个人简介(CV of Director L. Sun)
分别于1984年、1987年、1994年在湖南大学分析化学专业获得理学学士、硕士、博士学位(师从俞汝勤院士)。1995.2至1995.4在日本通商产业省工业技术院研究员(获日本科技厅STA fellowship资助),1995.5至1996.10在德国耶拿大学化学系任德国洪堡基金研究人员,1996.10至2001.8在日本产业技术综合研究所任特别研究员(获AIST fellow资助)/产业技术研究员(获NEDO fellowship资助),2001.8至2012.11在中国科学院大连化学物理研究所任课题组长/研究员/博士生导师,任辽宁省能源材料热化学重点实验室主任。2012.12至今星空网页版登录入口教授/博士生导师,现任广西电子信息材料构效关系重点实验室主任。
兼任国际化学热力学协会(IACT)理事与顾问,国际期刊《Journal of Thermal Analysis&Calorimetry》副主编,国际期刊《The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics》编委,国际《Inernational Journal of Electrochemistry Science》编委,国际《Recent Patents on Corrosion Science》编委,中国化学会化学热力学与热分析专业委员会副主任,中国仪表功能材料学会储能与动力电池专业委员会委员,中国物理学会相图专业委员会委员。
出版学术著作《现代催化研究方法》《Classification of Materials, in Adaption of Simulated Annealing to Chemical Optimization Problems》《物理化学学科前沿与展望》等3部;在《Energy & Environmental Science》《Journal of Materials Chemistry A》《Biosensors & Bioelectronics》《Crystal Growth & Design》《Journal of Physical Chemistry C》《Dalton Transactions》《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》等国内外重要学术刊物发表学术论文330余篇(其中SCI、EI收录300余篇)。
2012/12 -至今,星空网页版登录入口,材料科学与工程学院,教授,博士生导师
2001/08 - 2012/11,中国科学院大连化学物理研究所,能源材料热化学重点实验室主任,组长,研究员,博士生导师
1996/09 - 2001/08,日本产业技术综合研究所,特别研究员/产业技术研究员
1995/05 - 1996/09,德国耶拿大学化学系,德国洪堡基金研究人员
1992/02 - 1995/01,湖南师范大学化学系,副教授
俄罗斯自然科学院外籍院士 (2021)
欧洲科学院院士 (2020)
兼任国际化学热力学协会(IACT)理事与顾问,国际期刊《Journal of Thermal Analysis&Calorimetry》地区编辑,国际期刊《The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics》编委,国际《Inernational Journal of Electrochemistry Science》编委,国际《Recent Patents on Corrosion Science》编委,中国化学会化学热力学与热分析专业委员会副主任,中国仪表功能材料学会储能与动力电池专业委员会委员,中国物理学会相图专业委员会委员,多次应邀担任国际国内学术会议大会共同主席,并作学术报告。
出版学术著作《现代催化研究方法》《Classification of Materials, in Adaption of Simulated Annealing to Chemical Optimization Problems》《物理化学学科前沿与展望》 《先进储氢材料导论》等4个章节;在《Energy & Environmental Science》《Journal of Materials Chemistry A》《Biosensors & Bioelectronics》《Crystal Growth & Design》《Journal of Physical Chemistry C》《Dalton Transactions》《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》等国内外重要学术刊物发表学术论文500余篇(其中SCI、EI收录500余篇)。2018年主持诺贝奖获得者参加的石墨烯最新进展国际会议。
《Classification of Materials, in Adaption of Simulated Annealing to Chemical Optimization Problems》
[1] 基于非经典机制的新型MOFs储氢材料创制与构效关系研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,52万,2023-2026,孙立贤
[2] 高密度储氢材料及其吸/放氢过程的基础研究,国家自然科学基金区域创新发展联合基金,260万,2021-2024,孙立贤
[3] 先进电子能源材料创新平台培育与建设,桂林市重点项目,50万,2021-2024,孙立贤
[4] 电池级高纯四氧化三锰制备技术研究与产业化应用示范,广西创新驱动发展专项,50万,2019-2021,孙立贤
[5] 储氢材料原位表征新方法和高密度氢储运技术未来战略研究,十三五重点研发计划子课题,53.05万,2019-2022,孙立贤
[14]Critical evaluation of thermodynamic properties of hydrogen storage materials: metal organic frameworks and metal or complex hydrides,国际纯粹与应用化学联合会(IUPAC)项目,1.5万美元,2009-2011,孙立贤
[16]基于MOFs 的新型金属催化剂复合轻质金属高容量储氢材料的设计、制备与热力学研究,国家自然科学基金,2014.01-2017.12,80万元,孙立贤
[21]褚海亮;伍桂明;邱树君;游云梦;冯旭;徐芬;孙立贤,一种铁-氮活性位点的蜂窝状多孔碳材料及其制备方法和应用,授权公告号:CN113422078B, 授权公告日:2022-12-06
[25]张焕芝;季蓉;黄悦;魏胜;夏永鹏;黄朝玮;莫小叶;孙立贤;徐芬, 一种淀粉基中空碳微球材料及其制备方法和储热应用,授权公告号:CN110217774B,授权公告日:2022-10-21
[37]孙立贤;林杰;徐芬;王涛;廖鹿敏;周天昊;张焕芝;邹勇进;曹子龙;刘博涛, 一种含Bi和Mo的镁基粉体复合制氢材料及其制备方法和应用,授权公告号:CN113511629B,授权公告日:2022-06-17
[41]彭洪亮;段典成;胡芳;马姣君;高伟;徐芬;孙立贤,一种氮、氟和过渡金属共掺杂石墨烯结构的碳材料及其一步碳化制备方法, 授权公告号:CN110148762B,授权公告日:2022-05-31
授权公告号:CN112490018B, 授权公告日:2022-05-24
[54]张焕芝;张青峰;朱钰漕;黄朝玮;季蓉;黄凤园;夏永鹏;魏胜;孙立贤;徐芬,一种聚酰亚胺接枝聚乙二醇复合固固相变材料及其制备方法,授权公告号:CN110628033B, 授权公告日:2021-08-31
[55]孙立贤;夏永鹏;徐芬;李建全;岑星桦;张焕芝,一种二维碳化钛掺杂氢化铝锂储氢材料及其制备方法,授权公告号:CN109052403B, 授权公告日:2021-08-20
[62]向翠丽;杨学英;蔡成龙;邹勇进;徐芬;孙立贤. 一种氮掺杂的碳纳米片-Co-3O-4复合材料的制备方法及应用,授权公告号:CN109859956B,授权公告日:2021-04-09
[63]张焕芝;朱钰漕;黄朝玮;张青峰;季蓉;夏永鹏;魏胜;孙立贤;徐芬. 一种三维碱式氧化锰纳米棒泡沫复合相变材料及其制备方法和应用,授权公告号:CN111187599B,授权公告日:2021-03-23
1. G.Z. Guo, C.C. Ji, H.Y. Mi, C. Yang, M.J. Li, C.R. Sun, and L.X. Sun*. Zincophilic Anionic Hydrogel Electrolyte with Interfacial Specific Adsorption of Solvation Structures for Durable Zinc Ion Hybrid Supercapacitors. Advanced Functional Materials, (2023) 2308405.
2. P. Cai, L. Ding, Z.M. Chen, D.H. Wang, H.L. Peng, C.L. Yuan, C.H. Hu, L.X. Sun, Yuriy N. Luponosov, F. Huang and Q.F. Xue, Tetrabutylammonium Bromide Functionalized Ti3C2Tx MXene as Versatile Cathode Buffer Layer for Efficient and Stable Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells, Advanced Functional Materials, 33 (2023).
3. S.J Hao, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, Z.C. Hu. Composite phase change materials based on CuS-coated carbonized melamine foam/reduced graphene oxide frameworks for multiple energy conversion and storage applications. Journal of Energy Storage, 72, (2023).
4. Y.T. Bu, J.X. Liu, D. Cai, R.R. Huang, S. Wei, X.S. Luo, Z.Y. Liu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun* and X.Y. Wei, Magnetic recyclable catalysts with dual protection of hollow Co/N/C framework and surface carbon film for hydrogen production from NaBH4 hydrolysis, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 938 (2023) 168495.
5. Y.T. Bu, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, S. Wei, Federico Rosei, T.M. Luo, Z.Y. Liu, J.X. Liu, C.C. Zhang and Yuan Yao, Highly active bimetallic MOF derivatives for improving the dehydrogenation performance of LiAlH4, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 961 (2023) 170897.
6. Z.M. Cao, M.Y. Piao, X.Z. Xiao, L.J. Zhan, P.P. Zhou, Z.N. Li, S.M. Wang, L.J. Jiang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun and L.X. Chen, Development of (Ti-Zr)1.02(Cr-Mn-Fe)2-Based Alloys toward Excellent Hydrogen Compression Performance in Water-Bath Environments, Acs Applied Energy Materials, (2023)
7. C. Cheng, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, C.L. Xiang and L.X. Sun*, In Situ Growth of Nickel-Cobalt Metal Organic Frameworks Guided by a Nickel-Molybdenum Layered Double Hydroxide with Two-Dimensional Nanosheets Forming Flower-Like Struc-Tures for High-Performance Supercapacitors, Nanomaterials, 13 (2023) 581.
8. S.W. Fang, Y.L. Chen, S.X. Wang, J. Xu, Y.P. Xia, F.Y. Yang, Y. Wang, J.H. Lao, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Y.J. Zou and H.G. Pan, Modified CNTs interfacial anchoring and particle-controlled synthesis of amorphous cobalt-nickel-boron alloy bifunctional materials for NaBH4 hydrolysis and supercapacitor energy storage, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 936 (2023) 167990.
9. C. Feng, Q.F. Zhang, N.Y, Wang, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Y.P. Xia, H.L. Peng, X.C. Lin, B. Lin, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, E.H. Yan and R.R. Huang, Fatty acid eutectics embedded in guar gum/graphene oxide/boron nitride carbon aerogels for highly efficient thermal energy storage and improved photothermal conversion efficiency, Colloids and Surfaces a-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 660 (2023) 130810.
10. C.H. Han, Y.C. Zhu, H.Z. Zhang, C. Feng, S.D. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, X.C. Lin, L. Ma, H.L. Peng, Y.Z. Wang, Y.P. Xia, B. Lin, E.H. Yan and R.R. Huang, MnO2 decorated double-shell microencapsulated phase change materials for photothermal conversion and storage, Journal of Energy Storage, 72 (2023) 108549.
11. S. Hu, C.L. Xiang, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu and L.X. Sun*, Synthesis of NiMoO4/NiMo@NiS Nanorods for Efficient Hydrogen Evolution Reactions in Electrocatalysts, Nanomaterials, 13 (2023) 1871.
12. Z.C. Hu, M.H. Jiang, Y.J. Zou, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, S.S. Yu, S.J. Hao and C.L. Xiang, MoS2-decorated carbonized melamine foam/reduced graphene oxide network for constructing polyethylene-glycol-based multifunctional phase change materials toward multiple energy harvesting and microwave absorbing applications, Chemical Engineering Journal, 461 (2023) 141923.
13. S.Y. Hui, R. Ji, H.Z. Zhang, C.W. Huang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Y.P. Xia, X.C. Lin, L. Ma, H.L. Peng, B. Lin, Y.Z. Wang, E.H. Yan and R.R. Huang, N-Octadecane Encapsulated by Assembled BN/GO Aerogels for Highly Improved Thermal Conductivity and Energy Storage Capacity, Nanomaterials (Basel, Switzerland), 13 (2023).
14. Y.X. Jia, X.C. Wang, L.J. Hu, X.Z. Xiao, S.Q. Zhang, J.H. He, J.C. Qi, L. Lv, F. Xu, L.X. Sun* and L.X. Chen, Carbon composite support improving catalytic effect of NbC nanoparticles on the low-temperature hydrogen storage performance of MgH2, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 150 (2023).
15. M.H. Jiang, Y. Wang, C.L. Xiang, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, D. Cai and Chua Yong Shen, Core-shell structured MnxCoyO4 @MoS2 composites for advanced electrodes in supercapacitors, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 942 (2023) 169125.
16. Z.Y. Li, Y.J. Sun, C.C. Zhang, S. Wei, L. Zhao, J.L. Zeng, Z. Cao, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun* and H.G. Pan, Optimizing hydrogen ad/desorption of Mg-based hydrides for energy-storage applications, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 141 (2023).
17. J.T. Liang, F. Guo, J.Y. Huang, X.H. Tan, L.X. Sun*, Z.D. Zhou and G.Y. Li, An ultrasensitive label-free electrochemical aptasensing platform for Golgi protein-73 detection based on RGO-Fc-Mn3O4 nanocomposites, Microchemical Journal, 193 (2023) 109138.
18. Z.Y. Liu, J.X. Liu, S. Wei, Y.P. Xia, R.G. Cheng, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, R.R. Huang, Y.T. Bu, J. Cheng, T.H. Zhou, H.G. Pan, Z. Cao, J.L. Zeng, Hans Jurgen Seifert, S.H. Sun and G.X. Zhang, Improved hydrogen storage properties and mechanisms of LiAlH4 doped with Ni/C nanoparticles anchored on large-size Ti3C2Tx, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 931 (2023) 167353.
19. L. Lu, M.Y. Liu, Q.L. Sui, C.H. Zhang, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun* and C.L. Xiang, MXene/MoS2 nanosheet/polypyrrole for high-sensitivity detection of ammonia gas at room temperature, Materials Today Communications, 35 (2023) 106239.
20. X.S. Luo, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, Z. Cao, J.L. Zeng, Y.T. Bu, C.C. Zhang, Y.P. Xia, Y.J. Zou, K.X. Zhang and H.G. Pan, Metal boride-decorated CoNi layered double hydroxides supported on muti-walled carbon nanotubes as efficient hydrolysis catalysts for sodium borohydride, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 930 (2023) 167339.
21. T.M. Luo, X. Feng, D. Wei, L.L. Zhang, Q.Y. Wang, F. Yang, S.J. Qiu, F. Xu, Y.J. Zou, L.X. Sun* and H.L. Chu, Structure-Engineered Core-Shell Ni-Co-O/NiCo-LDH Nanospheres as High-Performance Supercapacitor Electrodes, Coatings, 13 (2023) 353.
22. T.M. Luo, Y. Lu, Q.Y. Wang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Y. Wang, J.H. Lao, L.M. Liao, K.X. Zhang, H.Z. Zhang and Y.J. Zou, Porous Carbon With Facial Tuning of the Heteroatom N by Polyvinylidene Chloride Dehalogenation Toward Enhanced Supercapacitor Performance, Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage, 20 (2023) 011004.
23. Y.P. Pang, Z.F. Nie, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, J.H. Yang, D.L. Sun, F. Fang and S.Y. Zheng, Borohydride Ammoniate Solid Electrolyte Design for All-Solid-State Mg Batteries, Energy & Environmental Materials, (2023).
24. H.L. Peng, F. Hu, L. Yao, S.Y. Liu, J.X. Jiang, P.G. Yi, L.X. Sun*, Y.J. Zou, H.Z. Zhang, G.S. Zhu, P. Cai, F. Xu, G.H. Wang, Federico Rosei and X.Y. Lu, Efficient electrochemical energy storage designed by second alcoholic fermentation of rice, Journal of Energy Storage, 70 (2023) 108060.
25. Z.W. Peng, Y.H. Wang, C.W. Yin, S.J. Qiu, Y.P. Xia, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun* and H.L. Chu, Uniform dispersion of ultrafine ruthenium nanoparticles on nano-cube ceria as efficient catalysts for hydrogen production from ammonia-borane hydrolysis, Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 7 (2023).
26. X.R. Qiang, X.F. He, H. Nan, K.Y. Chen, X.Y. Lei, D.W. Wang, C.L. Yin, X. Chen, L.X. Sun and L.J. Liu, Local phase structure evolution and ferroelectric response in novel Bi-layered structure relaxor BaBi2Ta2O9 ceramic, Physica B-Condensed Matter, 661 (2023) 414919.
27. Z.W. Tian, Q.L. Sui, C.H. Zhang, C.L. Xiang, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu and Y.J. Zou, Nanoarchitectonics of metal-organic frameworks on nickel-cobalt hydroxides hollow prisms for supercapacitors, Journal of Energy Storage, 72 (2023) 108052.
28. C.C. Wang, L. Cheng, Si Ye, P.X. Yan and L.X. Sun*, Aerogel of chitosan/graphene oxide loaded Ru-CoP as a monolithic catalyst for hydrogen generation via NaBH4 hydrolysis, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 952 (2023) 169994.
29. J.J. Wang, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu and L.X. Sun*, Ternary NiMoCo-layered double hydroxides grown on chemically plated Ni-P alloyed nickel foam for high-performance supercapacitors, Journal of Energy Storage, 58 (2023) 106388.
30. S.X. Wang, C.L. Xiang, Z.A. Xiao, F. Xu, L.X. Sun and Y.J. Zou, Nickel-molybdenum metal hydroxide wrapped ZIF-67 for supercapacitor applications, Journal of Energy Storage, 59 (2023) 106555.
31. X.C. Wang, Y.X. Jia, X.Z. Xiao, P.P. Zhou, J.P. Bi, J.C. Qi, L. Lv, F. Xu, L.X. Sun* and L.X. Chen, Robust architecture of 2D nano Mg-based borohydride on graphene with superior reversible hydrogen storage performance, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 146 (2023).
32. Y.H. Wang, Z.W. Peng, C.W. Yin, S.J. Qiu, Y.P. Xia, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun* and H.L. Chu, Sodium fluotitanate with the formation of multicomponent catalytic species for superior hydrogen storage of magnesium hydride, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 938 (2023) 168605.
33. Y. Wang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, S.W. Fang, J.H. Lao, C.C. Zhang, S.Y. Wei, L.M. Liao, Y.X. Guan, Y.P. Xia, T.M. Luo, Y.J. Sun, Y.J. Zou, Z.Z. Yu, Q.W. Shao, Y.L. Zhu and Y. Luo, Controllable preparation of nickel cobalt manganese ternary metal-organic frameworks for high-performance supercapacitor, Journal of Energy Storage, 58 (2023) 106395.
34. Q.H, Wei, J.X. Liu, S.J. Qiu, Y.P. Xia, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, X. Wen, R.R. Huang, L.X. Sun* and H.L. Chu, Boosting Hydrogen Evolution from Ammonia-Borane Hydrolysis Catalyzed by Poly(N-Vinyl-2-Pyrrolidone)-Stabilized Ruthenium-Based Nanoclusters Catalysts, Advanced Sustainable Systems, 7 (2023).
35. J.A. Wu, H.H. Zhang, Y.T. Wang, Y.J. Zou, B. Lin, C.L. Xiang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu and T. Yu, Hydrangea-like NiO@KNbO3 as catalyst doping for MgH2: Boosting hydrogen storage performance, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 961 (2023) 171160.
36. H.J. Xue, X. Wen, C. Fu, H.L. Zhan, Z.Q. Zou, R.F. Zhang, Y.P. Xia, F. Xu and L.X. Sun*, Solar Energy Conversion and Electron Storage by a Cu2O/CuO Photocapacitive Electrode, Energies, 16 (2023) 3231.
37. E.H. Yan, X.Y. Ge, Z.J. Guo, P. Zhao, J.W. Bai, D.S. Ma, R.J. Huang, J. Cheng, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, F. Xu and L.X. Sun*, Microstructure, hydrogen permeability and ductile-to-brittle transition-hydrogen concentration of (V, Nb)-Ti-Co quaternary alloys, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 305 (2023) 127919.
38. E.H. Yan, Z.R. Zhou, R.J. Huang, K.X. Zhang, S. Zhang, Y.H. Wang, Y.C. Chen, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu and L.X. Sun*, Microstructure and hydrogen transport behaviour of Nb5Ti58Fe35M2 alloy membranes, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 958 (2023) 170520.
39. F.Y. Yang, C.L. Xiang, S.W. Fang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Chua Yong Shen and Y.J. Zou, Synthesis and catalytic performance of nanoflower-like Ru@CoAl-LDH composite catalyst for NaBH4 hydrolysis, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 945 (2023) 169280.
40. H.T. Yang, Hao Wu, L. Yao, S.Y. Liu, Lu Yang, J.L. Lu, H.L. Peng, X.C. Lin, P. Cai, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, K.X. Zhang and L.X. Sun*, One-Step Synthesis of a Non-Precious-Metal Tris (Fe/N/F)-Doped Carbon Catalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reactions, Molecules, 28 (2023) 2392.
41. Y.K. Yang, Y.P. Xia, F.Z. Chen, Y. Zhu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Kostya S. Novoselov, R.R. Huang, H.G. Pan, H.Z. Lin, H.P. Hu, L.J. Song, Y. Gao, D. Cai, Z. Cao and J.L. Zeng, Hexagonal boron nitride-induced lamellar-structured flexible phase change film for temperature-controlled information storage and wearable thermal regulation, Journal of Energy Storage, 72 (2023) 108443.
42. L. Yao, J.X. Jiang, H.L. Peng, H.T. Yang, S.Y. Liu, X. Wen, P. Cai, Y.J. Zou, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun* and X.Y. Lu, Glutinous rice-derived carbon material for high-performance zinc-ion hybrid supercapacitors, Journal of Energy Storage, 58 (2023) 106378.
43. Si Ye, Yufeng Wang, C.C. Wang, L. Cheng, L.X. Sun and P.X. Yan, Robust cellulose fiber/fibrous sepiolite coated RuO2-CoP aerogel as monolithic catalyst for hydrogen generation via NaBH4 hydrolysis, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 639 (2023).
44. C.W. Yin, S.J. Qiu, Y.H. Wang, Q.H, Wei, Z.W. Peng, Y.P. Xia, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun* and H.L. Chu, Promoted hydrogen storage properties of MgH2 by Ti3+self-doped defect-mediated TiO2, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 966 (2023) 171610.
45. S.S. Yu, M.Y. Liu, Q.Y. Wang, J. Xu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, M.H. Jiang and Z.C. Hu, Three-dimensional carbon nanofiber networks encapsulated in cobalt-molybdenum metal clusters on nitrogen-doped carbon as ultra-efficient electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reactions, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 937 (2023) 168316.
46. Z.Z. Yu, Q. Lu, Y.Z. Wang, K.Z. Yu, H.C. Li, X.Q. Yang, Y. Cheng, F. Xu and L.X. Sun*, Self-compacting engineering to achieve high-performance lithium-rich layered oxides cathode materials, Applied Surface Science, 619 (2023) 156683.
47. Z.Z. Yu, K.Z. Yu, F.L. Ji, Q. Lu, Y.Z. Wang, Y. Cheng, H.C. Li, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Hans J. Seifert, Y. Du and J.C. Wang, Enhancing the cycling stability of a hollow architecture Li-rich cathode via Ce-integrated surface/interface/doping engineering, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 10 (2023).
48. C.H. Zhang, Q.L. Sui, L. Lu, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, D. Cai and C.L. Xiang, Hollow core-shell CuCo2O4@MoNi-layered double hydroxides as an electrode 49. C.H. Zhang, Q.L. Sui, L. Lu, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun* and C.L. Xiang, Supercapacitor performance of MOF-derived double-shell hollow Ni-Fe-Mn-Se nanocubes, Journal of Energy Storage, 68 (2023) 107711.
50. C.C. Zhang, L.X. Sun*, Y.F. Ouyang, F. Xu, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, K.X. Zhang, B. Lin and H.G. Pan, Improved electrochemical water splitting by RuNi nanoparticles supported on rGO@mesoporous N-doped carbon nanosheets, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 937 (2023) 168334.
51. H.H. Zhang, Y.T. Bu, W.Y. Xiong, K.J. He, T. Yu, Z.Y. Liu, J.A. Wu, B. Lin, L.X. Sun*, Y.J. Zou, W.Q. Sun, R.R. Guo, F. Xu, K.X. Zhang and H.Z. Zhang, Effect of bimetallic nitride NiCoN on the hydrogen absorption and desorption properties of MgH2 and the catalytic effect of in situ formed Mg2Ni and Mg2Co phases, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 965 (2023) 171431.
52 H.R. Zhang, Q.H, Wei, G.M. Wu, S.J. Qiu, Y.J. Zou, Y.P. Xia, F. Xu, L.X. Sun* and H.L. Chu, Zn-MOF-74-derived graphene nanosheets supporting CoB alloys for promoting hydrolytic dehydrogenation of sodium borohydride, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 930 (2023) 167486.
53. Q.F. Zhang, T.F. Xia, Q. Zhang, Y.C. Zhu, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Xiaodong Wang, Y.P. Xia, X.C. Lin, H.L. Peng, R.R. Huang, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu and B. Lin, Biomass Homogeneity Reinforced Carbon Aerogels Derived Functional Phase-Change Materials for Solar-Thermal Energy Conversion and Storage, Energy & Environmental Materials, 6 (2023).
54. S.D. Zhang, Y.C. Zhu, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Y.P. Xia, X.C. Lin, H.L. Peng, L. Ma, B. Lin, E.H. Yan and R.R. Huang, Cadmium Sulfide-Reinforced Double-Shell Microencapsulated Phase Change Materials for Advanced Thermal Energy Storage, Polymers, 15 (2023) 106.
55. H. Zhao, Z. Zheng, Behnam Akhavan, Kostadinos Tsoutas, L.X. Sun, H.R. Zhou, Marcela M. Bilek and Z.W. Liu, The fabrication and growth mechanism of AlCrFeCoNiCu0.5 HEA thin films by substrate-biased cathodic arc deposition, Scientific Reports, 13 (2023) 198.
56. Z. Zheng, H. Zhao, L.X. Sun, Marcela M. Bilek and Z.W. Liu, The microstructural evolution of dual phase high entropy alloy thin films by annealing, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 953 (2023) 170102.
1. Y.L. Chen, S.W. Fang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, M. Wang, J.H. Zhang, X.J. Mu, X.Y, Wang, P.F. Wang, J. Liu, Z.Q, Sun, H.S. Yao, J.H. Zhou and L. Miao, Hierarchical NiFe2O4-NiAl-LDH arrays immobilized on activated carbon cloth for bifunctional application on high-performance supercapacitors and solar steam generation, Sustainable Materials and Technologies, 33 (2022) e00500.
2. C. Cheng, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, C.L. Xiang, Q.L. Sui, J. Zhang, L.X. Sun* and Z.M. Chen, Ultrathin graphene@NiCo2S4@Ni-Mo layered double hydroxide with a 3D hierarchical flowers structure as a high performance positive electrode for hybrid supercapacitor, Journal of Energy Storage, 52 (2022) 105049.
3. R.G. Cheng, Y.X. Guan, T.M. Luo, C.C. Zhang, Y.P. Xia, S. Wei, M.M. Zhao, Qi Lin, Hao Li, S.Y. Zheng, Federico Rosei, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu and H.G. Pan, Guanine-assisted N-doped ordered mesoporous carbons as efficient capacity decaying suppression materials for lithium-sulfur batteries, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 101 (2022).
4. R.G. Cheng, X.Y. Xian, Pantrangi Manasa, J.X. Liu, Y.P. Xia, Y.X. Guan, S. Wei, Z.Y. Li, B. Lin, F. Xu and L.X. Sun*, Carbon Coated Metal-Based Composite Electrode Materials for Lithium Sulfur Batteries: A Review, Chemical Record, 22 (2022).
5. Z.C. Hu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, M.H. Jiang and S.S. Yu, Stabilized multifunctional phase change materials based on carbonized Cu-coated melamine foam/reduced graphene oxide framework for multiple energy conversion and storage, Carbon Energy, 4 (2022).
6. X.L. Jia, Z. Sang, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, H.G. Pan, C.C. Zhang, R.G. Cheng, Y.Q. Yu, H.P. Hu, Li Kang and Y.T. Bu, Graphene-Modified Co-B-P Catalysts for Hydrogen Generation from Sodium Borohydride Hydrolysis, Nanomaterials, 12 (2022) 2732.
7. M.H. Jiang, Z.C. Hu, Y. Wang, C.L. Xiang, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, Qi Yang, J. Zhang and L.X. Sun*, NiMoO4 @Co3S4 nanorods with core-shell structure for efficient hydrogen evolution reactions in electrocatalysts, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 927 (2022) 166824.
8. M.H. Jiang, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Z.C. Hu, S.S. Yu, J. Zhang and C.L. Xiang, Synthesis of g-C3N4/Fe3O4/MoS2 composites for efficient hydrogen evolution reaction, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 906 (2022) 164265.
9. R. Jing, H.Z. Zhang, C.W. Huang, F.C. Su, B.J. Wu, Z.X. Sun, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Y.P. Xia, H.L. Peng, X.C. Lin, B. Lin, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, R.R. Huang and E.H. Yan, Construction of double cross-linking PEG/h-BN@GO polymeric energy-storage composites with high structural stability and excellent thermal performances, Colloids and Surfaces a-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 638 (2022) 128193.
10. J.H. Lao, Y. Lu, S.W. Fang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Y. Wang, T.H. Zhou, L.M. Liao, Y.X. Guan, X.Y. Wei, C.C. Zhang, Y.K. Yang, Y.P. Xia, T.M. Luo, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, H.Z. Zhang, Y. Luo and Y.L. Zhu, Organic Crosslinked Polymer-Derived N/O-Doped Porous Carbons for High-Performance Supercapacitor, Nanomaterials, 12 (2022) 2186.
11. G.Y. Li, B. Wang, L. Zhao, X.H. Shi, G.X. Wu, W. Chen, L.X. Sun*, J.T. Liang and Z.D. Zhou, Label-free detection of glypican-3 using reduced graphene oxide /polyetherimide/gold nanoparticles enhanced aptamer specific sensing interface on light-addressable potentiometric sensor, Electrochimica Acta, 426 (2022) 140808.
12. H.S. Li, B. Lin, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun* and K.J. He, Modulating valence band to enhance the catalytic activity of Co-Cr-B/NG for hydrolysis of sodium borohydride, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 924 (2022) 166556.
13. J. Li, Y.J. Zou, Lei Jin, F. Xu, L.X. Sun and C.L. Xiang, Polydopamine-assisted NiMoO4 nanorods anchored on graphene as an electrode material for supercapacitor applications, Journal of Energy Storage, 50 (2022) 104639.
14. T.S. Li, C.L. Xiang, H.L. Chu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Y.J. Zou and J. Zhang, Catalytic effect of highly dispersed ultrafine Ru nanoparticles on a TiO2-Ti3C2 support: Hydrolysis of sodium borohydride for H-2 generation, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 906 (2022) 164380.
15. Y.Y. Li, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, X.G. Xue, Y.J. Wang, L.M. Liao, Y.X. Guan, B. Lin, K.X. Zhang, Y.J. Zou and H.Z. Zhang, Enhanced visible-light-driven RhB removal with a Mo-Ni bimetallic sulfide/g-C3N4 nanosheet Schottky junction, New Journal of Chemistry, 46 (2022).
16. L.M. Liao, J.X. Liu, T. Wang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, T.H. Zhou, J.F. Wu, Y.X. Guan, T.M. Luo, Y.J. Zou and H.L. Chu, Improved Hydrogen Generation of Al-H2O Reaction by BiOX (X = Halogen) and Influence Rule, Materials, 15 (2022) 8199.
17. X.C. Lin, M.M. Zhao, M.Y. Li, J. Long, J. Zhang, F. Yu, F. Xu and L.X. Sun*, Single-Molecule Detection of Nucleic Acids via Liposome Signal Amplification in Mass Spectrometry, Sensors, 22 (2022) 1346.
18. S.Y. Liu, H.T. Yang, L. Yao, H.L. Peng, R.R. Huang, X.C. Lin, L.H. Liu, H.Z. Zhang, P. Cai, X. Wen, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Palanisamy Kannan and Shan Ji, Design of Fe and Cu bimetallic integration on N and F co-doped porous carbon material for oxygen reduction reaction, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 47 (2022).
19. L.Y. Peng, J.X. Liu, Z.Y. Li, Y.F. Jing, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun* and R.R. Huang, One-step thermal polymerization synthesis of nitrogen-rich g-C3N4 nanosheets enhances photocatalytic redox activity, Rsc Advances, 12 (2022).
20. C.F. Shao, L.M. Wu, Y.H. Wa.ng, K.G. Qu, H.L. Chu, L.X. Sun, J.S. Ye, B.T. Li and X.J. Wang, Engineering asymmetric Fe coordination centers with hydroxyl adsorption for efficient and durable oxygen reduction catalysis, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 316 (2022) 121607.
21. Q.L. Sui, Yihan Guo, C.L. Xiang, Q.Y. Wang, T.M. Luo, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, J. Zhang, J.J. Xie and Y.J. Zou, Room temperature boronized and phosphated cobalt-nickel metal-organic framework as the electrode material for supercapacitors, Journal of Energy Storage, 51 (2022) 104372.
22. Q.L. Sui, J. Li, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu, J. Zhang, L.X. Sun* and Y.J. Zou, Nickel metal-organic framework microspheres loaded with nickel-cobalt sulfides for supercapacitor electrode materials, Journal of Energy Storage, 55 (2022) 105525.
23. Q.L. Sui, Y.Q. Yu, C.L. Xiang, Q.Y. Wang, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, J. Zhang and Y.J. Zou, Static adsorption of MOFs nanosheets on 3D nanocubes for supercapacitor electrode materials, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 921 (2022) 165982.
24. Z.X. Sun, H.Z. Zhang, Q.F. Zhang, R. Jing, B.J. Wu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Y.P. Xia, Federico Rosei, H.L. Peng and X.C. Lin, Shape-stabilized phase change composites enabled by lightweight and bio-inspired interconnecting carbon aerogels for efficient energy storage and photo-thermal conversion, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 10 (2022).
25. Y. Tang, Y. Huang, H.Y. Zou, L. Wu, Z.L. Xiao, J.L. Zeng, L.X. Sun, Donghong Yu and Z. Cao, ZnO@CuO hollow nanosphere-based composites used for the sensitive detection of hydrogen sulfide with long-term stability, Analytical Methods, 14 (2022).
26. G.J. Wang, M.H. Wang, Z. Wen, L.Y. Wei, H. Lei, L.X. Sun and F. Xu, Electrochromic Properties of WO3 Thin Films Deposited on ITO/PET Substrates by Glancing Angle Magnetron Sputtering, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 51 (2022).
27. M.H. Wang, Y. CHen, G.J. Wang, H. Lei, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu and J. Zhang, Electrochromic Properties of Nano-columnar Porous WO3-x/TiO2 Thin Films, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 51 (2022).
28. Y.J. Wang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Y.Y. Li, L.M. Liao, Y.X. Guan, J.H. Lao, Y.K. Yang, T.H. Zhou, Y. Wang, B. Lin, K.X. Zhang and Y.J. Zou, A highly active Z-scheme SnS/Zn2SnO4 photocatalyst fabricated for methylene blue degradation, Rsc Advances, 12 (2022).
29. Q.H, Wei, S.J. Qiu, C.W. Yin, J.X. Liu, Y.P. Xia, X. Wen, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun* and H.L. Chu, Nitrogen-doped carbon encapsulated Ru-decorated Co2P supported on graphene oxide as efficient catalysts for hydrogen generation from ammonia borane, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 921 (2022) 166207.
30. S. Wei, J.X. Liu, Y.P. Xia, H.Z. Zhang, R.G. Cheng, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, R.R. Huang, Federico Rosei, Aleskey A. Pimerzin, Hans Juergen Seifert and H.G. Pan, Remarkable catalysis of spinel ferrite XFe2O4 ( X = Ni, Co, Mn, Cu, Zn) nanoparticles on the dehydrogenation properties of LiAlH4 : An experimental and theoretical study, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 111 (2022).
31. B.J. Wu, H.Z. Zhang, C.W. Huang, Q.F. Zhang, Z.X. Sun, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Y.P. Xia, H.L. Peng, X.C. Lin, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, R.R. Huang, E.H. Yan and B. Lin, Wire-sheet assembly construction of boron nitride/single-walled carbon nanotube shape-stabilized phase change composites for light-thermal energy conversion and storage, Journal of Energy Storage, 47 (2022) 103914.
32. J. Xu, C.L. Xiang, S.S. Yu, Y.J. Zou, S.W. Fang, Z.C. Hu, F. Xu and L.X. Sun*, Synthesis of Porous Yolk-Shelled NiSe2-MnSe Heterojunctions for High-Cycling-Stability Asymmetric Supercapacitor Electrode Materials, Acs Applied Energy Materials, 5 (2022).
33. E.H. Yan, W. Liu, H. Wang, K.X. Zhang, X.Y. Ge, R.J. Huang, J. Cheng, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu and L.X. Sun*, Quaternary Nb-Hf-Co-Fe alloy with superior hydrogen permeation properties over a wide temperature range, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 912 (2022) 165232.
34. E.H. Yan, H. Wang, W. Liu, P. Zhao, X.Y. Ge, R.J. Huang, J. Cheng, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu and L.X. Sun*, Design of Nb-Ti-Fe hydrogen permeable alloys based on the ductile-to-brittle transition-hydrogen concentration region, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 901 (2022) 163615.
35. F.Y. Yang, J.F. Ruan, T.S. Li, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu and L.X. Sun*, Hydrolysis of sodium borohydride using a highly stable catalyst of ruthenium nanoparticles supported by cobalt-nickel hydroxide-coated nickel foam, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 926 (2022) 166902.
36. F.Y. Yang, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu and L.X. Sun*, Synthesis of "needle-cluster" NiCo2O4 carbon nanofibers and loading of Co-B nanoparticles for hydrogen production through the hydrolysis of NaBH4, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 911 (2022) 165069.
37. Y.K. Yang, Q.Q. Yin, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Y.P. Xia, Y.X. Guan, L.M. Liao, T.H. Zhou, J.H. Lao, Y. Wang, Y.J. Wang, L.J. Song and Dianpeng Li, Fabricated Polyethylene glycol/ hydroxylated carbon nanotubes shape-stabilized phase change materials with improving thermal conductivity, Thermochimica Acta, 718 (2022) 179363.
38. Y.M. You, X.H. Hua, Y.Y. Cui, G.M. Wu, S.J. Qiu, Y.P. Xia, T.M. Luo, F. Xu, L.X. Sun* and H.L. Chu, Momordica Grosvenori Shell-Derived Porous Carbon Materials for High-Efficiency Symmetric Supercapacitors, Nanomaterials, 12 (2022) 4204.
39. S.S. Yu, J. Xu, C.L. Xiang, Y.J. Zou, Z.C. Hu, F. Xu and L.X. Sun*, Bifunctional metal-organic framework-derived nitrogen-doped porous multishell CuCoS@NiCoS nanospheres for supercapacitors and hydrogen evolution reactions, Journal of Energy Storage, 55 (2022) 105541.
40. S.S. Yu, Y.J. Zou, Q.Y. Wang, J. Xu, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun* and F. Yang, Self-supported Co-Mo sulfide in electrospun carbon nanofibers as electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction in alkaline medium, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 911 (2022) 165094.
41. Y.Q. Yu, Li Kang, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, H.G. Pan, Z. Sang, C.C. Zhang, X.L. Jia, Q.L. Sui, Y.T. Bu, D. Cai, Y.P. Xia, K.X. Zhang and B. Lin, Bimetallic Pt-Ni Nanoparticles Confined in Porous Titanium Oxide Cage for Hydrogen Generation from NaBH4 Hydrolysis, Nanomaterials, 12 (2022) 2550.
42. Z.L. Yu, S.X. Wang, Y.M. Huang, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, C.L. Xiang, J. Zhang, J.J. Xie and L.X. Sun*, Bi2O3 nanosheet-coated NiCo2O4 nanoneedle arrays for high-performance supercapacitor electrodes, Journal of Energy Storage, 55 (2022) 105486.
43. S.W. Zhang, J.C. Wang, H. Liu, W.B. Zhang, L.X. Sun, Y. Du, Hans J. Seifert and T. Lei, Revealing the different effects of VIB transition metals X (X = Cr, Mo, W) on the electrochemical performance of Li-rich cathode Li2MnO3 by first-principles calculations, Nanoscale, 14 (2022).
44. S.W. Zhang, J.C. Wang, L.X. Sun, F. Dang, Y. Du, Hans J. Seifert and T. Lei, Revealing the role of Mn/Li disordered mixing in Li-rich cathode Li2MnO3 by first-principles calculations, Physical Review Materials, 6 (2022) 055404.
45. N.K. Zhong, W.Y. Wu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Yi Wu, J.H. Lao, X.H. Qin, Y. Wang, X.P. Ding, A.C. Peng, J.C. Liu and D.D. Yuan, Effect of SDS and PVP surfactants on synthesis of a flower-shaped porous Ni-MOFBDC@C as electrode materials for high performance supercapacitor, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 17 (2022) 220540.
46. J.H. Zhou, Z.Q, Sun, X.J. Mu, J.H. Zhang, P.F. Wang, Y.L. Chen, X.Y, Wang, J. Gao, L. Miao and L.X. Sun*, Highly efficient and long-term stable solar-driven water purification through a rechargeable hydrogel evaporator, Desalination, 537 (2022) 115872.
2021 年
1. X. Zhao, S. Xia, X. Zhang, Y. Pang, F. Xu, J. Yang, L.X. Sun*, S. Zheng, Highly Lithiophilic Copper-Reinforced Scaffold Enables Stable Li Metal Anode, ACS applied materials & interfaces, 13 (2021) 20240-20250.
2. L. Zhao, F. Xu, C. Zhang, Z. Wang, H. Ju, X. Gao, X. Zhang, L.X. Sun*, Z. Liu, Enhanced hydrogen storage of alanates: Recent progress and future perspectives, Progress in Natural Science-Materials International, 31 (2021) 165-179.
3. S. Zhang, J. Wang, T. Lei, X. Li, Y. Liu, F. Guo, J. Wang, W. Zhang, F. Dang, H. Seifert, L.X. Sun, Y. Du, First-principles study of Mn antisite defect in Li2MnO3, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, 33 (2021).
4. R. Zhang, X. Wen, H. Peng, Y. Xia, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Facet-dependent CO2 reduction reactions on kesterite Cu2ZnSnS4 photo-electro-integrated electrodes, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2021).
5. C. Zhang, H. Pan, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, Y. Ouyang, F. Rosei, Progress and perspectives of 2D materials as anodes for potassium-ion batteries, Energy Storage Mater., 38 (2021) 354-378.
6. Q. Yin, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Y. Li, L. Liao, T. Wang, Y. Guan, Y. Xia, C. Zhang, S. Wei, H. Zhang, B. Li, MWCNTs/hydroxypropyl cellulose/polyethylene glycol-based shape-stabilized phase change materials, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (2021).
7. E. Yan, J. Cheng, K. Zhang, Y. Chen, R. Huang, X. Ge, H. Chu, Y. Zou, H. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, A novel Nb-based hydrogen purification membrane without catalytic palladium overlayer, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 875 (2021).
8. E. Yan, Y. Chen, K. Zhang, Y. Zou, H. Chu, L.X. Sun*, Design of hydrogen separatinwg Nb-Ti-Fe membranes with high permeability and low cost, Separation and Purification Technology, 257 (2021).
9. J. Xu, C. Xiang, S. Fang, L. Zhu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Y. Zou, J. Zhang, Template strategy to synthesize porous Mn-Co-S nanospheres electrode for high-performance supercapacitors, J. Energy Storage, 44 (2021).
10. J. Xu, J. Liang, Y. Zou, F. Xu, Q. Chen, C. Xiang, J. Zhang, L.X. Sun, Layer-by-layer self-assembled GO-MoS2-Co3O4 three-dimensional conducting network for high-performance supercapacitors, J. Energy Storage, 43 (2021).
11. Y. Wu, X. Ding, Y. Luo, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, J. Lao, X. Qin, C. Dan, Y. Wang, Q. Yin, T. Wang, K. Zhang, B. Li, H. Zhang, Y. Zou, Nickel-organic Frameworks with Hierarchical Flowers Structure Fabricated by Surfactant-assisted Solvothermal Method for High-performance Supercapacitors, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 16 (2021).
12. G. Wu, C. Shao, B. Cui, H. Chu, S. Qiu, Y. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Honeycomb-like Fe/Fe3C-doped porous carbon with more Fe-N-x active sites for promoting the electrocatalytic activity of oxygen reduction, Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 5 (2021) 5295-5304.
13. S. Wei, S. Xue, C. Huang, B. Che, H. Zhang, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, Y. Xia, R. Cheng, C. Zhang, T. Wang, W. Cen, Y. Zhu, Q. Zhang, H. Chu, B. Li, K. Zhang, S. Zheng, F. Rosei, H. Uesugi, Multielement synergetic effect of NiFe2O4 and h-BN for improving the dehydrogenation properties of LiAlH4, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 8 (2021) 3111-3126.
14. S. Wei, J. Liu, Y. Xia, H. Zhang, R. Cheng, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, Y. Bu, Z. Liu, P. Huang, K. Zhang, F. Rosei, A. A. Pimerzin, H. J. Seifert, Enhanced Hydrogen Storage Properties of LiAlH4 by Excellent Catalytic Activity of XTiO3@h-BN (X = Co, Ni), Advanced Functional Materials, DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202110180(2021).
15. Y. Wang, C. Xiang, Y. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, J. Zhang, Three-dimensional polypyrrole-enhanced flower-like ZnCo2S4 nanoclusters used as advanced electrodes for supercapacitors, J. Energy Storage, 41 (2021).
16. Y. Wang, C. Xiang, Z. Xiao, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, J. Zhang, Y. Zou, Phosphidated Ni-Mn layered double hydroxide-based electrode material with superior electrochemical performance for supercapacitors, J. Energy Storage, 44 (2021).
17. X. Wang, C. Hu, H. An, D. Zhu, Y. Zhong, D. Wang, C. Tang, L.X. Sun, H. Zhou, Photocatalytic removal of MB and hydrogen evolution in water by (Sr0.6Bi0.305)(2)Bi2O7/TiO2 heterostructures under visible-light irradiation, Applied Surface Science, 544 (2021).
18. T. Wang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, L. Miao, L. Liao, S. Wei, Q. Yin, K. Zhang, Y. Li, Y. Wu, P. Huang, H. Zhang, B. Li, H. Chu, Improved performance of hydrogen generation for Al-Bi-CNTs composite by spark plasma sintering, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 860 (2021).
19. S. Wang, Y. Zou, F. Xu, C. Xiang, H. Peng, J. Zhang, L.X. Sun*, Morphological control and electrochemical performance of NiCo2O4@NiCo layered double hydroxide as an electrode for supercapacitors, J. Energy Storage, 41 (2021).
20. J. Wang, E. Yan, C. Di, Y. Chen, W. Liu, H. Wang, X. Ge, J. Cheng, R. Huang, L.X. Sun, Evolution Law of Directional Solidification Structure for Nb42Ti21Co37 Ternary Quasi-peritectic Alloy, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 50 (2021) 3577-3584.
21. H. Wang, E. Yan, X. Wang, W. Liu, P. Zhao, R. Huang, J. Cheng, X. Ge, H. Chu, Y. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, The influence of surface corrosion on microstructure and hydrogen permeability of Nb-Hf-Co dual-phase alloys, Materials Today Communications, 29 (2021).
22. Z.-H. Sun, Q. Huang, Y. Zhang, P.-R. Huang, H.-Y. Zhi, Y.-J. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, First-principle calculation study of (C-N)(3)V-B defect in hexagonal boron nitride monolayer, Acta Phys. Sin., 70 (2021).
23. C. Shao, L. Wu, H. Zhang, Q. Jiang, X. Xu, Y. Wang, S. Zhuang, H. Chu, L.X. Sun, J. Ye, B. Li, X. Wang, A Versatile Approach to Boost Oxygen Reduction of Fe-N-4 Sites by Controllably Incorporating Sulfur Functionality, Advanced Functional Materials, 31 (2021).
24. C. Shao, S. Qiu, G. Wu, B. Cui, H. Chu, Y. Zou, C. Xiang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Rambutan-like hierarchically porous carbon microsphere as electrode material for high-performance supercapacitors, Carbon Energy, 3 (2021) 361-374.
25. X. Qiu, J. Liu, S. Qiu, P. Huang, H. Chu, Y. Zou, H. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Hydrogen generation from ammonia borane hydrolysis catalyzed by ruthenium nanoparticles supported on Co-Ni layered double oxides, Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 5 (2021) 2301-2312.
26. H. Peng, D. Duan, S. Liu, J. Liu, L.X. Sun*, P. Huang, C. Shao, K. Zhang, H. Zhang, X. Xue, F. Xu, Y. Zou, Y. Liu, X. Tian, F. Rosei, A graphene-like nanoribbon for efficient bifunctional electrocatalysts, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 9 (2021) 26688-26697.
27. C. Peng, T. Li, Y. Zou, C. Xiang, F. Xu, J. Zhang, L.X. Sun*, Bacterial cellulose derived carbon as a support for catalytically active Co-B alloy for hydrolysis of sodium borohydride, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46 (2021) 666-675.
28. S. N. Nyamsi, Z. Wu, L. Guo, C. Qian, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, H. Uesugi, G. Yan, F. Yang, Z. Zhang, Insights into a Thermodynamically Optimal Synthesis of the Ternary Complex Hydride Mg2FeH6 for High-Density Thermal Energy Storage, ACS Appl. Energ. Mater., 4 (2021) 5973-5984.
29. X. Mu, Y. Gu, P. Wang, A. Wei, Y. Tian, J. Zhou, Y. Chen, J. Zhang, Z. Sun, J. Liu, L.X. Sun, S. Tanemura, L. Miao, Strategies for breaking theoretical evaporation limitation in direct solar steam generation, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 220 (2021).
30. X. Mao, Y. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, H. Chu, H. Zhang, J. Zhang, C. Xiang, Three-Dimensional Self-Supporting Ti3C2 with MoS2 and Cu2O Nanocrystals for High-Performance Flexible Supercapacitors, ACS applied materials & interfaces, 13 (2021) 22664-22675.
31. J. Ma, D. Duan, W. Gao, F. Hu, S. Liu, W. Su, H. Peng, K. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, A Novel Fe and Cu Bimetallic Mixed Porous Carbon Material for Oxygen Reduction, Electrocatalysis, 12 (2021) 362-371.
32. Y. Luo, X. Xu, Y. Xia, S. Pang, F. Xu, M.-H. Whangbo, L.X. Sun*, C. Chen, Anomaly Negative Resistance Phenomena in Highly Epitaxial PrBa0.7Ca0.3Co2O5+delta Thin Films Induced from Superfast Redox Reactions, Catalysts, 11 (2021).
33. W. Liu, E. Yan, H. Wang, P. Zhao, R. Huang, J. Cheng, X. Ge, H. Chu, Y. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Nb35Hf32.5Co32.5 dual-phase alloy: Hydrogen permeability degradation due to the microstructural changes caused by annealing, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46 (2021) 15609-15623.
34. L. Liao, X. Guo, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, T. Wang, T. Zhou, Y. Li, J. Li, K. Zhang, B. Li, H. Peng, Y. Zou, H. Zhang, A high activity Al-Bi@C for hydrogen generation from Al-water reaction, Ceramics International, 47 (2021) 29064-29071.
35. X. Li, J. Wang, S. Zhang, L.X. Sun, W. Zhang, F. Dang, H. J. Seifert, Y. Du, Intrinsic Defects in LiMn2O4: First-Principles Calculations, Acs Omega, 6 (2021) 21255-21264.
36. T. Li, C. Xiang, Y. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Synthesis of highly stable cobalt nanorods anchored on a Ti4N3Tx MXene composite for the hydrolysis of sodium borohydride, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 885 (2021).
37. J. Li, Y. Zou, C. Xiang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, B. Li, J. Zhang, Osmanthus fragrans-derived N-doped porous carbon for supercapacitor applications, J. Energy Storage, 42 (2021).
38. J. Li, Y. Zou, B. Li, F. Xu, H. Chu, S. Qiu, J. Zhang, L.X. Sun, C. Xiang, Polypyrrole-wrapped NiCo2S4 nanoneedles as an electrode material for supercapacitor applications, Ceramics International, 47 (2021) 16562-16569.
39. J. Li, Y. Liu, D. Zhan, Y. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, C. Xiang, J. Zhang, Electrospinning synthesis of NiCo2O4 embedded N-doped carbon for high-performance supercapacitors, J. Energy Storage, 39 (2021).
40. N. A. Khan, B. Akhavan, Z. Zheng, H. Liu, C. Zhou, H. Zhou, L. Chang, Y. Wang, Y. Liu, L.X. Sun, M. M. Bilek, Z. Liu, Nanostructured AlCoCrCu0.5FeNi high entropy oxide (HEO) thin films fabricated using reactive magnetron sputtering, Applied Surface Science, 553 (2021).
41. C. Jiao, X. Song, X. Zhang, L.X. Sun, H. Jiang, MOF-Mediated Interfacial Polymerization to Fabricate Polyamide Membranes with a Homogeneous Nanoscale Striped Turing Structure for CO2/CH4 Separation, ACS applied materials & interfaces, 13 (2021) 18380-18388.
42. R. Ji, Q. Zhang, F. Zhou, F. Xu, X. Wang, C. Huang, Y. Zhu, H. Zhang, L.X. Sun*, Y. Xia, X. Lin, H. Peng, Y. Zou, H. Chu, Electrospinning fabricated novel poly (ethylene glycol)/graphene oxide composite phase-change nano-fibers with good shape stability for thermal regulation, J. Energy Storage, 40 (2021).
43. Q. Huang, P. Huang, Z. Sun, Y. Zhang, Y. Xia, H. Peng, Y. Zou, H. Chu, E. Yan, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, De-hybridization effect of transition metal catalysts on AlH4-based hydrogen storage materials, Physica B-Condensed Matter, 623 (2021).
44. Z. Guo, Y. Pang, S. Xia, F. Xu, J. Yang, L.X. Sun*, S. Zheng, Uniform and Anisotropic Solid Electrolyte Membrane Enables Superior Solid-State Li Metal Batteries, Advanced Science, 8 (2021).
45. C. Di, E. Yan, Y. Chen, J. Wang, W. Liu, H. Wang, L.X. Sun, Microstructure Evolution and Simulation of Solidification Path in Nb10Ti61Co29 Quasi-peritectic Alloy, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 50 (2021) 3194-3202.
46. B. Cui, G. Wu, S. Qiu, Y. Zou, E. Yan, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, H. Chu, Ruthenium Supported on Cobalt-Embedded Porous Carbon with Hollow Structure as Efficient Catalysts toward Ammonia-Borane Hydrolysis for Hydrogen Production, Adv. Sustain. Syst., 5 (2021).
47. R. Cheng, M. Zhou, K. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Q. Lin, H. Li, Enhanced electrochemical performance of LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 cathode material by Al2O3 surface coating derived via NH2-MIL-53(Al) MOF, Journal Of Alloys And Compounds, 875 (2021).
48. T. Chen, C. Xiang, Y. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, All-Solid High-Performance Asymmetric Supercapacitor Based on Yolk-Shell NiMoO4/V2CTx@Reduced Graphene Oxide and Hierarchical Bamboo-Shaped MoO2@Fe2O3/N-Doped Carbon, Energy & Fuels, 35 (2021) 10250-10261.
49. Y. Bu, J. Liu, H. Chu, S. Wei, Q. Yin, L. Kang, X. Luo, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, P. Huang, F. Rosei, A. A. Pimerzin, H. J. Seifert, Y. Du, J. Wang, Catalytic Hydrogen Evolution of NaBH4 Hydrolysis by Cobalt Nanoparticles Supported on Bagasse-Derived Porous Carbon, Nanomaterials, 11 (2021).
1. S.W. Fang, J. Li, C.L. Xiang, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, J. Zhang, Anchoring sea urchin-like cobalt-nickel carbonate hydroxide on 3D carbon sponge for electrochemical energy storage, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 845 (2020) 156024.
2. X.Q. Mao, Y. Wang, C.L. Xiang, D Zhan, H.Z. Zhang, E.R. Yan, F. Xu, X.B. Hu, J. Zhang, L.X. Sun, Y.J. Zou, Core-shell structured CuCo2S4@CoMoO4 nanorods for advanced electrode materials, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 844 (2020) 156133.
3. Z.S. Chen, G.X. Zhang, L. Du, Y. Zheng, L.X. Sun, S.H. Sun, Nanostructured Cobalt-Based Electrocatalysts for CO2 Reduction: Recent Progress, Challenges, and Perspectives, Small, (2020) 2004158.
4. Y.L. Wang, P.R. Huang, J.X. Liu, H.L. Peng, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, Y. He, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, First-principle calculations of lithium adsorption and diffusion on titanium-based monolayers, Chemical Physics, 539 (2020) 110956.
5. J. Liang, C.L. Xiang, Y.J. Zou, X.B. Hu, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Spacing graphene and Ni-Co layered double hydroxides with polypyrrole for high-performance supercapacitors, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 55 (2020) 190-197.
6. X.Y. Yang, C.L. Xiang, Y.J. Zou, J. Liang, H.Z. Zhang, E.H. Yan, F. Xu, X.B. Hu, Q. Chong, L.X. Sun*, Low-temperature synthesis of sea urchin-like Co-Ni oxide on graphene oxide for supercapacitor electrodes, Journal of Materials ence & Technology, 55 (2020) 223-230.
7. Y.J. Zou, X. Zhang, J. Liang, C.L. Xiang, H.L. Chu, H. Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Encapsulation of hollow Cu2O nanocubes with Co3O4 on porous carbon for energy-storage devices, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 55 (2020) 182-189.
8. H.L. Chi, J.X. Liu, X.Y. Zhang, X.G. Xue, D.D. Zhang, X.C. Lin, P.R. Huang, L.X.Sun, J. Xiong, P. Cai, J. Zhang, Synergetic defects boost charge separation in CN for enhanced photocatalytic water splitting, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 8 27 (2020) 9366-9372.
9. L.Z. Ouyang, F. Liu, H. Wang, J.W. Liu, X.S. Yang, L.X. Sun, M. Zhu, Magnesium-based hydrogen storage compounds: A review, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 832 (2020) 154865.
10. R.F. Zhang, X. Wen, F. Xu, Q.B. Zhang, L.X. Sun*, A Density Functional Theory Study of the Cu2ZnSnS4 Monolayer as a Photo-electrointegrated Catalyst for Water Splitting and Hydrogen Evolution, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124 (2020) 11922-11929.
11. J.Q. Hua, H.L. Chu, Y. Zhu, T.T. Fang, S.J. Qiu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, K.X. Zhang, B. Li, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Superior performance for lithium storage from an integrated composite anode consisting of SiO-based active material and current collector Frontiers of Materials ence, (2020).
12. J.H. Li, X.Y. Hong, Y.L. Wang, Y.M. Luo, P.R. Huang, B. Li, K.X. Zhang, Y.J. Zou, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, F,Rosei, S.P. Verevkin, A.A. Pimerzin, Encapsulated Cobalt Nanoparticles as A Recoverable Catalyst for the Hydrolysis of Sodium Borohydride, Energy Storage Materials, 27 (2020) 187-197.
13. L. Miao, Y. Peng, D.H.Wang, J.H. Liang, C.C. Hu. E. Nishibori, L.X. Sun*, C.A.J. Fisher, S. Tanemura, Miao L , Peng Y , Wang D , et al. Characterisation of the temperature-dependent M1 to R phase transition in W-doped VO2 nanorod aggregates by Rietveld refinement and theoretical modelling, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22(2020) 7984-7994.
14. Y.M. Luo, Q.Y. Wang, J.H. Li, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Y.T. Bu, Y.J. Zou, H.B. Kraatz, F. Rosei, Tunable hierarchical surfaces of CuO derived from metal–organic frameworks for non-enzymatic glucose sensing, Inorganic chemistry frontiers, 7 (2020) 1512-1525.
15. R.G. Cheng, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, Y.M. Luo, C.C. Zhang, Y.P. Xia, S. Wei, Y.X. Guan, M.M. Zhao, Q. Lin, H. Li, NiFe2O4-Coated Activated Carbon Composite as a Cathode Material for Lithium–Sulfur Batteries, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 15 (2020) 2624-2633.
16. Y.P. Xia, S. Wei, Q. Huang, J.Q. Li, X.H. Cen, H.Z. Zhang, H.L. Chu, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, P.R. Huang, Facile synthesis of NiCo2O4-anchored reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites as efficient additives for improving the dehydrogenation behavior of lithium alanate, Inorganic chemistry frontiers, 7 (2020) 1257-1272.
17. X.Y. Qiu, J.X. Liu, P.R. Huang, S.J. Qiu, C.M. Weng, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Hydrolytic dehydrogenation of NH3BH3 catalyzed by ruthenium nanoparticles supported on magnesium–aluminum layered double-hydroxides, RSC Advances, 10 (2020) 9996-10005.
18. R. Ji, S. Wei, Y.P. Xia, C.W. Huang, Y. Huang , G.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, X.C. Lin, Enhanced thermal performance of form-stable composite phase-change materials supported by novel porous carbon spheres for thermal energy storage, Journal of energy storage, 27 (2020) 101134.
19. Y.M. Luo, W.W. Cui, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Thermal decompositions and heat capacities study of a co-based zeolitic imidazolate framework, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2020.
20. X.Q. Mao, Y.J. Zou, J. Liang, C.L. Xiang, H.L. Chu, E.H. Yan, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, X.B. Hu, L.X. Sun, Facile synthesis of hierarchical Co–Mo–O–S porous microspheres for high-performance supercapacitors[J]. Ceramics International, 46 (2020) 1448-1456.
21. X.Y. Yang, C.L. Cai, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, H.L. Chu, E.H. Yan, S.J. Qiu, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, X.B. Hu, Co3O4-doped two-dimensional carbon nanosheet as an electrode material for high-performance asymmetric supercapacitors, Electrochimica Acta, 335 (2020) 135611.
22. Y.P. Pang, X.T. Wang, X.X. Shi, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, J.H. Yang, S.Y. Zheng, Solid-State Prelithiation Enables High-Performance Li-Al-H Anode for Solid-State Batteries, Advanced Energy Materials, (2020) 1902795.
23. Y.P. Xia, W.W. Cui, R. Ji, C.W. Huang, Y. Huang, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, P.R. Huang, B. Li, L.X. Sun*, Design and synthesis of novel microencapsulated phase change materials with enhancement of thermal conductivity and thermal stability: Self-assembled boron nitride into shell materials, Colloids And Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 586 (2020) 124225.
24. E.H. Yan, R.N. Min, P. Zhao, R. D.K. Misra, P.R.Huang, Y.J. Zou, H. L. Chu, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*,Design of Nb-based multi-phase alloy membranes for high hydrogen permeability and suppressed hydrogen embrittlement, Journal of Membrane Science, 595 (2020),.
25. H.L. Chu, Y. Zhu, T.T. Fang, J.Q. Hua, S.J. Qiu, H.D. Liu, L.Y. Qin, Q.H. Wei, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Solvothermal synthesis of cobalt nickel layered double hydroxides with a three-dimensional nano-petal structure for high-performance supercapacitors, Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 4 (2020) 337-346.
26. Y. Liu, C.L. Xiang, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, J. McLeod, Z. She, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Y.J. Zou, Binary Co-Ni oxide nanoparticle-loaded hierarchical graphitic porous carbon for high-performance supercapacitors, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 37 (2020) 135-142.
27. S.P. Verevkin, A.A. Pimerzin, L.X. Sun, Liquid organic hydrogen carriers: Hydrogen storage by di-phenyl ether derivatives: An experimental and theoretical study, The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2020.
28. S.P. Verevkin, A.A. Pimerzin, L.X. Sun, Structure-property relationships in substituted diphenyl ethers: Non-nearest interactions of methyl-, methoxy-, hydroxyl-, amino-, and nitro-substituents[J]. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 512 (2020) 112534.
29. C. Wang, N. Zhang, C.Y. Hou, X.X. Han, C.H. Liu, Y.H. Xing, F.Y. Bai, L.X. Sun, Transition metal complexes constructed by pyridine–amino acid: fluorescence sensing and catalytic properties, Transition Metal Chemistry, 2020.
30. C.H. Liu, Q.L. Guan, X.D. Yang, F.Y. Bai, L.X. Sun, Y.H. Xing, Polyiodine-Modified 1,3,5-Benzenetricarboxylic Acid Framework Zn(II)/Cd(II) Complexes as Highly Selective Fluorescence Sensors for Thiamine Hydrochloride, NACs, and Fe 3+ /Zn 2+, Inorganic Chemistry, 59 (2020) 8081-8098.
31. J.X. Li, Q.L. Guan, Y. Wang, Z.X. You, Y.H. Xing, F.Y. Bai, L.X. Sun, A lanthanide–organic crystalline framework material encapsulating 1,3,6,8-tetrakis(p-benzoic acid)pyrene: selective sensing of Fe3+, Cr2O72− and colchicine and white-light emission, New Journal of Chemistry, 44 (2020) 1446-1454.
32. Y.C. Hong, J. Peng, Z.C. Sun, Z.Q. Yu, A.J. Wang, Y. Wang, Y.Y. Liu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Transition Metal Oxodiperoxo Complex Modified Metal-Organic Frameworks as Catalysts for the Selective Oxidation of Cyclohexane, Materials, 13 (2020) 829.
33. N. Zhang, L.X, Sun, F.Y. Bai, Y.H. Xing, Thorium–Organic Framework Constructed with a Semirigid Triazine Hexacarboxylic Acid Ligand: Unique Structure with Thorium Oxide Wheel Clusters and Iodine Adsorption Behavior, Inorganic Chemistry, 59 (2020) 3964-3973.
34. Y. Xin, N. Zhang, X.X. Han, B. Li, Y. Sun, L.X. Sun, F.Y. Bai, Y.H. Xing, Three transition metal complexes based on nicotinate: Synthesis, structure and adsorption properties[J]. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1205 (2020) 127656.
35. C.W. Huang, Q.T. Li, Y.B. Yang, S. Wei, R. Ji, Q.F. Zhang, Y.C. Zhu, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Y.P. Xia, A novel bifunctional microencapsulated phase change material loaded with ZnO for thermal energy storage and light-thermal energy conversion, Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 4 (2020) 5203-5214.
36. Y.P. Xia, Q.T. Li, R. Ji, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, P.R. Huang, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, X.C. Lin, L.X. Sun*, Multielement Synergetic Effect of Boron Nitride and Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes for the Fabrication of Novel Shape-Stabilized Phase-Change Composites with Enhanced Thermal Conductivity, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12 (2020) 41398-41409.
37. C.C. Zhang, C.W. Huang, S. Wei, X.R. Cai, S.Y. Wei, F. Yu, B. Li, K.X. Zhang, Y.F. Ouyang, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, Y,H, Xing, S. Verevkin, A.A. Pimerzin, Synthesis, crystal structure and thermodynamic properties of two transition metal coordination polymers, Thermochimica Acta, 690 (2020) 178661.
38. J.H. Li, X.Y. Hong, Y.L. Wang, Y.M. Luo, B. Li, P.R. Huang, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, S.Y. Zheng, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, Y. Du, J.C. Wang, F. Rosei, S.E.H. Jurgen, U. Sven, X. Wu, A modified 'skeleton/skin' strategy for designing CoNiP nanosheets arrayed on graphene foam for on/off switching of NaBH(4)hydrolysis, RSC Advances, 10 (2020) 26834-26842.
39. J.H. Li, X.Y. Hong, Y.M. Luo, Y. Zhu, L.L. Lu, B. Li, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Nitrogen Doping of Porous Carbon Electrodes Derived from Pine Nut Shell for High -Performance Supercapacitors, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 15 (2020) 6041-6051.
40. Q.L. Guan, C. Han, F.Y. Bai, J. Liu, Y.H. Xing, Z. Shi, L.X. Sun, Bismuth-MOF based on tetraphenylethylene derivative as a luminescent sensor with turn-off/on for application of Fe3+ detection in serum and bioimaging, as well as emissive spectra analysis by TRES, Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 325 (2020) 128767.
1. Z.Y. Deng, L. Miao, P.F. Liu, J.H. Zhou, P.F. Wang, Y.F. Gu, X.Y. Wang, H.F. Cai, L.X. Sun, S. Tanemura, Extremely high water-production created by a nanoink-stained PVA evaporator with embossment structure, Nano Energy, 55 (2019) 368-376.
2. Y. Xia, H. Zhang, P. Huang, C. Huang, F. Xu, Y. Zou, H. Chu, E. Yan, L.X. Sun, Graphene-oxide-induced lamellar structures used to fabricate novel composite solid-solid phase change materials for thermal energy storage, Chemical Engineering Journal, 362 (2019) 909-920.
3. H.L. Chu, N.P. Li, S.J. Qiu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Ruthenium supported on nitrogen-doped porous carbon for catalytic hydrogen generation from NH3BH3 hydrolysis, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44 (2019) 1774-1781.
4. C.C. Xu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, L.Z. Cao, F. Yu, H.Z. Zhang, E.H. Yan, H.L. Peng, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, A High-Performance Supercapacitor Based on Nitrogen-Doped Porous Carbon Derived from Cycas Leaves, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 14 (2019) 1782-1793.
5. Y.S. Li, J. Wang, Z.F. Zhou, J.Q. Deng, Q.R. Yao, H.L. Chu, Z.M. Wang, L.X. Sun, H.Y. Zhou, Large-scale synthesis of porous Li3V2(PO4)(3)@C/AB hollow microspheres with interconnected channel as high performance cathodes for lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 774 (2019) 879-886.
6. Y. Yin, H. Zeng, Q.L. Sui, C.L. Xiang, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, Q. Chen, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Formation of CoO-NiO Nanoparticles on Nitrogen Doped Porous Carbon as High Performance Supercapacitor Electrode, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 14 (2019) 764-776.
7. Y.P. Pang, Y. Xu, Y.T. Li, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, J.H. Yang, H.W. Li, S.Y. Zheng, Carbon/Sulfur Composites Stabilized with Nano-TiNi for High-Performance Li-S Battery Cathodes, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2 (2019) 1537-1543.
8. L.F. Song, C. Xue, H.Y. Xia, S.J. Qiu, L.X. Sun, H.X. Chen, Effects of Alkali Metal (Li, Na, and K) Incorporation in NH2-MIL125(Ti) on the Performance of CO2 Adsorption, Materials, 12 (2019) 844.
9. C. Zhao, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, J. Chen, X.L. Guo, E.H. Yan, F. Yu, H.L. Chu, H.L. Peng, Y.J. Zou, Z.W. Liu, F.W. Li, A novel Al-BiOCl composite for hydrogen generation from water, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44 (2019) 6655-6662.
10. Y.P. Xia, H.Z. Zhang, P.R. Huang, C.W. Huang, F. Xu, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, E.H. Yan, L.X. Sun, Graphene-oxide-induced lamellar structures used to fabricate novel composite solid-solid phase change materials for thermal energy storage, Chemical Engineering Journal, 362 (2019) 909-920.
11. X.X. Du, Q. Chen, C.L. Xiang, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, J.L. Xie, L.X. Sun, Formation of Highly Dispersed Ultrafine MnO2 Nanoparticles on Nitrogen-doped Porous Carbon for Supercapacitor Applications, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 14 (2019) 4195-4205.
12. C.L. Xiang, Y. Liu, Y. Yin, P.R. Huang, Y.J. Zou, M. Fehse, Z. She, F. Xu, D. Banerjee, D.H. Merino, A. Longo, H.B. Kraatz, D.F. Brougham, B. Wu, L.X. Sun, Acs Applied Energy Materials, 2 (2019) 3389-3399.
13. P.F. Liu, L. Miao, Z.Y. Deng, J.H. Zhou, Y.F. Gu, S.Y. Chen, H.F. Cai, L.X. Sun, S. Tanemura, Flame-treated and fast-assembled foam system for direct solar steam generation and non-plugging high salinity desalination with self-cleaningeffect, Applied Energy, 241 (2019) 652-659.
14. Y.R. Liu, Y.P. Xia, K. An, C.W. Huang, W.W. Cui, S. Wei, R. Ji, F. Xu, H.Z. Zhang, L.X. Sun, Fabrication and characterization of novel meso-porous carbon/n-octadecane as form-stable phase change materials for enhancement of phase-change behavior, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 35 (2019) 939-945.
15. Y. Liu, Q.L. Sui, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu, J.J. Xie, L.X. Sun, Porous N-doped Carbon Derived from ZIF-8/Reduced Graphene oxide/Polypyrrole Composite for High Performance Supercapacitor, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 14 (2019) 5096-5106.
16. B.B. Jiang, D.H. Wen, Q. Wang, J.D. Che, C. Dong, P.K. Liaw, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Design of near-alpha Ti alloys via a cluster formula approach and their high-temperature oxidation resistance, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 35 (2019) 1008-1016.
17. E.H. Yan, R.N. Min, H.R. Huang, P. Zhao, P.R. Huang, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, S.H. Sun, L.X. Sun, Multiphase Nb-TiCo alloys: The significant impact of surface corrosion on the structural stability and hydrogen permeation behavior, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44 (2019) 16684-16697.
18. S.L. Qiu, T.T. Fang, Y. Zhu, J.Q. Hua, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, J.L. Zeng, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Li1.2Mn0.6Ni0.2O2 with 3D porous rod-like hierarchical micro/nanostructure for high-performance cathode material, Journal of Alloys And Compounds, 790 (2019) 863-870.
19. Y. Zhu, T.T. Fang, J.Q. Hua, S.J. Qiu, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, P.R. Huang, K.X. Zhang, X.C. Lin, E.H. Yan, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, J.L. Zeng, Biomass-Derived Porous Carbon Prepared from Egg White for High-performance Supercapacitor Electrode Materials, Chemistryselect, 4 (2019) 7358-7365.
20. X. Zhang, R.J. Zhang, C.L. Xiang, Y. Liu, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Polydopamine-assisted formation of Co3O4-nanocube-anchored reduced graphene oxide composite for high-performance supercapacitors, Ceramics International, 45 (2019) 13894-13902.
21. S. Wei, Z.J. Duan, Y.P. Xia, C.W. Huang, R. Ji, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Y.X. Sun, Preparation and thermal performances of microencapsulated phase change materials with a nano-Al2O3-doped shell, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 138 (2019) 233-241.
22. Y.L. Wang, C.F. Shao, S.J. Qiu, Y. Zhu, M. Qin, Y.X. Meng, Y. Wang, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, J.L. Zeng, Z.X. Cao, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Nitrogen-doped porous carbon derived from ginkgo leaves with remarkable supercapacitance performance, Diamond And Related Materials, 98 (2019) 107475.
23. D.C. Duan, F. Hu, J.J. Ma, H.L. Peng, K.X. Zhang, P.R. Huang, H.L. Chu, X.C. Lin, S.J. Qiu, S.Y. Wei, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, A facile one-pot method to prepare nitrogen and fluorine co-doped three-dimensional graphene-like materials for supercapacitors, Journal of Materials Science-Materials In Electronics, 30 (2019) 19505-19512.
24. J.X. Liu, P.R. Huang, Y.L. Wang, H.L. Peng, Y.J. Zou, H.Z. Zhang, E.H. Yan, M.Q. Long, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Tuning the properties of hydrogenated graphene via interfacial contact of cubic BN (111), 571 (2019) 257-262.
25. D.C. Duan, W. Su, X.Y. Tan, F. Hu, Y.Y. Wang, W.Y. Huang, H.L. Peng, F. Xu, Y.J. Zou, L.X. Sun, Porous Carbon Electrode Derived from Waste Wine Industry for Supercapacitors, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 14 (2019) 10198-10212.
26. H.L. Chu, N.P. Li, X.Y. Qiu, Y. Wang, S.J. Qiu, J.L. Zeng, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone)-stabilized ruthenium supported on bamboo leaf-derived porous carbon for NH3BH3 hydrolysis, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44 (2019) 29255-29262.
27. H.L. Peng, D.C. Duan, X.Y. Tan, F. Hu, J.J. Ma, K.X. Zhang, F. Xu, B. Li, L.X. Sun, A One-Pot Method to Synthesize a Co-Based Graphene-Like Structure Doped Carbon Material for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction, Chemelectrochem, DOI: 10.1002/celc.201901463.
28. N.A. Khan, B. Akhavan, H.R. Zhou, L. Chang, Y. Wang, L.X. Sun, M.M. Bilek, Z.W. Liu, High entropy alloy thin films of AlCoCrCu0.5FeNi with controlled microstructure, Applied Surface Science, 495 (2019) 143560.
29. L.N. Yang, F.C. Meng, X.Y. Qu, L.X. Xia, F. Huang, S. Qin, M.H. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, H.Y. Liu, Multiple-twinned silver nanoparticles supported on mesoporous graphene with enhanced antibacterial activity, Carbon, 155 (2019) 397-402.
30. Y. Lu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Y. Wu, Y.P. Xia, X.R. Cai, N.K. Zhong, H.Z. Zhang, B. Li, H.L. Chu, Facile Method for Preparation of Porous Carbon Derived from Biomass for High Performance Supercapacitors, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 14 (2019) 11199-11211.
31. Q.L. Sui, C.L. Xiang, Y.J. Zou, E.H. Yan, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Facile synthesis of Co-Ni-Mn oxide for high performance supercapacitor, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 14 (2019) 10710-10719.
32. Y.Y. Wang, D.C. Duan, J.J. Ma, W. Gao, H.L. Peng, P.R. Huang, X.C. Lin, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Waste wine mash-derived doped carbon materials as an efficient electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reaction, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44 (2019) 31949-31959.
33. Z.X. You, N. Zhang, Q.L. Guan, Y.H. Xing, F.Y. Bai, L.X. Sun, High Sorption Capacity of U(VI) by COF-Based Material Doping Hydroxyapatite Microspheres: Kinetic, Equilibrium and Mechanism Investigation, DOI: 10.1007/s10904-019-01420-9.
1. Shuang Liu, Li-Xian Sun, Lan-Tao Liu, Yan-Li Zhou, Fen Xu. Morphology-control synthesis of a Cu-based metal-organic framework directed by carboxyl-functionalized graphene[J]. Polyhedron. 2018, 149: 104-108.
2. Erhu Yan, Haoran Huang, Ruonan Min, Fen Xu, Ping Zhao, Yongjin Zou, Hailiang Chu, Huanzhi Zhang, Lixian Sun. Design and characterizations of novel Nb-ZrCo hydrogen permeation alloys for hydrogen separation applications[J]. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2018, 212: 282-291.
3. Yumei Luo, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu, Zongwen Liu. Improved hydrogen storage of LiBH4 and NH3BH3 by catalysts[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2018, 6(17): 7293-7309.
4. Yipeng Wu, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun, Yongpeng Xia, Peng Li, Jun Chen, Xia Yang, Fang Yu, Huanzhi Zhang, Hailiang Chu, Yongjin Zou. Improved Dehydrogenation Performance of Li-B-N-H by Doped NiO[J]. Metals. 2018, 8(4).
5. Yongjin Zou, Ying Yin, Yubo Gao, Cuili Xiang, Hailiang Chu, Shujun Qiu, Erhu Yan, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun. Chitosan-mediated Co-Ce-B nanoparticles for catalyzing the hydrolysis of sodium borohydride[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2018, 43(10): 4912-4921.
6. Chenglong Cai, Yongjin Zou, Cuili Xiang, Hailiang Chu, Shujun Qiu, Qingli Sui, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun, Afzal Shah. Broccoli-like porous carbon nitride from ZIF-8 and melamine for high performance supercapacitors[J]. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE. 2018, 440: 47-54.
7. Hongliang Peng, Pengru Huang, Pinggui Yi, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun. Theoretical studies of pi-electron delocalization and localization on intramolecular proton transfer in the ground state[J]. Journal of Molecular Structure. 2018, 1154: 590-595.
8. Yongjin Zou, Chenglong Cai, Cuili Xiang, Pengru Huang, Hailiang Chu, Zhe She, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun, Heinz-Bernhard Kraatz. Simple synthesis of core-shell structure of Co-Co3O4 @ carbon-nanotube-incorporated nitrogen-doped carbon for high-performance supercapacitor[J]. Electrochimica Acta. 2018, 261: 537-547.
9. Hailiang Chu, Chunfeng Shao, Shujun Qiu, Yongjin Zou, Cuili Xiang, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun. Nitrogen-rich sandwich-like carbon nanosheets as anodes with superior lithium storage properties[J]. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers. 2018, 5(1): 225-232.
10. Ju-Lan Zeng, Yu-Hang Chen, Li Shu, Lin-Ping Yu, Ling Zhu, Liu-Bin Song, Zhong Cao, Li-Xian Sun. Preparation and thermal properties of exfoliated graphite/erythritol/mannitol eutectic composite as form-stable phase change material for thermal energy storage[J]. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 2018, 178: 84-90.
11. Weiwei Cui, Huanzhi Zhang, Yongpeng Xia, Yongjin Zou, Cuili Xiang, Hailiang Chu, Shujun Qiu, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun. Preparation and thermophysical properties of a novel form-stable CaCl2 center dot 6H(2)O/sepiolite composite phase change material for latent heat storage[J]. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2018, (1): 57-63.
12. Yongpeng Xia, Weiwei Cui, Huanzhi Zhang, Yongjin Zou, Cuili Xiang, Hailiang Chu, Shujun Qiu, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun. Preparation and thermal performance of n-octadecane/expanded graphite composite phase-change materials for thermal management[J]. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2018, (1): 81-88.
13. Yongpeng Xia, Weiwei Cui, Huanzhi Zhang, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun, Yongjin Zou, Hailiang Chu , Erhu Yan. Synthesis of three-dimensional graphene aerogel encapsulated n-octadecane for enhancing phase change behavior and thermal conductivity. [J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2017, 5, 15191–15199.
14. Weiwei Cui, Huanzhi Zhang, Yongpeng Xia, Yongjin Zou, Cuili Xiang, Hailiang Chu, Shujun Qiu, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun. Preparation and thermophysical properties of a novel formstable CaCl2 6H2O/sepiolite composite phase change material for latent heat storage[J]. J Therm Anal Calorim, 2017.
15. Yongpeng Xia, Weiwei Cui, Huanzhi Zhang, Yongjin Zou, Cuili Xiang, Hailiang Chu, Shujun Qiu, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun. Preparation and thermal performance of n-octadecane/expanded graphite composite phase-change materials for thermal management[J]. J Therm Anal Calorim, 2017.
16. Weiwei Cui, Yongpeng Xia, Huanzhi Zhang, Fen Xu, Yongjin Zou, Cuili Xiang, Hailiang Chu, Shujun Qiu , Lixian Sun. Microencapsulation of phase change aterials with carbon nanotubes reinforced shell for enhancement of thermal conductivity[J]. Materials Science and Engineering, 2017.
17. JuLan Zeng, SaiLing Sun, Lei Zhou, YuHang Chen, Li Shu, LinPing Yu, Ling Zhu, LiuBin Song, Zhong Cao, LiXian Sun. Preparation, morphology and thermal properties of microencapsulated palmitic acid phase change material with polyaniline shells[J]. JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY, 2017, 129: 1583-1592.
18. SaiBo Yu, JuLanZeng, SaiLing Sun, Zhou, Lei Zhou, YuHang Chen, Liu-Bin Song, Zhong Cao, LiXian Sun. Thermal properties characterization of two promising phase change material candidates[J]. JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY, 2017, 129:189-199.
19. Yang Wang, Ning Du, Xu Zhang, Yu Wang, Yong-Heng Xing, Feng-Ying Bai, Li-Xian Sun, Zhan Shi. Functional Sensing Materials Based on Lanthanide N-Heterocyclic Polycarboxylate Crystal Frameworks for Detecting Thiamines[J]. Crystal Growth & Design. 2018, 18(4): 2259-2269.
20. Ying Yin, Haitao Zhang, Pengru Huang, Cuili Xiang, Yongjin Zou, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun. Inducement of nanoscale Cu-BTC on nanocomposite of PPy-rGO and its performance in ammonia sensing[J]. Materials Research Bulletin. 2018, 99: 152-160.
21. Fen Xu, Lixian Sun, Pengru Huang, Yujia Sun, Qian Zheng, Yongjin Zou, Hailing Chu, Erhu Yan, Huanzhi Zhang, Jianhuan Wang. Pyridine vapor sensor based on metal-organic framework-modified quartz crystal microbalance[J]. Sensors and Actuators B-chemical. 2018, 254: 872-877.
22. Jinda Che, Beibei Jiang, Qing Wang, Chuang Dong, Guoqing Chen, Ruiqian Zhang, Rui Tang, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun. Effects of Minor Additions of Elements into Ti1100 on Elevated Temperature Oxidation- and Corrosion -Resistance[J]. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering. 2018, 47(5): 1471-1477.
1. Shujun Qiu, Xingyu Ma, Errui Wang, Hailiang Chu, Jacques Huot, Yongjin Zou, Cuili Xiang, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun. Enhanced hydrogen storage properties of 2LiNH2/MgH2 through the addition of Mg(BH4)2[J]. Journal of Alloys & Compounds, 2017, 704: 44-50.
2.Shujun Qiu, Hailiang Chu, Yongjin Zou, Cuili Xiang, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun. Light metal borohydrides/amides combined hydrogen storage systems: composition, structure and properties[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5(48): 25112-25130.
3. Fen Xu, Xiangfei Zhang, Lixian Sun* , Fang Yu, Peng Li, Jun Chen, Yipeng Wu, Lizhi Cao, Chaochao Xu, Xia Yang, Erhu Yan, Hailiang Chu, Yongjin Zou, Fuwei Li, Hydrogen generation of a novel Al-NaMgH3 composite reaction with water, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42 (2017) 30535 -30542.
4. Shujun Qiu, Xingyu Ma, Errui Wang, Hailiang Chu, Jacques Huot, Yongjin Zou,Cuili Xianga, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun. Enhanced hydrogen storage properties of 2LiNH 2 /MgH 2 through the addition of Mg(BH 4) 2[J]. S. Qiu et al. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2017, 704: 44-50.
5. Shujun Qiu , Xingyu Ma, Errui Wang, Hailiang Chu, Yongjin Zou, Cuili Xiang, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun. Improved Dehydrogenation Properties of 2LiNH 2 -MgH 2 by Doping with Li 3 AlH 6[J]. Metals, 2017, 7: 34.
6. Yongjin Zou, Yubo Gao, Pengru Huang, Cuili Xiang, Hailiang Chu,Shujun Qiu, Erhu Yan, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun. Effects of the Preparation Solvent on the Catalytic Properties of Cobalt–Boron Alloy for the Hydrolysisof Alkaline Sodium Borohydride[J]. Metals, 2017, 7: 365.
7. Yongjin Zou, Yubo Gao, Pengru Huang, Cuili Xiang, Hailiang Chu, Shujun Qiu, Erhu Yan Fen Xu and Lixian Sun. Effects of the Preparation Solvent on the Catalytic Properties of Cobalt–Boron Alloy for the Hydrolysis of Alkaline Sodium Borohydride[J], Metals-Open Access Metallurgy Journal, 2017, 7 (9): 365.
8. Xu Zhang, Li Xian Sun, Jian Song, Ning Dua, Yong Heng Xing, Feng Ying Bai, Zhan Shi. Based on a V-shaped In(III) metal–organic framework (MOF): Design, synthesis and characterization of diverse physical and chemical[J]. Polyhedron, 2017, 134: 207-214.
9. Jianchuan Wang, Freysoldt Christoph, Yong Du, Lixian Sun. First-Principles Study of Intrinsic Defects in Ammonia Borane[J]. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 2017,121(41): 22680-22689.
10. Hao Dai, HongBin Dai, YuJie Zhong, Qing Kang, LiXian Sun, Ping Wang. Kinetics of catalytic decomposition of hydrous hydrazine over CeO2-supported bimetallic Ni-Pt nanocatalysts[J]. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 2017, 42:5684-5693.
11. Guiming Wu, Chunfeng Shao, Shujun Qiu, Hailiang Chu, Yongjin Zou, Cuili Xiang, Huanzhi Zhang, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun. Guanine-Derived Nitrogen-Doped Ordered Mesoporous Carbons for Lithium-Ion Battery Anodes[J]. Chemistryselect, 2017, 2(31): 10076-10081.
12. Yutaka Sawada, Yuta Hashimoto, Yoichi Hoshi, Satoru Kaneko, Takayuki Uchida, Shin-Ichi Kobayashi, Lixian Sun. Crystal Orientation and Electrical Properties of Al and Ga Co-Doped Zinc Oxide Transparent Conducting Films Deposited on Sapphire Surface[C]. DEStech Transactions on Engineering and Technology Research. 2017, 124.
13. Cuili Xiang, Qingyong Wang, Yongjin Zou, Pengru Huang, Hailiang Chu, Shujun Qiu, Fen Xu, LixianSun. Simple synthesis of graphene-doped flower-like cobalt-nickel-Tungsten-boron oxides with self-oxidation for high-performance supercapacitors. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2017, 5(20): 9907-9916.
14. Erru. Lixian Sun. Organic carbon gel assisted-synthesis of Li 1.2 Mn 0.6 Ni 0.2 O 2 for a high-performance cathode material for Li-ion batteries[J]. RSC Adv., 2017, 7: 1561–1566.
15. Chunfeng Shao, Ziqiang Wang, Errui Wang, Shujun Qiu, Hailiang Chu, Yongjing Zou, Cuili Xiang, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun. Self-assembly synthesis of nitrogen-doped mesoporous carbons used as high-performance electrode materials in lithium-ion batteries and supercapacitors[J]. New J. Chem., 2017, 41: 12901—12909.
16. Hongliang Peng, Zaiyong Mo, Dai Dang,Lixian Sun , Fen Xu, Shijun Liao. The influence of various models for doped carbon catalysts: ORR performance and real fuel cell test[J]. AdvNanoEnergy, 2017, 1(2): 122-134.
17. Lifang Song , Yongjin Zou, Haitao Zhang, Cuili Xiang, Hailiang Chu, Shujun Qiu, Erhu Yan, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun. High Performance Supercapacitor based on Polypyrrole Melamine Formaldehyde Resin Derived Carbon Material. [J] Int. J. Electrochem Sci. 2017, 12: 1014 – 1024.
18. Lifang Song, Yongjin Zou, Haitao Zhang, Cuili Xiang, Hailiang Chu, Shujun Qiu, Erhu Yan, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun. High Performance Supercapacitor based on Polypyrrole /Melamine Formaldehyde Resin Derived Carbon Material[J], 2017, 12 (2): 1014-1024.
19. Ting Chen, Cuili Xiang, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun. Electrodeposition of Chitosan Composite Film and its Application for Protein Conjugation [J]. Key Engineering Materials, 2017, 748 :103-107.
20. Xiang Li, Xuanbing Cheng, Mingxia Gao, Dawei Ren, Yongfeng Liu, Zhengxiao Guo, Congxiao Shang, Lixian Sun, Hongge Pan. Amylose-Derived Macrohollow Core and Microporous Shell Carbon Spheres as Sulfur Host for Superior Lithium−Sulfur Battery Cathodes[J]. acs applied materials and interfaces, 2017, 9: 10717-10729.
21. Fen Xu, Lixian Sun, Pengru Huang, Yujia Sun, Qian Zheng, Yongjin Zou, Hailing Chu, Erhu Yan, Huanzhi Zhang, Jianhuan Wang, Yong Du. A pyridine vapor sensor based on metal-organic framework-modified quartz crystal microbalance[J]. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2017, 254: 872-877.
22. Cuili Xiang, Ting Chen, Haitao Zhang, Yongjin Zou, Hailiang Chu, Huanzhi Zhang, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun, Chengying Tang. Growth of copper–benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxylate on boron nitride nanotubes and application of the composite in methane sensing.[J] APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2017, 1(424): 39-44.
23. Ying Yin, Haitao Zhang, Pengru Huang, Cuili Xiang, Yongjin Zou, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun. Inducement of nanoscale Cu–BTC on nanocomposite of PPy–rGO and its performance in ammonia sensing[J], Materials Research Bulletin , 2018, 99:152–160.
24. Yongjin Zou, Ying Yin, Haitao Zhang, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun. Preparation of polyaniline/Cu-BTC composite and its sensing application for ammonia[J], Key Engineering Materials, 2017, 748: 353-357.
25. Li Jing Zhang, Feng Ying Ba, Xue Gao, Ning Du, Yong Heng Xing, Li Xian Sun. Multifunctional indium complexes with fluorescent sensing and selective adsorption dye properties[J]. New J.Chem., 2017, 41: 6883-6892.
26. Ying Wang , Fen Xu, Li-Jing Zhang, Zhan Shi , Yong-Heng Xing , Feng-Ying Bai. Synthesis, structure, surface photovoltage spectra and photocatalytic activity of transition metal with triazine-pyrazole derivatives [J]. Journal of Molecular Structure, 2017, 1147 :281-288.
27. Jie Yan, Jue Chen Ni, Jin Xin Zhao, Li Xian Sun, Feng Ying Bai, Zhan Shi, Yong Heng Xing. The nitro aromatic compounds detection by triazole carboxylic acid and its complex with the fluorescent property[J]. TETRAHEDRON,2017, 73: 2682-2688.
28. Shuang Li, LiXian Sun, JueChen Ni, Zhan Shi, YongHeng Xing, Di Shang, FengYing Bai. Two uranyl heterocyclic carboxyl compounds with fluorescent properties as high sensitivity and selectivity optical detectors for nitroaromatics[J]. NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,2017, 41: 3072-3081.
29. Ying Wang, Lijing Zhang, Rui Zhang, Yu Jin, Yang Wang, Yongheng Xi, Fengying Bai, Lixian Sun. Porous metal-organic frameworks with 5-aminoisophthalic acid as platforms for functional applications about high photodegradation efficiency of phenol[J]. Crystal Growth & Design. 2017, 17(12): 6531-6540.
30. Hongliang Peng, Guanghua Wang, Pengru Huang, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun, Shijun Liao. Why nitrogen and fluorine co-doped carbon catalysts have high performance for oxygen reduction: experimental and theoretical study[J]. AdvNanoEnergy, 2017, 1(3): 135-149. [53] Yue Ma, Beibei Jiang, Chunling Li, Qing Wang, Chuang Dong, Peter K. Liaw, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun. The BCC/B2 Morphologies in AlxNiCoFeCr High-Entropy Alloys[J]. metals, 2017, 72: 1-12.
31. Fan Zhang, Shuhong Liu, Jianchuan Wang, Yong Du, Lixian Sun. Experimental investigation and thermodynamic assessment of the Li-Sb system[J]. CALPHAD: Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry,2017, 57: 28-36.
32. Beibei Jiang, Qing Wang, Donghui Wen, Fen Xu, Guoqing Chen, Chuang Dong,Lixian Sun, Peter K. Liaw. Effects of Nb and Zr on structural stabilities of Ti-Mo-Sn-based alloys with low modulus[J]. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2017 687: 1-7.
33. Jingyuan Fei, Lixian Sun, Cuifeng Zhou, Huajuan Ling, Feng Yan, Xia Zhong, Yuxiang Lu, Jeffrey Shi, Jun Huang, Zongwen Liu. Tuning the Synthesis of Manganese Oxides Nanoparticles for Efficient Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol[J]. NANOSCALE RESEARCH LETTERS, 2017, 12: 12-23.
34. BEIBEI JIANG, QING WANG, XIAONA LI, CHUANG DONG, FEN XU, HUAN HE, LIXIAN SUN. Structural Stability of the Metastable b-[(Mo0.5Sn0.5)- (Ti13Zr1)]Nb1 Alloy with Low Young’s Modulus at Different States[J]. METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A, 2017, 8A: 3912-3919.
35. Shuang Liu, Fen Xu, Lan-Tao Liu, Yan-Li Zhou, Wen-xian Zhao.Heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of Cr-MIL-101[J]. Cross Mark,2017, 129: 509-514.
36. Yang Wang, XiaoMeng Lin, FengYing Bai, LiXian Sun. Novel vanadium complexes with rigid carboxylate ligands: Synthesis, structure and catalytic bromine dynamics of phenol red[J]. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE, 2017, 1149: 379-386.
37. Ziyang Deng, Jianhua Zhou, Lei Miao, Chengyan Liu, Ying Peng, Sun, Lixian Sun, Sakae Tanemura. The emergence of solar thermal utilization: solar-driven steam generation[J]. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 2017,5: 7691-7709.
38. XiaoMeng Lin, XiaoDong Feng, Yang Wang, YongHeng Xing, LiXian Sun, SiYue Wei, Zhan Shi. Polyoxidovanadate complexes: synthesis, structures and catalytic oxidative bromination of phenol red[J]. JOURNAL OF COORDINATION CHEMISTRY, 2017, 70: 44-59.
1. Hao Dai, Hongbin Dai, Yujie Zhong, Qing Kang, Lixian Sun, Ping Wang. Kinetics of catalytic decomposition of hydrous hydrazine over CeO2-supported bimetallic Ni-Pt nanocatalysts[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 42 (9): 5684-5693.
2. Yujia Sun , Lixian Sun, Dawei Feng, Hong-Cai Zhou. An In Situ One-Pot Synthetic Approach towards Multivariate Zirconium MOFs. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2016, 55(22): 6471-6475.
3. Chengli Jiao, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu, Shu-Sheng Liu, Jian Zhang, Xia Jiang, Lini Yang. NiCo nanoalloy encapsulated in graphene layers for improving hydrogen storage properties of LiAlH4. Sci. Rep., 2016, 6.
4. Jianchuan Wang, Yong Du, Lixian Sun. Ca-decorated novel boron sheet: A potential hydrogen storage medium. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41(10): 5276-5283.
5. Jinghua Xin, Jianchuan Wang, Yong Du, Lixian Sun, Baiyun Huang. Site preference and diffusion of hydrogen during hydrogenation of Mg: A first-principles study. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41(5): 3508-3516.
6. Jiaxun Zhang, Yongfeng Liu, Xin Zhang, Yaxiong Yang, Qihang Zhang, Ting Jin, Yuxuan Wang, Mingxia Gao, Lixian Sun, Hongge Pan. Synthesis of CsH and its effect on the hydrogen storage properties of the Mg(NH2)(2)-2LiH system. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41(26): 11264-11274.
7. Ziqiang Wang, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu, Huaiying Zhou, Xiaojun Peng, Dalin Sun, Jianchuan Wang, Yong Du. Nitrogen-doped porous carbons with high performance for hydrogen storage. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41(20): 8489-8497.
8. Erhu Yan, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu, Daming Xu, Shujun Qiu, Cuili Xiang, Huanzhi Zhang, Yixin Sun. Changes in microstructure, solidification path and hydrogen permeability of Nb-Hf-Co alloy by adjusting Hf/Co ratio. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41: 1391-1400.
9. Erhu Yan, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu, Yongjin Zou, Hailiang Chu, Huanzhi Zhang, Yixin Sun. Changes in microstructures and hydrogen permeability of Nb30Hf35Co35 eutectic alloy membranes by annealing. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41: 1341-1407.
10. Yongjin Zou, Yubo Gao, Cuili Xiang, Hailiang Chu, Shujun Qiu, Erhu Yan , Fen Xu, Chengying Tang, Lixian Sun. Cobalt-Nickel-Boron Supported over Polypyrrole-Derived Activated Carbon for Hydrolysis of Ammonia Borane. Metals, 2016, 6: 154-166.
11. Yongjin Zou, Qingyong Wang, Dadi Jiang, Cuili Xiang, Hailiang Chu, Shujun Qiu, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun, et al. Pd-doped TiO2@polypyr role core-shell composites as hydrogen-sensing materials. Ceramics International, 2016, 42(7): 8257-8262.
12. Yongjin Zou, Qingyong Wang, Cuili Xiang, Chengying Tang, Hailiang Chu, Shujun Qiu, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun. Doping composite of polyaniline and reduced graphene oxide with palladium nanoparticles for room-temperature hydrogen-gas sensing. International Journal Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41(11): 5396-5404.
13. Shujun Qiu, Jianling Huang, Feihong Shen, Rui Pang, Hailiang Chu, Yongjin Zou, Cuilin Xiang, Erhu Yan, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun. Enhancement of the electrochemical performance of CoB amorphous alloy through the addition of A2B7-type alloy. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41(36): 16142-16147
14. Shujun Qiu, Jianling Huang, Feihong Shen, Rui Pang, Hailiang Chu, Yongjin Zou, Cuili Xiang, Fen Xu, Yong Du, Jianchuan Wang, Lixian Sun , Huaiying Zhou. Ternary Co-Ni-B amorphous alloy with a superior electrochemical performance in a wide temperature range. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41(6): 3955-3960
15. Shujun Qiu, Hailiang Chu, Yongjin Zou, Cuili Xiang, Huanzhi Zhang, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu. Thermochemical studies of Rhodamine B and Rhodamine 6G by modulated differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetric analysis. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2016, 123(2): 1611-1618.
16.Weiong Qi, LiXian Sun, FenXu, YongJin Zou, HaiLiang Chu. PtCo nanoparticles supported on carbon for hydrolysis of ammonia borane. Materials Science Forum, 2016, 852, 252-256.
17. TianBao Yang, LiXian Sun, Fen Xu, ZiQiang Wang. Microwave synthesis of mofs/graphene oxide composites and hydrogen storage properties. Materials Science Forum, 2016, 852: 835-840.
18.Zhijie Cao, Liuzhang Ouyang, Hui Wang, Jiangwen Liu, Lixian Sun, Michael Felderhoff, Min Zhu. Development of ZreFeeV alloys for hybrid hydrogen storage system. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2016, Accepted.
19. Ziqiang Wang, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu, Xiaojun Peng, Yongjin Zou, Hailiang Chu, Liuzhang Ouyang, Min Zhu. Synthesis of N-doped hierarchical carbon spheres for CO2 capture and supercapacitors. Rsc Adv., 2016, 6(2): 1422-1427.
20. Xia Jiang, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu. ZIF-8 Derived Graphene-Based Nitrogen-Doped Porous Carbonas Highly Efficient Supercapacitor Electrodes. Materials Science Forum, 2016, 852, 829-834.
22. Xinyuan Gu, Feilong Wu, Bingbing Lei, Jing Wang, Ziliang Chen, Kai Xie, Yun Song, Dalin Sun, Lixian Sun, Huaiying Zhou, Fang Fang. Three-dimensional nitrogen-doped graphene frameworks anchored with bamboo-like tungsten oxide nanorods as high performance anode materials for lithium ion batteries. J. Power Sources, 2016, 320: 231-238.
23. Liqiang Huang, Lie Chen, Pengru Huang, Feiyan Wu, Licheng Tan, Shuqin Xiao, Wei Zhong, Lixian Sun, Yiwang Chen. Triple Dipole Effect from Self-Assembled Small-Molecules for High Performance Organic Photovoltaics.Adv. Mater., 2016, 28(24): 4852-4860.
24. Qingyong Wang, Yongjin Zou, Cuili Xiang, Hailiang Chu, Erhu Yan, Lixian Sun, et al. Prussian-Blue-Doped Super-Activated Carbon as a High Performance Supercapacitor Electrode Material. International Journal Electrochemistry Science, 2016, 11: 5679-5690.
25. Qingyong Wang, Yongjin Zou, Cuili Xiang, Hailiang Chu, Huanzhi Zhang, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun, Chengying Tang. High-performance supercapacitor based on V2O5/carbon nanotubes-super activated carbon ternary composite. Ceramics International, 2016, 42: 12129-12135.
26. Yongjin Zou, Qingyong Wang, Cuili Xiang, Zhe She, Hailiang Chu, Shujun Qiu,Fen Xu, Shusheng Liu, Chengying Tang, Lixian Sun. One-pot synthesis of ternary polypyrrole-Prussian-blue-graphene-oxide hybrid composite as electrode material for high-performance supercapacitors. Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 188: 126-134.
27. Shujun Qiu , Jianling Huang , Hailiang Chu, Yongjin Zou, Cuili Xiang, Erhu Yan, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun.The Co-B Amorphous Alloy: A High Capacity Anode Material for an Alkaline Rechargeable Battery. Metals, 2016, 6: 269.
1. Da-Wei Zhuang, Hong-Bin Dai, Yu-Jie Zhong, Li-Xian Sun, Ping Wang. A new reactivation method towards deactivation of honeycomb ceramic monolith supported cobaltemolybdenumeboron catalyst in hydrolysis of sodium borohydride. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2015,40: 9373-9381.
2. Zhijie Cao, Liuzhang Ouyang, Hui Wanga, Jiangwen Liu, Lixian Sun, Min Zhu. Composition design of Ti–Cr–Mn–Fe alloys for hybrid high-pressure metal hydride tanks. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 639: 452–457.
3. Yu-Jie Zhong, Hong-Bin Dai, Yuan-Yuan Jiang, De-Min Chen, Min Zhu, Li-Xian Sun, Ping Wang. Highly efficient Ni@NiePt/La2O3 catalyst for hydrogen generation from hydrous hydrazine decomposition: Effect of NiePt surface alloying. Journal of Power Sources, 2015, 300: 294-300.
4. Daifeng Wua, Liuzhang Ouyang, Cong Wua, Hui Wanga, Jiangwen Liu, Lixian Sun, Min Zhu. Phase transition and hydrogen storage properties of Mg–Ga alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 642: 180-184.
5.Jian Song, Cheng-Ren Li, Qi Xu, Xue-Ting Xu, Li-Xian Sun, Yong-Heng Xing. Synthesis, crystal structure, photoluminescence property of a series of 3d–4f coordination supramolecular complexes. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2015, 150: 308-315.
6.Hailiang Chu, Shujun Qiu, Yongjin Zou, Cuili Xiang, Huanzhi Zhang, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun, Huaiying Zhou. Improvement on Hydrogen Desorption Performance of Calcium Borohydride Diammoniate Doped with Transition Metal Chlorides. J. Phys. Chem. C, 2015, 119(2): 913−918.
7.Hailiang Chu, Shujun Qiu, Lixian Sun, Jacques Huot. Enhancement of the initial hydrogenation of Mg by ball milling with alkali metal amides MNH2 (M= Li or Na). Dalton Trans. 2015, 44(38): 16694-16697.
8.Shujun Qiu, Jianling Huang, Hailiang Chu, Yongjin Zou, Cuili Xiang, Huanzhi Zhang, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun , Liuzhang Ouyang, Huaiying Zhou. Influence of Zr Addition on Structure and Performance of Rare Earth Mg-Based Alloys as Anodes in Ni/MH Battery. Metals, 2015, 5(2): 565-577.
9.Shujun Qiu, Jianling Huang, Hailiang Chu, Yongjin Zou, Cuili Xiang, Huanzhi Zhang, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun, Huaiying Zhou. Influence of boron introduction on structure and electrochemical hydrogen storage properties of Ti–V-based alloys. J. Alloys Compd. 2015, 648: 320-325.
10.Jianling Huang, Shujun Qiu, Hailiang Chu, Yongjin Zou, Cuili Xiang, Huanzhi Zhang, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun, Liuzhang Ouyang, Huaiying Zhou. Enhancement of the electrochemical properties of rare earth-based alloy by doping with CoZnB alloy. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2015, 40:14178.
11.Jun Cheng, CuiliXiang, YongjinZoun, HailiangChu, ShujunQiu, HuanzhiZhang, Lixian Sun, FenXu. Highly active nanoporous Co–B–TiO2 framework fo rhydrolysis of NaBH4, Ceramics International, 2015, 41: 899-905.
12.Cuili Xiang, Jun Cheng, Zhe She, Yongjin Zou, Hailiang Chu, Shujun Qiu, Huanzhi Zhang, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu. Fabrication and characterization of a novel nanoporous Co–Ni–W–B catalyst for rapid hydrogen generation. RSC Advances, 2015,5: 163-166.
13.Cuili Xiang, Dadi Jiang, Zhe She, Yongjin Zou, Hailiang Chu, Shujun Qiu, Huanzhi Zhang, Fen Xu, Chengying Tang, Lixian Sun. Hydrogen generation by hydrolysis of alkaline sodium borohydride using a cobalt-zinc-boron/graphene nanocomposite treated with sodium hydroxide.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2015,40: 4111-4118.
14.Cuili Xiang, Dadi Jiang, Yongjin Zoua, Hailiang Chu, Shujun Qiu, Huanzhi Zhang, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun , Liangjun Zheng. Ammonia sensor based on polypyrrole–graphene nanocomposite decorated with titania nanoparticles, Ceramics International, 2015,41: 6432–6438.
15.Cuili Xiang, Ran Li, Bimalendu Adhikari, Zhe She, Yongxin Li, Heinz-Bernhard Kraatz. Sensitive electrochemical detection of Salmonella with chitosan–gold nanoparticles composite film, Talanta, 2015, 140: 122-127.
16.Yongjin Zou, Jun Cheng, Cuili Xiang, Hailiang Chu, Shujun Qiu, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun, Liangjun Zheng. Preparation, Characterization of Polypyrrole Encapsulated Prussian Blue Nanocomposite and Its Application for Biosensing, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2015,10: 4626 – 4636.
17.Yongjin Zou, Jun Cheng, Qingyong Wang, Cuili Xiang, Hailiang Chu, Shujun Qiu, Huanzhi Zhang, Fen Xu, Shusheng Liu, Chengying Tang, Lixian Sun. Cobalt-boron/nickel-boron nanocomposite with improved catalytic performance for the hydrolysis of ammonia borane, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2015,40: 13423-13430.
18.Wei Pan, Meiqiang Fan, Yongjin Zou. High-capacity graphene/sulfur/polyaniline ternary composite cathodes with stable cycling performance, Electrochimica Acta, 2015, 174: 963-969.
19.Huanzhi Zhang, Yongjin Zou, Yujia Sun, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu, Jian Zhang, Huaiying Zhou. A novel thermal-insulating film incorporating microencapsulated phase-change materials for temperature regulation and nano-TiO2 for UV-blocking. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2015, 137: 210-218.
20.Siyue Wei, Fengying Bai, Yanan Hou, Xiaoxi Zhang, Xueting Xu, Jixiao Wang, Huanzhi Zhang, Yongheng Xing. Design, synthesis and structure of uranyl coordination polymers from 2-D layer to 3-D network structure, Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2015, 3(68): 507-519
21.Erhu Yan, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu, Daming Xu, Shujun Qiu, Cuili Xiang, Huanzhi Zhang, Yixin Sun. Changes in microstructure, solidification path and hydrogen permeability of Nb-Hf-Co alloy by adjusting Hf/Co ratio. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2015: 1-10
22.Erhu Yan, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu, Yongjin Zou, Hailiang Chu, Huanzhi Zhang, Yixin Sun. Changes in microstructures and hydrogen permeability of Nb30Hf35Co35 eutectic alloy membranes by annealing. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2015: 1-7
23.闫二虎,孙立贤,徐芬,李新中,郭景杰. Nb-Ni-Ti三元合金渗氢膜的研究进展,材料导报, 2015, 29(5):86-91.
24.刘双,孙立贤,徐芬,张箭,邹勇进. Cr-MOFs/氧化石墨烯复合材料H2及CO2储存研究,电源技术, 2015, 39(8):1664-1667.
25.李志宝,孙立贤,徐芬,褚海亮,周怀营. MgH2/PMMA复合储氢材料的制备及其脱氢研究,电源技术, 2015,39(8): 1668-1671
26.刘昊,孙立贤,徐芬,李志宝,曹忠.高活性Al-LiBH4-Bi铝基复合制氢材料,电源技术, 2015, 39 (11): 2409-2412.
27.王爽,孙立贤.基于铝水反应的新型制氢复合材料研究电源技术, 2015, 39 (5): 925-927
28.向翠丽,蒋大地,邹勇进,褚海亮,邱树君,孙立贤.基于TiO2的气体传感器研究进展.传感器与微系统, 2015, 34(6): 1-6.
29.向翠丽,蒋大地,邹勇进,郑良军,褚海亮,孙立贤.甲/乙醇气体传感器的研究进展.传感器与微系统, 2015,34(8): 5-8.
30.褚海亮等. Mg(BH4)2-NaNH2体系的加热放氢性能研究.材料导报B:研究篇, 2015, 29(10): 56-59.
31.王志楠,王继虓,宋摇健,高摇雪,冯晓东,孙立贤,邢永恒.三嗪吡唑类配位超分子化合物的合成、结构及光催化活性.高等学校化学学报, 2015,36(8): 1478-1484
32.Cuili Xiang, Zhe She, Yongjin Zou, Jun Cheng, Hailiang Chu, Shujun Qiu, Huanzhi Zhang, Lixian Sun*, Fen Xu, A room-temperature hydrogen sensor based on Pd nanoparticles doped TiO2 nanotubes, Ceramics International, 2014, 40: 16343–16348 (SCI, Q2)
33.Tao Wu, Fen Xu, Li-Xian Sun, Zhong Cao, Hai-Liang Chu, Yu-Jia Sun, Ling Wang, Pei-Hai Chen, Jiao Chen, Ying Pang, Yong-Jin Zou, Shu-Jun Qiu, Cui-Li Xiang, Huan-Zhi Zhang, Al-Li3AlH6: A novel composite with high activity for hydrogen generation, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39: 10392–10398 (SCI, Q1)
34.Jianchuan Wang, Yong Du, Lixian Sun, Xinhai Li, Effects of F and Cl on the stability of MgH2, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39: 877–883 (SCI, Q1)
35.Hailiang Chu, Shujun Qiu, Lixian Sun, and Guotao Wu, Improved hydrogen desorption properties of Li-Ca-B-N-H system catalyzed by cobalt containing species, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2014, 6: 005-1–005-9 (SCI, Q4)
36.Fen Xu, Lixian Sun, Xiaofen Lan, Hailiang Chu, Yujia Sun, Huaiying Zhou, Fen Li, Lini Yang, Xiaoliang Si, Jian Zhang, Serge Walter, Zelimir Gabelica, Mechanism of fast hydrogen generation from pure water using AleSnCl2 and bi-doped AleSnCl2 composites, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39:5514–5521(SCI, Q1)
37.XueTing Xu, Cong Liu, XinRui Zhang, YongHeng Xing, HuanZhi Zhang*, FengYing Bai, Synthesis, structure, fluorescence spectra study of two kinds of coordination supramolecular zinc compounds, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2014, 127: 136(SCI, Q2)
38.Yongjin Zou, Cuili Xiang, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu, Huaiying Zhou, Ultrasensitive Prostate Specific Antigen Immunosensor Based on Gold Nanoparticles Functionalized Polypyrrole@Carbon Nanotubes, Asian Journal of Chemistry; 2014, 26:8002-8006(SCI, Q4)
39.Si Yue Wei, Feng Ying Bai, Ge Song, Ya Nan Hou, Xue Ting Xu, Xiao Xi Zhang, Huan Zhi Zhang ,Yong Heng Xing, Design, synthesis, structural and spectra characterize of Metal (II) Formate complexes [M(O2CH)2]·n(Solvent) (M =Mn, Cu), 2014, 2:5-10
40.Hailiang Chu, Shujun Qiu, Lin Liu, Yongjin Zou, Cuili Xiang, Huanzhi Zhang, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun, Huaiying Zhou, Guotao Wu*, Significantly enhanced dehydrogenation properties of calcium borohydride combined with urea, Dalton Trans., 2014, 43:15291-15294(SCI, Q1)
41.Zhijun Duan, Huanzhi Zhang, Lixian Sun, Zhong Cao, Fen Xu, Yongjin Zou, Hailiang Chu, Shujun Qiu, Cuili Xiang, Huaiying Zhou, CaCl2·6H2O/Expanded graphite composite as form-stable phase change materials for thermal energy storage, J Therm. Anal. Calorim., 2014, 115:111–117 (SCI, Q2)
42.王凌,徐芬,孙立贤,褚海亮, AlCl3对4MgH2-Li3AlH6体系脱氢性能的影响,材料导报, 2014, 12: 58-61
43.陈娇,张焕芝,孙立贤,焦庆祝,徐芬,陈培海,吴涛, CaCl2·6H2O/多孔Al2O3复合相变材料的制备与热性能,应用化工, 2014, 43: 590-593
44.李志宝,孙立贤,张莹洁,徐芬,褚海亮,邹勇进,张焕芝,周怀营,张箭, MgH2储氢热力学研究进展,中国科学:化学, 2014, 44: 964-972(SCI, Q2)
45.陈培海,张焕芝,孙立贤,曹忠,徐芬,陈娇,吴涛,正十八烷/凹凸棒土复合相变储能材料的制备及热性能研究,材料导报, 2014, 28: 62-66
1.刘双,孙立贤*,徐芬,张箭,焦成丽,李芬,李志宝,王爽, Z. Wang,姜侠,周怀营, L. Yang, C. Schick, Nanosized Cu-MOFs induced by graphene oxide and enhanced gas storage capacity, Energy & Environmental Science, 6 (2013) 818.
2.李芬, J. Gao,张箭,徐芬, J. Zhao,孙立贤*, Graphene oxide and lithium amidoborane: a new way to bridge chemical and physical approaches for hydrogen storage, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 1 (2013) 8016.影响因子:6.101
3.焦成丽,李芬,张箭,李志宝,王爽, Z. Wang, H. Yu,刘双,姜侠,孙立贤*,徐芬, Syntheses, structures and chemical sensing properties of three complexes with mixed ligands of carboxylate and bipyridine, Dalton Trans, 42 (2013) 1346-1351.影响因子:3.806
4.S. Biswas,张箭,李志宝, Y.Y. Liu, M. Grzywa,孙立贤*, D. Volkmer, P. Van Der Voort, Enhanced selectivity of CO(2) over CH(4) in sulphonate-, carboxylate- and iodo-functionalized UiO-66 frameworks, Dalton Trans, 42 (2013) 4730-4737.影响因子:3.806
5.李芬,孙立贤*, J. Zhao,徐芬,周怀营, Q.-M. Zhang, F.-L. Huang, Mechanisms of H2 generation for metal doped Al16M (M = Mg and Bi) clusters in water, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38 (2013) 6930-6937.影响因子:3.548
6.刘淑生,李志宝, Jiao, Cheng-Li,徐芬,孙立贤*, Improved reversible hydrogen storage of LiAlH4 by nano-sized TiH2, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2013, 38: 2770-2777.影响因子:3.548
7.向翠丽,邹勇进, S. Qiu,孙立贤*,徐芬,周怀营, Bienzymatic glucose biosensor based on direct electrochemistry of cytochrome c on gold nanoparticles/polyaniline nanospheres composite, Talanta, 110 (2013) 96-100.影响因子:3.498
8.孟新,张焕芝,孙立贤*,徐芬; Jiao, Q. Z., Zhao, Z. M.,张箭,周怀营, Sawada, Y., Liu, Y. L., Preparation and thermal properties of fatty acids/CNTs composite as shape-stabilized phase change materials. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 2013, 111, (1), 377-384.
9.张慧, Z. Cao,孙立贤**, Y.-J. Sun,徐芬, H. Liu,张箭, Z.-Q. Huang,姜侠, Z.-B. Li,刘双, S.Wang, C.-L. Jiao,周怀营, Y. Sawada, Improved dehydrogenation/rehydrogenation performance of LiBH4 by doping mesoporous Fe2O3 or/and TiF3, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 112 (2013) 1407-1414.
10.Zhou, Yi-Xi,孙立贤*, Cao, Zhong, et al. Heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of Ni-9(btz)(12)(DMA)(6)(NO3)(6), International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2013, 111 : 1603-1608.
11.Wang, Cai-yun,徐芬,孙立贤*, et al.Influences of levofloxacin salts on the metabolism of Escherichia coli by microcalorimetry, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2013, 111: 959-963
12.李佳洁,徐芬,司晓亮,孙立贤*, et al. Heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of [Co(AIP)(BPY)(0.5)center dot H2O](n)center dot 2nH(2)O, THERMOCHIMICA ACTA, 2013, 566 : 15-18.
13.刘昊,徐芬,孙立贤*,曹忠,周怀营, Al-LiBH4复合材料的制备与产氢性能,高等学校化学学报, (2013) 1953-1958.
14.向翠丽,邹勇进,邱树君,褚海亮,孙立贤*,徐芬,基于碳纳米材料载体的氢气传感器,化学进展, (2013) 270-275.
15.邹勇进,向翠丽,邱树君,褚海亮,孙立贤*,徐芬,纳米限域的储氢材料,化学进展, (2013) 115-121.
16.王凌,徐芬,孙立贤*,褚海亮, AlCl3对4MgH2-Li3AlH6体系脱氢性能的影响,材料导报, (2013) 58-61.
1.宋莉芳,张箭,孙立贤*,徐芬,李芬,张焕芝,司晓亮,焦成丽,李志宝, Liu, S., Liu, Y. L.,周怀营; Sun, D. L., Du, Y., Cao, Z.,Gabelica, Z., Mesoporous metal-organic frameworks: design and applications. Energy & Environmental Science 2012, 5, (6), 7508-7520.影响因子:11.653
2.张箭,孙立贤*,徐芬,李芬,周怀营, Liu, Y. L., Gabelica, Z., Schick, C., H-2 storage and CO2 capture on a nanoscale metal organic framework with high thermal stability. Chemical Communications 2012, 48, (5), 759-761.影响因子:6.378
3.司晓亮,张箭,李芬,焦成丽,王爽,刘双,李志宝,周怀营,孙立贤*,徐芬, Adjustable structure transition and improved gases (H-2, CO2) adsorption property of metal-organic framework MIL-53 by encapsulation of BNHx. Dalton Transactions 2012, 41, (11), 3119-3122.影响因子:3.806
4.张箭,孙立贤*,徐芬,李芬,周怀营, Huang, F. L., Gabelica, Z., Schick, C., Hydrogen storage and selective carbon dioxide capture in a new chromium(III)-based infinite coordination polymer. Rsc Advances 2012, 2, (7), 2939-2945.
[66]王爽,孙立贤*,徐芬,焦成丽,张箭,周怀营, Huang, F. L., Hydrolysis reaction of ball-milled Mg-metal chlorides composite for hydrogen generation for fuel cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2012, 37, (8), 6771-6775.影响因子:3.548
5.姜侠, C.-L. Jiao, Y.-J. Sun, Z.-B. Li,刘双,张箭, Z.-Q. Wang,孙立贤**,徐芬,周怀营, Y. Sawada, Heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of Co(3,5-PDC)(H2O), Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 112 (2012) 1579-1585.
6.Lifang Song, Shuang Wang, Chengli Jiao, Xiaoliang Si, Zhibao Lia, Shuang Liu, Shusheng Liu, Chunhong Jiang, Fen Li, Jian Zhang, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu and Fenglei Huang, Thermodynamics study of hydrogen storage materials, J. Chem. Thermodynamics 2012 (46) 86-93
7.Jian Zhang, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu, Fen Li, Huai-Ying Zhou, Ying-Liang Liu, Zelimir Gabelica and Christoph Schick, H2 storage and CO2 capture on a nanoscale metal organic framework with high thermal stability, Chem. Commun. 2012 (48) 759-761
8.Meiqiang Fan, Shu Liu, Li-Xian Sun, Fen Xu, Shuang Wang, Jian Zhang, Desheng Mei, Fenlei Huang and Qingming Zhang, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 2012 (37) 4571–4579.
1.Shu-Sheng Liu, Li-Xian Sun , Fen Xu, Jian Zhang, Zhong Cao and Ying-Liang Liu, Improved dehydrogenation of MgH2-Li3AlH6 mixture with TiF3 addition, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 2011 (36) 11785-11793
2.Julan Zeng, Saibo Yu, Zhong Cao, Daowu Yang, Lixian Sun, Ling Zhang and Xiongfei Zhang, Synthesize, crystal structure, heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of a potential enantioselective catalyst, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2011 (105) 961-968
3.Meiqiang Fan, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu, Desheng Mei, Da Chen, Wenxiang Chai, Fenlei Huang and Qingming Zhang, Microstructure of Al–Li alloy and its hydrolysis as portable hydrogen source for proton-exchange membrane fuel cells, Int J Hydrogen Energy 2011 (36) 9791-9798
4.Lifang Song, Chunhong Jiang, Shusheng Liu, Chengli Jiao, Xiaoliang Si, Shuang Wang, Fen Li, Jian Zhang, Lixian Sun and Fen Xu and Fenglei Huang, Progress in improving thermodynamics and kinetics of new hydrogen storage materials, Frontiers of Physics 2011 (6) 151-161
5.Fen Li, Jijun Zhao and Lixian Sun, Substitution effects on the hydrogen storage behavior of AB2 alloys by first principles, Frontiers of Physics 2011 (6) 214-219
6.Xiao-liang Si, Li-xian Sun, Fen Xu, Cheng-li Jiao, Fen Li, Shu-sheng Liu, Jian Zhang, Li-fang Song, Chun-hong Jiang, Shuang Wang, Ying-Liang Liu, Yutaka Sawada, Improved hydrogen desorption properties of ammonia borane by Ni-modified metal-organic frameworks, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 2011 (36)6698-6704
7.Julan Zeng, Saibo Yu, Bo Tong, Lixian Sun, Zhicheng Tan, Zhong Cao, Daowu Yang and Jingnan Zhang, Heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of (S)-tert-butyl 1-phenylethylcarbamate, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2011 (103) 1087-1093
8.Chunhong Jiang, Lifang Song, Chengli Jiao, Jian Zhang, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu, Huanzhi Zhang, Qingyang Xu and Zelimir Gabelica, Determination of heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of two structurally unrelated but isotypic calcium and manganese(II) 2,6-naphthalene dicarboxylate-based MOFs, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2011 (103) 1095-1103
9.Mei Qiang Fan, Li Xian Suna, Fen Xu, Hydrogen production for micro-fuel-cell from activated Al–Sn–Zn–X (X: hydride or halide) mixture in water, Renewable Energy 2011 (36) 519-524
10.Lifang Song, Chengli Jiao, Chunhong Jiang, Jian Zhang, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu, Qingzhu Jiao, Yongheng Xing, Fenglei Huang and Yong Du, et al. Heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of MgNDC, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2011 (103) 365-372
11.Chunhong Jiang, Lifang Song, Chengli Jiao, Jian Zhang, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu, Yong Du and Zhong Cao, Exceptional thermal stability and thermodynamic properties of lithium based metal–organic framework, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2011 (103) 373-380
12.Miao Yang, Junning Zhao, Qingshan Liu, Lixian Sun, Peifang Yan, Zhicheng Tan and Urs Welz-Biermann, Low-temperature heat capacities of 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(oxalato)borate ionic liquids and the influence of anion structural characteristics on thermodynamic properties, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2011 (13) 199-206
13.Xiaoliang Si, Chengli Jiao, Fen Li, Jian Zhang, Shuang Wang, Shuang Liu, Zhibao Li, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu, Zelimir Gabelica and Christoph Schick, High and selective CO2 uptake, H2 storage and methanol sensing on the amine-decorated 12-connected MOF CAU-1, Energy Environ. Sci. 2011 (4) 4522-4527
14.Dehui Deng, Liang Yu, Xiulian Pan, Shuang Wang, Xiaoqi Chen, P. Hu, Lixian Sun and Xinhe Bao, Size effect of graphene on electrocatalytic activation of oxygen, Chem. Commun. 2011 (47) 10016-10018
15.Jianchuan Wang, Yong Du, Honghui Xu, Chao Jiang, Yi Kong, Lixian Sun and Zhikui Liu, Native defects in LiNH2: A first-principles study, Phys. Rev. B 2011 (84) 024107-024116
16.Xiaoliang Si, Fen Li, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu, Shusheng Liu, Jian Zhang, Min Zhu, Liu-Zhang Ouyang, Dalin Sun, and Ying-Liang Liu, Metals (Ni, Fe)-Incorporated Titanate Nanotubes Induced Destabilization of LiBH4, J. Phys. Chem. C 2011 (115) 9780–9786
17.Xie Chun-Lin, Liu Ying-Liang, Sun Li-Xian, Qiu, Qiu Hui-Hua, Xiao Yong, Wu Yong-Jian, Jin Quan, and Wang Hai-Bo, Chemical Activation and Hydrogen Storage Properties of Mesoporous Carbon CMK-3, CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 2011 (12) 2395-2400.
1.Chunhong Jiang, Lifang Song, Jian Zhang, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu, Fen Li, Qingzhu Jiao, Zhengang Sun, Yongheng Xing and Yong Du, et al., Thermodynamic properties and heat capacities of Co (BTC)1/3 (DMF) (HCOO), J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2010 (102) 1087-1093
2.Chengli Jiao, Lifang Song, Chunhong Jiang, Jian Zhang, Xiaoliang Si, Shujun Qiu, Shuang Wang, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu and Fen Li, et al., Low-temperature heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of Mn3(HEDTA)2·10H2O, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2010 (102) 1155-1160
3.Lifang Song, Chunhong Jiang, Chengli Jiao, Jian Zhang, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu, Qingzhu Jiao, Yongheng Xing, Yong Du and Zhong Cao, et al., Heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of one manganese-based MOFs, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2010 (102) 1161-1166
4.Lifang Song, Chunhong Jiang, Chengli Jiao, Jian Zhang, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu, Wansheng You, Zhonggang Wang and Jijun Zhao, Two New Metal−Organic Frameworks with Mixed Ligands of Carboxylate and Bipyridine: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Sensing for Methanol, Cryst. Growth Des. 2010 (12) 5020-5023
5.Fen Xu, Lixian Sun, Jian Zhang, Yanni Qi, Lini Yang, Huiying Ru, Caiyun Wang, Xin Meng, Xiaofen Lan and Qingzhu Jiao, et al., Thermal stability of carbon nanotubes, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2010 (102) 785-791
6.Xiaochen Zhao, Aiqin Wang, Jingwang Yan, Gongquan Sun, Lixian Sun, and Tao Zhang, Synthesis and Electrochemical Performance of Heteroatom-Incorporated Ordered Mesoporous Carbons, Chem. Mater. 2010 (19) 5463-5473
7.Xiumei Liu, Junning Zhao, Qingshan Liu, Lixian Sun§, Zhicheng Tan and Urs Welz-Biermann, Heat Capacity and Thermodynamic Properties of Sulfonate-Containing Zwitterions, J. Chem. Eng. Data 2010 (10) 4260-4266
8.Junning Zhao, Lixian Sun and Zhicheng Tan, Low-Temperature Heat Capacities and Thermodynamic Properties of N-Benzyloxycarbonyl-l-3-phenylalanine (C17H17NO4), J. Chem. Eng. Data 2010 (10) 4267-4272
9.Qingshan Liu, Junning Zhao, Jing Tong, Lixian Sun, Zhicheng Tan and Urs Welz-Biermann, Thermodynamic Properties of 1-Propyl-3-methylimidazolium Glutamic Acid Salt, J. Chem. Eng. Data 2010 (9) 4036-4038
10.Z. H. Zhang, T. Cui, J. L. Zhang, H. Xiong, G. P. Li, L. X. Sun, F. Xu, Z. Cao, F. Li and J. J. Zhao, Thermodynamic investigation of room temperature ionic liquid The heat capacity and thermodynamic functions of BMIPF6, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2010 (101) 1143-1148
11.Meiqiang Fan, Shusheng Liu, Yao Zhang, Jian Zhang, Lixian Sun and Fen Xu, Superior hydrogen storage properties of MgH2–10 wt.% TiC composite, Energy 2010 (35) 3417-3421
12.Shusheng Liu, Lixian Sun, Jian Zhang, Yao Zhang, Fen Xu, Yongheng Xing, Fen Li, Jijun Zhao, Yong Du, Wangyu Hu, Huiqiu Deng, Hydrogen storage properties of destabilized MgH2–Li3AlH6 system, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 2010 (35) 8122-8129
13.L.Z. Ouyanga, Y.J. Wena, Y.J. Xua, X.S. Yanga, L.X. Sunb, M. Zhu, The effect of Ni and Al addition on hydrogen generation of Mg3La hydrides via hydrolysis, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 2010 (35) 8161-8165
14.Fen Xu, Shujun Qiu, Jianguo Liang, Ruihua Wu, Lixian Sun and Fen Li, Low Temperature Heat Capacity and Thermal Analysis of Caffeine, Theophylline and Aminophylline, ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA 2010 (26) 2096-2012
15.Meiqiang Fan, Lixian Sun and Fen Xu, Synergistic Catalytic Effects of Carbon Nanotube and Nano-Sized TiO2 on the Hydrogen Sorption of Magnesium Hydride, ASIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 2010 (22) 6231-6238
16.Meiqiang Fan, Lixian Sun and Fen Xu, Improved hydrogenation properties of Mg-x(Ti0.9 Zr0.2 Mn1.5 Cr0.3) composites, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 2010 (20) 1447-1451
17.Meiqiang Fan, Lixian Sun and Fen Xu, Experiment assessment of hydrogen production from activated aluminum alloys in portable generator for fuel cell applications, Energy 2010 (35) 2922-2926
18.Lifang Song, Chunhong Jiang, Jian Zhang, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu, Yunqi Tian, Wansheng You, Zhong Cao, Ling Zhang and Daowu Yang, Heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of MgBTC, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2010 (101) 365-370
19.J. L. Zeng, Z. Cao, D. W. Yang, L. X. Sun and L. Zhang, Thermal conductivity enhancement of Ag nanowires on an organic phase change material, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2010 (101) 385-389
20.Shusheng Liu, Yao Zhang, Lixian Sun , Jian Zhang, Junning Zhao, Fen Xu, Fenglei Huang, The dehydrogenation performance and reaction mechanisms of Li3AlH6 with TiF3 additive, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 2010 (35) 4554-4561
21.Meiqiang Fan, Lixian Sun and Fen Xu, Low-Temperature Heat Capacities and Thermal Stability of New Antidepressant [5-Amino-4-(3-indoly)-3-methyl Pyrazole], ASIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 2010 (22) 3779-3784
22.L. N. Yang, Li Xian Sun, Fen Xu, J. Zhang, J. N. Zhao, Z. B. Zhao, C. G. Song, R. H. Wu and Riko Ozao, Inhibitory study of two cephalosporins on E. coli by microcalorimetry, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2010(100) 589-592
23.Lifang Song, Chunhong Jiang, Jian Zhang, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu, Wansheng You, Yi Zhao, Zhiheng Zhang, Meihan Wang and Yutake Sawada, et al., Heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of a novel mixed-ligands MOFs, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2010 (100) 679-684
24.F. Xu, L. X. Sun, P. Chen, Y. N. Qi, J. Zhang, J. N. Zhao, Y. F. Liu, L. Zhang, Zhong Cao and D. W. Yang, et al., Studies on heat capacities and thermal analysis of Li–Mg–N–H hydrogen storage system, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2010 (100) 701-706
25.Shusheng Liu, Lixian Sun, Lifang Song, Chunhong Jiang, Jian Zhang, Yao Zhang, Fen Xu and Zhiheng Zhang, Effect of TiF3 on the Dehydrogenation of LiAlH4, CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE 2010 (31) 796-799
26.Meiqiang Fan, Lixian Sun and Fen Xu, Study of the controllable reactivity of aluminum alloys and their promising application for hydrogen generation, Energy Conversion and Management 2010 (51) 594-599
27.Meiqiang Fan, Lixian Sun and Fen Xu, Feasibility study of hydrogen production for micro fuel cell from activated Al–In mixture in water, Energy 2010 (35) 1333-1337
28.Meihan Wang, Takayuki Konya, Masahiro Yahata, Yutaka Sawada, Akira Kishi, Takayuki Uchida, Hao Lei, Yoichi Hoshi and Lixian Sun, Thermal change of organic light-emitting ALQ3 thin films, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2010 (99) 117-122
29.Tao Jiang, Lixian Sun and Weixue Li, First-principles study of hydrogen absorption on Mg(0001) and formation of magnesium hydride, Phys. Rev. B 2010 (81) 035416-24
30.Zhonggang Wang, Bufeng Zhang, Hao Yu, Lixian Sun, Chengli Jiao and Wanshuang Liu, Microporous polyimide networks with large surface areas and their hydrogen storage properties, Chem. Commun. 2010 (46) 7730-7732
31.Fen Li, Jijun Zhao, Börje Johansson and Lixian Sun, Improving hydrogen storage properties of covalent organic frameworks by substitutional doping, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 2010 (35) 266-271
32.Jianchuan Wang, Yong Du, Yi Kong, Honghui Xu, Chao Jiang, Yifang Ouyang and Lixian Sun, The effect of Ti atom on hydrogenation of Al(111) surface: First-principles studies, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 2010 (35) 609-613
33.Zhuo Wang, Yongheng Xing, Chunguang Wang, Lixian Sun, Jian Zhang, Maofa Ge and Shuyun Niu, Synthesis, structure and luminescent properties of coordination polymers with 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid and a series of flexible dicarboxylate ligands, CrystEngComm 2010 (12) 762-773.
1.Yao Zhang, Qifeng Tian, Hailiang Chu, Jian Zhang, Lixian Sun, Juncai Sun and Zhongsheng Wen, Hydrogen De/Resorption Properties of the LiBH4−MgH2−Al System, J. Phys. Chem. C 2009 (113) 21964-21969
2.L.Z. Ouyang, Y.J. Xu, H.W. Dong, L.X. Sun and M. Zhu, Production of hydrogen via hydrolysis of hydrides in Mg–La system, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 2009 (34) 9671-9676
3.Yanni Qi, Jian Zhang, Shujun Qiu, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu, Min Zhu, Liuzhang Ouyang and Dalin Sun, Thermal stability, decomposition and glass transition behavior of PANI/NiO composites, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2009 (98) 533-537
4.Yao Zhang, Qifeng Tian, Jian Zhang, Shusheng Liu and Lixian Sun, The Dehydrogenation Reactions and Kinetics of 2LiBH4−Al Composite, J. Phys. Chem. C 2009 (113) 18424-18430
5.Shusheng Liu, Lixian Sun, Yao Zhang, Fen Xu, Jian Zhang, Hailiang Chu, Meiqiang Fan, Tao Zhang, Xiaoyan Song and Jean Pierre Grolier, Effect of ball milling time on the hydrogen storage properties of TiF3-doped LiAlH4, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 2009 (34) 8079-8085
6.Jianchuan Wang, Yong Du, Honghui Xu, Lixian Sun and Zikui Liu, Diffusion of hydrogen vacancy in Na3AlH6, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2009 (95) 111910-12
7.J.-L. Zeng, Y.-M. Jiang, L.-X. Sun, Z. Cao and D.-W. Yang, Triaqua(2-{[(E)-5-formyl-2-oxidobenzylidene]amino}ethanesulfonato)cobalt(II) dihydrate, Acta Crystallographica Section E 2009 (65) 1067-1068
8.Shujun Qiu, Hailiang Chu, Jian Zhang, Yao Zhang, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu, Dalin Sun, Liu-Zhang Ouyang, Min Zhu, J.-P.E. Groliere and Michael Frenkel, Effect of La partial substitution for Zr on the Structural and electrochemical properties of Ti0.17Zr0.08-xLaxV0.35Cr0.1Ni0.3 (x = 0–0.04) electrode alloys, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 2009 (34) 7246-7252
9.Meiqiang Fan, Lixian Sun and Fen Xu, Feasibility Study of Hydrogen Generation from the Milled Al-Based Materials for Micro Fuel Cell Applications, Energy Fuels 2009 (23) 4562-4566
10.Z. H. Sun, X. Y. Song, F. X. Yin, L. X. Sun, X. K. Yuan and X. M. Liu, Giant negative thermal expansion in ultrafine-grained Mn(3)(Cu(1-x)Ge(x))N (x=0.5) bulk, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 2009 (42) 122004-08
C. K. Huang, Y. J. Zhao, T. Sun, J. Guo, L. X. Sun and M. Zhu, Influence of Transition Metal Additives on the Hydriding/Dehydriding Critical Point of NaAlH4, J. Phys. Chem. C 2009 (113) 9936-9943
11.Zhong Cao, Ling Zhang, Chaoyan Guo, Fuchun Gong, Shu Long, Shuzhen Tan, Changbin Xia, Fen Xu and Lixian Sun, Evaluation on corrosively dissolved gold induced by alkanethiol monolayer with atomic absorption spectroscopy, Materials Science and Engineering: C 2009 (29) 1051-1056
12.Shujun Qiu, Hailiang Chu, Yao Zhang, Dalin Sun, Xiaoyan Song, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu, Electrochemical kinetics and its temperature dependence behaviors of Ti0.17Zr0.08V0.35Cr0.10Ni0.30 alloy electrode, J. Alloys Comp. 2009 (471) 453-456
13.Shujun Qiu, Lixian Sun, Hailiang Chu, Yongjin Zou, Fen Xu, Naoki Matsuda, Study of adsorption behaviors of meso-tetrakis (4-N-Methylpyridyl) porphine p-Toluenesulfonate at indium–tin-oxide electrode/solution interface by in-situ internal reflection spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry, Thin Solid Films, 2009 (517) 2905-2911
14.Cuili Xiang, Yongjin Zou, Lixian Sun and Fen Xu, Direct electrochemistry and enhanced electrocatalysis of horseradish peroxidase based on flowerlike ZnO–gold nanoparticle–Nafion nanocomposite, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2009 (136) 158-162
15.X. -C. Lv, Z. -C. Tan, X. -H. Gao, Q. Shi and L. -X. Sun, Molar heat capacity and thermodynamic properties of crystalline [Nd(Glu)(H2O)5(Im)3](ClO4)6·2H2O, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2009(95) 387-392
16.J. L. Zeng, Z. Cao, D. W. Yang, F. Xu, L. X. Sun, L. Zhang and X. F. Zhang, Phase diagram of palmitic acid-tetradecanol mixtures obtained by DSC experiments, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2009 (95) 501-505
17.J. L. Zeng, Z. Cao, D. W. Yang, F. Xu, L. X. Sun, X. F. Zhang and L. Zhang, Effects of MWNTs on phase change enthalpy and thermal conductivity of a solid-liquid organic PCM, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. (95) 507-512
18.Z. L. Xiao, D. Liu, C. F. Wang, Z. Cao, X. F. Zhan, Z. L. Yin, Q. Y. Chen, H. L. Liu, F. Xu and L. X. Sun, Study on the effect of mechanical alloying on properties of Zn-Sb alloy, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2009 (95) 513-515
19.Lixian Sun, Preface, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2009 (95) 331-332
20.Zhaoxia Cao, Jian Zhang, Julan Zeng, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu, Zhong Cao, Ling Zhang, Daowu Yang, Mesoporous silica hollow sphere (MSHS) for the bioelectrochemistry of horseradish peroxidase, Talanta 2009 (77) 943-947
21.Zhong Cao, Fuchun Gong, Ming Tu, Mengxue Zeng, Xixi Huang, Ling Zhang, Shuzhen Tan, Lixian Sun and Ning Gu, Preliminary Recognition of c-Myc Gene Protein Using an Optical Biosensor with Gold Colloid Nanoparticles Based on Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance, Anal. Lett. 2009 (42) 2820-2837
1.Shujun Qiu, Hailiang Chu, Yao Zhang, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu, Zhong Cao, The electrochemical performances of Ti–V-based hydrogen storage composite electrodes prepared by ball milling method, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 2008 (33) 7471-7478
2.Yao Zhang, Qifeng Tian, Shusheng Liu and Lixian Sun, The destabilization mechanism and de/re-hydrogenation kinetics of MgH2–LiAlH4 hydrogen storage system, J. Power Sour. 2008 (185) 1514-1518
3.B. Xue, X. -F. Li, J. -Y. Wang, S. -J. Yu, Z. -C. Tan and L. -X. Sun, Heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of trans-(R)-3-(2, 2-dichloroethenyl)-2, 2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylic acid, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2008 (94) 529-534
4.Y. -N. Qi, F. Xu, L. -X. Sun, J. -L. Zeng and Y. -Y. Liu, Thermal stability and glass transition behavior of PANI/α-Al2O3 composites, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2008 (94) 553-557
5.Ying-Ya Liu, Jian Zhang, Fen Xu, Li-Xian Sun, Tao Zhang, Wan-Sheng You, Yi Zhao, Julan Zeng, Zhong Cao and Daowu Yang, Lithium-Based 3D Coordination Polymer with Hydrophilic Structure for Sensing of Solvent Molecules, Cryst. Growth Des. 2008 (8) 3127-3129
6.Yongjin Zou, Cuili Xiang, Lini Yang, Li-Xian Sun, Fen Xu and Zhong Cao, A mediatorless microbial fuel cell using polypyrrole coated carbon nanotubes composite as anode material, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 2008 (33) 4856-4862
7.Shujun Qiu, Hailiang Chu, Yao Zhang, Yanni Qi, Lixian Sun and Fen Xu, Investigation on the structure and electrochemical properties of AB3-type La–Mg–Ni–Co-based hydrogen storage composites, J. Alloys Comp. 2008 (462) 392-397
8.L. N. Yang, F. Xu, L. X. Sun, Z. B. Zhao and C. G. Song, Microcalorimetric studies on the antimicrobial actions of different cephalosporins, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2008 (93) 417-421
9.L. N. Yang, F. Xu, L. X. Sun and Z. B. Zhao, A microcalorimetric study of the toxicity of two cobalt compounds on Escherichia coli DH5α growth, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2008 (93) 583-588
10.Meiqiang Fan, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun, Junning Zhao, Tao. Jiang, Weixue Li, Hydrolysis of ball milling Al–Bi–hydride and Al–Bi–salt mixture for hydrogen generation, J. Alloys Comp. 2008 (460) 125-129
11.Lini Yang, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu, Zongbao Zhao, Jianguo Liang, A study of the influence of cephalosporins on the microbial activity of E. coli by microcalorimetry, CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE, 2008 (29) 1412-1415
12.Yingya Liu, Jian Zhang, Julan Zeng, Hailiang Chu, Fen Xu and Lixian Sun, Hydrogen storage capacity of nickel supported on a metal-organic framework compound under mild conditions, CHINESE JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS 2008 (25) 655-659
13.Hailiang Chu, Yao Zhang, Shujun Qiu, Yanni Qi, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu, Qing Wang, Chuang Dong, Electrochemical performances of cobalt-free La0.7Mg0.3Ni3.5−x(MnAl2)x (x = 0–0.20) hydrogen storage alloy electrodes, J. Alloys Comp. 2008 (457) 90-96
14.Guangyou Zhou, Shiyou Zheng, Fang Fang, Jing Zhang, Fen Xu, Lixian Sun, Chen, Guorong Chen and Da-Lin Sun, Hydrogen desorption performance of Ti-mediated MgH2 and Mg2NiH4, ACTA CHIMICA SINICA, 2008 (66) 1037-1041
15.S. X. Wang, Z. C. Tan, Y. S. Li, L. X. Sun and Y. Li, A kinetic analysis of thermal decomposition of polyaniline/ZrO2 composite, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2008 (92) 483-487
16.X. C. Lv, X. H. Gao, Z. C. Tan, Y. S. Li and L. X. Sun, Molar heat capacity and thermodynamic properties of 1,2-cyclohexane dicarboxylic anhydride [C8H10O3], J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2008 (92) 523-527
17.Yongjin Zou, Cuili Xiang, Lixian Sun and Fen Xu, Amperometric glucose biosensor prepared with biocompatible material and carbon nanotube by layer-by-layer self-assembly technique, Electro. Acta 2008 (53) 4089-4095
18.Yingya Liu, Jian Zhang, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu, Wansheng You and Yi Zhao, Solvothermal synthesis and characterization of a lithium coordination polymer possessing a highly stable 3D network structure, Inorg. Chem. Comm. 2008 (11) 396-399
19.Yao Zhang, Wansheng Zhang, Meiqiang Fan, Shusheng Liu, Hailiang Chu, Yanhua Zhang, Xiuying Gao and Lixian Sun, Enhanced Hydrogen Storage Performance of LiBH4−SiO2−TiF3 Composite, J. Phys. Chem. C 2008 (112) 4005-4010
20.Shujun Qiu, hailiang Chu, Jian Zhang, Yanni Qi, Lixian Sun and Fen Xu, Heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of CoPc and CoTMPP, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2008 (91) 841-848
21.J. Zhang, Y. Y. Liu, J. L. Zeng, F. Xu, L. X. Sun, W. S. You and Y. Sawada, Thermodynamic properties and thermal stability of the synthetic zinc formate dihydrate, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2008 (91) 861-866
22.Shusheng Liu, Lixian Sun and Fen, Xu, Metal-N-H systems as hydrogen storage materials, Progress in Chemistry, 2008 (20) 280-287
23.Yongjin Zou, Cuili Xiang, Lixian Sun and Fen Xu, Glucose biosensor based on electrodeposition of platinum nanoparticles onto carbon nanotubes and immobilizing enzyme with chitosan-SiO2 sol–gel, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2008 (23) 1010-1016
24.Y. Zhang, C. Y. Chung, L. X. Sun and M. Zhu, Capacity fading of pulsed-laser deposited HT-LiCoO2 films cycled in LiClO4/PC, Materials Chemistry and Physics 2008 (107) 254-260
25.Meiqiang Fan, Ying-Ya Liu, LiNi Yang, Chaoxia Cao, LiXian Sun and Fen Xu, Hydrogen generation from the hydrolysis of Al-Sn alloys, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese, 2008 (29) 356-359
26.J. L. Zeng, J. Zhang, Y. Y. Liu, Z. X. Cao, Z. H. Zhang, F. Xu and L. X. Sun, Polyaniline/1-tetradecanol composites Form-stable PCMS and electrical conductive materials, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2008 (91) 455-461
27.J. Zhang, J. L. Zeng, Y. Y. Liu, L. X. Sun, F. Xu, W. S. You and Y. Sawada, Thermal decomposition kinetics of the synthetic complex Pb(1,4-BDC)·(DMF)(H2O), J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2008 (91) 189-183
28.Y. -N. Qi, F. Xu, H. -J. Ma, L. -X. Sun, J. Zhang and T. Jiang, Thermal stability and glass transition behavior of PANI/γ-Al2O3 composites, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2008 (91) 219-223
29.Cuili Xiang, Yongjin Zou, Li-Xian Sun and Fen Xu, Direct Electron Transfer of Horseradish Peroxidase and Its Biosensor Based on Gold Nanoparticles/Chitosan/ITO Modified Electrode, Analytical Letters, 2008 (41) 2224-2236
30.Meiqiang Fan, Lixian Sun, Yao Zhang, Fen Xu, Jian Zhang, Hailiang Chu, The catalytic effect of additive Nb2O5 on the reversible hydrogen storage performances of LiBH4–MgH2 composite, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 2008 (33) 74-80
31.Hailiang Chu, Shujun Qiu, Lixian Sun, Yao Zhang, Fen Xu, Min Zhu, Wangyu Hu, Electrochemical hydrogen storage properties of La0.7Mg0.3Ni3.5–Ti0.17Zr0.08V0.35Cr0.1Ni0.3 composites, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 2008 33 755-761
32.Cuili Xiang, Yongjin Zou, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu, Direct electron transfer of cytochrome c and its biosensor based on gold nanoparticles/room temperature ionic liquid/carbon nanotubes composite film, Electro. Comm. 2008 (10) 38-41