliang; Yang Hengquan; Liu Chengyan; Strategy of Extra Zr Doping on the Enhancement of Thermoelectric Performance for TiZrxNiSn Synthesized by a Modified Solid-State Reaction,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13, 48801-48809.
9、Jiang Feng; Xia Chengliang; Zhu Yongbin; Han Zhijia; Liu Chengyan; Xia Jiating; Chen Yue; Liu Weishu; Thermoelectric Properties of p-Type Polycrystalline Bi0.8Sb0.8In0.4Se3,Applied Physics Letter, 2021, 118, 193903.
10、Zhu Sijing; Peng Ying; Gao Jie; Liu Chengyan; Simultaneous Realization of Flexibility and Ultrahigh Normalized Power Density in a Heatsink-Free Thermoelectric Generator via Fine Thermal Regulation,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 14, 1045-1055.
11、Liang Jisheng; Yang Hengquan; Liu Chengyan; Realizing a High ZT of 1.6 in N-Type Mg3Sb2-Based Zintl Compounds through Mn and Se Codoping,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 21799-21807.
12、Shen Feihong; Zheng Yanyan; Miao Lei; Liu Chengyan; Boosting High Thermoelectric Performance of Ni-Doped Cu1.9S by Significantly Reducing Thermal Conductivity,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 8385-8391.
13、Peng Ying; Lai Huajun; Liu Chengyan; Gao Jie; Masashi Kurosawa; Osamu Nakatsuka; Tsunehiro Takeuchi; Shigeaki Zaima; Sakae Tanemura; Lei Miao; Realizing high thermoelectric performance in p-type Si1-x-yGexSnythin films at ambient temperature by Sn modulation doping,Applied Physics Letters, 2020, 117, 053903.
14、Wu Shaohai; Yang Hengquan; Wu Zhengsen; Liu Chengyan; Enhancement of Thermoelectric Performance of Layered SnSe2by Synergistic Modulation of Carrier Concentration and Suppression of Lattice Thermal Conductivity,ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2019, 2, 8481-8490.
15、Peng Ying; Miao Lei; Gao Jie; Liu Chengyan; Masashi Kurosawa; Osamu Nakatsuka; Shigeaki Zaima; Realizing High thermoelectric performance at Ambient temperature by ternary Alloying in polycrystalline Si1-x-yGexSnythin films with Boron ion implantation,Scientific reports, 2019, 9, 1-9.
16、Wu Shaohai; Liu Chengyan; Wu Zhengsen; Miao Lei; Gao Jie; Hu Xiaokai; Chen Junliang; Realizing tremendous electrical transport properties of polycrystalline SnSe2by Cl-doped and anisotropy,Ceramics International, 2019, 45, 82-89.
17、Zheng Yanyan; Liu Chengyan; Miao Lei; Lin Hong; Gao Jie; Wang Xiaoyang; Chen Junliang; Wu Shaohai; Li Xin; Cai Huanfu; Cost Effective Synthesis of p-Type Zn-Doped MgAgSb by Planetary Ball-Milling with Enhanced Thermoelectric Properties,RSC Advances, 2018, 8, 35353.
1、刘呈燕;苗蕾;王潇漾;一种制备具有高热电性能的SnSe多晶块体的方法, 2018-3-23,中国, CN201810246139.2 (授权发明专利)
2、刘呈燕;王秀霞;苗蕾;伍少海;一种高热电性能银硒三元化合物多晶块体材料的制备方法, 2018-5-29,中国, CN201810534585.3 (授权发明专利)