Guangxi Key Labratory of Information Materials-Director & Group Leader
Li-xian Sun;;
Foreign Member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RAEN)
Foreign Member of European Academy of Sciences (EurASc)
Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC)
Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship, Germany
NEDO, AIST & ITIT fellowship, Japan
100 Talent Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Guangxi Bagui Scholar, China
Guilin Lijiang Scholar, China
Present and Previous Positions
2012.12 – present, Dean of School of Materials Science and Engineering, Guilin University of Electronic Technology (GUET); Director of Key Laboratory of Information Materials, Guangxi Province, China;Head of Guangxi Collaborative Innovation Center;Group Leader of New Energy Science & Technology; Guangxi Bagui Scholar; Excellent Scientist of China
2001.8-2012.11, Prof. and Group Leader of Materials & Thermochemistry Laboratory, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP), Dalian National Laboratory (DNL) for Clean Energy, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Dalian, Liaoning Prov., China; Director of Key Laboratory of Energy Materials & Thermochemistry, Liaoning Province. 100 Talent Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences
1996.10-2001.8, Guest Prof. (AIST Fellow) (AIST/ITIT, NEDO, fellowship), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
1995.5-1996.10, Postdoc (Alexander von Humboldt fellowship), Department of Chemistry, University of Jena, Germany
1995.2-1995.4, Guest researcher (STA fellowship), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
1992.2-1995.1, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Hunan Normal University
1987.7-1991.2, lecturer and Director, Department of basic Sciences, Hunan Agricultural University
1991.8-1995.1, Ph.D. Degree (Analytical Chemistry), College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Hunan University
1984.8-1987.7, Master Degree (Analytical Chemistry), College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Hunan University
1980.8-1984.7, Dip Edu. (Analytical Chemistry), College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Hunan University
Fields of Scholarship
Thermochemistry study for design and preparation of new materials such as phase change materials, high energetic materials, nano materials, functional materials, catalysts, etc.
Development of new energy including hydrogen storage/production material, Ni-H battery/Li-ion battery, Supercapacitor, fuel cells such as biofuel cells, proton exchange membrane fuel cells, direct methanol fuel cells, phase change materials, clean combustion of coal, etc.
Bio/chemical sensors based on quartz crystal micro balance, slab optical wave guide and electrochemistry for hydrogen, glucose, etc.
Bio-microcalorimetry for drug design, and Chemometrics algorithms (ANNs, QSAR) and applications in Bioinfomatics and material science
Honours and Awards
2024 Guangxi Excellent Scientific Scholar
2023 Guilin Lijiang Scholar
2022 The most beautiful science and technology worker in Guangxi
2022 The most beautiful science and technology worker in Guilin
2021 The award of Guangxi Science and Technology
2021 The first grade high-level talents in Guilin
2021 Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Foreign Member
2020 European Academy of Sciences, Foreign Member
2020 First Prize of Guangxi Natural Science
2019 Second Prize of Guangxi Higher Education Autonomous Region Teaching Achievement
2018 The First Innovation Award in Guangxi
2018 Excellence Guangxi Bagui Scholar
2017 Second Prize of Guangxi Natural Science
2016 Special Allowance of the State Council
2014-2017 Highly Cited Scholar of Elsevier in China
2015 Fellow of The Royal Society of Chemistry
2014 Excellent Scientist of China
2013 Guangxi Excellent Expert
2012 Li-xian Sun, et al., Structure and Electrochemical Properties on New (La, Mg)-Ni Hydrogen Storage Alloys, Natural Science Award (Silver Medal), Guangxi
2012 Li-xian Sun, et al., Catalytic Preparation of Hydrogen Based on Light Al Alloys, Natural Science Award (Copper Medal), Liaoning
2011-2016 Guangxi Bagui Scholar, Guangxi
2011 the Recipient of the Best Reviewer, JTAC
2010 Dalian Excellent Expert, Dalian
2010 Studies on New Al-SnCl2 Composites for H2 generation, Excellent Paper by the Committee of 11th National H2 conference, China
2009 Third Prize of Science and Technology of Liaoning Province, Liaoning
2008 China's 100 Most Influential Academic Papers, China
2007 Liaoning Provincial Baiqianwan Talents Program, Liaoning
2006 Third Prize of Scientific and Technological Progress of General Equipment Department, China
2004 Second Prize of National Defense Science and Technology, China
1996 Japan NEDO Fellowship
1995 Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship, Germany
Plurality professor by Wuhan University, Southern China University, Dalian University of Technology, Jinan University, etc.
Curriculum vitae
Li-xian Sun was the candidates for the 100 talents Scheme of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (received the final Assessment Excellence Award), the German Humboldt Scholar, member of Royal Society of Chemistry, the first full-time candidates for batch of “Banggui Scholars” in Guangxi (excellent examination), Head of Guangxi Collaborative Innovation Center, head of Guangxi Key Laboratory of Information Materials. In recent years, he has chaired 973 project of the National Science and Technology Ministry, National 863 Program, General Program and Key Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Joint Fund Project of Guangdong Province-National Natural Science Foundation, International Cooperation Project of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), Main Direction Program of Knowledge Innovation Engineering of Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Aerospace Group Project, Guangxi Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project, Guangxi Key Laboratory Project, Guangxi Collaborative Innovation Center Project, Guangxi Engineering Technology Center Project, Guangxi Talent Small Highland Project, Project of Guangxi Natural Science Foundation, Joint Fund Project of Guangdong Province-Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guilin Development Project of Science and Technology, etc. In 2019, he also applied for Sino-German Joint Project named Sino-German Joint Laboratory Integrated Computational Materials Engineering of Electrochemical Storage Systems and Guangxi Foreign Experts Introduction Project named “New hydrogen-thermal energy materials and sensors” to strengthen domestic and foreign cooperation and break through key technical problems.
So far, he have published more than 700 SCI papers with more than 12200 citations and H-index of 59, held 142 granted patents. In the last five years, He has published over 150 academic papers on important academic journals at home and abroad, such as Energy&Environmental Science, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, Crystal Growth & Design, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Dalton Transactions, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, etc. In 2015, he was elected fellow of the Royal Chemical Society. He was identified as an Elsevier China Highly Cited Scholar in each of the years 2014 to 2018, and in the top 10 ranking of highly cited scholars in the energy category in 2017. The research on the structure and electrochemical performance of the new (La, Mg)-Ni hydrogen storage alloy was awarded the second prize of Guangxi Natural Science in 2012. The research on low-dimensional functional material design, hydrogen storage and biosensing characteristics won the second prize of Guangxi Natural Science in the 2017. And, he has won 7 provincial and ministerial achievement awards. During his tenure, he organized 12 international and domestic academic conferences, some of which served as chairman or co-chair of the Organizing Committee.
He as well as his group created a laboratory of new energy materials foundation and application research, and established a collaborative innovation center for new energy materials structure and performance. He has carried out research work on new composite phase change energy storage materials, hydrogen storage and generation materials, fuel cells, thermodynamics, sensors, etc. Through the continuous introduction of talents,an innovative team of academic talents with multi-disciplinary integration and reasonable frame of professional title/age has been constructed (17 academic staffs, including 7 professors, 2 associate professors, 15 doctors, and 2 masters). He has cultivated over 100 MS and PhD students, more than 30 of whom continued working in academia.For instance 8 graduate students have been admitted to Beijing University of Technology, Shanghai University, South China University of Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and Guilin University of Electronic Technology. During the period of his career in Guilin University of Electronic Technology, he introduced two Bagui scholars named Lei Miao and Jian Zhang to the Gulin, and as co-promotor to guide graduate students with Prof. Chen Chonglin (the Department of Physics, University of Texas at San Antonio) and Prof. Sun Shuhui (Institute National de la Recherche Scientifique, Canada) and Prof. Zongwen Liu (School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, The University of Sydney, Australia). At the same time, in 2019, a number of high-end foreign experts (such as Sergey Verevkin, Andrey A. Pimerzin, Chonglin Chen, Hans Juergen Seifert, Naoki Matsuda and Zongwen Liu) were introduced to conduct academic discussions on the subject of research on key technologies for new hydrogen-thermal energy materials and sensors. Moreover, it also provided overseas academic exchange platforms for the majority of graduate students and young teachers.
In addition, he actively take leading roles in international and domestic academic conferences, like “7th Academic Seminar and Technology Exchange Conference of Chinese Energy Storage, Power Battery and Its Key Materials” in 2015, “Tsinghua University-Tokyo University of Technology-Guilin University of Electronic Technology Nanomaterials Symposium” in 2015, “18th National Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermal Analysis of the Chinese Chemical Society” in 2016, “24th International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics (ICCT-2016)” in 2016, “17th China Hydrogen Energy Conference and 9th Mainland, Taiwan, and Hongkong Symposium on Hydrogen Energy” in 2017, “13th National Conference on Chemical Sensors” in 2017, “Recent Progress in Graphene & 2D Material Research (RPGR 2018)” in 2018,etc.
Research Interests
In the research field of high-capacity hydrogen storage materials, in order to solve some basic scientific problems that hydrogen storage materials need to be solved, a series of new types of hydrogen storage alloy materials, complex hydrides and new type of MOFs materials have been systematically developed from low-dimensional functional material. He proposed to dope the catalyst with hydrogen overflow to the porous complex material, which effectively improved the hydrogen storage capacity of MOFs under mild conditions. Meantime, he studied amino-modified MOFs with high gas adsorption capacity, graphene supported Cu-BTC hydrogen storage material, nano-sized Al-based MOFs with high thermal stability. And the database of hydrogen storage materials has been established, which improves the reference basis for the design and synthesis of hydrogen storage materials (including 467 metal hydride, 210 metal organic framework compound, 102 composite hydride).
In the research field of new hydrogen generation materials, his group has successfully developed a new aluminum-based alloy hydrogen generation material which is suitable for fuel cells. The Al-H2O hydrogen reaction evaluation device was built to realize the connection with the fuel cell and the on-site hydrogen generation. In addition, alloy Co-B-M (M: Ni, Zn, W, etc.) was investigated to catalyze hydrolysis of sodium borohydride, ammonia borane, borohydride, etc. Also,the group carried out research work in biofuel cells, nickel-hydrogen batteries, lithium-ion batteries, supercapacitors, electrochemical sensor, phase change energy storage material, etc.
Journal Editorials
Associate editor of Journal of Thermal Analysis & Calorimetry
Editorial board of International Journal of Electrochemical Science
Editorial board of the Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics
Editorial board of Recent Patents on Corrosion Science
Services and Membership
Dean of School of Materials Science and Engineering, Guilin University of Electronic Technology (GUET)
Director of Key Laboratory of Information Materials, Guangxi Province, China
Head of Guangxi Collaborative Innovation Center
Group Leader of New Energy Science & Technology
Director and Counsellor of International Association of Chemical Thermodynamics (IACT)
Vice Chairman of Committee on Energy Storage and Power Battery of China Instruments Functional Materials Society
Vice Chairman of Committee on Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermal Analysis of Chinese Chemical Society
Member of Committee on Chinese Renewable Energy Association for Hydrogen Energy
Member of Committee on Electrochemistry of China Chemical Society
Member of Committee on Chemical Sensor of China Instruments Functional Materials Society
Member of Committee on Chinese physical Society for Phase Diagram
Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC)
Plurality professor by Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Member of Committee on Mineral Composite Materials Chinese Society for Composite Materials
Member of Chapter on Metallographic and Microscopic Analysis of Chinese Society for Stereology
Conferences Organizations
76. Speaker of The 19th China Renewable Energy Conference Hydrogen Energy Branch and the 21st Hydrogen Energy Science, Technology and Engineering Conference, Invited Talk of “Creation and database construction of new hydrogen energy materials” (August 2024, Xi'an)
75. Speaker of The 5th China International Composite Materials Technology Conference, Invited Talk of “ Micro-nano energy storage material creation and database” (July 2024, Xinjiang)
74. Speaker of 2024 Shaanxi Technology Trading Conference Scientist Forum, Invited Talk of “Vigorously promote the scientific spirit and promote the development of sensor energy storage” (July 2024, Xi'an)
73.Speaker of China Materials Congress 2024 and the Second World Materials Congress , Invited Talk of “Thermodynamic Tuning and Database Construction on New Energy Materials” (July 2024, Guangzhou)
72. Speaker of The 6th National ultrafast Spectroscopy Seminar of Chinese Chemical Society, Invited Talk of “Micro-nano energy storage sensing material creation and database construction” (July 2024, Beihai)
71. Speaker of 18th Internatioal Symposium on Metal-Hydrogen Systems(MH2024), Invited Talk of “Novel Low Dimensional Materials for Hydrogen Storage” (May 2024, Saint Malo, France)
70. Speaker of Sino-German Symposium on ICME of Electrochemical Storage System, Invited Talk of “Energy Storage Materials and Database Construction” (May 2024, Karlsruhe, Germany)
69. Plenary Speaker of The 21st National Academic Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermal Analysis, Invited Talk of “Creation and thermodynamic control of hydrogen thermal energy materials” (April 2024, Tianjin)
68. Plenary Speaker of 2023 International Nonferrous Metal New Materials Conference, Invited Talk of “Low-dimensional energy storage materials and database construction” (November 2023, Nanning)
67. Speaker of 12th China-Japan Joint Symposiumo on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis CATS-2023, Invited Talk of “Thermochemistry and Database Construction on New Energy Materials” (September 2023, Taian)
66. Chair of Organization Committee of 2023 Sino-German Bilateral Symposium on ICME of Electrochemical Storage Systems (August 2023, Guilin)
65. Speaker of 33th Chinese Chemical society (CCS) Congress. Talk of “Thermodynamic/kinetic regulation and database construction of high density hydrogen storage materials” (June 2023, Qingdao)
64. Plenary Speaker of 2023 Annual Conference on China Energy Development and Forum on High Quality Development of Green Energy. Invited Talk of “Hydrogen thermal energy materials and sensors in the context of dual-carbon strategy” (June 2023, Beijing)
63. Plenary Speaker of 9th International and 11th Japan - China Joint Symposium on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis (CATS-2022). Plenary Talk of “Thermodynamic Tuning and Database Construction for Hydrogen/Thermal Storage Materials” (October 2022, Online)
62. Co-Chair and Plenary Speaker of 2022 International Conference on Advanced Materials and Chemical Engineering. Plenary Talk of “Energy Storage Materials, Database and Sensors” (September 2022, Online)
61. Plenary Speaker of 23th International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics. Plenary Talk of “Energy Storage Materials, Database and Sensors” (August 2022, Online)
60. Co-Chair and Plenary Speaker of 2022 Sion-German Bilateral Symposium on ICME of Electrochemical Storage System, Invited Talk of “Low Dimensional materials for energy storage and Database construction” (February 2022, Guilin)
59. Plenary Speaker of the 39th Annual Conference of the China Southwest Association for Research in Guilin, Invited Talk of “Two-carbon strategy and research on new energy materials” (December 2021, Guilin)
58. Organization Committee Member of 9th International Conference on Advanced Materials Development and Performance (October 2021, Dalian)
57. Chairman of Organization Committee and International Advisory Board Member of the China Association for Hydrogen Energy 2021, Invited Talk of “Function regulation and database of low micro fabricated hydrogen storage and detection materials” (October 2021, Chengdu)
56. Vice-President of 2021 International Conference on Phase Field Simulation and Related Methods, Invited Talk of “Design and Function Tunning on Micro-Nano Hydrogen/Heat Energy Materials” (September 2021, Xi’an)
55. Speaker of 2021 IFFS Conference on Electronic Technology and Technology, Invited Talk of “Design and functional regulation of micro-nano hydrogen thermal energy materials” (September 2021, Chengdu)
54. Academic Council Advisor of the 20th National Symposium on Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermal Analysis of the Chinese Chemical Society (July 2021, Mianyang)
53. Organization Committee Member of 2020 Working Conference of Phase Diagram Academic Committee (November 2020, Guilin)
52. Co-Chair and Plenary Speaker of Energy Materials and Nanotechnology Conference in Guilin, Invited Talk of “Energy Storage Materials and Sensors” (October 2020, Guilin)
51. Chairman and Plenary Speaker of 2020 International Symposium on Advanced Energy Materials, Invited Talk of “Materials for Hydrogen/Heat Storage and Sensors” (September 2020, Guilin)
50. Co-Chair and Plenary Speaker of 22th Sion-German Bilateral Symposium on ICME of Electrochemical Storage System, Invited Talk of “Nano Materials for Energy Storage and Database Construction” (July 2020, Guilin)
49. Plenary Speaker of 2019 functional materials and Interface Science Symposium of China Particle Society, Plenary Talk of “Study on Preparation and energy storage properties of low-micro composite” (December 2019, Changsha)
48. Keynote Speaker and Host of 2019 Sino-German Bilateral Symposium on ICME of Electrochemical Storage System, Keynote of “Low Dimensional Materials for Electrochemical/H2 Energy Storage” (December 2019, Changsha)
47. Keynote Speaker and Host of 2nd International Conference on Clean Energy Materials and Technology, Keynote of “Improved hydrogen storage by doping catalysts and nanoconfinement and database study” (November 2019, Suzhou)
46. Chairman of Organization Committee and International Advisory Board Member of 18th China Hydrogen Energy Conference and 10th Mainland, Hongkong and Macao Symposium on Hydrogen Energy” (CAHE 2019), Invited Talk of “Improved dehydrogenation of LiAlH4 by doping with two dimensional materials” (November 2019, Guangzhou)
45. Keynote Speaker and Host of The 8th Jiangsu Thermal Analysis Symposium and East China Thermal Analysis Technology Forum and Analytical Instrument Exhibition (8th JTA), Keynote of “Thermodynamics and database of energy storage materials” (November 2019, Jiangsu)
44. Invited Speaker of the 55th Japan Conference Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis, Invited Talk of “Thermal analysis study on novel hydrogen/heat storage materials” (October 2019, Osaka, Japan)
43. Invited Speaker of 14th National Conference on Chemical Sensors (SCCS 2019), Invited Talk of “Thermochemistry of energy materials” (August 2019, Datong)
42. Invited Speaker of 11th Symposium on Electron Microscope Technology Exchange and Technology, Invited Talk of “Thermodynamic regulation and sensor of new energy storage material” (July 2019, Qingning)
41. Invited Speaker of 2019 Advanced Workshop on Modern Catalytic Methods, Invited Talk of “Thermal analysis method” (July 2019, Suzhou)
40. International Advisory Board Member and Plenary Speakers of 2st Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Conference and 7th V4 (Joint Czech-Hungarian-Polish-Slovakian) Thermoanalytical Conference (JTACC+V4), Plenary Talk of “Enhanced hydrogen storage by doping catalyst and nanoconfinement and thermal analysis study” (June 2019, Budapest, Hungary)
39. Committee Member and Invited Speaker of 2018 Advanced Energy Storage Materials, Power Battery and New Energy Vehicle Summit Forum and Industry Matchmaking Conference, Invited Talk of “Energy storage materials and sensors” (November 2018, Changsha)
38. International Advisory Board Member and Deputy Leader of Recent Progress in Graphene & 2D Material Research (RPGR 2018), Invited Talk of “Interfacing graphene with nanoparticles for energy and gas storage as well as sensors” (October 2018, Guilin)
37. International Organizing Committee Member and Invited Speaker of 16th International Symposium on Metal-Hydrogen Systems (MH2018), Invited Talk of “Enhanced Hydrogen Storage by Doping Catalyst and Nanoconfinement” (November 2018, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou)
36. International Advisory Board Member and Plenary Speaker of 18th National Phase Diagram Academic Conference, Invited Talk of “Phase Diagram Design, Preparation and Structure-Activity Relationship of New Energy Storage Materials” (October 2018, Dalian)
35. Invited Speaker of 2018 International Symposium on Functional Materials for Energy Storage, Invited Talk of “New Energy Storage Materials and Sensors” (November 2018, Wenzhou)
34. Chairman of the 6th Zeiss Metallographic Society Cup National College Student Metallographic Competition and the 4th Laizhou Huayin Metallographic Society Cup National College Student Material Comprehensive Skills Competition (July 2018, Guilin)
33. Invited Speaker of 2018 Advanced Workshop on Modern Catalytic Methods, Invited Talk of “Thermal analysis method” (July 2018, Guangzhou)
32. Invited speaker of 2018 China Materials Conference, Talk of “Research on Thermodynamic Control and Sensors of Energy Storage Materials” (July 2018, Xiamen)
31. Deputy Director and Chairman of the 19th National Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermal Analysis of the Chinese Chemical Society (April 2018, Shenyang)
30. Invited speaker of Nano Materials and Detection Technology and Application Academic Forum, Talk of “Micro-nano energy storage materials and sensors” (January 2018, Guangdong)
29. International Advisory Board Member and Plenary Speakers of 1st Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Conference and 6th V4 (Joint Czech-Hungarian-Polish-Slovakian) Thermoanalytical Conference (JTACC+V4), Plenary Talk of “Study on Preparation and Thermal Analysis of Hydrogen/Heat Storage and Conversion Materials” (June 2017, Budapest, Hungary)
28. Chairman of Organization Committee and International Advisory Board Member of 17th China Hydrogen Energy Conference and 9th Mainland, Taiwan, and Hongkong Symposium on Hydrogen Energy” (October 2017, Guilin)
27. Chairman of Organization Committee and Plenary Speaker of 13th National Conference on Chemical Sensors, Plenary Talk of “Functional Materials and Chemical Sensors” (November 2017, Guilin)
26. Invited Speaker of Recent Progress in Graphene & 2D Material Research (RPGR 2017), Invited Talk of “Functionalized graphene oxides for gas adsorption, gas sensing and energy storage” (September 2017, Singapore)
25. Session Chairman and Invited Speaker of 8th International and 10th Japen-China Joint Symposium on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis (CATS-2017), Plenary Talk of “Thermaldynamic Tuning of New Energy Storage Materials” (November 2017, Fukuoka University, Japan)
24. Invited Speaker of the 6th Asia-Oceania Ceramic Federation (AOCF-6) Conference, Plenary Talk of “New Energy Storage Materials and Their Thermodynamic Study” (November 2017, Hanseo University, Korea)
23. International Advisory Board Member and Co-Chairman of Organization Committee of 24th International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics (ICCT-2016) (August 2016, Guilin)
22. Advisory Board Member and Co-Chairman of 18th National Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermal Analysis of the Chinese Chemical Society (August 2016, Guilin)
21. Invited Speakers of International Conference on Applied Crystallography, Invited Talk of “Synthesis and Application of Porous materials for Gas Storage” (October 2016, Houston)
20. Plenary Speaker and International Advisory Board Member and Co-Chairman of Tsinghua University-Tokyo University of Technology-Guilin University of Electronic Technology Nanomaterials Symposium (November 2015, Guilin)
19. Co-Chairman and Advisory Board Member of the 17th National Conference of Phase Diagrams of China and International Symposium on Phase Diagrams and Materials Design (November 2015, Guilin)
18. Plenary Speaker and Co-Chairman of the 7th Academic Seminar and Technology Exchange Conference of Chinese Energy Storage, Power Battery and Its Key Materials, Power Battery and its Key Materials (July 2015, Guilin)
17. Invited Speaker of International Union of Materials Research Societies- The IUMRS International Conference in Asia 2014(IUMRS-ICA 2014), Invited Talk of “Nanomaterials for Hydrogen/Thermal Storage” (August 2014, Fukuoka, Japan)
16. Invited Speaker of International Symposium on Structural Thermodynamics 2014(ISST2014), Invited Talk of “Thermodynamic Study on Micro/Nano Materials for Energy Storage” (September 2014, Osaka, Japan)
15. Keynote Speaker of 50th memorial Conference on The Japan Society of Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis (JSCTA), Keynote of “Study on New Energy Storage Materials by Thermodynamics and Catalysis” (September 30, 2014, Osaka, Japan)
14. Oral Reporter of ICCT-AIChE, Oral Report of “Nano Materials for Hydrogen Storage and Thermal Energy Harvest” (July 2014, Durban, South Africa)
13. Invited Speaker of CATS 2014, Invited Talk of “Nano Structured Advanced Materials for H2 or Thermal Storage” (October 2014, Hangzhou)
12. Plenary Speakers of XIX International Conference Thermodynamics in Russia (RCCT-2013), Plenary Talk of “HYDROGEN STORAGE/PHASE CHANGE MATERIALS AND THEIR THERMODYNAMIC STUDY” (June 2013, Moscow)
11. Invited Speaker of RTAC2013, Invited Talk of “NOVEL HYDROGEN STORAGE/PHASE CHANGE MATERIALS AND THEIR THERMODYNAMIC/KINETIC STUDY” (September 2013, Saint Petersburg)
10. Invited Speaker of NATAS2013, Invited Talk of “Materials for H2 Storage and Thermal Energy Harvest” (August 2013, Kentucky, USA)
9. Deputy Director and Plenary Speaker of CTTA17-2013, Plenary Talk of “Thermodynamic & Kinetic Study on Hydrogen Storage” (May 2013, Shijiazhuang, China)
8. Invited Speaker of the 8th Chinese Functional Materials, Invited Talk of “New H2 Energy and Phase Change Materials” (August 2013, Harbin)
7. Plenary Speaker of ICTAC15, Plenary Talk of “New Hydrogen Storage/Phase Change Materials and Their Thermochemistry Studies” (August 2012, Osaka, Japan)
6. Invited Speaker of IUMRS-ICEM 2012, Invited Talk of “Studies on Novel Hydrogen Storage and Phase Change Materials” (September 2012, Yokohama, Japan)
5. Invited Speaker of the 3rd Conference on Chinese Thermodynamic & Kinetics, Invited Talk of “Nanocongfinement of New Hydrogen Storage Materials and Their Thermodynamic Studies” (October 2011, Nanjing, China)
4. Invited Speaker of 5th Japan-China Seminar on Hydrogen Storage Materials, Invited Talk of “Preparation and Thermochemistry Studies on Novel Hydrogen Storage Materials” (February 2011, Tokyo, Japan)
3. International Advisory Board Member and Co-Chairman of Organization Committee of CATS 2008 (May 2008, Dalian)
2. Advisory Board Member and Co-Chairman of 14th National Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermal Analysis of the Chinese Chemical Society (May 2008, Dalian)
1. Advisory Board Member and Co-Chairman of DICP Symposium XV on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis (May 2008, Dalian)
Publication list
•Books Chapters
1. Li-xian Sun, Fen Xu,Chapter 3, Thermal Analysis Method, New Methods of Modern Catalysis Research (Ed. By Qin Xin, Mengfei Luo and Jie Xu, Chinese Science Publisher, 2018).
2. Li-xian Sun, Xingguo Li and Fen Xu, Chapter 6, Metal Organic Frameworks and Covalent Organic Frameworks Material, in Introduction to the Advanced Hydrogen Storage Materials (Ed. By Min Zhu and Dalin Sun, Chinese Science Publisher, 2015, in press).
3. Hailiang Chu, Shujun Qiu, Li-xian Sun, Fen Xu, Chapter 3, Metal Amidoboranes and Their Derivatives for Hydrogen Storage, Advanced Materials for Renewable Hydrogen Production, Storage and Utilization (Ed. By: Jianjun Liu, Intech Open, 2015, in press)
4. Li-xian Sun and Fen Xu,Chapter 3, Thermal Analysis Methods (Ed. By Qin Xin and Mengfei Luo, Chinese Science Publisher, 2004).
5. Li-xian Sun, Chapter 10, Challenging Scientific Problems and Opportunities in Energy Materials and Thermochemistry, in Frontier and Prospect of Physicial Chemistry Subject (Ed. By Jun-Lin Yang,Fei-Xue Gao and Zhong-Qun Tian, Chinese Science Publisher, 2011).
6. Ruqin Yu, Li-xian Sun, Yi- Zeng Liang, Chapter 7, Classification of Materials, in Adaption of Simulated Annealing to Chemical Optimization Problems (Ed. By L.H. Kalivas, Elsevier Science, 1995).
Selected papers
•Selected publications
Year 2024
1. Y.X. Jia, B. Han, J.C. Wang, S.C. Yuan, L. Tang, Z.Y. Zhang, Y.J. Zou, L.X. Sun, Y. Du, L.X. Chen, X.Z. Xiao, Inducing One‐Step Dehydrogenation of Magnesium Borohydride via Confinement in Robust Dodecahedral Nitrogen-Doped Porous Carbon Scaffold. Advanced Materials, (2024) 2406152
2. C.C. Ji, Y.L. Luo, G.Z. Guo, X.X. Li, C.R. Sun, M.J. Li, S.C. Yang, H.Y. Mi, L.X. Sun*, Regulating the inner Helmholtz plane with an electrophilic cation additive enabled stacked stratiform growth for highly reversible Zn anodes. Energy Storage Materials, (2024) 103615.
3. G.Z. Guo, C.C. Ji, J.D. Lin, T.L. Wu, Y.L. Luo, C.R. Sun, M.J. Li, H.Y. Mi, L.X. Sun, Hans Jürgen Seifert, Interfacial Domino Effect Triggered by β‐alanine Cations Realized Highly Reversible Zinc‐Metal Anodes. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, (2024) e202407417.
4. J. Lu, X.M. Sui, Kostya S. Novoselove, P.R. Huang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Electron beam-assisted synthesis and modification of electrode/separator materials for lithium-ion batteries: Progress and prospects. Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 515 (2024) 215954.
5. G.R. Zhang, J.X. Liu, S. Wei, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Y.P. Xia, H.H. Wang, J.F. Wu, Q.W. Shao, Y.T. Bu, Y.X. Guan, L.M. Liao, T.G. Liang, L.N. Qin, Thermally induced in situ fabrication of TiO2/CN heterojunction dopant for enhancement of hydrogen storage properties of LiAlH4. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 203 (2024) 227-236.
6. H.L. Chu, C.W. Yin, Y.P. Xia, Y.S. Chua, S.J. Qiu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Highly dispersed Ni nanoparticles decorated TiO2 microspheres for enhancing hydrogen storage properties of magnesium hydride. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 997 (2024) 174927.
7. Y.L. Zhu, J.H. Lao, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Q.W. Shao, Y. Luo, S.W. Fang, Y. Chen, C.Y. Yu, Y.J. Zou, A structurally controllable flower-shaped phosphide derived from metal-organic frameworks for high-performance supercapacitors, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, (2024) 118376.
8. X.J. Zhao, L. Lu, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, C.L. Xiang, High-sensitivity ammonia gas sensor based on hollow microsphere MXene@ SnS2@ polyaniline composite material with humidity resistance. International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 19(8) (2024) 100658.
9. L.L. Zhang, Y.M. Luo, Q.Y. Wang, D. Wei, H.P. Hu, P.X. Yan, S.J. Qiu, F. Xu, W.P. Cao, L.X. Sun, H.L. Chu, Zn doping induced local lattice expansion for hierarchical hollow NiCo-LDH toward enhanced electrochemical performance in asymmetric supercapacitor. Journal of Energy Storage, 92 (2024) 112195.
10. C.F. Shao, J.H. Hua, Q. Li, Y.P. Xia, L.X. Sun, L.M. Wang, B.T. Li, Near-range modulation of single-atomic Fe sites by simultaneously integrating heteroatom and nanocluster for efficient oxygen reduction. Nano Energy, 126 (2024) 109668.
11. L.L. Zhang, Y.M. Luo, D. Wei, S.J. Qiu, F. Xu, W.P. Cao, Q.Y. Wang, L.X. Sun, H.L. Chu, Zinc Ions Doping in Layered Bimetallic Nickel‐Cobalt Glycerol Nanosheets for Enhanced Electrochemical Performance of Supercapacitors. ChemCatChem, (2024) e202400604.
12. X. Wen, C. Fu, H.L. Zhan, J. Dai, R.F. Zhang*, Y.P. Xia, H.L. Peng, H.L. Chu, F. Xu, and L.X. Sun, WO3 Coating Enhances the Performance of Cu2O Photocathodes in Solar Water Splitting Cells. ACS Applied Nano Materials, (2024).
13. Y.T. He, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu, Y.P. Xia, Y.L. Chen, S.X. Wang, Z.C. Hu, S.J. Hao, L.X. Sun, Enhanced solar-thermal energy storage performance of NF/Ni-Cu@ rGO/PEG composite phase change materials with 3D conductive network. Journal of Energy Storage, 90 (2024) 111986.
14. M.L. Liu, Z.H. Liu, C.L. Xiang, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, MoS2-CuCo2S4 nanosheets with a honeycomb structure formed on Ni foam: An efficient electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 988 (2024) 174300.
15. A. Wei, S.X. Wang, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Preparation of a Flame-Retardant Curing Agent Based on Phytic Acid–Melamine Ion Crosslinking and Its Application in Wood Coatings. Polymers, 16(11) (2024) 1557.
16. S.F. Li, S.J. Qiu, Y.S. Chua, Y.P. Xia, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, H.L. Chu, Co–B supported on waxberry-like hierarchical porous carbon microspheres: An efficient catalyst for hydrogen generation via sodium borohydride hydrolysis. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 319 (2024) 129399.
17. C. Liu, D. Wei, C.W. Yin, S.J. Qiu, Y.P. Xia, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, H.L. Chu, Ruthenium nanoparticles supported on functionalized carbon nanotubes as high-efficiency catalysts for ammonia borane hydrolysis. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 319 (2024) 129398.
18. B. Geng, Z.H. Liu, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, C.L. Xiang, Cross-linked NiCo2O4 and MnFe2O4 nanosheets wrapped Lentinula edodes-derived carbon as an efficient electrode material. International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 19(6) (2024) 100606.
19. L.M. Liao, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Y.M. Luo, Y.X. Guan, J. Ouyang, J.L. Zeng, H.G. Pan, D.P. Li, Highly stable non-enzymatic glucose sensor based on ternary NiCoFe-layered hydroxide grown on graphene oxide. New Journal of Chemistry, 48(23) (2024) 10739-10747.
20. X.Q, Wang, J.H. Zhou, W.G. Cui, Y. Gao, F.L. Qi, Y.X. Liu, X.Y. Yang, K. Wang, Z.L. Li, Y.X. Yang, J. Chen, W.P. Sun, L.X. Sun, H.G. Pan, Electron Manipulation and Surface Reconstruction of Bimetallic Iron–Nickel Phosphide Nanotubes for Enhanced Alkaline Water Electrolysis. Advanced Science, (2024) 2401207.
21. E.H. Yan, S. Zhang, W. Liu, K.X. Zhang, G.Z. Huang, L.M. Jia, L.Z. Tao, H.F. Chen, J.W. Bai, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Development of Nb-based alloy membranes with improved resistance to corrosion by H2S. Journal of Membrane Science, 700 (2024) 122714.
22. J.X. Jiang, L. Yao, H.L. Peng, G.M. Wei, Y. Tian, L.X. Sun, P.B. Dai, P. Cai, Y.J. Zou, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, B.Q. Zhang, High-Performance Zinc-Ion Hybrid Supercapacitor from Guilin Sanhua Liquor Lees-Derived Carbon Materials, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 16 (2024) 22102-22112.
23. Y. Luo, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Y.P. Xia, Y. Yao, Y.X. Guan, S.W. Fang, H.G. Pan, C.C. Zhang, R.G. Cheng, Y.L. Zhu, Q.W. Shao, Y.J. Zou, B. Shi, R.J. Li, Recycling of graphite from end-of-life lithium-ion batteries as efficient sulfur host for lithium-sulfur batteries, Journal of Energy Storage, 85 (2024) 111067.
24. S.W. Fang, X.L. Jia, Y.L. Chen, H.P. Hu, S.X. Wang, Y.P. Xia, Z. Sang, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, ZIF-67-derived for B-doped NiCoP hollow nanocages as efficient catalysts synergistically promoting NaBH4 hydrolysis, Ceramics International, 50 (2024) 12472-12480.
25. B. Han, J.C. Wang, J. tan, Y.F. Ouyang, Y. Du, L.X. Sun, First-principles study on the dehydrogenation thermodynamics and kinetics of Ti, Zr, V and Nb doped MgH2, Journal of Energy Storage, 83 (2024) 110612.
26. M.H. Jiang, Z.C. Hu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, X.B Hu, NiSe-modified CoMoO4 nanosheets as bifunctional electrocatalysts for hydrogen and oxygen evolution reactions, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 978 (2024) 173495.
27. H.H. Wang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, J.F. Wu, G.R. Zhang, Y.L. Zhu, Q.W. Shao, Y. Luo, X. Peng, Y.J. Wang, Y. Gao, Y.J. Zou, Novel MOF/COF dual carrier anchoring Ru nanoparticles for improved hydrogen production by hydrolysis of NaBH4, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 978 (2024) 173415.
28. H.L. Chu, Y.L. Wu, S.J. Qiu, C.F. Shao, Y.P. Xia, Y.J. Zou, B.T. Li, K. Dai, L.X. Sun, Carboxylate trapping engineering to fabricate monodispersed dual-atom iron sites for efficient oxygen reduction, Inprganic Chemistry Frontiers, 11 (2024) 2260-2271.
29. G.M. Wei, F. Hu, Y. Tian, J.X. Jiang, X. Liu, L. Yao, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, H.L. Peng, P. Kannan, Preparation of Sea Urchin-Like Co/Ni Alloy Compounds for Pseudocapacitive Supercapacitor, Energy Technology, (2024) 2301596.
30. Y.X. Jia, P.P. Zhou, X.Z. Xiao, X.C. Wang, B. Han, J.C. Wang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, L.X. Chen, Synergetic action of 0D/2D/3D N-doped carbon nanocages and NbB2 nanocatalyst on reversible hydrogen storage performance of lithium borohydride, Chemical Engineering Journal, 485 (2024) 150090.
31. Z.Y. Huang, J.J. Wang, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, C.L. Xiang, J.J. Xie, L.X. Sun, Synthesis and application of NiLa-layered double hydroxides on nickel-coated carbon nanotubes with Co-ZIF-67 composite in supercapacitors, Journal of Energy Storage, 85 (2024) 111093.
32. Y.F. Jing, S.M. Zhou, J.X. Liu, H.C. Yang, J.Q. Liang, L.Y. Peng, Z.Y. Li, Y.P. Xia, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, K.K. Novoselov, P.R. Huang, Unveiling the destabilization of sp3 and sp2 bonds in transition metal-modified borohydrides to improve reversible dehydrogenation and rehydrogenation, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 661 (2024) 185-195.
33. Y.L. Zhu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, J.H. Lao, Q.W. Shao, Y. Luo, S.W. Fang, Y. Chen, C.Y. Yu, H.L. Chu, H.G. Pan, Z. Cao, J.L. Zeng, 3D nanocubes NiCo-PBA sulfide for high-performance supercapacitors, Electrochimica Acta, 478 (2024) 143866.
34. J.L. Li, J.Q. Zhang, Z. Li, Q. Wang, C. Dong, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, P.K. Liaw, Effect of Ti/Nb/Ta addition on the γ/γ' coherent microstructure in low-density and high-strength Co-Al-W-Mo-based superalloys, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 186 (2024) 174-187.
35. J.F. Ruan, S.X. Wang, F.Y. Yang, C.L. Xiang, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Hydrolysis of NaBH4 using carbonized melamine foam-supported cobalt borate composite catalyst for H2 production, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 19 (2024) 100461.
36. J.H. Lao, Y.L. Zhu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, S.W. Fang, Q.W. Shao, L.M. Liao, Y.X. Guan, Y.J. Zou, A novel 1D MXene fibers-loaded metal-organic framework derived bimetallic sulfide for high-performance supercapacitors, Fuel, 362 (2024) 130904.
37. S.S. Yu, J. Xu, Q.Y. Wang, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, M.H. Jiang, Z.C. Hu, X.B. Hu, Oxygen-vacancy-enriched Co2NiMo-N hollow polymetallic nitrides for the electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 977 (2024) 173433.
38. Y.J. Zhang, Z,H. Wang, Y. Liu, C. Li, B. Chen, G. Zhu, L.X. Sun, G.H. He, Effect of pulse width on the accuracy of thermal diffusivity of graphite films with high thermal conductivity, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 149 (2024) 1029-1036.
39. J.F. Wu, T. Wang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, L.M. Liao, Y. Gao, Y.X. Guan, H.H. Wang, G.R. Zhang, Z. Cao, J.L. Zeng, Novel porous Al-based composites for improved Al–water reaction performances by spark plasma sintering, Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 8 (2024) 564-572.
40. L.J. Song, Y.K. Yang, H.P. Hu, Y.T. Wang, X.L. Jia, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, B. Li, T. Yu, H.Z. Zhang, J.L. Zeng, Z. Cao, Thermodynamic study on expanded graphite-based multifunctional composite phase change materials for personal thermal management and medical protection, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 149 (2024) 595-607.
41. J.T. Liang, Q. Huang, L. Wu, L.R. Wang, L.X. Sun, Z.D. Zhou, G.Y. Li, Silicon-based field-effect glucose biosensor based on reduced graphene oxide-carboxymethyl chitosan-platinum nanocomposite material modified LAPS, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 366 (2024) 114937.
42. Q.W. Shao, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Y.L. Zhu, S.W. Fang, L.M. Liao, Y.X. Guan, Y. Luo, H.H Wang, G.R. Zhang, Y.J. Zou, R.D. Xu, Y.L. Feng, Fabrication of nanoflower-like Ni2Co-S/CNTA with morphology controlled for high-performance supercapacitor, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 976 (2024) 173249.
43. C.W. Yin, S.J. Qiu, Y.P. Xia, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, H.L. Chu, Ni-based catalyst assisted by MnO to boost the hydrogen storage performance of magnesium hydride, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 55 (2024) 512-520.
44. Z.H. Liu, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, J. Zhang, L.X. Sun, C.L. Xiang, NiMoO4@H–BiMoNi with nanorod cluster structure for an efficient hydrogen evolution reactions in electrocatalysts, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 51 (2024) 993-1001.
45. C.H. Zhang, L. Lu, S.J. Hao, S.W. Fang, Q.L. Sui, J. Li, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, C.L. Xiang, J.J Xie, Core-shell Cu2O@CuS@NiCo layered double hydroxide composites as supercapacitor electrode materials, Journal of Energy Storage, 77 (2024) 109983.
Year 2023
1. Z.L. Yu, S.X. Wang, Z.A. Xiao, F. Xu, C.L. Xiang, L.X. Sun, Y.J. Zou, Graphene-supported Cu2O-CoO heterojunctions for high performance supercapacitors, Journal of Energy Storage, 77 (2023) 110009.
2. C.L. Li, C. Huang, Y.Z. Meng, S.Y. Wang, D.W. Wang, X. Chen, L.X. Sun, B.L. Peng, X.Y. Lei, Y.F. Shen, L.J. Liu, X9R-type SrTiO3 based ceramics with colossal dielectric permittivity and low loss derived from defect engineering and high-energy ball milling, Ceramics International, 50 (2023) 3975-3981.
3. C. Huang, Y.Z. Meng, C.L. Li, D.W. Wang, X. Chen, L.X. Sun, B.L. Peng, X.Y. Lei, Y.F. Shen, L.J. Liu, Colossal permittivity, low dielectric loss, and good thermal stability achieved in Ta-doped BaTiO3 by B-site defect engineering, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 34 (2023) 2231.
4. T.H. Jiang, H. Zhao, K. Tsoutas, L.X. Sun, H.W. Liu, Y.P. Liu, F.J. Xu, Z. Zheng, M.M. Bilek, Z.W. Liu, Effect of nitrogen pressure on the fabrication of AlCrFeCoNiCu0.5 high entropy nitride thin films via cathodic arc deposition, 41 (2023) 063410.
5. B. Han, Y.X. Jia, J.C. Wang, X.Z. Xiao, L.X. Chen, L.X. Sun, Y. Du, The structural, energetic and dehydrogenation properties of pure and Ti-doped Mg(0001)/MgH2(110) interfaces, Journal of Materials Chemistey A, 11 (2023) 26602-26616.
6. E.H. Yan, T.W. Li, J.L. Zhang, K.X. Zhang, Z.J. Guo, W. Liu, S. Zhang, Y.H. Wang, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Improved the H2S corrosion resistance for Nb30Hf35Co35 alloy by modifying surface catalytic layer, 58 (2023) 17664-17674.
7. Z. Zheng, H. Zhao, L.X. Sun, Y.P. Liu, L. Fu, M. M. Bilek, B. Akhavan, Z.W. Liu, Phase decomposition of AlCrFeCoNiCu0.5 HEA thin films by vacuum annealing, Surfaces and Interfaces, 43 (2023) 103541.
8. R.G. Cheng, J.X. Liu, P. Manasa, M. Zhou, Y.X. Guan, K.X. Zhang, X.C. Lin, F. Rosei, A.A. pimerzin, H. J. Seifert, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, D. Cai, J.L. Zeng, Z. Cao, H.G. Pan, Mechanism and thermal effects of phytic acid-assisted porous carbon sheets for high-performance lithium–sulfur batteries, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 10 (2023) 7038-7053.
9. Y.X. Guan, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Y.M. Luo, R.G. Cheng, Y.J. Zou, L.M. Liao, Z. Cao, Hydrogen Peroxide Electrochemical Sensor Based on Ag/Cu Bimetallic Nanoparticles Modified on Polypyrrole, Sensors, 23 (2023) 8536.
10. Y.H. Wang, L.M. Jia, E.H. Yan, Z.J. Guo, S. Zhang, T.W. Li, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Phase Equilibria of the V-Ti-Fe System and Its Applications in the Design of Novel Hydrogen Permeable Alloys, Membranes, 13 (2023) 813.
11. H. Zhao, Z. Zheng, L.X. Sun, H.W. Liu, K. Tsoutas, B. Akhavan, Y.P. Liu, M.M. Bilek, Z.W. Liu, Introducing a new heterogeneous nanocomposite thin film with superior mechanical properties and thermal stability, Materials & Design, 234 (2023) 112333.
12. H.L. Peng, J.X. Liu, H.T. Yang, L.X. Sun*, K.S. Novoselov, H. Wu, Y. Yang, Y.J. Zou, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, P. Cai, X. Wen, P.R. Huang, F. Rosei, Effect of Transition Metals on Self-Assembly and Oxygen Reduction Properties of Graphene Nanoribbons, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 6 (2023) 17826-17837.
13. X.L. Jia, S.W. Fang, y. Gao, Y. Zhu, C.C. Zhang, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, H.G. Pan, J.L. Zeng, Z. Cao, D.P. Li, Ni-BTC-derived CoP-NiCoP/NC microspheres as an efficient catalyst for NaBH4 hydrolysis, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 968 (2023) 171821.
14. S. Ye, Y.F. Wang, B.H. Du, L. Cheng, L.X. Sun, P.X. Yan, Recoverable sepiolite coated B-CoP/ cellulose hybrid aerogel as monolithic catalysts for hydrogen generation via NaBH4 hydrolysis, Chemical Engineering Journal, 474 (2023) 145772.
15. E.H. Yan, Z.J. Guo, L.M. Jia, Y.H. Wang, S. Zhang, T.W. Li, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, H. Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Phase Equilibria, Solidified Microstructure, and Hydrogen Transport Behaviour in the V-Ti-Co System, Membranes, 13 (2023) 790.
16. C.W. Yin, S.J. Qiu, Y.H. Wang, Q.H. Wei, Z.W. Peng, Y.P. Xia, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, H.L. Chu, Promoted hydrogen storage properties of MgH2 by Ti3+ self-doped defect-mediated TiO2, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 966 (2023) 171610.
17. Z. Zheng, H. Zhao, B. Akhavan, L.X. Sun, H.W. Liu, K. Tsoutas, Y.P. Liu, M. M. Bulek, Z.W. Liu, Enhanced strength of AlCoCrCu0.5FeNi high entropy alloy thin films reinforced by multi-phase hardening and nanotwins, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 879 (2023) 145252.
18. G.Z. Guo, C.C. Ji, H.Y. Mi, C. Yang, M.J. Li, C.R. Sun, and L.X. Sun*. Zincophilic Anionic Hydrogel Electrolyte with Interfacial Specific Adsorption of Solvation Structures for Durable Zinc Ion Hybrid Supercapacitors. Advanced Functional Materials, 34 (2023) 2308405.
19. P. Cai, L. Ding, Z.M. Chen, D.H. Wang, H.L. Peng, C.L. Yuan, C.H. Hu, L.X. Sun, Yuriy N. Luponosov, F. Huang and Q.F. Xue, Tetrabutylammonium Bromide Functionalized Ti3C2Tx MXene as Versatile Cathode Buffer Layer for Efficient and Stable Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells, Advanced Functional Materials, 33 (2023).
20. S.J Hao, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, Z.C. Hu. Composite phase change materials based on CuS-coated carbonized melamine foam/reduced graphene oxide frameworks for multiple energy conversion and storage applications. Journal of Energy Storage, 72, (2023).
21. Y.T. Bu, J.X. Liu, D. Cai, R.R. Huang, S. Wei, X.S. Luo, Z.Y. Liu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun* and X.Y. Wei, Magnetic recyclable catalysts with dual protection of hollow Co/N/C framework and surface carbon film for hydrogen production from NaBH4 hydrolysis, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 938 (2023) 168495.
22. Y.T. Bu, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, S. Wei, Federico Rosei, T.M. Luo, Z.Y. Liu, J.X. Liu, C.C. Zhang and Yuan Yao, Highly active bimetallic MOF derivatives for improving the dehydrogenation performance of LiAlH4, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 961 (2023) 170897.
23. Z.M. Cao, M.Y. Piao, X.Z. Xiao, L.J. Zhan, P.P. Zhou, Z.N. Li, S.M. Wang, L.J. Jiang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun and L.X. Chen, Development of (Ti-Zr)1.02(Cr-Mn-Fe)2-Based Alloys toward Excellent Hydrogen Compression Performance in Water-Bath Environments, Acs Applied Energy Materials, (2023).
24. C. Cheng, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, C.L. Xiang and L.X. Sun*, In Situ Growth of Nickel-Cobalt Metal Organic Frameworks Guided by a Nickel-Molybdenum Layered Double Hydroxide with Two-Dimensional Nanosheets Forming Flower-Like Struc-Tures for High-Performance Supercapacitors, Nanomaterials, 13 (2023) 581.
25. S.W. Fang, Y.L. Chen, S.X. Wang, J. Xu, Y.P. Xia, F.Y. Yang, Y. Wang, J.H. Lao, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Y.J. Zou and H.G. Pan, Modified CNTs interfacial anchoring and particle-controlled synthesis of amorphous cobalt-nickel-boron alloy bifunctional materials for NaBH4 hydrolysis and supercapacitor energy storage, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 936 (2023) 167990.
26. C. Feng, Q.F. Zhang, N.Y, Wang, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Y.P. Xia, H.L. Peng, X.C. Lin, B. Lin, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, E.H. Yan and R.R. Huang, Fatty acid eutectics embedded in guar gum/graphene oxide/boron nitride carbon aerogels for highly efficient thermal energy storage and improved photothermal conversion efficiency, Colloids and Surfaces a-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 660 (2023) 130810.
27. C.H. Han, Y.C. Zhu, H.Z. Zhang, C. Feng, S.D. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, X.C. Lin, L. Ma, H.L. Peng, Y.Z. Wang, Y.P. Xia, B. Lin, E.H. Yan and R.R. Huang, MnO2 decorated double-shell microencapsulated phase change materials for photothermal conversion and storage, Journal of Energy Storage, 72 (2023) 108549.
28. S. Hu, C.L. Xiang, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu and L.X. Sun*, Synthesis of NiMoO4/NiMo@NiS Nanorods for Efficient Hydrogen Evolution Reactions in Electrocatalysts, Nanomaterials, 13 (2023) 1871.
29. Z.C. Hu, M.H. Jiang, Y.J. Zou, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, S.S. Yu, S.J. Hao and C.L. Xiang, MoS2-decorated carbonized melamine foam/reduced graphene oxide network for constructing polyethylene-glycol-based multifunctional phase change materials toward multiple energy harvesting and microwave absorbing applications, Chemical Engineering Journal, 461 (2023) 141923.
30. S.Y. Hui, R. Ji, H.Z. Zhang, C.W. Huang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Y.P. Xia, X.C. Lin, L. Ma, H.L. Peng, B. Lin, Y.Z. Wang, E.H. Yan and R.R. Huang, N-Octadecane Encapsulated by Assembled BN/GO Aerogels for Highly Improved Thermal Conductivity and Energy Storage Capacity, Nanomaterials (Basel, Switzerland), 13 (2023).
31. Y.X. Jia, X.C. Wang, L.J. Hu, X.Z. Xiao, S.Q. Zhang, J.H. He, J.C. Qi, L. Lv, F. Xu, L.X. Sun* and L.X. Chen, Carbon composite support improving catalytic effect of NbC nanoparticles on the low-temperature hydrogen storage performance of MgH2, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 150 (2023).
32. M.H. Jiang, Y. Wang, C.L. Xiang, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, D. Cai and Chua Yong Shen, Core-shell structured MnxCoyO4 @MoS2 composites for advanced electrodes in supercapacitors, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 942 (2023) 169125.
33. Z.Y. Li, Y.J. Sun, C.C. Zhang, S. Wei, L. Zhao, J.L. Zeng, Z. Cao, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun* and H.G. Pan, Optimizing hydrogen ad/desorption of Mg-based hydrides for energy-storage applications, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 141 (2023).
34. J.T. Liang, F. Guo, J.Y. Huang, X.H. Tan, L.X. Sun*, Z.D. Zhou and G.Y. Li, An ultrasensitive label-free electrochemical aptasensing platform for Golgi protein-73 detection based on RGO-Fc-Mn3O4 nanocomposites, Microchemical Journal, 193 (2023) 109138.
35. Z.Y. Liu, J.X. Liu, S. Wei, Y.P. Xia, R.G. Cheng, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, R.R. Huang, Y.T. Bu, J. Cheng, T.H. Zhou, H.G. Pan, Z. Cao, J.L. Zeng, Hans Jurgen Seifert, S.H. Sun and G.X. Zhang, Improved hydrogen storage properties and mechanisms of LiAlH4 doped with Ni/C nanoparticles anchored on large-size Ti3C2Tx, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 931 (2023) 167353.
36. L. Lu, M.Y. Liu, Q.L. Sui, C.H. Zhang, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun* and C.L. Xiang, MXene/MoS2 nanosheet/polypyrrole for high-sensitivity detection of ammonia gas at room temperature, Materials Today Communications, 35 (2023) 106239.
37. X.S. Luo, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, Z. Cao, J.L. Zeng, Y.T. Bu, C.C. Zhang, Y.P. Xia, Y.J. Zou, K.X. Zhang and H.G. Pan, Metal boride-decorated CoNi layered double hydroxides supported on muti-walled carbon nanotubes as efficient hydrolysis catalysts for sodium borohydride, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 930 (2023) 167339.
38. T.M. Luo, X. Feng, D. Wei, L.L. Zhang, Q.Y. Wang, F. Yang, S.J. Qiu, F. Xu, Y.J. Zou, L.X. Sun* and H.L. Chu, Structure-Engineered Core-Shell Ni-Co-O/NiCo-LDH Nanospheres as High-Performance Supercapacitor Electrodes, Coatings, 13 (2023) 353.
39. T.M. Luo, Y. Lu, Q.Y. Wang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Y. Wang, J.H. Lao, L.M. Liao, K.X. Zhang, H.Z. Zhang and Y.J. Zou, Porous Carbon With Facial Tuning of the Heteroatom N by Polyvinylidene Chloride Dehalogenation Toward Enhanced Supercapacitor Performance, Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage, 20 (2023) 011004.
40. Y.P. Pang, Z.F. Nie, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, J.H. Yang, D.L. Sun, F. Fang and S.Y. Zheng, Borohydride Ammoniate Solid Electrolyte Design for All-Solid-State Mg Batteries, Energy & Environmental Materials, (2023).
41. H.L. Peng, F. Hu, L. Yao, S.Y. Liu, J.X. Jiang, P.G. Yi, L.X. Sun*, Y.J. Zou, H.Z. Zhang, G.S. Zhu, P. Cai, F. Xu, G.H. Wang, Federico Rosei and X.Y. Lu, Efficient electrochemical energy storage designed by second alcoholic fermentation of rice, Journal of Energy Storage, 70 (2023) 108060.
42. Z.W. Peng, Y.H. Wang, C.W. Yin, S.J. Qiu, Y.P. Xia, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun* and H.L. Chu, Uniform dispersion of ultrafine ruthenium nanoparticles on nano-cube ceria as efficient catalysts for hydrogen production from ammonia-borane hydrolysis, Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 7 (2023).
43. X.R. Qiang, X.F. He, H. Nan, K.Y. Chen, X.Y. Lei, D.W. Wang, C.L. Yin, X. Chen, L.X. Sun and L.J. Liu, Local phase structure evolution and ferroelectric response in novel Bi-layered structure relaxor BaBi2Ta2O9 ceramic, Physica B-Condensed Matter, 661 (2023) 414919.
44. Z.W. Tian, Q.L. Sui, C.H. Zhang, C.L. Xiang, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu and Y.J. Zou, Nanoarchitectonics of metal-organic frameworks on nickel-cobalt hydroxides hollow prisms for supercapacitors, Journal of Energy Storage, 72 (2023) 108052.
45. C.C. Wang, L. Cheng, Si Ye, P.X. Yan and L.X. Sun*, Aerogel of chitosan/graphene oxide loaded Ru-CoP as a monolithic catalyst for hydrogen generation via NaBH4 hydrolysis, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 952 (2023) 169994.
46. J.J. Wang, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu and L.X. Sun*, Ternary NiMoCo-layered double hydroxides grown on chemically plated Ni-P alloyed nickel foam for high-performance supercapacitors, Journal of Energy Storage, 58 (2023) 106388.
47. S.X. Wang, C.L. Xiang, Z.A. Xiao, F. Xu, L.X. Sun and Y.J. Zou, Nickel-molybdenum metal hydroxide wrapped ZIF-67 for supercapacitor applications, Journal of Energy Storage, 59 (2023) 106555.
48. X.C. Wang, Y.X. Jia, X.Z. Xiao, P.P. Zhou, J.P. Bi, J.C. Qi, L. Lv, F. Xu, L.X. Sun* and L.X. Chen, Robust architecture of 2D nano Mg-based borohydride on graphene with superior reversible hydrogen storage performance, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 146 (2023).
49. Y.H. Wang, Z.W. Peng, C.W. Yin, S.J. Qiu, Y.P. Xia, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun* and H.L. Chu, Sodium fluotitanate with the formation of multicomponent catalytic species for superior hydrogen storage of magnesium hydride, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 938 (2023) 168605.
50. Y. Wang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, S.W. Fang, J.H. Lao, C.C. Zhang, S.Y. Wei, L.M. Liao, Y.X. Guan, Y.P. Xia, T.M. Luo, Y.J. Sun, Y.J. Zou, Z.Z. Yu, Q.W. Shao, Y.L. Zhu and Y. Luo, Controllable preparation of nickel cobalt manganese ternary metal-organic frameworks for high-performance supercapacitor, Journal of Energy Storage, 58 (2023) 106395.
51. Q.H, Wei, J.X. Liu, S.J. Qiu, Y.P. Xia, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, X. Wen, R.R. Huang, L.X. Sun* and H.L. Chu, Boosting Hydrogen Evolution from Ammonia-Borane Hydrolysis Catalyzed by Poly(N-Vinyl-2-Pyrrolidone)-Stabilized Ruthenium-Based Nanoclusters Catalysts, Advanced Sustainable Systems, 7 (2023).
52. J.A. Wu, H.H. Zhang, Y.T. Wang, Y.J. Zou, B. Lin, C.L. Xiang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu and T. Yu, Hydrangea-like NiO@KNbO3 as catalyst doping for MgH2: Boosting hydrogen storage performance, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 961 (2023) 171160.
53. H.J. Xue, X. Wen, C. Fu, H.L. Zhan, Z.Q. Zou, R.F. Zhang, Y.P. Xia, F. Xu and L.X. Sun*, Solar Energy Conversion and Electron Storage by a Cu2O/CuO Photocapacitive Electrode, Energies, 16 (2023) 3231.
54. E.H. Yan, X.Y. Ge, Z.J. Guo, P. Zhao, J.W. Bai, D.S. Ma, R.J. Huang, J. Cheng, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, F. Xu and L.X. Sun*, Microstructure, hydrogen permeability and ductile-to-brittle transition-hydrogen concentration of (V, Nb)-Ti-Co quaternary alloys, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 305 (2023) 127919.
55. E.H. Yan, Z.R. Zhou, R.J. Huang, K.X. Zhang, S. Zhang, Y.H. Wang, Y.C. Chen, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu and L.X. Sun*, Microstructure and hydrogen transport behaviour of Nb5Ti58Fe35M2 alloy membranes, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 958 (2023) 170520.
56. F.Y. Yang, C.L. Xiang, S.W. Fang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Chua Yong Shen and Y.J. Zou, Synthesis and catalytic performance of nanoflower-like Ru@CoAl-LDH composite catalyst for NaBH4 hydrolysis, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 945 (2023) 169280.
57. H.T. Yang, Hao Wu, L. Yao, S.Y. Liu, Lu Yang, J.L. Lu, H.L. Peng, X.C. Lin, P. Cai, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, K.X. Zhang and L.X. Sun*, One-Step Synthesis of a Non-Precious-Metal Tris (Fe/N/F)-Doped Carbon Catalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reactions, Molecules, 28 (2023) 2392.
58. Y.K. Yang, Y.P. Xia, F.Z. Chen, Y. Zhu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Kostya S. Novoselov, R.R. Huang, H.G. Pan, H.Z. Lin, H.P. Hu, L.J. Song, Y. Gao, D. Cai, Z. Cao and J.L. Zeng, Hexagonal boron nitride-induced lamellar-structured flexible phase change film for temperature-controlled information storage and wearable thermal regulation, Journal of Energy Storage, 72 (2023) 108443.
59. L. Yao, J.X. Jiang, H.L. Peng, H.T. Yang, S.Y. Liu, X. Wen, P. Cai, Y.J. Zou, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun* and X.Y. Lu, Glutinous rice-derived carbon material for high-performance zinc-ion hybrid supercapacitors, Journal of Energy Storage, 58 (2023) 106378.
60. Si Ye, Yufeng Wang, C.C. Wang, L. Cheng, L.X. Sun and P.X. Yan, Robust cellulose fiber/fibrous sepiolite coated RuO2-CoP aerogel as monolithic catalyst for hydrogen generation via NaBH4 hydrolysis, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 639 (2023).
61. C.W. Yin, S.J. Qiu, Y.H. Wang, Q.H, Wei, Z.W. Peng, Y.P. Xia, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun* and H.L. Chu, Promoted hydrogen storage properties of MgH2 by Ti3+ self-doped defect-mediated TiO2, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 966 (2023) 171610.
62. S.S. Yu, M.Y. Liu, Q.Y. Wang, J. Xu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, M.H. Jiang and Z.C. Hu, Three-dimensional carbon nanofiber networks encapsulated in cobalt-molybdenum metal clusters on nitrogen-doped carbon as ultra-efficient electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reactions, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 937 (2023) 168316.
63. Z.Z. Yu, Q. Lu, Y.Z. Wang, K.Z. Yu, H.C. Li, X.Q. Yang, Y. Cheng, F. Xu and L.X. Sun*, Self-compacting engineering to achieve high-performance lithium-rich layered oxides cathode materials, Applied Surface Science, 619 (2023) 156683.
64. Z.Z. Yu, K.Z. Yu, F.L. Ji, Q. Lu, Y.Z. Wang, Y. Cheng, H.C. Li, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Hans J. Seifert, Y. Du and J.C. Wang, Enhancing the cycling stability of a hollow architecture Li-rich cathode via Ce-integrated surface/interface/doping engineering, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 10 (2023).
65. C.H. Zhang, Q.L. Sui, L. Lu, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, D. Cai and C.L. Xiang, Hollow core-shell CuCo2O4@MoNi-layered double hydroxides as an electrode material for supercapacitors, Journal of Energy Storage, 61 (2023) 106691.
66. C.H. Zhang, Q.L. Sui, L. Lu, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun* and C.L. Xiang, Supercapacitor performance of MOF-derived double-shell hollow Ni-Fe-Mn-Se nanocubes, Journal of Energy Storage, 68 (2023) 107711.
67. C.C. Zhang, L.X. Sun*, Y.F. Ouyang, F. Xu, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, K.X. Zhang, B. Lin and H.G. Pan, Improved electrochemical water splitting by RuNi nanoparticles supported on rGO@mesoporous N-doped carbon nanosheets, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 937 (2023) 168334.
68. H.H. Zhang, Y.T. Bu, W.Y. Xiong, K.J. He, T. Yu, Z.Y. Liu, J.A. Wu, B. Lin, L.X. Sun*, Y.J. Zou, W.Q. Sun, R.R. Guo, F. Xu, K.X. Zhang and H.Z. Zhang, Effect of bimetallic nitride NiCoN on the hydrogen absorption and desorption properties of MgH2 and the catalytic effect of in situ formed Mg2Ni and Mg2Co phases, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 965 (2023) 171431.
69. H.R. Zhang, Q.H, Wei, G.M. Wu, S.J. Qiu, Y.J. Zou, Y.P. Xia, F. Xu, L.X. Sun* and H.L. Chu, Zn-MOF-74-derived graphene nanosheets supporting CoB alloys for promoting hydrolytic dehydrogenation of sodium borohydride, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 930 (2023) 167486.
70. Q.F. Zhang, T.F. Xia, Q. Zhang, Y.C. Zhu, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Xiaodong Wang, Y.P. Xia, X.C. Lin, H.L. Peng, R.R. Huang, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu and B. Lin, Biomass Homogeneity Reinforced Carbon Aerogels Derived Functional Phase-Change Materials for Solar-Thermal Energy Conversion and Storage, Energy & Environmental Materials, 6 (2023).
71. S.D. Zhang, Y.C. Zhu, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Y.P. Xia, X.C. Lin, H.L. Peng, L. Ma, B. Lin, E.H. Yan and R.R. Huang, Cadmium Sulfide-Reinforced Double-Shell Microencapsulated Phase Change Materials for Advanced Thermal Energy Storage, Polymers, 15 (2023) 106.
72. H. Zhao, Z. Zheng, Behnam Akhavan, Kostadinos Tsoutas, L.X. Sun, H.R. Zhou, Marcela M. Bilek and Z.W. Liu, The fabrication and growth mechanism of AlCrFeCoNiCu0.5 HEA thin films by substrate-biased cathodic arc deposition, Scientific Reports, 13 (2023) 198.
73. Z. Zheng, H. Zhao, L.X. Sun, Marcela M. Bilek and Z.W. Liu, The microstructural evolution of dual phase high entropy alloy thin films by annealing, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 953 (2023) 170102.
Year 2022
1. Y.L. Chen, S.W. Fang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, M. Wang, J.H. Zhang, X.J. Mu, X.Y, Wang, P.F. Wang, J. Liu, Z.Q, Sun, H.S. Yao, J.H. Zhou and L. Miao, Hierarchical NiFe2O4-NiAl-LDH arrays immobilized on activated carbon cloth for bifunctional application on high-performance supercapacitors and solar steam generation, Sustainable Materials and Technologies, 33 (2022) e00500.
2. C. Cheng, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, C.L. Xiang, Q.L. Sui, J. Zhang, L.X. Sun* and Z.M. Chen, Ultrathin graphene@NiCo2S4@Ni-Mo layered double hydroxide with a 3D hierarchical flowers structure as a high performance positive electrode for hybrid supercapacitor, Journal of Energy Storage, 52 (2022) 105049.
3. R.G. Cheng, Y.X. Guan, T.M. Luo, C.C. Zhang, Y.P. Xia, S. Wei, M.M. Zhao, Qi Lin, Hao Li, S.Y. Zheng, Federico Rosei, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu and H.G. Pan, Guanine-assisted N-doped ordered mesoporous carbons as efficient capacity decaying suppression materials for lithium-sulfur batteries, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 101 (2022).
4. R.G. Cheng, X.Y. Xian, Pantrangi Manasa, J.X. Liu, Y.P. Xia, Y.X. Guan, S. Wei, Z.Y. Li, B. Lin, F. Xu and L.X. Sun*, Carbon Coated Metal-Based Composite Electrode Materials for Lithium Sulfur Batteries: A Review, Chemical Record, 22 (2022).
5. Z.C. Hu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, M.H. Jiang and S.S. Yu, Stabilized multifunctional phase change materials based on carbonized Cu-coated melamine foam/reduced graphene oxide framework for multiple energy conversion and storage, Carbon Energy, 4 (2022).
6. X.L. Jia, Z. Sang, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, H.G. Pan, C.C. Zhang, R.G. Cheng, Y.Q. Yu, H.P. Hu, Li Kang and Y.T. Bu, Graphene-Modified Co-B-P Catalysts for Hydrogen Generation from Sodium Borohydride Hydrolysis, Nanomaterials, 12 (2022) 2732.
7. M.H. Jiang, Z.C. Hu, Y. Wang, C.L. Xiang, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, Qi Yang, J. Zhang and L.X. Sun*, NiMoO4 @Co3S4 nanorods with core-shell structure for efficient hydrogen evolution reactions in electrocatalysts, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 927 (2022) 166824.
8. M.H. Jiang, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Z.C. Hu, S.S. Yu, J. Zhang and C.L. Xiang, Synthesis of g-C3N4/Fe3O4/MoS2 composites for efficient hydrogen evolution reaction, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 906 (2022) 164265.
9. R. Jing, H.Z. Zhang, C.W. Huang, F.C. Su, B.J. Wu, Z.X. Sun, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Y.P. Xia, H.L. Peng, X.C. Lin, B. Lin, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, R.R. Huang and E.H. Yan, Construction of double cross-linking PEG/h-BN@GO polymeric energy-storage composites with high structural stability and excellent thermal performances, Colloids and Surfaces a-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 638 (2022) 128193.
10. J.H. Lao, Y. Lu, S.W. Fang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Y. Wang, T.H. Zhou, L.M. Liao, Y.X. Guan, X.Y. Wei, C.C. Zhang, Y.K. Yang, Y.P. Xia, T.M. Luo, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, H.Z. Zhang, Y. Luo and Y.L. Zhu, Organic Crosslinked Polymer-Derived N/O-Doped Porous Carbons for High-Performance Supercapacitor, Nanomaterials, 12 (2022) 2186.
11. G.Y. Li, B. Wang, L. Zhao, X.H. Shi, G.X. Wu, W. Chen, L.X. Sun*, J.T. Liang and Z.D. Zhou, Label-free detection of glypican-3 using reduced graphene oxide /polyetherimide/gold nanoparticles enhanced aptamer specific sensing interface on light-addressable potentiometric sensor, Electrochimica Acta, 426 (2022) 140808.
12. H.S. Li, B. Lin, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun* and K.J. He, Modulating valence band to enhance the catalytic activity of Co-Cr-B/NG for hydrolysis of sodium borohydride, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 924 (2022) 166556.
13. J. Li, Y.J. Zou, Lei Jin, F. Xu, L.X. Sun and C.L. Xiang, Polydopamine-assisted NiMoO4 nanorods anchored on graphene as an electrode material for supercapacitor applications, Journal of Energy Storage, 50 (2022) 104639.
14. T.S. Li, C.L. Xiang, H.L. Chu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Y.J. Zou and J. Zhang, Catalytic effect of highly dispersed ultrafine Ru nanoparticles on a TiO2-Ti3C2 support: Hydrolysis of sodium borohydride for H-2 generation, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 906 (2022) 164380.
15. Y.Y. Li, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, X.G. Xue, Y.J. Wang, L.M. Liao, Y.X. Guan, B. Lin, K.X. Zhang, Y.J. Zou and H.Z. Zhang, Enhanced visible-light-driven RhB removal with a Mo-Ni bimetallic sulfide/g-C3N4 nanosheet Schottky junction, New Journal of Chemistry, 46 (2022).
16. L.M. Liao, J.X. Liu, T. Wang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, T.H. Zhou, J.F. Wu, Y.X. Guan, T.M. Luo, Y.J. Zou and H.L. Chu, Improved Hydrogen Generation of Al-H2O Reaction by BiOX (X = Halogen) and Influence Rule, Materials, 15 (2022) 8199.
17. X.C. Lin, M.M. Zhao, M.Y. Li, J. Long, J. Zhang, F. Yu, F. Xu and L.X. Sun*, Single-Molecule Detection of Nucleic Acids via Liposome Signal Amplification in Mass Spectrometry, Sensors, 22 (2022) 1346.
18. S.Y. Liu, H.T. Yang, L. Yao, H.L. Peng, R.R. Huang, X.C. Lin, L.H. Liu, H.Z. Zhang, P. Cai, X. Wen, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Palanisamy Kannan and Shan Ji, Design of Fe and Cu bimetallic integration on N and F co-doped porous carbon material for oxygen reduction reaction, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 47 (2022).
19. L.Y. Peng, J.X. Liu, Z.Y. Li, Y.F. Jing, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun* and R.R. Huang, One-step thermal polymerization synthesis of nitrogen-rich g-C3N4 nanosheets enhances photocatalytic redox activity, Rsc Advances, 12 (2022).
20. C.F. Shao, L.M. Wu, Y.H., K.G. Qu, H.L. Chu, L.X. Sun, J.S. Ye, B.T. Li and X.J. Wang, Engineering asymmetric Fe coordination centers with hydroxyl adsorption for efficient and durable oxygen reduction catalysis, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 316 (2022) 121607.
21. Q.L. Sui, Yihan Guo, C.L. Xiang, Q.Y. Wang, T.M. Luo, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, J. Zhang, J.J. Xie and Y.J. Zou, Room temperature boronized and phosphated cobalt-nickel metal-organic framework as the electrode material for supercapacitors, Journal of Energy Storage, 51 (2022) 104372.
22. Q.L. Sui, J. Li, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu, J. Zhang, L.X. Sun* and Y.J. Zou, Nickel metal-organic framework microspheres loaded with nickel-cobalt sulfides for supercapacitor electrode materials, Journal of Energy Storage, 55 (2022) 105525.
23. Q.L. Sui, Y.Q. Yu, C.L. Xiang, Q.Y. Wang, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, J. Zhang and Y.J. Zou, Static adsorption of MOFs nanosheets on 3D nanocubes for supercapacitor electrode materials, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 921 (2022) 165982.
24. Z.X. Sun, H.Z. Zhang, Q.F. Zhang, R. Jing, B.J. Wu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Y.P. Xia, Federico Rosei, H.L. Peng and X.C. Lin, Shape-stabilized phase change composites enabled by lightweight and bio-inspired interconnecting carbon aerogels for efficient energy storage and photo-thermal conversion, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 10 (2022).
25. Y. Tang, Y. Huang, H.Y. Zou, L. Wu, Z.L. Xiao, J.L. Zeng, L.X. Sun, Donghong Yu and Z. Cao, ZnO@CuO hollow nanosphere-based composites used for the sensitive detection of hydrogen sulfide with long-term stability, Analytical Methods, 14 (2022).
26. G.J. Wang, M.H. Wang, Z. Wen, L.Y. Wei, H. Lei, L.X. Sun and F. Xu, Electrochromic Properties of WO3 Thin Films Deposited on ITO/PET Substrates by Glancing Angle Magnetron Sputtering, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 51 (2022).
27. M.H. Wang, Y. CHen, G.J. Wang, H. Lei, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu and J. Zhang, Electrochromic Properties of Nano-columnar Porous WO3-x/TiO2 Thin Films, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 51 (2022).
28. Y.J. Wang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Y.Y. Li, L.M. Liao, Y.X. Guan, J.H. Lao, Y.K. Yang, T.H. Zhou, Y. Wang, B. Lin, K.X. Zhang and Y.J. Zou, A highly active Z-scheme SnS/Zn2SnO4 photocatalyst fabricated for methylene blue degradation, Rsc Advances, 12 (2022).
29. Q.H, Wei, S.J. Qiu, C.W. Yin, J.X. Liu, Y.P. Xia, X. Wen, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun* and H.L. Chu, Nitrogen-doped carbon encapsulated Ru-decorated Co2P supported on graphene oxide as efficient catalysts for hydrogen generation from ammonia borane, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 921 (2022) 166207.
30. S. Wei, J.X. Liu, Y.P. Xia, H.Z. Zhang, R.G. Cheng, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, R.R. Huang, Federico Rosei, Aleskey A. Pimerzin, Hans Juergen Seifert and H.G. Pan, Remarkable catalysis of spinel ferrite XFe2O4 ( X = Ni, Co, Mn, Cu, Zn) nanoparticles on the dehydrogenation properties of LiAlH4 : An experimental and theoretical study, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 111 (2022).
31. B.J. Wu, H.Z. Zhang, C.W. Huang, Q.F. Zhang, Z.X. Sun, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Y.P. Xia, H.L. Peng, X.C. Lin, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, R.R. Huang, E.H. Yan and B. Lin, Wire-sheet assembly construction of boron nitride/single-walled carbon nanotube shape-stabilized phase change composites for light-thermal energy conversion and storage, Journal of Energy Storage, 47 (2022) 103914.
32. J. Xu, C.L. Xiang, S.S. Yu, Y.J. Zou, S.W. Fang, Z.C. Hu, F. Xu and L.X. Sun*, Synthesis of Porous Yolk-Shelled NiSe2-MnSe Heterojunctions for High-Cycling-Stability Asymmetric Supercapacitor Electrode Materials, Acs Applied Energy Materials, 5 (2022).
33. E.H. Yan, W. Liu, H. Wang, K.X. Zhang, X.Y. Ge, R.J. Huang, J. Cheng, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu and L.X. Sun*, Quaternary Nb-Hf-Co-Fe alloy with superior hydrogen permeation properties over a wide temperature range, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 912 (2022) 165232.
34. E.H. Yan, H. Wang, W. Liu, P. Zhao, X.Y. Ge, R.J. Huang, J. Cheng, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu and L.X. Sun*, Design of Nb-Ti-Fe hydrogen permeable alloys based on the ductile-to-brittle transition-hydrogen concentration region, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 901 (2022) 163615.
35. F.Y. Yang, J.F. Ruan, T.S. Li, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu and L.X. Sun*, Hydrolysis of sodium borohydride using a highly stable catalyst of ruthenium nanoparticles supported by cobalt-nickel hydroxide-coated nickel foam, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 926 (2022) 166902.
36. F.Y. Yang, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu and L.X. Sun*, Synthesis of needle-cluster NiCo2O4 carbon nanofibers and loading of Co-B nanoparticles for hydrogen production through the hydrolysis of NaBH4, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 911 (2022) 165069.
37. Y.K. Yang, Q.Q. Yin, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Y.P. Xia, Y.X. Guan, L.M. Liao, T.H. Zhou, J.H. Lao, Y. Wang, Y.J. Wang, L.J. Song and Dianpeng Li, Fabricated Polyethylene glycol/ hydroxylated carbon nanotubes shape-stabilized phase change materials with improving thermal conductivity, Thermochimica Acta, 718 (2022) 179363.
38. Y.M. You, X.H. Hua, Y.Y. Cui, G.M. Wu, S.J. Qiu, Y.P. Xia, T.M. Luo, F. Xu, L.X. Sun* and H.L. Chu, Momordica Grosvenori Shell-Derived Porous Carbon Materials for High-Efficiency Symmetric Supercapacitors, Nanomaterials, 12 (2022) 4204.
39. S.S. Yu, J. Xu, C.L. Xiang, Y.J. Zou, Z.C. Hu, F. Xu and L.X. Sun*, Bifunctional metal-organic framework-derived nitrogen-doped porous multishell CuCoS@NiCoS nanospheres for supercapacitors and hydrogen evolution reactions, Journal of Energy Storage, 55 (2022) 105541.
40. S.S. Yu, Y.J. Zou, Q.Y. Wang, J. Xu, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun* and F. Yang, Self-supported Co-Mo sulfide in electrospun carbon nanofibers as electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction in alkaline medium, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 911 (2022) 165094.
41. Y.Q. Yu, Li Kang, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, H.G. Pan, Z. Sang, C.C. Zhang, X.L. Jia, Q.L. Sui, Y.T. Bu, D. Cai, Y.P. Xia, K.X. Zhang and B. Lin, Bimetallic Pt-Ni Nanoparticles Confined in Porous Titanium Oxide Cage for Hydrogen Generation from NaBH4 Hydrolysis, Nanomaterials, 12 (2022) 2550.
42. Z.L. Yu, S.X. Wang, Y.M. Huang, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, C.L. Xiang, J. Zhang, J.J. Xie and L.X. Sun*, Bi2O3 nanosheet-coated NiCo2O4 nanoneedle arrays for high-performance supercapacitor electrodes, Journal of Energy Storage, 55 (2022) 105486.
43. S.W. Zhang, J.C. Wang, H. Liu, W.B. Zhang, L.X. Sun, Y. Du, Hans J. Seifert and T. Lei, Revealing the different effects of VIB transition metals X (X = Cr, Mo, W) on the electrochemical performance of Li-rich cathode Li2MnO3 by first-principles calculations, Nanoscale, 14 (2022).
44. S.W. Zhang, J.C. Wang, L.X. Sun, F. Dang, Y. Du, Hans J. Seifert and T. Lei, Revealing the role of Mn/Li disordered mixing in Li-rich cathode Li2MnO3 by first-principles calculations, Physical Review Materials, 6 (2022) 055404.
45. N.K. Zhong, W.Y. Wu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Yi Wu, J.H. Lao, X.H. Qin, Y. Wang, X.P. Ding, A.C. Peng, J.C. Liu and D.D. Yuan, Effect of SDS and PVP surfactants on synthesis of a flower-shaped porous Ni-MOFBDC@C as electrode materials for high performance supercapacitor, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 17 (2022) 220540.
46. J.H. Zhou, Z.Q, Sun, X.J. Mu, J.H. Zhang, P.F. Wang, Y.L. Chen, X.Y, Wang, J. Gao, L. Miao and L.X. Sun*, Highly efficient and long-term stable solar-driven water purification through a rechargeable hydrogel evaporator, Desalination, 537 (2022) 115872.
Year 2021
1. X. Zhao, S. Xia, X. Zhang, Y. Pang, F. Xu, J. Yang, L.X. Sun*, S. Zheng, Highly Lithiophilic Copper-Reinforced Scaffold Enables Stable Li Metal Anode, ACS applied materials & interfaces, 13 (2021) 20240-20250.
2. L. Zhao, F. Xu, C. Zhang, Z. Wang, H. Ju, X. Gao, X. Zhang, L.X. Sun*, Z. Liu, Enhanced hydrogen storage of alanates: Recent progress and future perspectives, Progress in Natural Science-Materials International, 31 (2021) 165-179.
3. S. Zhang, J. Wang, T. Lei, X. Li, Y. Liu, F. Guo, J. Wang, W. Zhang, F. Dang, H. Seifert, L.X. Sun, Y. Du, First-principles study of Mn antisite defect in Li2MnO3, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, 33 (2021).
4. R. Zhang, X. Wen, H. Peng, Y. Xia, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Facet-dependent CO2 reduction reactions on kesterite Cu2ZnSnS4 photo-electro-integrated electrodes, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2021).
5. C. Zhang, H. Pan, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, Y. Ouyang, F. Rosei, Progress and perspectives of 2D materials as anodes for potassium-ion batteries, Energy Storage Mater., 38 (2021) 354-378.
6. Q. Yin, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Y. Li, L. Liao, T. Wang, Y. Guan, Y. Xia, C. Zhang, S. Wei, H. Zhang, B. Li, MWCNTs/hydroxypropyl cellulose/polyethylene glycol-based shape-stabilized phase change materials, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (2021).
7. E. Yan, J. Cheng, K. Zhang, Y. Chen, R. Huang, X. Ge, H. Chu, Y. Zou, H. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, A novel Nb-based hydrogen purification membrane without catalytic palladium overlayer, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 875 (2021).
8. E. Yan, Y. Chen, K. Zhang, Y. Zou, H. Chu, L.X. Sun*, Design of hydrogen separatinwg Nb-Ti-Fe membranes with high permeability and low cost, Separation and Purification Technology, 257 (2021).
9. J. Xu, C. Xiang, S. Fang, L. Zhu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Y. Zou, J. Zhang, Template strategy to synthesize porous Mn-Co-S nanospheres electrode for high-performance supercapacitors, J. Energy Storage, 44 (2021).
10. J. Xu, J. Liang, Y. Zou, F. Xu, Q. Chen, C. Xiang, J. Zhang, L.X. Sun, Layer-by-layer self-assembled GO-MoS2-Co3O4 three-dimensional conducting network for high-performance supercapacitors, J. Energy Storage, 43 (2021).
11. Y. Wu, X. Ding, Y. Luo, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, J. Lao, X. Qin, C. Dan, Y. Wang, Q. Yin, T. Wang, K. Zhang, B. Li, H. Zhang, Y. Zou, Nickel-organic Frameworks with Hierarchical Flowers Structure Fabricated by Surfactant-assisted Solvothermal Method for High-performance Supercapacitors, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 16 (2021).
12. G. Wu, C. Shao, B. Cui, H. Chu, S. Qiu, Y. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Honeycomb-like Fe/Fe3C-doped porous carbon with more Fe-N-x active sites for promoting the electrocatalytic activity of oxygen reduction, Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 5 (2021) 5295-5304.
13. S. Wei, S. Xue, C. Huang, B. Che, H. Zhang, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, Y. Xia, R. Cheng, C. Zhang, T. Wang, W. Cen, Y. Zhu, Q. Zhang, H. Chu, B. Li, K. Zhang, S. Zheng, F. Rosei, H. Uesugi, Multielement synergetic effect of NiFe2O4 and h-BN for improving the dehydrogenation properties of LiAlH4, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 8 (2021) 3111-3126.
14. S. Wei, J. Liu, Y. Xia, H. Zhang, R. Cheng, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, Y. Bu, Z. Liu, P. Huang, K. Zhang, F. Rosei, A. A. Pimerzin, H. J. Seifert, Enhanced Hydrogen Storage Properties of LiAlH4 by Excellent Catalytic Activity of XTiO3@h-BN (X = Co, Ni), Advanced Functional Materials, DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202110180(2021).
15. Y. Wang, C. Xiang, Y. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, J. Zhang, Three-dimensional polypyrrole-enhanced flower-like ZnCo2S4 nanoclusters used as advanced electrodes for supercapacitors, J. Energy Storage, 41 (2021).
16. Y. Wang, C. Xiang, Z. Xiao, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, J. Zhang, Y. Zou, Phosphidated Ni-Mn layered double hydroxide-based electrode material with superior electrochemical performance for supercapacitors, J. Energy Storage, 44 (2021).
17. X. Wang, C. Hu, H. An, D. Zhu, Y. Zhong, D. Wang, C. Tang, L.X. Sun, H. Zhou, Photocatalytic removal of MB and hydrogen evolution in water by (Sr0.6Bi0.305)(2)Bi2O7/TiO2 heterostructures under visible-light irradiation, Applied Surface Science, 544 (2021).
18. T. Wang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, L. Miao, L. Liao, S. Wei, Q. Yin, K. Zhang, Y. Li, Y. Wu, P. Huang, H. Zhang, B. Li, H. Chu, Improved performance of hydrogen generation for Al-Bi-CNTs composite by spark plasma sintering, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 860 (2021).
19. S. Wang, Y. Zou, F. Xu, C. Xiang, H. Peng, J. Zhang, L.X. Sun*, Morphological control and electrochemical performance of NiCo2O4@NiCo layered double hydroxide as an electrode for supercapacitors, J. Energy Storage, 41 (2021).
20. J. Wang, E. Yan, C. Di, Y. Chen, W. Liu, H. Wang, X. Ge, J. Cheng, R. Huang, L.X. Sun, Evolution Law of Directional Solidification Structure for Nb42Ti21Co37 Ternary Quasi-peritectic Alloy, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 50 (2021) 3577-3584.
21. H. Wang, E. Yan, X. Wang, W. Liu, P. Zhao, R. Huang, J. Cheng, X. Ge, H. Chu, Y. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, The influence of surface corrosion on microstructure and hydrogen permeability of Nb-Hf-Co dual-phase alloys, Materials Today Communications, 29 (2021).
22. Z.-H. Sun, Q. Huang, Y. Zhang, P.-R. Huang, H.-Y. Zhi, Y.-J. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, First-principle calculation study of (C-N)(3)V-B defect in hexagonal boron nitride monolayer, Acta Phys. Sin., 70 (2021).
23. C. Shao, L. Wu, H. Zhang, Q. Jiang, X. Xu, Y. Wang, S. Zhuang, H. Chu, L.X. Sun, J. Ye, B. Li, X. Wang, A Versatile Approach to Boost Oxygen Reduction of Fe-N-4 Sites by Controllably Incorporating Sulfur Functionality, Advanced Functional Materials, 31 (2021).
24. C. Shao, S. Qiu, G. Wu, B. Cui, H. Chu, Y. Zou, C. Xiang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Rambutan-like hierarchically porous carbon microsphere as electrode material for high-performance supercapacitors, Carbon Energy, 3 (2021) 361-374.
25. X. Qiu, J. Liu, S. Qiu, P. Huang, H. Chu, Y. Zou, H. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Hydrogen generation from ammonia borane hydrolysis catalyzed by ruthenium nanoparticles supported on Co-Ni layered double oxides, Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 5 (2021) 2301-2312.
26. H. Peng, D. Duan, S. Liu, J. Liu, L.X. Sun*, P. Huang, C. Shao, K. Zhang, H. Zhang, X. Xue, F. Xu, Y. Zou, Y. Liu, X. Tian, F. Rosei, A graphene-like nanoribbon for efficient bifunctional electrocatalysts, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 9 (2021) 26688-26697.
27. C. Peng, T. Li, Y. Zou, C. Xiang, F. Xu, J. Zhang, L.X. Sun*, Bacterial cellulose derived carbon as a support for catalytically active Co-B alloy for hydrolysis of sodium borohydride, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46 (2021) 666-675.
28. S. N. Nyamsi, Z. Wu, L. Guo, C. Qian, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, H. Uesugi, G. Yan, F. Yang, Z. Zhang, Insights into a Thermodynamically Optimal Synthesis of the Ternary Complex Hydride Mg2FeH6 for High-Density Thermal Energy Storage, ACS Appl. Energ. Mater., 4 (2021) 5973-5984.
29. X. Mu, Y. Gu, P. Wang, A. Wei, Y. Tian, J. Zhou, Y. Chen, J. Zhang, Z. Sun, J. Liu, L.X. Sun, S. Tanemura, L. Miao, Strategies for breaking theoretical evaporation limitation in direct solar steam generation, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 220 (2021).
30. X. Mao, Y. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, H. Chu, H. Zhang, J. Zhang, C. Xiang, Three-Dimensional Self-Supporting Ti3C2 with MoS2 and Cu2O Nanocrystals for High-Performance Flexible Supercapacitors, ACS applied materials & interfaces, 13 (2021) 22664-22675.
31. J. Ma, D. Duan, W. Gao, F. Hu, S. Liu, W. Su, H. Peng, K. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, A Novel Fe and Cu Bimetallic Mixed Porous Carbon Material for Oxygen Reduction, Electrocatalysis, 12 (2021) 362-371.
32. Y. Luo, X. Xu, Y. Xia, S. Pang, F. Xu, M.-H. Whangbo, L.X. Sun*, C. Chen, Anomaly Negative Resistance Phenomena in Highly Epitaxial PrBa0.7Ca0.3Co2O5+ delta Thin Films Induced from Superfast Redox Reactions, Catalysts, 11 (2021).
33. W. Liu, E. Yan, H. Wang, P. Zhao, R. Huang, J. Cheng, X. Ge, H. Chu, Y. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Nb35Hf32.5Co32.5 dual-phase alloy: Hydrogen permeability degradation due to the microstructural changes caused by annealing, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46 (2021) 15609-15623.
34. L. Liao, X. Guo, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, T. Wang, T. Zhou, Y. Li, J. Li, K. Zhang, B. Li, H. Peng, Y. Zou, H. Zhang, A high activity Al-Bi@C for hydrogen generation from Al-water reaction, Ceramics International, 47 (2021) 29064-29071.
35. X. Li, J. Wang, S. Zhang, L.X. Sun, W. Zhang, F. Dang, H. J. Seifert, Y. Du, Intrinsic Defects in LiMn2O4: First-Principles Calculations, Acs Omega, 6 (2021) 21255-21264.
36. T. Li, C. Xiang, Y. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Synthesis of highly stable cobalt nanorods anchored on a Ti4N3Tx MXene composite for the hydrolysis of sodium borohydride, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 885 (2021).
37. J. Li, Y. Zou, C. Xiang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, B. Li, J. Zhang, Osmanthus fragrans-derived N-doped porous carbon for supercapacitor applications, J. Energy Storage, 42 (2021).
38. J. Li, Y. Zou, B. Li, F. Xu, H. Chu, S. Qiu, J. Zhang, L.X. Sun, C. Xiang, Polypyrrole-wrapped NiCo2S4 nanoneedles as an electrode material for supercapacitor applications, Ceramics International, 47 (2021) 16562-16569.
39. J. Li, Y. Liu, D. Zhan, Y. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, C. Xiang, J. Zhang, Electrospinning synthesis of NiCo2O4 embedded N-doped carbon for high-performance supercapacitors, J. Energy Storage, 39 (2021).
40. N. A. Khan, B. Akhavan, Z. Zheng, H. Liu, C. Zhou, H. Zhou, L. Chang, Y. Wang, Y. Liu, L.X. Sun, M. M. Bilek, Z. Liu, Nanostructured AlCoCrCu0.5FeNi high entropy oxide (HEO) thin films fabricated using reactive magnetron sputtering, Applied Surface Science, 553 (2021).
41. C. Jiao, X. Song, X. Zhang, L.X. Sun, H. Jiang, MOF-Mediated Interfacial Polymerization to Fabricate Polyamide Membranes with a Homogeneous Nanoscale Striped Turing Structure for CO2/CH4 Separation, ACS applied materials & interfaces, 13 (2021) 18380-18388.
42. R. Ji, Q. Zhang, F. Zhou, F. Xu, X. Wang, C. Huang, Y. Zhu, H. Zhang, L.X. Sun*, Y. Xia, X. Lin, H. Peng, Y. Zou, H. Chu, Electrospinning fabricated novel poly (ethylene glycol)/graphene oxide composite phase-change nano-fibers with good shape stability for thermal regulation, J. Energy Storage, 40 (2021).
43. Q. Huang, P. Huang, Z. Sun, Y. Zhang, Y. Xia, H. Peng, Y. Zou, H. Chu, E. Yan, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, De-hybridization effect of transition metal catalysts on AlH4-based hydrogen storage materials, Physica B-Condensed Matter, 623 (2021).
44. Z. Guo, Y. Pang, S. Xia, F. Xu, J. Yang, L.X. Sun*, S. Zheng, Uniform and Anisotropic Solid Electrolyte Membrane Enables Superior Solid-State Li Metal Batteries, Advanced Science, 8 (2021).
45. C. Di, E. Yan, Y. Chen, J. Wang, W. Liu, H. Wang, L.X. Sun, Microstructure Evolution and Simulation of Solidification Path in Nb10Ti61Co29 Quasi-peritectic Alloy, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 50 (2021) 3194-3202.
46. B. Cui, G. Wu, S. Qiu, Y. Zou, E. Yan, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, H. Chu, Ruthenium Supported on Cobalt-Embedded Porous Carbon with Hollow Structure as Efficient Catalysts toward Ammonia-Borane Hydrolysis for Hydrogen Production, Adv. Sustain. Syst., 5 (2021).
47. R. Cheng, M. Zhou, K. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Q. Lin, H. Li, Enhanced electrochemical performance of LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 cathode material by Al2O3 surface coating derived via NH2-MIL-53(Al) MOF, Journal Of Alloys And Compounds, 875 (2021).
48. T. Chen, C. Xiang, Y. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, All-Solid High-Performance Asymmetric Supercapacitor Based on Yolk-Shell NiMoO4/V2CTx@Reduced Graphene Oxide and Hierarchical Bamboo-Shaped MoO2@Fe2O3/N-Doped Carbon, Energy & Fuels, 35 (2021) 10250-10261.
49. Y. Bu, J. Liu, H. Chu, S. Wei, Q. Yin, L. Kang, X. Luo, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, P. Huang, F. Rosei, A. A. Pimerzin, H. J. Seifert, Y. Du, J. Wang, Catalytic Hydrogen Evolution of NaBH4 Hydrolysis by Cobalt Nanoparticles Supported on Bagasse-Derived Porous Carbon, Nanomaterials, 11 (2021).
Year 2020
1. S.W. Fang, J. Li, C.L. Xiang, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, J. Zhang, Anchoring sea urchin-like cobalt-nickel carbonate hydroxide on 3D carbon sponge for electrochemical energy storage, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 845 (2020) 156024.
2. X.Q. Mao, Y. Wang, C.L. Xiang, D Zhan, H.Z. Zhang, E.R. Yan, F. Xu, X.B. Hu, J. Zhang, L.X. Sun, Y.J. Zou, Core-shell structured CuCo2S4@CoMoO4 nanorods for advanced electrode materials, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 844 (2020) 156133.
3. Z.S. Chen, G.X. Zhang, L. Du, Y. Zheng, L.X. Sun, S.H. Sun, Nanostructured Cobalt-Based Electrocatalysts for CO2Reduction: Recent Progress, Challenges, and Perspectives, Small, (2020) 2004158.
4. Y.L. Wang, P.R. Huang, J.X. Liu, H.L. Peng, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, Y. He, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, First-principle calculations of lithium adsorption and diffusion on titanium-based monolayers, Chemical Physics, 539 (2020) 110956.
5. J. Liang, C.L. Xiang, Y.J. Zou, X.B. Hu, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*,Spacing graphene and Ni-Co layered double hydroxides with polypyrrole for high-performancesupercapacitors, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 55 (2020) 190-197.
6. X.Y. Yang, C.L. Xiang, Y.J. Zou, J. Liang, H.Z. Zhang, E.H. Yan, F. Xu, X.B. Hu, Q. Chong, L.X. Sun*, Low-temperature synthesis of sea urchin-like Co-Ni oxide on graphene oxide for supercapacitor electrodes, Journal of Materials ence & Technology, 55 (2020) 223-230.
7. Y.J. Zou, X. Zhang, J. Liang, C.L. Xiang, H.L. Chu, H. Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*,Encapsulation of hollow Cu2O nanocubes with Co3O4on porous carbon for energy-storage devices, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 55 (2020) 182-189.
8. H.L. Chi, J.X. Liu, X.Y. Zhang, X.G. Xue, D.D. Zhang, X.C. Lin, P.R. Huang, L.X.Sun, J. Xiong, P. Cai, J. Zhang, Synergetic defects boost charge separation in CN for enhanced photocatalytic water splitting, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 8 27 (2020) 9366-9372.
9. L.Z. Ouyang, F. Liu, H. Wang, J.W. Liu, X.S. Yang, L.X. Sun, M. Zhu,Magnesium-based hydrogen storage compounds: A review, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 832 (2020)154865.
10. R.F. Zhang, X. Wen, F. Xu, Q.B. Zhang, L.X. Sun*,A Density Functional Theory Study of the Cu2ZnSnS4 Monolayer as a Photo-electrointegrated Catalyst for Water Splitting and Hydrogen Evolution, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124 (2020)11922-11929.
11.J.Q. Hua, H.L. Chu, Y. Zhu, T.T. Fang, S.J. Qiu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, K.X. Zhang, B. Li, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Superior performance for lithium storage from an integrated composite anode consisting of SiO-based active material and current collector, Frontiers of Materials Science, 14 (2020) 243-254.
12. J.H. Li, X.Y. Hong, Y.L. Wang, Y.M. Luo, P.R. Huang, B. Li, K.X. Zhang, Y.J. Zou, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, F,Rosei, S.P. Verevkin, A.A. Pimerzin,Encapsulated Cobalt Nanoparticles as A Recoverable Catalyst for the Hydrolysis of Sodium Borohydride, Energy Storage Materials, 27 (2020) 187-197.
13. L. Miao, Y. Peng, D.H.Wang, J.H. Liang, C.C. Hu. E. Nishibori, L.X. Sun*, C.A.J. Fisher, S. Tanemura, Miao L , Peng Y , Wang D , et al. Characterisation of the temperature-dependent M1 to R phase transition in W-doped VO2 nanorod aggregates by Rietveld refinement and theoretical modelling, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22(2020)7984-7994.
14. Y.M. Luo, Q.Y. Wang, J.H. Li, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Y.T. Bu, Y.J. Zou, H.B. Kraatz, F. Rosei,Tunable hierarchical surfaces of CuO derived from metal–organic frameworks for non-enzymatic glucose sensing, Inorganic chemistry frontiers, 7 (2020) 1512-1525.
15. R.G. Cheng, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, Y.M. Luo, C.C. Zhang, Y.P. Xia, S. Wei, Y.X. Guan, M.M. Zhao, Q. Lin, H. Li, NiFe2O4-Coated Activated Carbon Composite as a Cathode Material for Lithium–Sulfur Batteries, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 15 (2020) 2624-2633.
16. Y.P. Xia, S. Wei, Q. Huang, J.Q. Li, X.H. Cen, H.Z. Zhang, H.L. Chu, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, P.R. Huang, Facile synthesis of NiCo2O4-anchored reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites as efficient additives for improving the dehydrogenation behavior of lithium alanate, Inorganic chemistry frontiers, 7 (2020) 1257-1272.
17. X.Y. Qiu, J.X. Liu, P.R. Huang, S.J. Qiu, C.M. Weng, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Hydrolytic dehydrogenation of NH3BH3 catalyzed by ruthenium nanoparticles supported on magnesium–aluminum layered double-hydroxides, RSC Advances, 10 (2020) 9996-10005.
18.R. Ji, S. Wei, Y.P. Xia, C.W. Huang, Y. Huang , G.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, X.C. Lin, Enhanced thermal performance of form-stable composite phase-change materials supported by novel porous carbon spheres for thermal energy storage, Journal of energy storage, 27 (2020) 101134.
19.Y.M. Luo, W.W. Cui, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Thermal decompositions and heat capacities study of a co-based zeolitic imidazolate framework, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2020.
20. X.Q. Mao, Y.J. Zou, J. Liang, C.L. Xiang, H.L. Chu, E.H. Yan, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, X.B. Hu, L.X. Sun, Facile synthesis of hierarchical Co–Mo–O–S porous microspheres for high-performance supercapacitors. Ceramics International, 46 (2020) 1448-1456.
21. X.Y. Yang, C.L. Cai, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, H.L. Chu, E.H. Yan, S.J. Qiu, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, X.B. Hu, Co3O4-doped two-dimensional carbon nanosheet as an electrode material for high-performance asymmetric supercapacitors, Electrochimica Acta, 335 (2020) 135611.
22. Y.P. Pang, X.T. Wang, X.X. Shi, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, J.H. Yang, S.Y. Zheng, Solid-State Prelithiation Enables High-Performance Li-Al-H Anode for Solid-State Batteries, Advanced Energy Materials, (2020) 1902795.
23. Y.P. Xia, W.W. Cui, R. Ji, C.W. Huang, Y. Huang, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, P.R. Huang, B. Li, L.X. Sun*, Design and synthesis of novel microencapsulated phase change materials with enhancement of thermal conductivity and thermal stability: Self-assembled boron nitride into shell materials, Colloids And Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 586 (2020) 124225.
24. E.H. Yan, R.N. Min, P. Zhao, R. D.K. Misra, P.R.Huang, Y.J. Zou, H. L. Chu, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Design of Nb-based multi-phase alloy membranes for high hydrogen permeability and suppressed hydrogen embrittlement, Journal of Membrane Science, 595 (2020), DOI: 10.1016/j.memsci.2020.117531.
25. H.L. Chu, Y. Zhu, T.T. Fang, J.Q. Hua, S.J. Qiu, H.D. Liu, L.Y. Qin, Q.H. Wei, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Solvothermal synthesis of cobalt nickel layered double hydroxides with a three-dimensional nano-petal structure for high-performance supercapacitors, Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 4 (2020) 337-346.
26. Y. Liu, C.L. Xiang, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, J. McLeod, Z. She, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Y.J. Zou, Binary Co-Ni oxide nanoparticle-loaded hierarchical graphitic porous carbon for high-performance supercapacitors, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 37 (2020) 135-142.
27. S.P. Verevkin, A.A. Pimerzin, L.X. Sun,Liquid organic hydrogen carriers: Hydrogen storage by di-phenyl ether derivatives: An experimental and theoretical study, The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 144 (2020) 106057.
28.S.P. Verevkin, A.A. Pimerzin, L.X. Sun, Structure-property relationships in substituted diphenyl ethers: Non-nearest interactions of methyl-, methoxy-, hydroxyl-, amino-, and nitro-substituents. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 512 (2020) 112534.
29. C. Wang, N. Zhang, C.Y. Hou, X.X. Han, C.H. Liu, Y.H. Xing, F.Y. Bai, L.X. Sun,Transition metal complexes constructed by pyridine–amino acid: fluorescence sensing and catalytic properties, Transition Metal Chemistry, 45, (2020) 423-433.
30. C.H. Liu, Q.L. Guan, X.D. Yang, F.Y. Bai, L.X. Sun, Y.H. Xing, Polyiodine-Modified 1,3,5-Benzenetricarboxylic Acid Framework Zn(II)/Cd(II) Complexes as Highly Selective Fluorescence Sensors for Thiamine Hydrochloride, NACs, and Fe3+/Zn2+, Inorganic Chemistry, 59 (2020) 8081-8098.
31. J.X. Li, Q.L. Guan, Y. Wang, Z.X. You, Y.H. Xing, F.Y. Bai, L.X. Sun,A lanthanide–organic crystalline framework material encapsulating 1,3,6,8-tetrakis(p-benzoic acid)pyrene: selective sensing of Fe3+, Cr2O72− and colchicine and white-light emission, New Journal of Chemistry, 44 (2020) 1446-1454.
32. Y.C. Hong, J. Peng, Z.C. Sun, Z.Q. Yu, A.J. Wang, Y. Wang, Y.Y. Liu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Transition Metal Oxodiperoxo Complex Modified Metal-Organic Frameworks as Catalysts for the Selective Oxidation of Cyclohexane, Materials, 13 (2020) 829.
33. N. Zhang, L.X, Sun, F.Y. Bai, Y.H. Xing,Thorium–Organic Framework Constructed with a Semirigid Triazine Hexacarboxylic Acid Ligand: Unique Structure with Thorium Oxide Wheel Clusters and Iodine Adsorption Behavior, Inorganic Chemistry, 59 (2020)3964-3973.
34. Y. Xin, N. Zhang, X.X. Han, B. Li, Y. Sun, L.X. Sun, F.Y. Bai, Y.H. Xing, Three transition metal complexes based on nicotinate: Synthesis, structure and adsorption properties[J]. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1205 (2020) 127656.
35. C.W. Huang, Q.T. Li, Y.B. Yang, S. Wei, R. Ji, Q.F. Zhang, Y.C. Zhu, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Y.P. Xia, A novel bifunctional microencapsulated phase change material loaded with ZnO for thermal energy storage and light-thermal energy conversion, Sustainable Energy & Fuels,4 (2020)5203-5214.
36. Y.P. Xia, Q.T. Li, R. Ji, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, P.R. Huang, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, X.C. Lin, L.X. Sun*, Multielement Synergetic Effect of Boron Nitride and Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes for the Fabrication of Novel Shape-Stabilized Phase-Change Composites with Enhanced Thermal Conductivity, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12 (2020) 41398-41409.
37. C.C. Zhang, C.W. Huang, S. Wei, X.R. Cai, S.Y. Wei, F. Yu, B. Li, K.X. Zhang, Y.F. Ouyang, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, Y,H, Xing, S. Verevkin, A.A. Pimerzin, Synthesis, crystal structure and thermodynamic properties of two transition metal coordination polymers, Thermochimica Acta, 690 (2020) 178661.
38. J.H. Li, X.Y. Hong, Y.L. Wang, Y.M. Luo, B. Li, P.R. Huang, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, S.Y. Zheng, L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, Y. Du, J.C. Wang, F. Rosei, S.E.H. Jurgen, U. Sven, X. Wu, A modified 'skeleton/skin' strategy for designing CoNiP nanosheets arrayed on graphene foam for on/off switching of NaBH4 hydrolysis, RSC Advances, 10 (2020) 26834-26842.
39. J.H. Li, X.Y. Hong, Y.M. Luo, Y. Zhu, L.L. Lu, B. Li, F. Xu, L.X. Sun*, Nitrogen Doping of Porous Carbon Electrodes Derived from Pine Nut Shell for High -Performance Supercapacitors, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 15 (2020) 6041-6051.
40. Q.L. Guan, C. Han, F.Y. Bai, J. Liu, Y.H. Xing, Z. Shi, L.X. Sun, Bismuth-MOF based on tetraphenylethylene derivative as a luminescent sensor with turn-off/on for application of Fe3+ detection in serum and bioimaging, as well as emissive spectra analysis by TRES, Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 325 (2020) 128767.
Year 2019
1. Z.Y. Deng, L. Miao, P.F. Liu, J.H. Zhou, P.F. Wang, Y.F. Gu, X.Y. Wang, H.F. Cai, L.X. Sun, S. Tanemura, Extremely high water-production created by a nanoink-stained PVA evaporator with embossment structure, Nano Energy, 55 (2019) 368-376.
2. Y. Xia, H. Zhang, P. Huang, C. Huang, F. Xu, Y. Zou, H. Chu, E. Yan, L.X. Sun, Graphene-oxide-induced lamellar structures used to fabricate novel composite solid-solid phase change materials for thermal energy storage, Chemical Engineering Journal, 362 (2019) 909-920.
3. H.L. Chu, N.P. Li, S.J. Qiu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Ruthenium supported on nitrogen-doped porous carbon for catalytic hydrogen generation from NH3BH3 hydrolysis, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44 (2019) 1774-1781.
4. C.C. Xu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, L.Z. Cao, F. Yu, H.Z. Zhang, E.H. Yan, H.L. Peng, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, A High-Performance Supercapacitor Based on Nitrogen-Doped Porous Carbon Derived from Cycas Leaves, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 14 (2019) 1782-1793.
5. Y.S. Li, J. Wang, Z.F. Zhou, J.Q. Deng, Q.R. Yao, H.L. Chu, Z.M. Wang, L.X. Sun, H.Y. Zhou, Large-scale synthesis of porous Li3V2(PO4)(3)@C/AB hollow microspheres with interconnected channel as high performance cathodes for lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 774 (2019) 879-886.
6. Y. Yin, H. Zeng, Q.L. Sui, C.L. Xiang, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, Q. Chen, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, Formation of CoO-NiO Nanoparticles on Nitrogen Doped Porous Carbon as High Performance Supercapacitor Electrode, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 14 (2019) 764-776.
7.Y.P. Pang, Y. Xu, Y.T. Li, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, J.H. Yang, H.W. Li, S.Y. Zheng, Carbon/Sulfur Composites Stabilized with Nano-TiNi for High-Performance Li-S Battery Cathodes, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2 (2019) 1537-1543.
8. L.F.Song, C. Xue, H.Y. Xia, S.J. Qiu, L.X. Sun, H.X. Chen, Effects of Alkali Metal (Li, Na, and K) Incorporation in NH2-MIL125(Ti) on the Performance of CO2 Adsorption, Materials, 12 (2019) 844.
9. C. Zhao, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, J. Chen, X.L. Guo, E.H. Yan, F. Yu, H.L. Chu, H.L. Peng, Y.J. Zou, Z.W. Liu, F.W. Li, A novel Al-BiOCl composite for hydrogen generation from water, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44 (2019) 6655-6662.
10. Y.P. Xia, H.Z. Zhang, P.R. Huang, C.W. Huang, F. Xu, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, E.H. Yan, L.X. Sun, Graphene-oxide-induced lamellar structures used to fabricate novel composite solid-solid phase change materials for thermal energy storage, Chemical Engineering Journal, 362 (2019) 909-920.
11. X.X. Du, Q. Chen, C.L. Xiang, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, J.L. Xie, L.X. Sun, Formation of Highly Dispersed Ultrafine MnO2 Nanoparticles on Nitrogen-doped Porous Carbon for Supercapacitor Applications, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 14 (2019) 4195-4205.
12.C.L. Xiang, Y. Liu, Y. Yin, P.R. Huang, Y.J. Zou, M. Fehse, Z. She, F. Xu, D. Banerjee, D.H. Merino, A. Longo, H.B. Kraatz, D.F. Brougham, B. Wu, L.X. Sun, Acs Applied Energy Materials, 2 (2019) 3389-3399.
13. P.F. Liu, L. Miao, Z.Y. Deng, J.H. Zhou, Y.F. Gu, S.Y. Chen, H.F. Cai, L.X. Sun, S. Tanemura, Flame-treated and fast-assembled foam system for direct solar steam generation and non-plugging high salinity desalination with self-cleaning effect, Applied Energy, 241 (2019) 652-659.
14. Y.R. Liu, Y.P. Xia, K. An, C.W. Huang, W.W. Cui, S. Wei, R. Ji, F. Xu, H.Z. Zhang, L.X. Sun, Fabrication and characterization of novel meso-porous carbon/n-octadecane as form-stable phase change materials for enhancement of phase-change behavior, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 35 (2019) 939-945.
15. Y. Liu, Q.L. Sui, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu, J.J. Xie, L.X. Sun, Porous N-doped Carbon Derived from ZIF-8/Reduced Graphene oxide/Polypyrrole Composite for High Performance Supercapacitor, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 14 (2019) 5096-5106.
16. B.B. Jiang, D.H. Wen, Q. Wang, J.D. Che, C. Dong, P.K. Liaw, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Design of near-alpha Ti alloys via a cluster formula approach and their high-temperature oxidation resistance, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 35 (2019) 1008-1016.
17. E.H. Yan, R.N. Min, H.R. Huang, P. Zhao, P.R. Huang, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, S.H. Sun, L.X. Sun, Multiphase Nb-TiCo alloys: The significant impact of surface corrosion on the structural stability and hydrogen permeation behavior, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44 (2019) 16684-16697.
18. S.L. Qiu, T.T. Fang, Y. Zhu, J.Q. Hua, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, J.L. Zeng, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Li1.2Mn0.6Ni0.2O2 with 3D porous rod-like hierarchical micro/nanostructure for high-performance cathode material, Journal of Alloys And Compounds, 790 (2019) 863-870.
19. Y. Zhu, T.T. Fang, J.Q. Hua, S.J. Qiu, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, P.R. Huang, K.X. Zhang, X.C. Lin, E.H. Yan, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, J.L. Zeng, Biomass-Derived Porous Carbon Prepared from Egg White for High-performance Supercapacitor Electrode Materials, Chemistryselect, 4 (2019) 7358-7365.
20. X. Zhang, R.J. Zhang, C.L. Xiang, Y. Liu, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Polydopamine-assisted formation of Co3O4-nanocube-anchored reduced graphene oxide composite for high-performance supercapacitors, Ceramics International, 45 (2019) 13894-13902.
21.S. Wei, Z.J. Duan, Y.P. Xia, C.W. Huang, R. Ji, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Y.X. Sun, Preparation and thermal performances of microencapsulated phase change materials with a nano-Al2O3-doped shell, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 138 (2019) 233-241.
22.Y.L. Wang, C.F. Shao, S.J. Qiu, Y. Zhu, M. Qin, Y.X. Meng, Y. Wang, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, J.L. Zeng, Z.X. Cao, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Nitrogen-doped porous carbon derived from ginkgo leaves with remarkable supercapacitance performance, Diamond And Related Materials, 98 (2019) 107475.
23. D.C. Duan, F. Hu, J.J. Ma, H.L. Peng, K.X. Zhang, P.R. Huang, H.L. Chu, X.C. Lin, S.J. Qiu, S.Y. Wei, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, A facile one-pot method to prepare nitrogen and fluorine co-doped three-dimensional graphene-like materials for supercapacitors, Journal Of Materials Science-Materials In Electronics, 30 (2019) 19505-19512.
24. J.X. Liu, P.R. Huang, Y.L. Wang, H.L. Peng, Y.J. Zou, H.Z. Zhang, E.H. Yan, M.Q. Long, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Tuning the properties of hydrogenated graphene via interfacial contact of cubic BN (111), 571 (2019) 257-262.
25. D.C. Duan, W. Su, X.Y. Tan, F. Hu, Y.Y. Wang, W.Y. Huang, H.L. Peng, F. Xu, Y.J. Zou, L.X. Sun, Porous Carbon Electrode Derived from Waste Wine Industry for Supercapacitors, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 14 (2019) 10198-10212.
26. H.L. Chu, N.P. Li, X.Y. Qiu, Y. Wang, S.J. Qiu, J.L. Zeng, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone)-stabilized ruthenium supported on bamboo leaf-derived porous carbon for NH3BH3 hydrolysis, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44 (2019) 29255-29262.
27. H.L. Peng, D.C. Duan, X.Y. Tan, F. Hu, J.J. Ma, K.X. Zhang, F. Xu, B. Li, L.X. Sun, A One-Pot Method to Synthesize a Co-Based Graphene-Like Structure Doped Carbon Material for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction, Chemelectrochem, 7 (2020) 131-138.
28. N.A. Khan, B. Akhavan, H.R. Zhou, L. Chang, Y. Wang, L.X. Sun, M.M. Bilek, Z.W. Liu, High entropy alloy thin films of AlCoCrCu0.5FeNi with controlled microstructure, Applied Surface Science, 495 (2019) 143560.
29. L.N. Yang, F.C. Meng, X.Y. Qu, L.X. Xia, F. Huang, S. Qin, M.H. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, H.Y. Liu, Multiple-twinned silver nanoparticles supported on mesoporous graphene with enhanced antibacterial activity, Carbon, 155 (2019) 397-402.
30. Y. Lu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Y. Wu, Y.P. Xia, X.R. Cai, N.K. Zhong, H.Z. Zhang, B. Li, H.L. Chu, Facile Method for Preparation of Porous Carbon Derived from Biomass for High Performance Supercapacitors, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 14 (2019) 11199-11211.
31. Q.L. Sui, C.L. Xiang, Y.J. Zou, E.H. Yan, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Facile synthesis of Co-Ni-Mn oxide for high performance supercapacitor, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 14 (2019) 10710-10719.
32. Y.Y. Wang, D.C. Duan, J.J. Ma, W. Gao, H.L. Peng, P.R. Huang, X.C. Lin, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Waste wine mash-derived doped carbon materials as an efficient electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reaction, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44 (2019) 31949-31959.
33.Z.X. You, N. Zhang, Q.L. Guan, Y.H. Xing, F.Y. Bai, L.X. Sun, High Sorption Capacity of U(VI) by COF-Based Material Doping Hydroxyapatite Microspheres: Kinetic, Equilibrium and Mechanism Investigation, 30 (2020) 1966-1979.
Year 2018
1.Y.M. Luo, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Z.W. Liu, Improved hydrogen storage of LiBH4 and NH3BH3 by catalysts, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 6 (2018) 7293-7309.
2. J.C. Wang, Y. Du, L.X. Sun, Understanding of hydrogen desorption mechanism from defect point of view, National Science Review, 5 (2018) 318-U175.
3. E.H. Yan, H.R. Huang, S.H. Sun, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, L.X. Sun, Development of Nb-Ti-Co alloy for high-performance hydrogen separating membrane, Journal of Membrane Science, 565 (2018) 411-424.
4. F. Xu,L.X. Sun, P.R. Huang, Y.J. Sun, Q. Zheng, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, E.H. Yan, H.Z. Zhang, J.H. Wang, Y. Du, pyridine vapor sensor based on metal-organic framework-modified quartz crystal microbalance, Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 254 (2018) 872-877.
5. P. Li, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Y.P. Xia, J. Chen, X. Yang, Y.P. Wu, F. Yu, Y.M. Luo, Hydrogen generation performance of novel Al-LiH-metal oxides, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 5 (2018) 1700-1706.
6. H.L. Chu, C.F. Shao, S.J. Qiu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Nitrogen-rich sandwich-like carbon nanosheets as anodes with superior lithium storage properties, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 5 (2018) 225-232.
7. C.F. Shao, S.J. Qiu, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Nitrogen-doped porous microsphere carbons derived from glucose and aminourea for high-performance supercapacitors, Catalysis Today, 318 (2018) 150-156.
8. S.J. Qiu, W. Gao, X.Y. Ma, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Enhanced thermal diffusivity and dehydrogenation of 2LiNH(2)-MgH2 by doping with super activated carbon, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43 (2018) 13975-13980.
9. H.L. Peng, P.R. Huang, P.G. Yi, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Theoretical studies of pi-electron delocalization and localization on intramolecular proton transfer in the ground state, Journal of Molecular Structure, 1154 (2018) 590-595.
10. E.H. Yan, H.R. Huang, R.N. Min, F. Xu, P. Zhao, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, H.Z. Zhang, L.X. Sun, Design and characterizations of novel Nb-ZrCo hydrogen permeation alloys for hydrogen separation applications, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 212 (2018) 282-291.
11. Y. Luo, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, S.Y. Wei, Q.Y. Wang, H.L. Peng, C.L. Chen, Cobalt(II) coordination polymers as anodes for lithium-ion batteries with enhanced capacity and cycling stability, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 34 (2018) 1412-1418.
12. S.J. Qiu, W. Gao, H.L. Peng, H.L. Chu, Z.H. Li, H.B. Liang, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, H.Z. Zhang, E.H. Yan, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Y. Li, Fe-Co-Ni/Nitrogen-Doped Mesoporous Carbon Materials for Electrochemical Oxygen Reduction, Chemistryselect, 3 (2018) 12960-12966.
13. Y.P. Xia, W.W. Cui, H.Z. Zhang, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Preparation and thermal performance of n-octadecane/expanded graphite composite phase-change materials for thermal management, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, (2018) 81-88.
14. Y.P. Wu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Y.P. Xia, P. Li, J. Chen, X. Yang, F. Yu, H.Z. Zhang, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, Improved Dehydrogenation Performance of Li-B-N-H by Doped NiO, Metals, 8 (2018).
15. T.H. Wu, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, D. Cai, Nitrogen-doped hierarchical porous carbon materials derived from diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) for supercapacitors, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 34 (2018) 2384-2391.
16. C.C. Zhang, S.Y. Wei, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, P.R. Huang, H.L. Peng, Synthesis, structure and photocatalysis properties of two 3D Isostructural Ln (III)-MOFs based 2,6-Pyridinedicarboxylic acid, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 34 (2018) 1526-1531.
17. Y.J. Zou, Y. Yin, Y.B. Gao, C.L. Xiang, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, E.H. Yan, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Chitosan-mediated Co-Ce-B nanoparticles for catalyzing the hydrolysis of sodium borohydride, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43 (2018) 4912-4921.
18. E.H. Yan, H.R. Huang, R.N. Min, P. Zhao, R.D.K. Misra, P.R. Huang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Effect of Pd overlayer and mixed gases on hydrogen permeation of Pd/Nb30Hf35Co35/Pd composite membranes, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43 (2018) 14466-14477.
19. Y.J. Zou, C.L. Cai, C.L. Xiang, P.R. Huang, H.L. Chu, Z. She, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, H.B. Kraatz, Simple synthesis of core-shell structure of Co-Co3O4 @ carbon-nanotube-incorporated nitrogen-doped carbon for high-performance supercapacitor, Electrochimica Acta, 261 (2018) 537-547.
20. C.L. Cai, Q.L. Sui, Z. She, H.B. Kraatz, C.L. Xiang, P.R. Huang, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, A. Shah, Y.J. Zou, Two dimensional holey carbon nanosheets assisted by calcium acetate for high performance supercapacitor, Electrochimica Acta, 283 (2018) 904-913.
21. J.L. Zeng, Y.H. Chen, L. Shu, L.P. Yu, L. Zhu, L.B. Song, Z. Cao, L.X. Sun, Preparation and thermal properties of exfoliated graphite/erythritol/mannitol eutectic composite as form-stable phase change material for thermal energy storage, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 178 (2018) 84-90.
22. Y. Yin, C.L. Xiang, H.L. Chu, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, E.H. Yan, L.X. Sun, C.Y. Tang, Y.J. Zou, Facile synthesis of honeycomb-structured Co-W-B composite for high-performance supercapacitors, Applied Surface Science, 460 (2018) 25-32.
23. Y. Wang, S.H. Xing, F.Y. Bai, Y.H. Xing, L.X. Sun, Stable Lanthanide-Organic Framework Materials Constructed by a Triazolyl Carboxylate Ligand: Multifunction Detection and White Luminescence Tuning, Inorganic Chemistry, 57 (2018) 12850-12859.
24. Y. Wang, N. Du, X. Zhang, Y. Wang, Y.H. Xing, F.Y. Bai, L.X. Sun, Z. Shi, Functional Sensing Materials Based on Lanthanide N-Heterocyclic Polycarboxylate Crystal Frameworks for Detecting Thiamines, Crystal Growth & Design, 18 (2018) 2259-2269.
25. Y. Yin, H.T. Zhang, P.R. Huang, C.L. Xiang, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Inducement of nanoscale Cu-BTC on nanocomposite of PPy-rGO and its performance in ammonia sensing, Materials Research Bulletin, 99 (2018) 152-160.
26. S. Liu, L.X. Sun, L.T. Liu, Y.L. Zhou, F. Xu, Morphology-control synthesis of a Cu-based metal-organic framework directed by carboxyl-functionalized graphene, Polyhedron, 149 (2018) 104-108.
27. W.W. Cui, H.Z. Zhang, Y.P. Xia, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Preparation and thermophysical properties of a novel form-stable CaCl2 center dot 6H(2)O/sepiolite composite phase change material for latent heat storage, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, (2018) 57-63.
28. P.F. Liu, L. Miao, Z.Y. Deng, J.H. Zhou, H. Su, L.X. Sun, S. Tanemura, W.J. Cao, F.M. Jiang, L.D. Zhao, A mimetic transpiration system for record high conversion efficiency in solar steam generator under one-sun, MaterialsToday Energy, 8 (2018) 166.
29. Z.Y. Deng, P.F. Liu, J.H. Zhou, L. Miao, Y. Peng, H. Su, P.F. Wang, X.Y. Wang, W.J. Cao, F.M. Jiang, L.X. Sun, S. Tanemura, A Novel Ink-Stained Paper for Solar Heavy Metal Treatment and Desalination, Solar Rrl, 2 (2018).
30. J.D. Che, B.B. Jiang, Q. Wang, C. Dong, G.Q. Chen, R.Q. Zhang, R. Tang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Effects of Minor Additions of Elements into Ti1100 on Elevated Temperature Oxidation- and Corrosion -Resistance, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 47 (2018) 1471-1477.
Year 2017
1. S.J. Qiu, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Light metal borohydrides/amides combined hydrogen storage systems: composition, structure and properties, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5 (2017) 25112-25130.
2. C.L. Xiang, Q.Y. Wang, Y.J. Zou, P.R. Huang, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Simple synthesis of graphene-doped flower-like cobalt-nickel-tungsten-boron oxides with self-oxidation for high-performance supercapacitors, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5 (2017) 9907-9916.
3. Y.P. Xia, W.W. Cui, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, E.H. Yan, Synthesis of three-dimensional graphene aerogel encapsulated n-octadecane for enhancing phase-change behavior and thermal conductivity, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5 (2017) 15191-15199.
4. Z.Y. Deng, J.H. Zhou, L. Miao, C.Y. Liu, Y. Peng, L.X. Sun, S. Tanemura, The emergence of solar thermal utilization: solar-driven steam generation, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5 (2017) 7691-7709.
5. X. Li, X.B. Cheng, M.X. Gao, D.W. Ren, Y.F. Liu, Z.X. Guo, C.X. Shang, L.X. Sun, H.G. Pan, Amylose-Derived Macrohollow Core and Microporous Shell Carbon Spheres as Sulfur Host for Superior Lithium Sulfur Battery Cathodes, Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9 (2017) 10717-10729.
6. J.C. Wang, C. Freysoldt, Y. Du, L.X. Sun, First-Principles Study of Intrinsic Defects in Ammonia Borane, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121 (2017) 22680-22689.
7. C.L. Xiang, T. Chen, H.T. Zhang, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xua, L.X. Sun, C.Y. Tang, Growth of copper-benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxylate on boron nitride nanotubes and application of the composite in methane sensing, Applied Surface Science, 424 (2017) 39-44.
8. F. Xu, X.F. Zhang, L.X. Sun, F. Yu, P. Li, J. Chen, Y.P. Wu, L.Z. Cao, C.C. Xu, X. Yang, E.H. Yan, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, F.W. Li, Hydrogen generation of a novel Al-NaMgH3 composite reaction with water, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42 (2017) 30535-30542.
9. H. Dai, H.B. Dai, Y.J. Zhong, Q. Kang, L.X. Sun, P. Wang, Kinetics of catalytic decomposition of hydrous hydrazine over CeO2-supported bimetallic Ni-Pt nanocatalysts, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42 (2017) 5684-5693.
10. Y. Wang, L.J. Zhang, R. Zhang, Y. Jin, Y. Wang, Y.H. Xi, F.Y. Bai, L.X. Sun, Porous Metal-Organic Frameworks with 5-Aminoisophthalic Acid as Platforms for Functional Applications about High Photodegradation Efficiency of Phenol, Crystal Growth & Design, 17 (2017) 6531-6540.
11. J.Y. Fei, L.X. Sun, C.F. Zhou, H.J. Ling, F. Yan, X. Zhong, Y.X. Lu, J. Shi, J. Huang, Z.W. Liu, Tuning the Synthesis of Manganese Oxides Nanoparticles for Efficient Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol, Nanoscale Research Letters, 12 (2017).
12. S.J. Qiu, X.Y. Ma, E.R. Wang, H.L. Chu, J. Huot, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Enhanced hydrogen storage properties of 2LiNH(2)/MgH2 through the addition of Mg(BH4)(2), Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 704 (2017) 44-50.
13. L.J. Zhang, F.Y. Bai, X. Gao, N. Du, Y.H. Xing, L.X. Sun, Multifunctional indium complexes with fluorescent sensing and selective adsorption dye properties, New Journal of Chemistry, 41 (2017) 6883-6892.
14. C.F. Shao, Z.Q. Wang, E.R. Wang, S.J. Qiu, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xua, L.X. Sun, Self-assembly synthesis of nitrogen-doped mesoporous carbons used as high-performance electrode materials in lithium-ion batteries and supercapacitors, New Journal of Chemistry, 41 (2017) 12901-12909.
15. E.R. Wang, C.F. Shao, S.J. Qiu, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Organic carbon gel assisted-synthesis of Li1.2Mn0.6Ni0.2O2 for a high-performance cathode material for Li-ion batteries, Rsc Advances, 7 (2017) 1561-1566.
16. X. Zhang, L.X. Sun, J. Song, N. Du, Y.H. Xing, F.Y. Bai, Z. Shi, Based on a V-shaped In(III) metal-organic framework (MOF): Design, synthesis and characterization of diverse physical and chemical properties, Polyhedron, 134 (2017) 207-214.
17. J.L. Zeng, S.L. Sun, L. Zhou, Y.H. Chen, L. Shu, L.P. Yu, L. Zhu, L.B. Song, Z. Cao, L.X. Sun, Preparation, morphology and thermal properties of microencapsulated palmitic acid phase change material with polyaniline shells, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 129 (2017) 1583-1592.
18. S.B. Yu, J.L. Zeng, S.L. Sun, L. Zhou, Y.H. Chen, L.B. Song, Z. Cao, L.X. Sun, Thermal properties characterization of two promising phase change material candidates, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 129 (2017) 189-199.
19. Y. Wang, X.M. Lin, F.Y. Bai, L.X. Sun,Novel vanadium complexes with rigid carboxylate ligands: Synthesis, structure and catalytic bromine dynamics of phenol red, Journal of Molecular Structure, 1149 (2017) 379-386.
20. F. Zhang, S.H. Liu, J.C. Wang, Y. Du, L.X. Sun, Experimental investigation and thermodynamic assessment of the Li-Sb system, Calphad-Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 57 (2017) 28-36.
21. S.J. Qiu, X.Y. Ma, E.R. Wang, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Improved Dehydrogenation Properties of 2LiNH(2)-MgH2 by Doping with Li3AlH6, Metals, 7 (2017).
22. Y.J. Zou, Y.B. Gao, P.R. Huang, C.L. Xiang, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, E.H. Yan, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Effects of the Preparation Solvent on the Catalytic Properties of Cobalt-Boron Alloy for the Hydrolysis of Alkaline Sodium Borohydride, Metals, 7 (2017).
23. G.M. Wu, C.F. Shao, S.J. Qiu, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Guanine-Derived Nitrogen-Doped Ordered Mesoporous Carbons for Lithium-Ion Battery Anodes, Chemistryselect, 2 (2017) 10076-10081.
24. J. Yan, J.C. Ni, J.X. Zhao,L.X. Sun, F.Y. Bai, Z. Shi, Y.H. Xing, The nitro aromatic compounds detection by triazole carboxylic acid and its complex with the fluorescent property, Tetrahedron, 73 (2017) 2682-2689.
25. L.F. Song, Y.J. Zou, H.T. Zhang, C.L. Xiang, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, E.H. Yan, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, High Performance Supercapacitor based on Polypyrrole /Melamine Formaldehyde Resin Derived Carbon Material, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 12 (2017) 1014-1024.
26. Y. Sawada, Y. Hashimoto, Y. Hoshi, S. Kaneko, T. Uchida, S. Kobayashi, L.X. Sun, I. DestechPublicat, Crystal Orientation and Electrical Properties of Al and Ga Co-Doped Zinc Oxide Transparent Conducting Films Deposited on Sapphire Surface, Joint Conferences of 2017 International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering Application2017.
27. Y. Ma, B.B. Jiang, C.L. Li, Q. Wang, C. Dong, P.K. Liaw, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, The BCC/B2 Morphologies in AlxNiCoFeCr High-Entropy Alloys, Metals, 7 (2017).
28. X.M. Lin, X.D. Feng, Y. Wang, Y.H. Xing, L.X. Sun, S.Y. Wei, Z. Shi, Polyoxidovanadate complexes: synthesis, structures and catalytic oxidative bromination of phenol red, J. Coord. Chem., 70 (2017) 44-59.
29. S. Li, L.X. Sun, J.C. Ni, Z. Shi, Y.H. Xing, D. Shang, F.Y. Bai, Two uranyl heterocyclic carboxyl compounds with fluorescent properties as high sensitivity and selectivity optical detectors for nitroaromatics, New Journal of Chemistry, 41 (2017) 3073-3081.
30. B.B. Jiang, Q. Wang, D.H. Wen, F. Xu, G.Q. Chen, C. Dong, L.X. Sun, P.K. Liaw, Effects of Nb and Zr on structural stabilities of Ti-Mo-Sn-based alloys with low modulus, Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 687 (2017) 1-7.
31. B.B. Jiang, Q. Wang, X.N. Li, C. Dong, F. Xu, H. He, L.X. Sun, Structural Stability of the Metastable beta- (Mo0.5Sn0.5)-(Ti13Zr1) Nb-1 Alloy with Low Young's Modulus at Different States, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions a-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 48A (2017) 3912-3919.
32. W.W. Cui, Y.P. Xia, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, L.X. Sun, Microencapsulation of phase change materials with carbon nanotubes reinforced shell for enhancement of thermal conductivity, in: Y. Han (Ed.) 17th Iumrs International Conference in Asia2017.
Year 2016
1. L.Q. Huang, L. Chen, P.R. Huang, F.Y. Wu, L.C. Tan, S.Q. Xiao, W. Zhong, L.X. Sun, Y.W. Chen, Triple Dipole Effect from Self-Assembled Small-Molecules for High Performance Organic Photovoltaics, Advanced Materials, 28 (2016) 4852-4860.
2. Y.J. Sun, L.X. Sun, D.W. Feng, H.C. Zhou, An In Situ One-Pot Synthetic Approach towards Multivariate Zirconium MOFs, AngewandteChemie-International Edition, 55 (2016) 6471-6475.
3. Y.J. Zou, Q.Y. Wang, C.L. Xiang, Z. She, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, F. Xu, S.S. Liu, C.Y. Tang, L.X. Sun, One-pot synthesis of ternary polypyrrole-Prussian-blue-graphene-oxide hybrid composite as electrode material for high-performance supercapacitors, Electrochimica Acta, 188 (2016) 126-134.
4. X.Y. Gu, F.L. Wu, B.B. Lei, J. Wang, Z.L. Chen, K. Xie, Y. Song, D.L. Sun, L.X. Sun, H.Y. Zhou, F. Fang, Three-dimensional nitrogen-doped graphene frameworks anchored with bamboo-like tungsten oxide nanorods as high performance anode materials for lithium ion batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 320 (2016) 231-238.
5. Y.J. Zou, Q.Y. Wang, C.L. Xiang, C.Y. Tang, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, E.H. Yan, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Doping composite of polyaniline and reduced graphene oxide with palladium nanoparticles for room-temperature hydrogen-gas sensing, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41 (2016) 5396-5404.
6. E.H. Yan, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, H.Z. Zhang, Y.X. Sun, Changes in microstructures and hydrogen permeability of Nb30Hf35Co35 eutectic alloy membranes by annealing, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41 (2016) 1401-1407.
7. E.H. Yan, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, D.M. Xu, S.J. Qiu, C.L. Xiang, H.Z. Zhang, Y.X. Sun, Changes in microstructure, solidification path and hydrogen permeability of Nb-Hf-Co alloy by adjusting Hf/Co ratio, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41 (2016) 1391-1400.
8. Z.Q. Wang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, H.Y. Zhou, X.J. Peng, D.L. Sun, J.C. Wang, Y. Du, Nitrogen-doped porous carbons with high performance for hydrogen storage, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41 (2016) 8489-8497.
9. S.J. Qiu, J.L. Huang, F.H. Shen, R. Pang, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, E.H. Yan, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, H.Y. Zhou, L.Z. Ouyang, M. Zhu, Enhancement of the electrochemical performance of CoB amorphous alloy through the addition of A(2)B(7)-type alloy, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41 (2016) 16142-16147.
10. J.X. Zhang, Y.F. Liu, X. Zhang, Y.X. Yang, Q.H. Zhang, T. Jin, Y.X. Wang, M.X. Gao, L.X. Sun, H.G. Pan, Synthesis of CsH and its effect on the hydrogen storage properties of the Mg(NH2)(2)-2LiH system, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41 (2016) 11264-11274.
11. S.J. Qiu, J.L. Huang, F.H. Shen, R. Pang, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu, Y. Du, J.C. Wang, L.X. Sun, H.Y. Zhou, Ternary Co-Ni-B amorphous alloy with a superior electrochemical performance in a wide temperature range, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41 (2016) 3955-3960.
12. C.L. Jiao, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, S.S. Liu, J. Zhang, X. Jiang, L.N. Yang, NiCo nanoalloy encapsulated in graphene layers for improving hydrogen storage properties of LiAlH4, Scientific Reports, 6 (2016).
13. J.H. Xin, J.C. Wang, Y. Du, L.X. Sun, B.Y. Huang, Site preference and diffusion of hydrogen during hydrogenation of Mg: A first-principles study, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41 (2016) 3508-3516.
14. J.C. Wang, Y. Du, L.X. Sun, Ca-decorated novel boron sheet: A potential hydrogen storage medium, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41 (2016) 5276-5283.
15. Z.J. Cao, L.Z. Ouyang, H. Wang, J.W. Liu, L.X. Sun, M. Felderhoff, M. Zhu, Development of Zr-Fe-V alloys for hybrid hydrogen storage system, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41 (2016) 11242-11253.
16. C.L. Jiao, X. Jiang, H.L. Chu, H.Q. Jiang, L.X. Sun, A mixed-valent Cu-I/Cu-II metal-organic framework with selective chemical sensing properties, Crystengcomm, 18 (2016) 8683-8687.
17. X. Gao, J. Song, L.X. Sun, Y.H. Xing, F.Y. Bai, Z. Shi, A family of uranium-carboxylic acid hybrid materials: synthesis, structure and mixed-dye selective adsorption, New Journal of Chemistry, 40 (2016) 6077-6085.
18. Y.J. Zou, Q.Y. Wang, D.D. Jiang, C.L. Xiang, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, S.S. Liu, Pd-doped TiO2@polypyrrole core-shell composites as hydrogen-sensing materials, Ceramics International, 42 (2016) 8257-8262.
19. Q.Y. Wang, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, H.L. Chu, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, C.Y. Tang, High-performance supercapacitor based on V2O5/carbon nanotubes-super activated carbon ternary composite, Ceramics International, 42 (2016) 12129-12135.
20. Z.Q. Wang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, X.J. Peng, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, L.Z. Ouyang, M. Zhu, Synthesis of N-doped hierarchical carbon spheres for CO2 capture and supercapacitors, Rsc Advances, 6 (2016) 1422-1427.
21. L. Miao, R. Chen, J.H. Zhou, C.Y. Liu, Y. Peng, J. Gao, L.X. Sun, S. Tanemura, Depressed haze and enhanced solar modulation capability for VO2-based composite films with distinct size effects, Rsc Advances, 6 (2016) 90813-90823.
22. Y.J. Zou, Y.B. Gao, C.L. Xiang, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, E.H. Yan, F. Xu, C.Y. Tang, L.X. Sun, Cobalt-Nickel-Boron Supported over Polypyrrole-Derived Activated Carbon for Hydrolysis of Ammonia Borane, Metals, 6 (2016).
23. S.J. Qiu, J.L. Huang, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, E.H. Yan, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, The Co-B Amorphous Alloy: A High Capacity Anode Material for an Alkaline Rechargeable Battery, Metals, 6 (2016).
24. S.J. Qiu, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, H.Z. Zhang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Thermochemical studies of Rhodamine B and Rhodamine 6G by modulated differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetric analysis, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 123 (2016) 1611-1618.
25. Q.Y. Wang, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, H.L. Chu, S.S. Liu, E.H. Yan, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, C.Y. Tang, Prussian-Blue-Doped Super-Activated Carbon as a High Performance Supercapacitor Electrode Material, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 11 (2016) 5679-5690.
26. S.J. Qiu, X.Y. Ma, E.R. Wang, J.L. Huang, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Effect of Ball Milling on the Electrochemical Properties of La-0.7(Mg0.25Ti0.05)(Ni0.85Co0.15)(3.5) Hydrogen Storage Alloy, in: L. Xie (Ed.) Proceedings of the 2015 International Symposium on Material, Energy and Environment Engineering2016, pp. 16-19.
27. Y.B. Meng, S.X. Xiao, X.F. Zheng, C.H. Li, D.D. Zhang, X.M. Wu, L.J. Ye, L.X. Sun, Q.G. Li, Purification and thermochemical properties of dihydromyricetin, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 125 (2016) 11-16.
28. C. Zhao, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, M.H. Fan, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, Hydrogen Generation by Al-Based Materials Hydrolysis, Progress in Chemistry, 28 (2016) 1870-1879.
Year 2015
1.Y.J. Zhong, H.B. Dai, Y.Y. Jiang, D.M. Chen, M. Zhu, L.X. Sun, P. Wang, Highly efficient Ni@Ni-Pt/La2O3 catalyst for hydrogen generation from hydrous hydrazine decomposition: Effect of Ni-Pt surface alloying, Journal of Power Sources, 300 (2015) 294-300.
2. J. Pan, J.Q. Deng, Q.R. Yao, Y.J. Zou, Z.M. Wang, H.Y. Zhou,L.X. Sun, G.H. Rao, Novel LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 porous microellipsoids as high-performance cathode materials for lithium ion batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 288 (2015) 353-358.
3. H.Z. Zhang, Y.J. Zou, Y.J. Sun, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, J. Zhang, H.Y. Zhou, A novel thermal-insulating film incorporating microencapsulated phase-change materials for temperature regulation and nano-TiO2 for UV-blocking, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 137 (2015) 210-218.
4. H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, H.Y. Zhou, Improvement on Hydrogen Desorption Performance of Calcium Borohydride Diammoniate Doped with Transition Metal Chlorides, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119 (2015) 913-918.
5. Y.J. Zou, J. Cheng, Q.Y. Wang, C.L. Xiang, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, S.S. Liu, C.Y. Tang, L.X. Sun, Cobalt-boron/nickel-boron nanocomposite with improved catalytic performance for the hydrolysis of ammonia borane, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40 (2015) 13423-13430.
6. D.W. Zhuang, H.B. Dai, Y.J. Zhong, L.X. Sun, P. Wang, A new reactivation method towards deactivation of honeycomb ceramic monolith supported cobalt-molybdenum-boron catalyst in hydrolysis of sodium borohydride, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40 (2015) 9373-9381.
7. J.L. Huang, S.J. Qiu, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, L.Z. Ouyang, H.Y. Zhou, Enhancement of the electrochemical properties of rare earth-based alloy by doping with CoZnB alloy, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40 (2015) 114178.
8. C.L. Xiang, D.D. Jiang, Z. She, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, C.Y. Tang, L.X. Sun, Hydrogen generation by hydrolysis of alkaline sodium borohydride using a cobalt-zinc-boron/graphene nanocomposite treated with sodium hydroxide, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40 (2015) 4111-4118.
9. D.F. Wu, L.Z. Ouyang, C. Wu, H. Wang, J.W. Liu, L.X. Sun, M. Zhu, Phase transition and hydrogen storage properties of Mg-Ga alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 642 (2015) 180-184.
10. S.J. Qiu, J.L. Huang, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, H.Y. Zhou, Influence of boron introduction on structure and electrochemical hydrogen storage properties of Ti-V-based alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 648 (2015) 320-325.
11. Z.J. Cao, L.Z. Ouyang, H. Wang, J.W. Liu, L.X. Sun, M. Zhu, Composition design of Ti-Cr-Mn-Fe alloys for hybrid high-pressure metal hydride tanks, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 639 (2015) 452-457.
12. H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, L.X. Sun, J. Huot, Enhancement of the initial hydrogenation of Mg by ball milling with alkali metal amides MNH2 (M = Li or Na), Dalton Transactions, 44 (2015) 16694-16697.
13. J.S. Li, N. Zhou, H.Y. Wang, H.Y. Li, Z.Y. Xie, H.L. Chu, Y.G. Tang, L.X. Sun, Z.G. Peng, Three-Dimensional MnCo2O4.5 Mesoporous Networks as an Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 162 (2015) A2302-A2307.
14. X.T. Xu, Y.N. Hou, S.Y. Wei, X.X. Zhang, F.Y. Bai, L.X. Sun, Z. Shi, Y.H. Xing, UO22+-amino hybrid materials: structural variation and photocatalysis properties, Crystengcomm, 17 (2015) 642-652.
15. C.L. Xiang, D.D. Jiang, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, L.J. Zheng, Ammonia sensor based on polypyrrole-graphene nanocomposite decorated with titania nanoparticles, Ceramics International, 41 (2015) 6432-6438.
16. J. Cheng, C.L. Xiang, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, H.Z. Zhang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Highly active nanoporous Co-B-TiO2 framework for hydrolysis of NaBH4, Ceramics International, 41 (2015) 899-905.
17. C.L. Xiang, J. Cheng, Z. She, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, H.Z. Zhang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Fabrication and characterization of a novel nanoporous Co-Ni-W-B catalyst for rapid hydrogen generation, Rsc Advances, 5 (2015) 163-166.
18. Y. Sawada, S. Seki, T. Uchida, Y. Hoshi, M.H. Wang, H. Lei, L.X. Sun, Low-Resistivity Indium-Tin-Oxide Transparent Conducting Films: Dependence of Carrier Electron Concentration on Tin Concentration, in: Z. Zhang (Ed.) Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Material Science and Applications2015, pp. 719-722.
19. Z.N. Wang, X. Wang, S.Y. Wei, J.X. Wang, F.Y. Bai, Y.H. Xing, L.X. Sun, Triazine-polycarboxylic acid complexes: synthesis, structure and photocatalytic activity, New Journal of Chemistry, 39 (2015) 4168-4177.
20. J. Song, C.R. Li, Q. Xu, X.T. Xu, L.X. Sun, Y.H. Xing, Synthesis, crystal structure, photoluminescence property of a series of 3d-4f coordination supramolecular complexes,Spectrochimica Acta Part a-Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 150 (2015) 308-315.
21. L.Z. Ouyang, M.L. Ma, M.H. Huang, R.M. Duan, H. Wang, L.X. Sun, M. Zhu, Enhanced Hydrogen Generation Properties of MgH2-Based Hydrides by Breaking the Magnesium Hydroxide Passivation Layer, Energies, 8 (2015) 4237-4252.
22. X.D. Feng, R. Zhang, X.Y. Wang, X.X. Zhang, J.X. Wang, Y.H. Xing, L.X. Sun, Mimicingbromoperoxidase for copper complexes: Synthesis, structures and properties of Cu(II)-triazine pyrazolyl complex, Polyhedron, 90 (2015) 69-76.
23. X. Li, J.H. Jiang, H.W. Gu, S.X. Xiao, C.H. Li, L.J. Ye, X. Li, Q.G. Li, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Calorimetric determination of the standard molar enthalpies of formation of o-vanillin and trimethoprim, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 119 (2015) 721-726.
24. S.Y. Wei, M.K. Li, D. Shang, N. Wang, L.X. Sun, Y.H. Xing, 3D Hierarchical Flower-Like Bi2WO6 Microparticles Doped with Uranyl Group: Characterization and Higher Photocatalytic Activity, Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, 25 (2015) 1434-1440.
25. S.J. Qiu, J.L. Huang, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, L.Z. Ouyang, H.Y. Zhou, Influence of Zr Addition on Structure and Performance of Rare Earth Mg-Based Alloys as Anodes in Ni/MH Battery, Metals, 5 (2015) 565-577.
26. J.X. Wang, X. Wang, Y.N. Hou, X.D. Feng, L.X. Sun, Z. Shi, C. Wang, Y.H. Xing, Synthesis, structures, and catalytic studies of new copper(II) complexes with arene-linked pyrazolyl methane ligands, Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 68 (2015) 1544-1558.
27. Y.J. Zou, J. Cheng, C.L. Xiang, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, L.J. Zheng, Preparation, Characterization of Polypyrrole Encapsulated Prussian Blue Nanocomposite and Its Application for Biosensing, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 10 (2015) 4626-4636.
28. L.L. Zhao, L. Miao, C.Y. Liu, H.L. Wang, S. Tanemura, L.X. Sun, X. Gao, J.H. Zhou, Enhanced Thermochromic Properties and Solar-Heat Shielding Ability of WxV1-xO2 Thin Films with Ag Nanowires Capping Layers, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 15 (2015) 9192-9196.
29. Z.N. Wang, J.X. Wang, H. Song, X. Gao, X.D. Feng, L.X. Sun, Y.H. Xing, Syntheses, Structures and Photocatalytic Activities of Coordinated Supramolecular Complexes Containing Triazin-pyrazole Ligand, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese, 36 (2015) 1478-1484.
Year 2014
1. J.L. Zeng, S.H. Zheng, S.B. Yu, F.R. Zhu, J. Gan, L. Zhu, Z.L. Xiao, X.Y. Zhu, Z. Zhu, L.X. Sun, Z. Cao, Preparation and thermal properties of palmitic acid/polyaniline/exfoliated graphite nanoplatelets form-stable phase change materials, Applied Energy, 115 (2014) 603-609.
2. J.L. Zeng, J. Gan, F.R. Zhu, S.B. Yu, Z.L. Xiao, W.P. Yan, L. Zhu, Z.Q. Liu, L.X. Sun, Z. Cao, Tetradecanol/expanded graphite composite form-stable phase change material for thermal energy storage, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 127 (2014) 122-128.
3. F. Xu, L.X. Sun, X.F. Lan, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Sun, H.Y. Zhou, F. Li, L.N. Yang, X.L. Si, J. Zhang, S. Walter, Z. Gabelica, Mechanism of fast hydrogen generation from pure water using Al-SnCl2 and bi-doped Al-SnCl2 composites, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 39 (2014) 5514-5521.43
4. T. Wu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Z. Cao, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Sun, L. Wang, P.H. Chen, J. Chen, Y. Pang, Y.F. Zou, S.J. Qiu, C.L. Xiang, H.Z. Zhang, Al-Li3AlH6: A novel composite with high activity for hydrogen generation, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 39 (2014) 10392-10398.
5. J.C. Wang, Y. Du, L.X. Sun, X.H. Li, Effects of F and Cl on the stability of MgH2, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 39 (2014) 877-883.
6. H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, L. Liu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, H.Y. Zhou, G.T. Wu, Significantly enhanced dehydrogenation properties of calcium borohydride combined with urea, Dalton Transactions, 43 (2014) 15291-15294.
7. C.L. Xiang, Z. She, Y.J. Zou, J. Cheng, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, H.Z. Zhang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, A room-temperature hydrogen sensor based on Pd nanoparticles doped TiO2 nanotubes, Ceramics International, 40 (2014) 16343-16348.
8. Z.J. Duan, H.Z. Zhang, L.X. Sun, Z. Cao, F. Xu, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, C.L. Xiang, H.Y. Zhou, CaCl2 center dot 6H(2)O/Expanded graphite composite as form-stable phase change materials for thermal energy storage, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 115 (2014) 111-117.
9. H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, L.X. Sun, G.T. Wu, Improved hydrogen desorption properties of Li-Ca-B-N-H system catalyzed by cobalt containing species, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 6 (2014).
Year 2013
1. S. Liu, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, J. Zhang, C.L. Jiao, F. Li, Z.B. Li, S. Wang, Z.Q. Wang, X. Jiang, H.Y. Zhou, L.N. Yang, C. Schick, Nanosized Cu-MOFs induced by graphene oxide and enhanced gas storage capacity, Energy & Environmental Science, 6 (2013) 818-823.
2. F. Li, J.F. Gao, J. Zhang, F. Xu, J.J. Zhao, L.X. Sun, Graphene oxide and lithium amidoborane: a new way to bridge chemical and physical approaches for hydrogen storage, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 1 (2013) 8016-8022.
3. J.L. Zeng, F.R. Zhu, S.B. Yu, Z.L. Xiao, W.P. Yan, S.H. Zheng, L. Zhang, L.X. Sun, Z. Cao, Myristic acid/polyaniline composites as form stable phase change materials for thermal energy storage, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 114 (2013) 136-140.
4. S.S. Liu, Z.B. Li, C.L. Jiao, X.L. Si, L.N. Yang, J. Zhang, H.Y. Zhou, F.L. Huang, Z. Gabelica, C. Schick, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Improved reversible hydrogen storage of LiAlH4 by nano-sized TiH2, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38 (2013) 2770-2777.
5. F. Li, L.X. Sun, J.J. Zhao, F. Xu, H.Y. Zhou, Q.M. Zhang, F.L. Huang, Mechanisms of H2 generation for metal doped Al16M (M = Mg and Bi) clusters in water, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38 (2013) 6930-6937.
6. C.L. Xiang, Y.J. Zou, S.J. Qiu,L.X. Sun, F. Xu, H.Y. Zhou, Bienzymatic glucose biosensor based on direct electrochemistry of cytochrome c on gold nanoparticles/polyaniline nanospheres composite, Talanta, 110 (2013) 96-100.
7. C.L. Jiao, F. Li, J. Zhang, Z.P. Li, S. Wang, Z.G. Wang, H. Yu, Z.B. Li, S. Liu, Z.Q. Wang, X. Jiang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Syntheses, structures and chemical sensing properties of three complexes with mixed ligands of carboxylate and bipyridine, Dalton Transactions, 42 (2013) 1346-1351.
8. J.J. Li, F. Xu, X.L. Si, L.X. Sun, Q.Z. Jiao, C.L. Jiao, Z.Z. Gu, H. Xin, Heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of Co(AIP)(BPY)(0.5)center dot H2O (n)center dot 2nH(2)O, Thermochimica Acta, 566 (2013) 15-18.
9. C.L. Jiao, S. Wang, X.L. Si, Z.B. Li, S. Liu, J. Zhang,L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Y.J. Sun, H.Y. Zhou, Y. Sawada, Heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of a 3D Cu(II) supramolecular complex, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 112 (2013) 1565-1571.
10. Y.X. Zhou, L.X. Sun, Z. Cao, F. Xu, C.H. Jiang, C.L. Jiao, H. Zhang, J. Zhang, H.Y. Zhou, F. Li, Z.M. Zhao, H.Z. Zhang, Heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of Ni-9(btz)(12)(DMA)(6)(NO3)(6), Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 111 (2013) 1603-1608.
11. X. Meng, H.Z. Zhang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Q.Z. Jiao, Z.M. Zhao, J. Zhang, H.Y. Zhou, Y. Sawada, Y.L. Liu, Preparation and thermal properties of fatty acids/CNTs composite as shape-stabilized phase change materials, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 111 (2013) 377-384.
12. C.L. Jiao, S. Wang, X.L. Si, Z.B. Li, S. Liu, J. Zhang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Y.J. Sun, H.Y. Zhou, Y. Sawada, Heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of a 3D Cu(II) supramolecular complex, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 112 (2013) 1565-1571.
13. X. Jiang, C.L. Jiao, Y.J. Sun, Z.B. Li, S. Liu, J. Zhang, Z.Q. Wang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, H.Y. Zhou, Y. Sawada, Heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of Co(3,5-PDC)(H2O), Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 112 (2013) 1579-1585.
14. H. Zhang, Z. Cao, L.X. Sun, Y.J. Sun, F. Xu, H. Liu, J. Zhang, Z.Q. Huang, X. Jiang, Z.B. Li, S. Liu, S. Wang, C.L. Jiao, H.Y. Zhou, Y. Sawada, Improved dehydrogenation/rehydrogenation performance of LiBH4 by doping mesoporous Fe2O3 or/and TiF3, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 112 (2013) 1407-1414.
15. M.H. Wang, H. Lei, Y. Seki, S. Seki, Y. Sawada, Y. Hoshi, S.H. Wang, L.X. Sun, Thermal crystallization kinetic and electrical properties of partly crystallized amorphous indium oxide thin films sputtering deposited in the presence or the absence of water vapor, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 111 (2013) 1457-1461.
16. C.Y. Wang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Y.J. Sun, S.J. Qiu, Z.B. Zhao, H.D. Tan, S. Wang, Influences of levofloxacin salts on the metabolism of Escherichia coli by microcalorimetry, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 111 (2013) 959-963.
17. X.C. Lv, Z.C. Tan, X.H. Gao, L.X. Sun, Molar heat capacity and thermodynamic properties of crystalline Eu(C2H5O2N)(2)Cl3 center dot 3H(2)O, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 113 (2013) 971-976.
18. H.B. Wang, Q. Wang, C. Dong, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, C.L. Chen, Microstructure and storage properties of low V-containing Ti-Cr-V hydrogen storage alloys prepared by arc melting and suction casting, Rare Metals, 32 (2013) 354-358.
19. L.F. Yang, C.L. Xie, C.F. Hu, M.T. Zheng, H.B. Wang, J.H. Cui, Y. Xiao, B.F. Lei, Y.L. Liu, L.X. Sun, Effects of Ni Particle Size on Hydrogen Storage of Ni-Doped High Surface Area Activated Carbon, Australian Journal of Chemistry, 66 (2013) 548-554.
20. C.L. Xiang, Y.J. Zou, S.J. Qiu, H.L. Chu, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Nanocarbon-Based Materials for Hydrogen Sensor, Progress in Chemistry, 25 (2013) 270-275.
21. Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, S.J. Qiu, H.L. Chu, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Nanoconfined Materials for Hydrogen Storage, Progress in Chemistry, 25 (2013) 115-121.
22. H. Liu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Z. Cao, H.Y. Zhou, Preparation and Hydrogen Generation for Al-LiBH4 Composite Materials, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese, 34 (2013) 1953-1958.
23. H. Liu, L.X. Sun, Z. Cao, X.L. Si, Z.Q. Wang, J.L. Zeng, X. Fen, Progress in Light Element Composed High Capacity Hydrogen Storage Materials, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 42 (2013) 458-462.
Year 2012
1. L.F. Song, J. Zhang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, F. Li, H.Z. Zhang, X.L. Si, C.L. Jiao, Z.B. Li, S. Liu, Y.L. Liu, H.Y. Zhou, D.L. Sun, Y. Du, Z. Cao, Z. Gabelica, Mesoporous metal-organic frameworks: design and applications, Energy & Environmental Science, 5 (2012) 7508-7520.
2. F. Xu, H.Y. Ru, L.X. Sun, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Jiao, T.Y. Wang, J.M. Zhang, Q. Zheng, H.Y. Zhou, A novel sensor based on electrochemical polymerization of diglycolic acid for determination of acetaminophen, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 38 (2012) 27-30.
3. J. Zhang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, F. Li, H.Y. Zhou, Y.L. Liu, Z. Gabelica, C. Schick, H-2 storage and CO2 capture on a nanoscale metal organic framework with high thermal stability, Chemical Communications, 48 (2012) 759-761.
4. H.Z. Zhang, Q.Y. Xu, Z.M. Zhao, J. Zhang, Y.J. Sun, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Y. Sawada, Preparation and thermal performance of gypsum boards incorporated with microencapsulated phase change materials for thermal regulation, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 102 (2012) 93-102.
5. J.L. Zeng, F.R. Zhu, S.B. Yu, L. Zhu, Z. Cao, L.X. Sun, G.R. Deng, W.P. Yan, L. Zhang, Effects of copper nanowires on the properties of an organic phase change material, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 105 (2012) 174-178.
6. C.L. Jiao, J. Zhang, S. Wang, X.L. Si, W.S. You, Z.P. Li, Z.G. Wang, H. Yu, Z. Gabelica, H.Y. Zhou, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Polarized Micropores in a Novel 3D Metal-Organic Framework for Selective Adsorption Properties, Inorganic Chemistry, 51 (2012) 5022-5025.
7. S. Wang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, C.L. Jiao, J. Zhang, H.Y. Zhou, F.L. Huang, Hydrolysis reaction of ball-milled Mg-metal chlorides composite for hydrogen generation for fuel cells, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37 (2012) 6771-6775.
8. M.Q. Fan, S. Liu, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, S. Wang, J. Zhang, D.S. Mei, F.L. Huang, Q.M. Zhang, Synergistic hydrogen generation from AlLi alloy and solid-state NaBH4 activated by CoCl2 in water for portable fuel cell, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37 (2012) 4571-4579.
9. Z.B. Li, S.S. Liu, X.L. Si, J. Zhang, C.L. Jiao, S. Wang, S. Liu, Y.J. Zou, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Significantly improved dehydrogenation of LiAlH4 destabilized by K2TiF6, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37 (2012) 3261-3267.
10. H.B. Chen, H.B. Wang, Z.P. Xue, L.F. Yang, Y. Xiao, M.T. Zheng, B.F. Lei, Y.L. Liu, L.X. Sun, High hydrogen storage capacity of rice hull based porous carbon , International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38 (2013) 4879-4879.
11. H.B. Chen, H.B. Wang, Z.P. Xue, L.F. Yang, Y. Xiao, M.T. Zheng, B.F. Lei, Y.L. Liu, L.X. Sun, High hydrogen storage capacity of rice hull based porous carbon, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37 (2012) 18888-18894.
12. X.L. Si, J. Zhang, F. Li, C.L. Jiao, S. Wang, S. Liu, Z.B. Li, H.Y. Zhou, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Adjustable structure transition and improved gases (H2, CO2) adsorption property of metal-organic framework MIL-53 by encapsulation of BNHx, Dalton Transactions, 41 (2012) 3119-3122.
13. S. Biswas, J. Zhang, Z.B. Li, Y.Y. Liu, M. Grzywa, L.X. Sun, D. Volkmer, P. Van der Voort, Enhanced selectivity of CO2 over CH4 in sulphonate-, carboxylate- and iodo-functionalized UiO-66 frameworks, Dalton Transactions, 42 (2013) 4730-4737.
14. J. Zhang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, F. Li, H.Y. Zhou, F.L. Huang, Z. Gabelica, C. Schick, Hydrogen storage and selective carbon dioxide capture in a new chromium(III)-based infinite coordination polymer, Rsc Advances, 2 (2012) 2939-2945.
15. L.F. Song, S. Wang, C.L. Jiao, X.L. Si, Z.B. Li, S. Liu, S.S. Liu, C.H. Jiang, F. Li, J. Zhang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, F.L. Huang, Thermodynamics study of hydrogen storage materials, Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 46 (2012) 86-93.
16. Y.X. Zhou, L.X. Sun, Z. Cao, J. Zhang, F. Xu, L.F. Song, Z.M. Zhao, Y.J. Zou, Heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of M(HBTC)(4,4 '-bipy)center dot 3DMF (M = Ni and Co), Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 110 (2012) 949-954.
17. Z.M. Zhao, L.X. Sun, Z.C. Tan, Heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of N-(tert-butoxycarbonyl)-L-phenylalanine (C14H19NO4), Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 107 (2012)
18. M. Wang, W.H. Sun, C.S. Sha, B. Hu, Y. Du, L.X. Sun, H.H. Xu, J.C. Wang, S.H. Liu, Thermodynamic Modeling of the Li-H and Ca-H Systems, Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 33 (2012) 89-96.
19. T.Y. Wang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, J.M. Zhang, H.Y. Ru, Y.Y. Liu, Q. Zheng, J. Zhang, Glucose Biosensor Based on Poly-Lithium Benzenetricarboxylic Acid and Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes Composite Film, Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 40 (2012) 1832-1838..
20. X. Meng, H.Z. Zhang, Z.M. Zhao, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, J. Zhang, Q.Z. Jiao, Y. Bao, J.Z. Ma, Preparation, Encapsulation and Thermal Properties of Fatty Acid/Expanded Graphite Composites as Shape-stabilized Phase Change Materials, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese, 33 (2012) 526-530.
21. H. Zhang, Y.X. Zhou, L.X. Sun, Z. Cao, F. Xu, S.S. Liu, J. Zhang, L.F. Song, X.L. Si, C.L. Jiao, S. Wang, Z.B. Li, S. Liu, F. Li, Synergistic Catalysis of Fe2O3 and TiF3 Additives on the LiBH4-MgH2 Composite, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese, 33 (2012) 781-785.
22. J.X. Zhang, G.G. Yi, Y.L. Liu, Y.J. Wu, Y. Xiao, L.X. Sun, KOH-Activated Carbon Xerogels for Hydrogen Storage, Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 28 (2012) 2565-2572.
23. F. Li, J.J. Zhao, L.X. Sun, Hydrogen storage behaviors of the metal doped covalent organic frameworks and graphene oxide, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 244 (2012).
Year 2011
1. X.L. Si, C.L. Jiao, F. Li, J. Zhang, S. Wang, S. Liu, Z.B. Li, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Z. Gabelica, C. Schick, High and selective CO2 uptake, H2 storage and methanol sensing on the amine-decorated 12-connected MOF CAU-1, Energy & Environmental Science, 4 (2011) 4522-4527.
2. R.F. Zou, Z. Cao, J.L. Zeng, Y.L. Dai, L.X. Sun, Characteristics and Mechanism for Host-Guest Recognition of Isopropanol Vapor Based on Calixarene Supramolecules, in: Z. Cao, X.Q. Cao, L. Sun, Y.H. He (Eds.) Advanced Materials, Pts 1-42011, pp. 2050-2053.
3. Y. Cao, Z. Cao, J.Y. Xia, J.L. Zeng, L.X. Sun, Calixarene Molecules Immobilized on Gold Substrates of QCM Sensors Based on Self-assembled Monolayer Technology, in: Z. Cao, X.Q. Cao, L. Sun, Y.H. He (Eds.) Advanced Materials, Pts 1-42011, pp. 2054-2057.
4. D.H. Deng, L. Yu, X.L. Pan, S. Wang, X.Q. Chen, P. Hu, L.X. Sun, X.H. Bao, Size effect of graphene on electrocatalytic activation of oxygen, Chemical Communications, 47 (2011) 10016-10018.
5. M.Q. Fan, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Hydrogen production for micro-fuel-cell from activated Al-Sn-Zn-X (X: hydride or halide) mixture in water, Renewable Energy, 36 (2011) 519-524.
6. X.L. Si, F. Li, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, S.S. Liu, J. Zhang, M. Zhu, L.Z. Ouyang, D.L. Sun, Y.L. Liu, Metals (Ni, Fe)-Incorporated Titanate Nanotubes Induced Destabilization of LiBH4, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115 (2011) 9780-9786.
7. X.L. Si, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, C.L. Jiao, F. Li, S.S. Liu, J. Zhang, L.F. Song, C.H. Jiang, S. Wang, Y.L. Liu, Y. Sawada, Improved hydrogen desorption properties of ammonia borane by Ni-modified metal-organic frameworks, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36 (2011) 6698-6704.
8. S.S. Liu, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, J. Zhang, Z. Cao, Y.L. Liu, Improved dehydrogenation of MgH2-Li3AlH6 mixture with TiF3 addition, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36 (2011) 11785-11793.
9. M.Q. Fan, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, D.S. Mei, D. Chen, W.X. Chai, F.L. Huang, Q.M. Zhang, Microstructure of Al-Li alloy and its hydrolysis as portable hydrogen source for proton-exchange membrane fuel cells, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36 (2011) 9791-9798.
10. M. Yang, J.N. Zhao, Q.S. Liu, L.X. Sun, P.F. Yan, Z.C. Tan, U. Welz-Biermann, Low-temperature heat capacities of 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(oxalato)borate ionic liquids and the influence of anion structural characteristics on thermodynamic properties, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13 (2011) 199-206.
11. J.C. Wang, Y. Du, H.H. Xu, C. Jiang, Y. Kong, L.X. Sun, Z.K. Liu, Native defects in LiNH2: A first-principles study, Physical Review B, 84 (2011).
12. L.F. Song, C.L. Jiao, C.H. Jiang, J.A. Zhang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Q.Z. Jiao, Y.H. Xing, F.L. Huang, Y. Du, Z. Cao, F. Li, J.J. Zhao, Heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of MgNDC, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 103 (2011) 365-372.
13. C.H. Jiang, L.F. Song, C.L. Jiao, J.A. Zhang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Y. Du, Z. Cao, Exceptional thermal stability and thermodynamic properties of lithium based metal-organic framework, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 103 (2011) 373-380.
14. C.H. Jiang, L.F. Song, C.L. Jiao, J. Zhang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, H.Z. Zhang, Q.Y. Xu, Z. Gabelica, Determination of heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of two structurally unrelated but isotypic calcium and manganese(II) 2,6-naphthalene dicarboxylate-based MOFs, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 103 (2011) 1095-1103.
15. J.L. Zeng, S.B. Yu, B. Tong, L.X. Sun, Z.C. Tan, Z. Cao, D.W. Yang, J.N. Zhang, Heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of (S)-tert-butyl 1-phenylethylcarbamate, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 103 (2011) 1087-1093.
16. J.L. Zeng, S.B. Yu, Z. Cao, D.W. Yang, L.X. Sun, L. Zhang, X.F. Zhang, Synthesize, crystal structure, heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of a potential enantioselective catalyst, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 105 (2011) 961-968.
17. Y. Yao, D.W. Yang, J.L. Zeng, L.X. Sun, W.J. Li, Influences of fly ash and fluorgypsum on the hydration heat and compressive strength of cement, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 106 (2011) 869-874.
18. L.F. Song, C.H. Jiang, S.S. Liu, C.L. Jiao, X.L. Si, S. Wang, F. Li, J. Zhang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, F.L. Huang, Progress in improving thermodynamics and kinetics of new hydrogen storage materials, Frontiers of Physics, 6 (2011) 151-161.
19. F. Li, J.J. Zhao, L.X. Sun, Substitution effects on the hydrogen storage behavior of AB(2) alloys by first principles, Frontiers of Physics, 6 (2011) 214-219.
20. C.L. Xie, Y.L. Liu, L.X. Sun, H.H. Qiu, Y. Xiao, Y.J. Wu, Q. Jin, H.B. Wang, Chemical Activation and Hydrogen Storage Properties of Mesoporous Carbon CMK-3, Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 27 (2011) 2395-2400.
21. D.W. Yang, Y. Yao, J.L. Zeng, L.X. Sun, Influences of fly ash and fluorgypsum on the hydration heat and compressive strength of cement, 106 (2011) 869-874.
22. Z. Cao, L.X. Sun, T. Zhou, Y.F. Luo, J.L. Zeng, S. Long, J.S. Li, Investigation on Electronic Signals for Detection of Target DNA Molecule Based on Extended Gate FET Sensing Chip, in: Z. Cao, Y.H. He, L. Sun, X.Q. Cao (Eds.) Application of Chemical Engineering, Pts 1-32011, pp. 1923-1926.
23. Z. Cao, S. Long, X. Shi, J.L. Zeng, L.X. Sun, R.H. Yang, Determination of Mercury Ions by Using Nano Gold Plate Electrode Based on Amino Thiol Self-assembled Film, in: R. Chen (Ed.) Frontiers of Manufacturing and Design Science, Pts 1-42011, pp. 2553.
Year 2010
1. X.C. Zhao, A.Q. Wang, J.W. Yan, G.Q. Sun, L.X. Sun, T. Zhang, Synthesis and Electrochemical Performance of Heteroatom-Incorporated Ordered Mesoporous Carbons, Chemistry of Materials, 22 (2010) 5463-5473.
2. M.Q. Fan, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Study of the controllable reactivity of aluminum alloys and their promising application for hydrogen generation, Energy Conversion and Management, 51 (2010) 594-599.
3. Z.G. Wang, B.F. Zhang, H. Yu, L.X. Sun, C.L. Jiao, W.S. Liu, Microporous polyimide networks with large surface areas and their hydrogen storage properties, Chemical Communications, 46 (2010) 7730-7732.
4. M.Q. Fan, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Feasibility study of hydrogen production for micro fuel cell from activated Al-In mixture in water, Energy, 35 (2010) 1333-1337.
5. M.Q. Fan, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Experiment assessment of hydrogen production from activated aluminum alloys in portable generator for fuel cell applications, Energy, 35 (2010) 2922-2926.
6. M.Q. Fan, S.S. Liu, Y. Zhang, J. Zhang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Superior hydrogen storage properties of MgH2-10 wt.% TiC composite, Energy, 35 (2010) 3417-3421.
7. S.S. Liu, Y. Zhang, L.X. Sun, J. Zhang, J.N. Zhao, F. Xu, F.L. Huang, The dehydrogenation performance and reaction mechanisms of Li3AlH6 with TiF3 additive, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 35 (2010) 4554-4561.
8. S.S. Liu, L.X. Sun, J.A. Zhang, Y. Zhang, F. Xu, Y.H. Xing, F. Li, J.J. Zhao, Y. Du, W.Y. Hu, H.Q. Deng, Hydrogen storage properties of destabilized MgH2-Li3AlH6 system, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 35 (2010) 8122-8129.
9. J.C. Wang, Y. Du, Y. Kong, H.H. Xu, C. Jiang, Y.F. Ouyang, L.X. Sun, The effect of Ti atom on hydrogenation of Al(111) surface: First-principles studies, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 35 (2010) 609-613.
10. L.Z. Ouyang, Y.J. Wen, Y.J. Xu, X.S. Yang,L.X. Sun, M. Zhu, The effect of Ni and Al addition on hydrogen generation of Mg3La hydrides via hydrolysis, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 35 (2010) 8161-8165.
11. F. Li, J.J. Zhao, B. Johansson,L.X. Sun, Improving hydrogen storage properties of covalent organic frameworks by substitutional doping, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 35 (2010) 266-271.
12. L.F. Song, C.H. Jiang, C.L. Jiao, J.A. Zhang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, W.S. You, Z.G. Wang, J.J. Zhao, Two New Metal-Organic Frameworks with Mixed Ligands of Carboxylate and Bipyridine Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Sensing for Methanol, Crystal Growth & Design, 10 (2010) 5020-5023.
13. T. Jiang, L.X. Sun, W.X. Li, First-principles study of hydrogen absorption on Mg(0001) and formation of magnesium hydride, Physical Review B, 81 (2010).
14. Z. Wang, Y.H. Xing, C.G. Wang, L.X. Sun, J. Zhang, M.F. Ge, S.Y. Niu, Synthesis, structure and luminescent properties of coordination polymers with 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid and a series of flexible dicarboxylate ligands, Crystengcomm, 12 (2010) 762-773.
15. Z.H. Zhang, T. Cui, J.L. Zhang, H. Xiong, G.P. Li, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Z. Cao, F. Li, J.J. Zhao, Thermodynamic investigation of room temperature ionic liquid - The heat capacity and thermodynamic functions of BMIPF6, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 101 (2010) 1143-1148.
16. L.N. Yang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, J. Zhang, J.N. Zhao, Z.B. Zhao, C.G. Song, R.H. Wu, R. Ozao, Inhibitory study of two cephalosporins on E. coli by microcalorimetry, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 100 (2010) 589-592.
17. F. Xu, L.X. Sun, J. Zhang, Y.N. Qi, L.N. Yang, H.Y. Ru, C.Y. Wang, X. Meng, X.F. Lan, Q.Z. Jiao, F.L. Huang, Thermal stability of carbon nanotubes, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 102 (2010) 785-791.
18. F. Xu, L.X. Sun, P. Chen, Y.N. Qi, J. Zhang, J.N. Zhao, Y.F. Liu, L. Zhang, Z. Cao, D.W. Yang, J.L. Zeng, Y. Du, Studies on heat capacities and thermal analysis of Li-Mg-N-H hydrogen storage system, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 100 (2010) 701-706.
19. L.F. Song, C.H. Jiang, J.A. Zhang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Y.Q. Tian, W.S. You, Z. Cao, L. Zhang, D.W. Yang, Heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of MgBTC, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 101 (2010) 365-370.
20. L.F. Song, C.H. Jiang, J. Zhang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, W.S. You, Y. Zhao, Z.H. Zhang, M.H. Wang, Y. Sawada, Z. Cao, J.L. Zeng, Heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of a novel mixed-ligands MOFs, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 100 (2010) 679-684.
21. L.F. Song, C.H. Jiang, C.L. Jiao, J.A. Zhang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Q.Z. Jiao, Y.H. Xing, Y. Du, Z. Cao, F.L. Huang, Heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of one manganese-based MOFs, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 102 (2010) 1161-1166.
22. C.L. Jiao, L.F. Song, C.H. Jiang, J.A. Zhang, X.L. Si, S.J. Qiu, S. Wang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, F. Li, J.J. Zhao, Low-temperature heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of Mn-3(HEDTA)(2)center dot 10H2O, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 102 (2010) 1155-1160.
23. J.L. Zeng, Z. Cao, D.W. Yang, L.X. Sun, L. Zhang, Thermal conductivity enhancement of Ag nanowires on an organic phase change material, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 101 (2010) 385-389..
24. M.H. Wang, T. Konya, M. Yahata, Y. Sawada, A. Kishi, T. Uchida, H. Lei, Y. Hoshi, L.X. Sun, Thermal change of organic light-emitting ALQ3 thin films, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 99 (2010) 117-122.
25. C.H. Jiang, L.F. Song, J.A. Zhang,L.X. Sun, F. Xu, F. Li, Q.Z. Jiao, Z.G. Sun, Y.H. Xing, Y. Du, J.L. Zeng, Z. Cao, Thermodynamic properties and heat capacities of Co (BTC)(1/3) (DMF) (HCOO), Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 102 (2010) 1087-1093.
26. J.N. Zhao, L.X. Sun, Z.C. Tan, Low-Temperature Heat Capacities and Thermodynamic Properties of N-Benzyloxycarbonyl-L-3-phenylalanine (C17H17NO4), Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 55 (2010) 4267-4272.
27. X.M. Liu, J.N. Zhao, Q.S. Liu, L.X. Sun, Z.C. Tan, U. Welz-Biermann, Heat Capacity and Thermodynamic Properties of Sulfonate-Containing Zwitterions, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 55 (2010) 4260-4266.
28. Q.S. Liu, J.N. Zhao, J. Tong, L.X. Sun, Z.C. Tan, U. Welz-Biermann, Thermodynamic Properties of 1-Propyl-3-methylimidazolium Glutamic Acid Salt, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 55 (2010) 4036-4038.
29. M.Q. Fan, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Improved hydrogenation properties of Mg-x(Ti0.9 Zr0.2Mn1.5Cr0.3) composites, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 20 (2010) 1447-1451.
30. F. Xu, S.J. Qiu, J.G. Liang, R.H. Wu, L.X. Sun, F. Li, Low Temperature Heat Capacity and Thermal Analysis of Caffeine, Theophylline and Aminophylline, ActaPhysico-ChimicaSinica, 26 (2010) 2096-2102.
31. J.L. Zeng, S.B. Yu, Y.M. Jiang, L.X. Sun, Z. Cao, D.W. Yang, Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Ni(L)(Phen)(H2O) center dot 3.75H(2)O, Journal of Chemical Crystallography, 40 (2010) 761-764.
32. S.S. Liu, L.X. Sun, L.F. Song, C.H. Jiang, J. Zhang, Y. Zhang, F. Xu, Z.H. Zhang, Effect of TiF3 on the Dehydrogenation of LiAlH4, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese, 31 (2010) 796-799.
33. M.Q. Fan, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Low-Temperature Heat Capacities and Thermal Stability of New Antidepressant 5-Amino-4-(3-indoly)-3-methyl Pyrazole, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 22 (2010) 3779-3784.
34. M.Q. Fan, L.X. Sun, X. Fen, Synergistic Catalytic Effects of Carbon Nanotube and Nano-Sized TiO2 on the Hydrogen Sorption of Magnesium Hydride, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 22 (2010) 6231-6238.
Year 2009
1. C. Xiang, Y. Zou, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Direct electrochemistry and enhanced electrocatalysis of horseradish peroxidase based on flowerlike ZnO-gold nanoparticle-Nafion nanocomposite, Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 136 (2009) 158-162.
2. Y. Zhang, Q.F. Tian, J. Zhang, S.S. Liu, L.X. Sun, The Dehydrogenation Reactions and Kinetics of 2LiBH4-Al Composite, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113 (2009) 18424-18430.
3. Y. Zhang, Q.F. Tian, H.L. Chu, J. Zhang, L.X. Sun, J.C. Sun, Z.S. Wen, Hydrogen De/Resorption Properties of the LiBH4-MgH2-Al System, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113 (2009) 21964-21969.
4. C.K. Huang, Y.J. Zhao, T. Sun, J. Guo, L.X. Sun, M. Zhu, Influence of Transition Metal Additives on the Hydriding/Dehydriding Critical Point of NaAlH4, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113 (2009) 9936-9943.
5. Z.X. Cao, J. Zhang, J.L. Zeng, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Z. Cao, L. Zhang, D.W. Yang, Mesoporous silica hollow sphere (MSHS) for the bioelectrochemistry of horseradish peroxidase, Talanta, 77 (2009) 943-947.
6. S.J. Qiu, H.L. Chu, J. Zhang, Y. Zhang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, D.L. Sun, L.Z. Ouyang, M. Zhu, J.P.E. Grolier, M. Frenkel, Effect of La partial substitution for Zr on the Structural and electrochemical properties of Ti0.17Zr0.08-xLaxV0.35Cr0.1Ni0.3 (x=0-0.04) electrode alloys, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34 (2009) 7246-7252.
7. S.J. Qiu, H.L. Chu, J. Zhang, Y. Zhang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, D.L. Sun, L.Z. Ouyang, M. Zhu, J.P.E. Grolier, M. Frenkel, Effect of La Partial Substitution for Zr on the Structural and Electrochemical Properties of Ti0.17Zr0.08-xLaxV0.35Cr0.1Ni0.3 (x = 0 - 0.04) Electrode Alloys, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34 (2009) 8783-8783.
8. L.Z. Ouyang, Y.J. Xu, H.W. Dong, L.X. Sun, M. Zhu, Production of hydrogen via hydrolysis of hydrides in Mg-La system, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34 (2009) 9671-9676.
9. S.S. Liu, L.X. Sun, Y. Zhang, F. Xu, J. Zhang, H.L. Chu, M.Q. Fan, T. Zhang, X.Y. Song, J.P. Grolier, Effect of ball milling time on the hydrogen storage properties of TiF3-doped LiAlH4, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34 (2009) 8079-8085.
10. S.J. Qiu, H.L. Chu, Y. Zhang, D.L. Sun, X.Y. Song, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Electrochemical kinetics and its temperature dependence behaviors of Ti0.17Zr0.08V0.35Cr0.10Ni0.30 alloy electrode, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 471 (2009) 453-456.
11. J.C. Wang, Y. Du, H.H. Xu, L.X. Sun, Z.K. Liu, Diffusion of hydrogen vacancy in Na3AlH6, Applied Physics Letters, 95 (2009).
12. M.Q. Fan,L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Feasibility Study of Hydrogen Generation from the Milled Al-Based Materials for Micro Fuel Cell Applications, Energy & Fuels, 23 (2009) 4562-4566.
13. Z.H. Sun, X.Y. Song, F.X. Yin, L.X. Sun, X.K. Yuan, X.M. Liu, Giant negative thermal expansion in ultrafine-grained Mn3(Cu1-xGex)N (x=0.5) bulk, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 42 (2009).
14. Y.N. Qi, J. Zhang, S.J. Qiu, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, M. Zhu, L.Z. Ouyang, D.L. Sun, Thermal stability, decomposition and glass transition behavior of PANI/NiO composites, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 98 (2009) 533-537.
15. J.L. Zeng, Z. Cao, D.W. Yang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, X.F. Zhang, L. Zhang, Effects of MWNTs on phase change enthalpy and thermal conductivity of a solid-liquid organic PCM, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 95 (2009) 507-512.
16. J.L. Zeng, Z. Cao, D.W. Yang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, L. Zhang, X.F. Zhang, Phase diagram of palmitic acid-tetradecanol mixtures obtained by DSC experiments, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 95 (2009) 501-505.
17. Z.L. Xiao, D. Liu, C.F. Wang, Z. Cao, X.F. Zhan, Z.L. Yin, Q.Y. Chen, H.L. Liu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Study on the effect of mechanical alloying on properties of Zn-Sb alloy, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 95 (2009) 513-515.
18. X.C. Lv, Z.C. Tan, X.H. Gao, Q. Shi, L.X. Sun, Molar heat capacity and thermodynamic properties of crystalline Nd(Glu)(H2O)5(Im)3 (ClO4)(6)center dot 2H2O, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 95 (2009) 387-392.
19. S.J. Qiu, L.X. Sun, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, N. Matsuda, Study of adsorption behaviors of meso-tetrakis (4-N-Methylpyridyl) porphine p-Toluenesulfonate at indium-tin-oxide electrode/solution interface by in-situ internal reflection spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry, Thin Solid Films, 517 (2009) 2905-2911.
20. Z. Cao, F.C. Gong, M. Tu, M.X. Zeng, X.X. Huang, L. Zhang, S.Z. Tan, L.X. Sun, N. Gu, Preliminary Recognition of c-Myc Gene Protein Using an Optical Biosensor with Gold Colloid Nanoparticles Based on Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance, Analytical Letters, 42 (2009) 2820-2837.
21. Z. Cao, L. Zhang, C.Y. Guo, F.C. Gong, S. Long, S.Z. Tan, C.B. Xia, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Evaluation on corrosively dissolved gold induced by alkanethiol monolayer with atomic absorption spectroscopy, Materials Science & Engineering C-Biomimetic and Supramolecular Systems, 29 (2009) 1051-1056.
22. J.L. Zeng, Y.M. Jiang, L.X. Sun, Z. Cao, D.W. Yang, Triaqua(2-{ (E)-5-formyl-2-oxidobenzylidene amino}ethanesulfonato)cobalt (II) dihydrate, Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online, 65 (2009) M1067-U1530.
Year 2008
1. Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Glucose biosensor based on electrodeposition of platinum nanoparticles onto carbon nanotubes and immobilizing enzyme with chitosan-SiO2 sol-gel, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 23 (2008) 1010-1016.
2. Y. Zhang, Q.F. Tian, S.S. Liu, L.X. Sun, The destabilization mechanism and de/re-hydrogenation kinetics of MgH2-LiAlH4 hydrogen storage system, Journal of Power Sources, 185 (2008) 1514-1518.
3. Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xian, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Amperometric glucose biosensor prepared with biocompatible material and carbon nanotube by layer-by-layer self-assembly technique, Electrochimica Acta, 53 (2008) 4089-4095.
4. C.L. Xiang, Y.J. Zou, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Direct electron transfer of cytochrome c and its biosensor based on gold nanoparticles/room temperature ionic liquid/carbon nanotubes composite film, Electrochemistry Communications, 10 (2008) 38-41.
5. Y. Zhang, W.S. Zhang, M.Q. Fan, S.S. Liu, H.L. Chu, Y.H. Zhang, X.Y. Gao, L.X. Sun, Enhanced hydrogen storage performance of LiBH4-SiO2-TiF3 composite, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112 (2008) 4005-4010.
6. Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, L.N. Yang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Z. Cao, A mediatorless microbial fuel cell using polypyrrole coated carbon nanotubes composite as anode material, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 33 (2008) 4856-4862.
7. S.J. Qiu, H.L. Chu, Y. Zhang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Z. Cao, The electrochemical performances of Ti-V-based hydrogen storage composite electrodes prepared by ball milling method, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 33 (2008) 7471-7478
8. M.Q. Fan, L.X. Sun, Y. Zhang, F. Xu, J. Zhang, H.L. Chu, The catalytic effect of additive Nb2O5 on the reversible hydrogen storage performances of LiBH4-MgH2 composite, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 33 (2008) 74-80.
9. H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, L.X. Sun, Y. Zhang, F. Xu, M. Zhu, W.Y. Hu, Electrochemical hydrogen storage properties of La0.7Mg0.3Ni3.5-Ti0.17Zr0.08V0.35Cr0.1Ni0.3 composites, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 33 (2008) 755-761.
10. T. Sun, C.K. Huang, H. Wang, L.X. Sun, M. Zhu, The effect of doping NiCl2 on the dehydrogenation properties of LiAlH4, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 33 (2008) 6216-6221.
Y.Y. Liu, J. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, T. Zhang, W.S. You, Y. Zhao, J.L. Zeng, Z. Cao, D.W. Yang, Lithium-based 3D coordination polymer with hydrophilic structure for sensing of solvent molecules, Crystal Growth & Design, 8 (2008) 3127-3129.
S.J. Qiu, H.L. Chu, Y. Zhang, Y.N. Qi, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Investigation on the structure and electrochemical properties of AB(3)-type La-Mg-Ni-Co-based hydrogen storage composites, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 462 (2008) 392-397.
13. M.Q. Fan, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, J.N. Zhao, T. Jiang, W.X. Li, Hydrolysis of ball milling Al-Bi-hydride and Al-Bi-salt mixture for hydrogen generation, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 460 (2008) 125-129.
14. H.L. Chu, Y. Zhang, S.J. Qiu, Y.N. Qi, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Q. Wang, C. Dong, Electrochemical performances of cobalt-free La0.7Mg0.3Ni3.5-x(MnAl2)(x) (x=0-0.20) hydrogen storage alloy electrodes, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 457 (2008) 90-96.
15. X.Y. Song, N.D. Lu, X.M. Liu, Q.M. Lu, L.X. Sun, M. Rettenmayr, F.X. Yin, J.X. Zhang, M.L. Zhou, Preparation and characterization of nano rare earths, New Journal of Physics, 10 (2008).
16. Y.Y. Liu, J. Zhang, J.L. Zeng, H.L. Chu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Hydrogen storage capacity of nickel supported on a metal-organic framework compound under mild conditions, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 29 (2008) 655-659.
17. G.Y. Zhou, S.Y. Zheng, F. Fang, J. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, G.R. Chen, D.L. Sun, Hydrogen desorption performance of Ti-mediated MgH2 and Mg2NiH4, Acta ChimicaSinica, 66 (2008) 1037-1041.
18. H.B. Wang, Q. Wang, C. Dong, L. Yuan, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Composition design for Laves phase-related body-centered cubic-V solid solution alloys with large hydrogen storage capacities, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, 20 (2008).
19. Y. Zhang, C.Y. Chung, L.X. Sun, M. Zhu, Capacity fading of pulsed-laser deposited HT-LiCoO2 films cycled in LiClO4/PC, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 107 (2008) 254-260.
20. J. Zhang, J.L. Zeng, Y.Y. Liu, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, W.S. You, Y. Sawada, Thermal decomposition kinetics of the synthetic complex Pb(1,4-BDC)center dot(DMF)(H2O), Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 91 (2008) 189-193.
21. J. Zhang, Y.Y. Liu, J.L. Zeng, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, W.S. You, Y. Sawada, Thermodynamic properties and thermal stability of the synthetic zinc formate dihydrate, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 91 (2008) 861-866.
22. J.L. Zeng, J. Zhang, Y.Y. Liu, Z.X. Cao, Z.H. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Polyaniline/1-tetradecanol composites - Form-stable PCMS and electrical conductive materials, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 91 (2008) 455-461.
23. J.L. Zeng, Y.Y. Liu, Z.X. Cao, J. Zhang, Z.H. Zhang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Thermal conductivity enhancement of MWNTs on the PANI/tetradecanol form-stable PCM, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 91 (2008) 443-446.
24. S.J. Qiu, H.L. Chu, J. Zhang, Y.N. Qi, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of CoPc and CoTMPP, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 91 (2008) 841-848.
25. Y.N. Qi, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, THERMAL STABILITY AND GLASS TRANSITION BEHAVIOR OF PANI/MWNT COMPOSITES, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 94 (2008) 137-141.
26. L.N. Yang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Z.B. Zhao, C.G. Song, Microcalorimetric studies on the antimicrobial actions of different cephalosporins, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 93 (2008) 417-421.
27. L.N. Yang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Z.B. Zhao, A microcalorimetric study of the toxicity of two cobalt compounds on Escherichia coli DH5 alpha growth, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 93 (2008) 583-588.
28. B. Xue, X.F. Li, J.Y. Wang, S.J. Yu, Z.C. Tan, L.X. Sun, Heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of trans-(R)-3-(2,2-dichloroethenyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylic acid, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 94 (2008) 529-534..
29. S.X. Wang, Z.C. Tan, Y.S. Li, L.X. Sun, Y. Li, A kinetic analysis of thermal decomposition of polyaniline/ZrO2 composite, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 92 (2008) 483-487.
30. Y.N. Qi, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, J.L. Zeng, Y.Y. Liu, Thermal stability and glass transition behavior of PANI/alpha-Al(2)O(3) composites, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 94 (2008) 553-557.
31. Y.N. Qi, F. Xu, H.J. Ma, L.X. Sun, J. Zhang, T. Jiang, Thermal stability and glass transition behavior of PANI/gamma-Al2O3 composites, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 91 (2008) 219-223.
32. X.C. Lv, X.H. Gao, Z.C. Tan, Y.S. Li, L.X. Sun, Molar heat capacity and thermodynamic properties of 1,2-cyclohexane dicarboxylic anhydride C8H10O3, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 92 (2008) 523-527.
33. Y.Y. Liu, H. Zhang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, W.S. You, Y. Zhao, Solvothermal synthesis and characterization of a lithium coordination polymer possessing a highly stable 3D network structure, Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 11 (2008) 396-399.
34. C.L. Xiang, Y.J. Zou, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Direct electron transfer of horseradish peroxidase and its biosensor based on gold nanoparticles/chitosan/ITO modified electrode, Analytical Letters, 41 (2008) 2224-2236.
35. S.S. Liu, L.X. Sun, X. Fen, Metal-N-H systems as hydrogen storage materials, Progress in Chemistry, 20 (2008) 280-287.
36. M.Q. Fan, Y.Y. Liu, L.N. Yang, C.X. Cao, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Hydrogen generation from the hydrolysis of Al-Sn alloys, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese, 29 (2008) 356-359.
37. L.N. Yang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Z.B. Zhao, J.G. Liang, A study of the influence of cephalosporins on the microbial activity of E. coli by microcalorimetry, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese, 29 (2008) 1412-1415.
38. H.B. Wang, Q. Wang, C. Dong, L. Yuan, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Composition design for Laves phase-related BCC-V solid solution alloys with large hydrogen storage capacities, in: P.S. Popel (Ed.) 13th International Conference on Liquid and Amorphous Metals2008.
Year 2007
1. Y.J. Zou, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Biosensor based on polyaniline-Prussian Blue/multi-walled carbon nanotubes hybrid composites, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 22 (2007) 2669-2674.
2. H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, L.X. Sun, Y. Zhang, F. Xu, T. Jiang, W.X. Li, M. Zhu, W.Y. Hu, The improved electrochemical properties of novel La-Mg-Ni-based hydrogen storage composites, Electrochimica Acta, 52 (2007) 6700-6706.
3. S.Y. Zheng, F. Fang, J. Zhang, L.X. Sun, B. He, S.Q. Wei, G.R. Chen, D.L. Sun, Study of the correlation between the stability of mg-based hydride and the ti-containing agent, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 111 (2007) 14021-14025.
4. Y.J. Zou,L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Prussian Blue electrodepo sited on MWNTs-PANI hybrid composites for H2O2 detection, Talanta, 72 (2007) 437-442.
5. C.L. Xiang, Y.J. Zou, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Direct electrochemistry and electrocatalysis of cytochrome c immobilized on gold nanoparticles-chitosan-carbon nanotubes-modified electrode, Talanta, 74 (2007) 206-211.
6. H.L. Chu, Y. Zhang, L.X. Sun, S.J. Qiu, F. Xu, H.T. Yuan, Q. Wang, C. Dong, Structure, morphology and hydrogen storage properties of composites prepared by ball milling Ti0.9Zr0.2Mn1.5Cr0.3V0.3 with La-Mg-based alloy, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 32 (2007) 3363-3369.
7. H.L. Chu, Y. Zhang, L.X. Sun, S.J. Qiu, F. Xu, H.T. Yuan, The electrochemical properties of Ti0.9Zr0.2Mn1.5Cr0.3V0.3-x wt% La0.7Mg0.25Zr0.05Ni2.975Co0.525 (x=0, 5, 10) hydrogen storage composite electrodes, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 32 (2007) 1898-1904.
8. M.Q. Fan, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Studies on hydrogen generation characteristics of hydrolysis of the ball milling Al-based materials in pure water, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 32 (2007) 2809-2815.
9. H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, Q.F. Tian, L.X. Sun, Y. Zhang, F. Xu, Y.Y. Liu, Y.N. Qi, M.Q. Fan, Effect of ball-milling time on the electrochemical properties of La-Mg-Ni-based hydrogen storage composite alloys, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 32 (2007) 4925-4932.
10. Y.Y. Liu, Z. Ju-Lan, Z. Jian, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Improved hydrogen storage in the modified metal-organic frameworks by hydrogen spillover effect, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 32 (2007) 4005-4010.
11. L.Z. Ouyang, H.W. Dong, C.H. Peng, L.X. Sun, M. Zhu, A new type of Mg-based metal hydride with promising hydrogen, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 32 (2007) 3929-3935.
12. Y.N. Qi, H.L. Chu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Y. Zhang, J. Zhang, S.J. Qiu, H.T. Yuan, Effect of polyaniline on hydrogen absorption-desorption properties and discharge capacity of AB(3) alloy, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 32 (2007) 3395-3401.
13. Y.N. Qi, F. Xu, H.L. Chu, L.X. Sun, T. Jiang, M. Zhu, The electrochemical properties of AB(3)/polyaniline composites, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 32 (2007) 4894-4899.
14. Y. Zhang, W.S. Zhang, A.Q. Wang, L.X. Sun, M.Q. Fan, H.L. Chu, J.C. Sun, T. Zhang, LiBH4 nanoparticles supported by disordered mesoporous carbon: Hydrogen storage performances and destabilization mechanisms, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 32 (2007) 3976-3980
15. H.L. Chu, Y. Zhang, L.X. Sun, S.J. Qiu, Y.N. Qi, F. Xu, H.T. Yuan, Structure and electrochemical properties of composite electrodes synthesized by mechanical milling Ni-free TiMn2-based alloy with La-based alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 446 (2007) 614-619.
16. Q.F. Tian, Y. Zhang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, H.T. Yuan, The hydrogen desorption kinetics of Mg0.9-xTi0.1PdxNi (x=0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.1) electrode alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 446 (2007) 121-123.
17. J. Tao, H.L. Chu, Y.N. Qi, W.X. Li, L.X. Sun, Density functional theory study of hydrogen dissociation on Ni-doped magnesium (0001) surface, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 28 (2007) 1107-1111.
18. M.Q. Fan, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Hydrogen generation by hydrolysis reaction of ball-milled Al-Bi alloys, Energy & Fuels, 21 (2007) 2294-2298.
19. Y.Y. Di, Q. Shi, Z.C. Tan, L.X. Sun, Low-temperature heat capacities and standard molar enthalpy of formation of nicotinic acid, Acta ChimicaSinica, 65 (2007) 1940-1946.
20. Y.Y. Di, S.L. Gao, Z.C. Tan,L.X. Sun, Low-temperature heat capacities and standard molar enthalpy of formation of complex Zn(Met)SO4 center dot H2O(s), Acta ChimicaSinica, 65 (2007) 1299-1304..
21. Q. Shi, Z.C. Tan, B. Tong, Y.Y. Di, Z.H. Zhang, J.L. Zeng, L.X. Sun, Y.S. Li, Low-temperature heat capacity and standard molar enthalpy of formation of crystalline 2-pyridinealdoxime (C(6)H(6)N2O), Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 39 (2007) 817-821.
22. D. Chen, W.Y. Hu, J.Y. Yang, L.X. Sun, The dynamic diffusion behaviors of 2D small Fe clusters on a Fe(110) surface, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, 19 (2007).
23. Y.R. Wu, W.Y. Hu, L.X. Sun, Elastic constants and thermodynamic properties of Mg-Pr, Mg-Dy, Mg-Y intermetallics with atomistic simulations, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 40 (2007) 7584-7592.
24. Z.H. Zhang, L.X. Sun, Z.C. Tan, F. Xu, X.C. Lv, J.L. Zeng, Y. Sawada, Thermodynamic investigation of room temperature ionic liquid - Heat capacity and thermodynamic functions of BPBF4, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 89 (2007) 289-294.
25. J. Zhang, Y.Y. Liu, Z.H. Zhang, X.C. Lv, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Z.C. Tan, T. Zhang, Y. Sawada, Low-temperature heat capacity and thermodynamic properties of crystalline lead formate, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 89 (2007) 643-647.
26. J.L. Zeng,L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Z.C. Tan, Z.H. Zhang, J. Zhang, T. Zhang, Study of a PCM based energy storage system containing Ag nanoparticles, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 87 (2007) 369-373.
27. S.X. Wang, L.X. Sun, Z.C. Tan, F. Xu, Y.S. Li, Synthesis, characterization and thermal analysis of polyaniline (PANI)/Co3O4 composites, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 89 (2007) 609-612.
28. L.N. Yang, S.J. Qiu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Z.B. Zhao, J.G. Liang, C.G. Song, Microcalorimetric investigation of the growth of the Escherichia coli DH5 alpha in different antibiotics, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 89 (2007) 875-879.
29. W.C. Xie, Z.C. Tan, X.H. Gu, J. Tang, G.Y. Wang, C.R. Luo, L.X. Sun, Thermal decomposition of two synthetic glycosides by TG, DSC and simultaneous Py-GC-MS analysis, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 87 (2007) 505-510.
30. M.H. Wang, Y. Sawada, K. Saito, S. Horie, T. Uchida, M. Ohtsuka, S. Seki, S. Kobayashi, T. Arii, A. Kishi, T. Takahashi, Y. Nishimoto, T. Wakimoto, K. Monzen, I. Kashima, T. Nishikiori, L.X. Sun, R. Ozao, Thermal change of Alq(3), tris(8-hydroxyquinolinato) aluminum(III) studied by TG and XRD-DSC, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 89 (2007) 363-366.
31. B. Tong, Z.C. Tan, X.C. Lv, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Q. Shi, Y.S. Li, Low-temperature heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of 2,2-dimethyl-1,3-propanediol, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 90 (2007) 217-221.
32. X.J. Liu, H.L. Zhang, Z.C. Tan, K.L. Han, L.X. Sun, Microcalorimetric study on the bacteriostatic activity of isoquinoline alkaloids, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 89 (2007) 907-911.
33. B.P. Liu, X.C. Lv, Z.C. Tan, Z.H. Zhang, Q. Shi, L.N. Yang, J. Xing, L.X. Sun, T. Zhang, Molar heat capacity and thermodynamic properties of crystalline Ho(Asp)Cl-2 center dot 6H(2)O, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 89 (2007) 283-287.
34. Y.Y. Di, Z.C. Tan, L.W. Li, S.L. Gao, L.X. Sun, Low-temperature heat capacities and standard molar enthalpy of formation of the complex Zn(Val)SO4 center dot H2O(s) Val=L-alpha-valine), Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 87 (2007) 545-551.
35. Z.H. Zhang, Z.C. Tan, G.Y. Yin, Y. Yao, L.X. Sun, Y.S. Li, Heat capacities and thermodynamic functions of the aqueous Li2B4O7 solution in the temperature range from 80 K to 355 K, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 52 (2007) 866-870.
36. J. Ma, W.T. Qi, L.N. Yang, W.T. Yu, Y.B. Xie, W. Wang, X.J. Ma, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Microcalorimetric study on the growth and metabolism of microencapsulated microbial cell culture, Journal of Microbiological Methods, 68 (2007) 172-177.
37. J.T. Chen, Y.Y. Di, Z.C. Tan, L.X. Sun, Low-temperature heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of hydrated sodium cupric arsenate NaCuASO(4) center dot 1.5H2O(s), Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 23 (2007) 574-578.
38. Z.X. Cao, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Amperometric glucose biosensor based on ultrafine platinum nanoparticles, Analytical Letters, 40 (2007) 2116-2127
39. X.Z. Lan, C.G. Yang, Z.C. Tan, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Microencapsulation of n-eicosane as energy storage material synthesized by interfacial polymerization, Acta Physico-ChimicaSinica, 23 (2007) 581-584.
40. Y.J. Zou, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, L.N. Yang, E-coli microbial fuel cell using new methylene blue as electron mediator, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese, 28 (2007) 510-513.
41. Y. Sawada, K. Iizumi, T. Kuramochi, M.H. Wang, L.X. Sun, S. Okada, K. Kudou, T. Shishido, J.I. Matsushita, Mechanochernical synthesis of zinc ferrite, ZnFe2O4, in: D.Y. Yoon, S.J.L. Kang, K.Y. Eun, Y.S. Kim (Eds.) Progress in Powder Metallurgy, Pts 1 and 22007, pp. 201.
42. Y.Y. Di, Z.C. Tan, L.X. Sun, Low-temperature heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of octahydrated barium dihydroxide, Ba(OH)2 center dot 8H(2)O(S), Chin. J. Chem., 25 (2007) 587-591.
43. Y.Y. Di, Z.C. Tan, S.L. Gao, S.P. Chen, L.X. Sun, Low-temperature heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of hydrated nickel (L)-threonate Ni(C4H7O5)2 center dot 2H(2)O(S), Chin. J. Chem., 25 (2007) 289-294.
Year 2006
1. M.H. Wang, Y. Zhang, L.Z. Zhang,L.X. Sun, Z.C. Tan, F. Xu, H.T. Yuan, T. Zhang, The effects of partial substitution of Cr for Ni on the electrochemical properties of Mg1.75Al0.25Ni1-xCrx (0 <= x <= 0.3) electrode alloys, Journal of Power Sources, 159 (2006) 159-162.
2. Q.F. Tian, Y. Zhang, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Z.C. Tan, H.T. Yuan, T. Zhang, Effects of Pd substitution on the electrochemical properties of Mg0.9-xTi0.1PdxNi (x=0.04-0.1) hydrogen storage alloys, Journal of Power Sources, 158 (2006) 1463-1471.
3. Q.F. Tian, Y. Zhang, H.L. Chu, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Z.C. Tan, H.T. Yuan, T. Zhang, The electrochemical performances of Mg0.9Ti0.1Ni1-xPdx (x=0-0.15) hydrogen storage electrode alloys, Journal of Power Sources, 159 (2006) 155-158.
4. M.H. Wang, L.Z. Zhang, Y. Zhang, L.X. Sun, Z.C. Tan, F. Xu, H.T. Yuan, T. Zhang, The effects of partial substitution of Fe and Co for Ni in the Mg1.75Al0.25Ni electrode alloy on electrochemical performances, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 31 (2006) 621-625.
5. M.H. Wang, L.Z. Zhang, Y. Zhang, L.X. Sun, Z.C. Tan, F. Xu, H.T. Yuan, T. Zhang, Effects of partial substitution by Fe and Co for Ni in the Mg1.75Al0.25Ni electrode alloy on their electrochemical performances, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 31 (2006) 775-779.
6. Q. Shi, Z.C. Tan, Y.Y. Di, X.C. Lv, B. Tong, Z.H. Zhang, L.X. Sun, T. Zhang, Heat capacity and standard molar enthalpy of formation of crystalline 2,6-dicarboxypyridine (C7H5NO4), Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 38 (2006) 1701-1705.
7. L.N. Yang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Z.C. Tan, H.D. Tan, Z.B. Zhao, J.G. Liang, Study on interaction between antibiotics and Escherichia coli DH5 alpha by microcalorimetric method, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 85 (2006) 807-810.
8. F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Z.C. Tan, J.G. Liang, T. Zhang, Adiabatic calorimetry and thermal analysis on acetaminophen, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 83 (2006) 187-191.
9. Z.H. Zhang, Z.C. Tan, Y.S. Li, L.X. Sun, Thermodynamic investigation of room temperature ionic liquid - Heat capacity and thermodynamic functions of BMIBF4, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 85 (2006) 551-557.
10. M.H. Wang, Z.C. Tan, Q. Shi, L.X. Sun, T. Zhang, Heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of 2-benzoylpyridine (C12H9NO), Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 84 (2006) 413-418.
11. X.C. Lv, Z.C. Tan, Z.A. Li, Y.S. Li, J. Xing, Q. Shi, L.X. Sun, Thermodynamic studies of (R)-BINOL-menthyldicarbonates, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 86 (2006) 541-546.
12. X.C. Lv, B.P. Liu, Z.C. Tan, Y.S. Li, Z.H. Zhang, Q. Shi, L.X. Sun, Z. Tao, Molar heat capacities, thermodynamic properties, and thermal stability of the synthetic complex Er(Pro)(2)(H2O)(5) Cl-3, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 51 (2006) 1526-1529.
13. Z.H. Zhang, Z.C. Tan, L.X. Sun, J.Z. Yang, X.C. Lv, Q. Shi, Thermodynamic investigation of room temperature ionic liquid: The heat capacity and standard enthalpy of formation of EMIES, Thermochimica Acta, 447 (2006) 141-146.
14. S.X. Wang, Z.C. Tan, Y.S. Li, L.X. Sun, T. Zhang, Synthesis, characterization and thermal analysis of polyaniline/ZrO2 composites, Thermochimica Acta, 441 (2006) 191-194.
15. X.C. Lv, Z.C. Tan, X.H. Gao, Z.H. Zhang, L.N. Yang, J.N. Zhao, L.X. Sun, T. Zhang, Synthesis and thermodynamic properties of a metal-organic framework: LaCu6(mu-OH)(3)(Gly)(6)im(6) (ClO4)(6), Thermochimica Acta, 450 (2006) 102-104.
16. Y.Y. Di, Z.C. Tan, S.L. Gao, S.P. Chen, L.X. Sun, Thermodynamic properties of hydrated sodium L-threonate Na(C4H7O5)center dot H2O(s), Thermochimica Acta, 448 (2006) 56-58.
17. Q.F. Tian, Y. Zhang, Z.C. Tan, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, T. Zhang, H.T. Yuan, Effects of Pd substitution for Ni on corrosion performances of Mg0.9Ti0.1Ni1-xPdx hydrogen storage alloys, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 16 (2006) 497-501.
18. Q.F. Tian, Y. Zhang, Z.C. Tan, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, H.T. Yuan, Hydrogen desorption kinetics of amorphous Mg0.9Ti0.1Ni1-xPdx (x=0, 0.05, 0.1 and 0.15) electrode alloys, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 16 (2006) 747-752.
19. Q. Wang, F. Chen, J. Wu, J.B. Qiang, C. Dong, Y. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Cluster-based composition rule for Laves phase-related BCC solid solution hydrogen storage alloys, Rare Metals, 25 (2006) 252-255.
20. Z.H. Zhang, G.Y. Yin, Z.C. Tan, Y. Yao, L.X. Sun, Heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of a H2O+Li2B4O7 solution in the temperature range from 80 to 356 K, Journal of Solution Chemistry, 35 (2006) 1347-1355.
21. H.L. Chu, Y. Zhang, L.X. Sun, Q.F. Tian, F. Xu, T. Zhang, H.T. Yuan, Structures and Hydrogen Storage Properties of Mg(45)M(5)Co(50) (M=Zr, Ni, Al) Ternary Alloys by Mechanical Alloying, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 1 (2006) 47-54.
22. Q.F. Tian, Y. Zhang, Z.C. Tan, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, H.T. Yuan, The corrosion behaviors of Mg0.9-xTi0.1PdxNi(x=0.04 similar to 0.1) hydrogen storage alloy electrodes, Acta Physico-ChimicaSinica, 22 (2006) 301-305.
23. D.T. Yue, Z.C. Tan, Y.Y. Di, X.R. Lv, L.X. Sun, Specific heat capacity and thermal conductivity of foam glass (Type 150P) at temperatures from 80 to 400 K, International Journal of Thermophysics, 27 (2006) 270-281.
24. Y.H. Xing, H.Q. Yuan, Y.H. Zhang, B.L. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, S.Y. Niu, F.Y. Bai, Synthesis, crystal structure and kinetics of thermal decomposition of lanthanide complex Sm-2 (CH3COO)(4)(NO3)(2)(phen)(2), Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese, 27 (2006) 1205-1210.
Year 2005
1. M.H. Wang, Y. Zhang, L.Z. Zhang, L.X. Sun, Z.C. Tan, F. Xu, H.T. Yuan, T. Zhang, The effects of partial substitution of Cr for Ni on the electrochemical properties of Mg1.75Al0.25Ni1-xCrx (0 <= x <= 0.3) electrode alloys, Journal of Power Sources, 159 (2006) 159-162.
2. Q.F. Tian, Y. Zhang, Z.C. Tan, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, H.T. Yuan, Hydrogen desorption kinetics of amorphous Mg0.9Ti0.1Ni1-xPdx (x=0, 0.05, 0.1 and 0.15) electrode alloys, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 16 (2006) 747-752.
3. F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Z.C. Tan, J.G. Liang, T. Zhang, Adiabatic calorimetry and thermal analysis on acetaminophen, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 83 (2006) 187-191.
4. D.T. Yue, Z.C. Tan, Y.Y. Di, X.R. Lv, L.X. Sun, Specific heat capacity and thermal conductivity of foam glass (Type 150P) at temperatures from 80 to 400 K, International Journal of Thermophysics, 27 (2006) 270-281.
5. Z.H. Zhang, G.Y. Yin, Z.C. Tan, Y. Yao, L.X. Sun, Heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of a H2O+Li2B4O7 solution in the temperature range from 80 to 356 K, Journal of Solution Chemistry, 35 (2006) 1347-1355.
6. Y.H. Xing, H.Q. Yuan, Y.H. Zhang, B.L. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, S.Y. Niu, F.Y. Bai, Synthesis, crystal structure and kinetics of thermal decomposition of lanthanide complex Sm-2 (CH3COO)(4)(NO3)(2)(phen)(2), Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese, 27 (2006) 1205-1210.
7. Z.H. Zhang, Z.C. Tan, Y.S. Li, L.X. Sun, Thermodynamic investigation of room temperature ionic liquid - Heat capacity and thermodynamic functions of BMIBF4, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 85 (2006) 551-557.
8. S.X. Wang, Z.C. Tan, Y.S. Li, L.X. Sun, T. Zhang, Synthesis, characterization and thermal analysis of polyaniline/ZrO2 composites, Thermochimica Acta, 441 (2006) 191-194.
9. L.N. Yang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Z.C. Tan, H.D. Tan, Z.B. Zhao, J.G. Liang, Study on interaction between antibiotics and Escherichia coli DH5 alpha by microcalorimetric method, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 85 (2006) 807-810.
10. Q.F. Tian, Y. Zhang, Z.C. Tan, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, T. Zhang, H.T. Yuan, Effects of Pd substitution for Ni on corrosion performances of Mg0.9Ti0.1Ni1-xPdx hydrogen storage alloys, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 16 (2006) 497-501.
11. Z.H. Zhang, Z.C. Tan, L.X. Sun, J.Z. Yang, X.C. Lv, Q. Shi, Thermodynamic investigation of room temperature ionic liquid: The heat capacity and standard enthalpy of formation of EMIES, Thermochimica Acta, 447 (2006) 141-146.
12. M.H. Wang, L.Z. Zhang, Y. Zhang, L.X. Sun, Z.C. Tan, F. Xu, H.T. Yuan, T. Zhang, The effects of partial substitution of Fe and Co for Ni in the Mg1.75Al0.25Ni electrode alloy on electrochemical performances, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 31 (2006) 621-625.
13. M.H. Wang, L.Z. Zhang, Y. Zhang, L.X. Sun, Z.C. Tan, F. Xu, H.T. Yuan, T. Zhang, Effects of partial substitution by Fe and Co for Ni in the Mg1.75Al0.25Ni electrode alloy on their electrochemical performances, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 31 (2006) 775-779
Year 2004
1. Z.D. Nan, Z.C. Tan, L.X. Sun, Investigation on thermodynamic properties of ethanol plus gasoline blended fuel, Energy & Fuels, 18 (2004) 84-89.
2.. J. Xing, Z.C. Tan, Y.Y. Di, X.H. Sun, L.X. Sun, T. Zhang, Thermodynamic study of methyl N-(4,6-dimethoxypyrimidin-2-yl)carbamate, Acta ChimicaSinica, 62 (2004) 2415-2420.
3. Z.C. Tan, Z.H. Zhang, L.X. Sun, W.G. Xu, F. Xu, J.Z. Yang, T. Zhang, Study, on thermochemistry of room temperature ionic liquid 1. Solution enthalpy of EMIES and Pitzer's parameters, Acta ChimicaSinica, 62 (2004) 2161-2164.
4. X.C. Lv, Z.C. Tan, Y.Y. Di, Q. Shi, L.X. Sun, T. Zhang, Molar heat capacity and thermodynamic properties of 1-cyclohexene-1,2-dicarboxylic anhydride C8H8O3, Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 36 (2004) 787-792.
5. Y.Y. Di, Z.C. Tan, X.H. Sun, M.H. Wang, F. Xu, Y.F. Liu,L.X. Sun, H.T. Zhang, Low-temperature heat capacity and standard molar enthalpy of formation of 9-fluorenemethanol (C14H12O), Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 36 (2004) 79-86.
6. S.X. Wang, Z.C. Tan, Y.Y. Di, F. Xu, M.H. Wang, L.X. Sun, T. Zhang, Calorimetric study and thermal analysis of crystalline nicotinic acid, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 76 (2004) 335-342.
7. G.L. Zou, Z.C. Tan, X.Z. Lan, L.X. Sun, T. Zhang, Preparation and characterization of microencapsulated hexadecane used for thermal energy storage, Chinese Chemical Letters, 15 (2004) 729-732.
8. S.X. Wang, Z.C. Tan, Y.Y. Di, F. Xu, H.T. Zhang, L.X. Sun, T. Zhang, Heat capacity and thermodynamic properties of 2,4-dichlorobenzaldehyde (C7H4Cl2O), Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 36 (2004) 393-399.
9. M.H. Wang, Z.C. Tan, X.H. Sun, Y.F. Liu, H.F. Wang, L.X. Sun, T. Zhang, Heat capacity and thermodynamic properties of pyrimethanil myristic salt (C26H41N3O2), Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 36 (2004) 477-482.
10. F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Z.C. Tan, J.G. Liang, Y.Y. Di, Q.F. Tian, T. Zhang, Low-temperature heat capacities and standard molar enthalpy of formation of aspirin, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 76 (2004) 481-489.
11. F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Z.C. Tan, H.G. Liang, R.L. Li, Thermodynamic study of ibuprofen by adiabatic calorimetry and thermal analysis, Thermochimica Acta, 412 (2004) 33-37.
12. X.X. Lan, Z.C. Tan, B.P. Liu, Z.D. Nan, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Low-temperature heat capacity and thermal decomposition of crystalline Er-2(His center dot H+)(H2O)8 (ClO4)(6)center dot 4H(2)O, Thermochimica Acta, 416 (2004) 55-58.
13. J.G. Kong, Z.C. Tan, J.T. Mei, L.X. Sun, X.H. Bao, Thermodynamic studies of monuron, Thermochimica Acta, 414 (2004) 135.
14. Y.Y. Di, Z.C. Tan, H.G. Yu, S.L. Gao, Y. Liu, L.X. Sun, Low-temperature heat capacities and standard molar enthalpy of formation of the coordination compound Zn(His)SO4 center dot H2O(s) (His = L-alpha-histidine), Thermochimica Acta, 412 (2004) 171-177.
15. G.L. Zou, Z.C. Tan, Y.Y. Di, X.Z. Lan, L.X. Sun, T. Zhang, Calorimetric study on two biphenyl liquid crystals, Thermochimica Acta, 423 (2004) 83-88.
16. M.H. Wang, Z.C. Tan, X.H. Sun, F. Xu, Y.F. Liu, L.X. Sun, T. Zhang, Heat capacity and thermodynamic properties of crystalline ornidazole (C7H10ClN3O3), Thermochimica Acta, 414 (2004) 25-30.
17. M.H. Wang, Z.C. Tan, X.H. Sun, F. Xu, L.G. Kong, L.X. Sun, T. Zhang, Low-temperature heat capacity and thermodynamic properties of crystalline carboxin (C12H13NO2S), Thermochimica Acta, 411 (2004) 203-209.
18. X.H. Sun, J.R. Song, Z.C. Tan, Y.Y. Di, H.X. Ma, M.H. Wang, L.X. Sun, Heat capacity and enthalpy of fusion of penconazole (C13H15C12N3), Thermochimica Acta, 413 (2004) 261-265.
19. X.H. Sun, J.R. Song, Z.C. Tan, Y.Y. Di, M.H. Wang, H.X. Ma, H.F. Wang, L.X. Sun, Low-temperature heat capacity and thermodynamic properties of 4,6-dimethyl-N-phenyl-2-pyrimidinamine, Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry, 24 (2004) 409-413.
20. F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Z.C. Tan, J.G. Liang, D.H. Zhou, Y.Y. Di, X.Z. Lan, T. Zhang, Studies on thermal decomposition mechanism and kinetics of aspirin, Acta Physico-ChimicaSinica, 20 (2004) 50-54.
21. G.L. Zou, X.Z. Lan, Z.C. Tan, L.X. Sun, T. Zhang, Microencapsulation of n-hexadecane as a phase change material in polyurea, Acta Physico-ChimicaSinica, 20 (2004) 90-93.
22. Z.H. Zhang, W. Guan, J.Z. Yang, Z.C. Tan, L.X. Sun, The standard molar enthalpy of formation of room temperature ionic liquid EMIES, Acta Physico-ChimicaSinica, 20 (2004) 1469-1471.
23. J.Z. Yang, Y. Jin, Y.H. Cao, L.X. Sun, Z.C. Tan, Studies on electrochemical stability of room temperature ionic liquids, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese, 25 (2004) .
24. Z.D. Nan, Z.C. Tan, L.X. Sun, Thermodynamic investigation of the azeotrope of water and ethanol, Acta Physico-ChimicaSinica, 20 (2004) 626-630.
25. X.Z. Lan, Z.C. Tan, G.L. Zou, L.X. Sun, T. Zhang, Microencapsulation of n-eicosane as energy storage material, Chin. J. Chem., 22 (2004) 411-414.
26. L.G. Kong, Z.C. Tan, W. Zhang, F. Xu, M.H. Wang, X.H. Bao, T. Zhang, L.X. Sun, Low-temperature heat capacity and thermodynamic properties of crystalline 2-chloro-5-trichloromethylpyridine, Chemical Papers-ChemickeZvesti, 58 (2004) 295-298.
Year 2003
1. L.X. Sun, A.M. Reddy, N. Matsuda, A. Takatsu, K. Kato, T. Okada, Simultaneous determination of methylene blue and new methylene blue by slab optical waveguide spectroscopy and artificial neural networks, Analytica Chimica Acta, 487 (2003) 109-116.
2. Z.D. Nan, X.Z. Lan, L.X. Sun, Z.C. Tan, Thermodynamic investigation of crystalline K2Cr2O7 and aqueous K2Cr2O7 solution, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 42 (2003) 657-664.
3. X.H. Sun, J.R. Song, Z.C. Tan, Y.Y. Di, H.X. Ma, M.H. Wang, L.X. Sun, Low-temperature heat capacity and thermodynamic properties of 2-amino-4,6-dimethoxypyrimidine, Acta ChimicaSinica, 61 (2003) 1897-1903.
4. Y.Y. Di, H.G. Yu, Z.C. Tan, S.L. Gao, Y. Liu, L.X. Sun, Low-temperature heat-capacity and standard molar enthalpy of formation of the coordination compound Zn(Phe)(3)(NO3)(2) center dot H2O(s) Phe = L-alpha-phenylalanine, Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 35 (2003) 885-896.
5. P. Yu, Z.C. Tan, S.H. Meng, S.W. Lu, X.Z. Lan, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, T. Zhang, S.X. Hu, Low-temperature heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of crystalline isoproturon, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 74 (2003) 867-874.
6. F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Z.C. Tan, X.Z. Lan, P. Yu, T. Zhang, Calorimetric study and thermal analysis of berberine sulphate, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 74 (2003) 335-340.
7. B.P. Liu, Z.C. Tan, Z.D. Nan, P. Liu, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, X.Z. Lan, Calorimetric study and thermal, analysis of ErY(Ala)(4)(H2O)(8) (ClO4)(6) (Ala=alanine), Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 71 (2003) 623-628.
8. B.P. Liu, Z.C. Tan, J.L. Lu, X.Z. Lan, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, P. Yu, J. Xing, Low-temperature heat capacity and thermodynamic properties of crystalline RE(Gly)(3)(H2O)(2) Cl-3 center dot 2H(2)O (RE = Pr, Nd, Gly = Glycine), Thermochimica Acta, 397 (2003) 67-73.
9. H.G. Yu, Z.C. Tan, Y. Liu, X.Z. Lan, F. Xu, X.M. Huang, L.X. Sun, Standard enthalpy of formation and heat capacities of 3,5-di-tert-butylsalicylic acid, Thermochimica Acta, 404 (2003) 89-95.
10. Z.D. Nan, Q.Z. Jiao, Z.C. Tan, L.X. Sun, Investigation of thermodynamic properties of Co2O3 powder, Thermochimica Acta, 404 (2003) 245-249.
11. Z.D. Nan, Q.Z. Jiao, Z.C. Tan, L.X. Sun, Thermodynamic investigation of the binary system of ethanol plus benzene, Thermochimica Acta, 406 (2003) 151-159.
12. Z.D. Nan, Q.Z. Jiao, Z.C. Tan,L.X. Sun, Thermodynamic investigation of the azeotropic system - The binary system of (water plus cyclohexane), Thermochimica Acta, 407 (2003) 41-48.
13. B.P. Liu, Z.C. Tan, J.L. Lu, X.Z. Lan, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, P. Yu, J. Xing, Low-temperature heat capacity and thermodynamic properties of crystalline RE(Gly)(3)(H2O)(2) Cl-3 center dot 2H(2)O (RE = Pr, Nd, Gly = Glycine), Thermochimica Acta, 397 (2003) 67-73.
14. B.P. Liu, Z.C. Tan, X.Z. Lan, H.G. Yu, D.S. Zhang, L.X. Sun, Calorimetric study and thermal analysis of Gd4/3Y2/3(Gly)(6)(H2O)(4) (ClO4)(6)center dot 5H(2)O and ErY(Gly)(6)(H2O)(4) (ClO4)(6)center dot 5H(2)O (Gly : glycin), Thermochimica Acta, 401 (2003) 233-238.
15. X.Z. Lan, Z.C. Tan, B.P. Liu, Z.D. Nan, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Low-temperature heat capacity and thermodynamic properties of Re-2(Ile)(4)(H2O)(8) (ClO4)(6) (Re = Nd, Er, Ile = isoleucine), Thermochimica Acta, 402 (2003) 183-191.
16. Y.Y. Di, Z.C. Tan, G.Q. Zhang, S.P. Chen, Y. Liu, L.X. Sun, Low-temperature heat capacity and standard molar enthalpy of formation of the complex Zn(Thr)SO4 center dot H2O(S), Thermochimica Acta, 400 (2003) 43-49.
17. B.P. Liu, Z.C. Tan, H.G. Yu, X.Z. Lan, D.S. Zhang, P. Liu, L.X. Sun, Thermodynamic properties of HO2(Ala)(4)(H2O)(8) Cl6 (Ala = alanine), Acta Physico-ChimicaSinica, 19 (2003) 445-449.
18. Z.D. Nan, Z.C. Tan, L.X. Sun, Thermodynamic investigation of the high efficient working fluid used for a heat pipe, Acta Physico-ChimicaSinica, 19 (2003) 883-885.
19. X.Z. Lan, Z.C. Tan, B.P. Liu, Z.D. Nan, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Low-temperature heat capacity and thermal decomposition of crystalline Ho(Thr)(H2O)(5) Cl3, Chin. J. Chem., 21 (2003) 1043-1046.
20. S.H. Yan, Y.X. Bu, M. Qin, L.X. Sun, K.L. Han, Golden-rule treatment on the ClO/ClO+ electron-transfer system, Journal of Molecular Structure-Theochem, 629 (2003) 151-163.
21. S.H. Yan, Y.X. Bu, M. Qin, L.X. Sun, K. Han, Theoretical study on the ClO/ClO- system electron-transfer reactivity by the golden-rule, Journal of Molecular Structure-Theochem, 629 (2003) 105-115.
Year 2002
1. X.Z. Lan, Y.F. Guan, D.Q. Zhu, Z.C. Tan, L.X. Sun, Decomposition of transformer oil under ultrasonic irradiation during degassing process, Chinese Chemical Letters, 13 (2002) 1134.
2. Z.C. Tan, L.X. Sun, S.H. Meng, L. Li, F. Xu, P. Yu, B.P. Liu, J.B. Zhang, Heat capacities and thermodynamic functions of p-chlorobenzoic acid, Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 34 (2002) 1417-1429.
3. B.P. Liu, X.S. Zhao, L. Li, L.X. Sun, Z.C. Tan, Low-temperature heat capacity and thermochemical study of crystalline Y2(Ala)(4)(H2O)(8) (ClO4)(6) (Ala=CH3CH(NH3+)COO-), Thermochimica Acta, 389 (2002) 59-64.
4. B.P. Liu, Z.C. Tan, D.S. Zhang, Z.D. Nan, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, X.Z. Lan, P. Liang, X.M. Yu, Low-temperature heat capacity and thermodynamic properties of crystalline Re2(Ala)(4)(H2O)(8) (ClO4)(6) (Re = Eu, Er; Ala = alanine), Thermochimica Acta, 390 (2002) 31-37.
5. F. Xu, L.X. Sun, N. Matsuda, T. Okada, Z.C. Tan, J.G. Liang, The study on a PVC membrane electrode for gemfibrozil, Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 25 (2002) 165-167.
6. Z.D. Nan, Z.C. Tan, L.X. Sun, Low temperature heat capacities and thermodynamic functions of potassium dichromate, Acta Physico-ChimicaSinica, 18 (2002) 947-951.
7. B.P. Liu, Z.C. Tan, Z.D. Nan, P. Liu, L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Calorimetric study and thermal analysis of Ho-2(Ala)(4)(H2O)(8) Cl-6 and ErY(Ala)(4)(H2O)(8) (ClO4)(6), Acta Physico-ChimicaSinica, 18 (2002) 481-485.
Year 2001
1. L.X. Sun, T. Okada, Studies on interactions between Nafion and organic vapours by quartz crystal microbalance, Journal of Membrane Science, 183 (2001) 213-221.
Year 2000
1. L.X. Sun, T. Okada, Simultaneous determination of the concentration of methanol and relative humidity based on a single Nafion(Ag)-coated quartz crystal microbalance, Analytica Chimica Acta, 421 (2000) 83-92.
Year 1998
1. L.X. Sun, F. Xu, T. Okada, Studies on optimization of a platinum catalyst and porphine modified, pyrolytic graphite, amperometric, glucose sensor by sequential level elimination experimental design, Talanta, 47 (1998) 1165-1174.
Year 1997
1. L.X. Sun, K. Danzer, G. Thiel, Classification of wine samples by means of artificial neural networks and discrimination analytical methods, Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 359 (1997) 143-149.
Year 1996
1. L.X. Sun, T. Okada, J.P. Collin, H. Sugihara, PVC membrane lithium-selective electrodes based on oligomethylene-bridged bis-1,10-phenanthroline derivatives, Analytica Chimica Acta, 329 (1996) 57-64.
2. L.X. Sun, K. Danzer, Fuzzy cluster analysis by simulated annealing, Journal of Chemometrics, 10 (1996) 325-342.
Year 1994
1. L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Y.Z. Liang, Y.L. Xie, R.Q. Yu, Cluster analysis by the K-means algorithm and simulated annealing, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 25 (1994) 51-60.
2. L.X. Sun, Y.L. Xie, X.H. Song, J.H. Wang, R.Q. Yu, Cluster analysis by simulated annealing, Computers & Chemistry, 18 (1994) 103-108.
Year 1993
1. Y.L. Xie, J.H. Wang, Y.Z. Liang, L.X. Sun, X.H. Song, R.Q. Yu, Robust principal component analysis by projection pursuit, Journal of Chemometrics, 7 (1993) 527-541.
•Authorized Patents
145. Yongjin Zou, Jiaao Wu, Bin Li, Dingxiong Huang, Yangming Huang, Yongtai He, Li-xian Sun, Cuili Xiang, Fen Xu, A heterojunction structure rGO/g-CN aerogel and its preparation method and a hydrangea-like NiO/KNbO₃-based MgH₂ composite material and its preparation method and application, ZL 202310389224.5, Aug. 06, 2024.
144. Huanzhi Zhang, Shendao Zhang, Rui Jing, Bojing Wu, Li-xian Sun, Fen Xu, A heterojunction structure rGO/g-CN aerogel and its preparation method and application, ZL 202211006812.8, July 02, 2024.
143. Yongjin Zou, Cheng Chen, Cuili Xiang, Fen Xu, Li-xian Sun, A stable GO-NiCoS-NiMoLDH composite material and its preparation method and application, ZL 202210357373.9, May 14, 2024.
142. Li-xian Sun, Songwen Fang, Yulian Chen, Fen Xu, Feiyan Yang, Qingli Kui, Yongjin Zou, Cuili Xiang, A carboxylated CNTs-loaded CoNiB composite material with a Co/Ni ratio of 3:1 and its preparation method and application, ZL 202210598396.9, Apr. 12, 2024.
141. Li-xian Sun, Li Kang, Xinlei Jia, Yuqian Yu, Zhen Sang, Fen Xu, A donut-shaped hollow porous Pt-Ni nanoparticle-loaded titanium oxide material and its preparation method, ZL 202210076438.2, Apr. 05, 2024.
140. Li-xian Sun, Songwen Fang, Shunxiang Wang, Yulian Chen, Jie Xu, Sensen Yu, Jing Zhang, Xuehu Wu, Fen Xu, Yongjin Zou, Preparation method and application of NiMo-LDH@Co-ZIF-67 porous core-shell structure composite material, ZL 202211112489.2, Mar. 19, 2024.
139. Bin Li, Zhicheng Yang, Jin Liang, Huahua Qin, Huashuan Li, Li-xian Sun, Fen Xu, A preparation method and application of Co-B/SiC composite nanomaterials, ZL 202210536509.2, Mar. 19, 2024.
138. Fen Xu, Guorong Zhang, Li-xian Sun, Sheng Wei, Zhaoyu Liu, Yongpeng Xia, Lingjun Song, Cunhao Han, Hehui Wang, Yong Luo, Yongjin Zou, Huanzhi Zhang, A composite phase change temperature control material based on expanded graphite and non-woven fabric and its preparation method, ZL 202210559426.5, Feb. 27, 2024.
137. Fen Xu, Jianhao Lao, Ningkuan Zhong, Li-xian Sun, Jianmin Liang, Yukai Yang, Tianhao Zhou, Yu Wang, Yingjing Wang, Yanling Zhu, Qiwei Shao, A kind of fibrous MXene loaded NiCoS composite material and its preparation method and application, ZL 202210776159.7, Jan. 30, 2024.
136. Fen Xu, Yingjing Wang, Li-xian Sun, Yaying Li, Yu Wang, Tianhao Zhou, Yukai Yang, Jianhao Lao, Yongjin Zou, A kind of zinc sulfide-tin sulfide-molybdenum disulfide multi-component composite semiconductor material and its preparation method and application, ZL 202210628855.3, Jan. 19, 2024.
135. Hailiang Chu, Xu Feng, Yumei Luo, Shujun Qiu, Yongjin Zou, Li-xian Sun, A kind of sea urchin-shaped microsphere cobalt nickel-based electrode material and its preparation method and application, ZL 202210378432.0, Dec. 12, 2023.
134. Fen Xu, Yanling Zhu, Li-xian Sun, Jianhao Lao, Yu Wang, Qiwei Shao, Yongjin Zou, Hailiang Chu, Songwen Fang, A preparation method and application of porous carbon materials based on pretreatment of chlorine-containing organic matter and alkali solution, ZL 202211257893.9, Oct. 14, 2023.
133. Pengru Huang, Qiang Huang, Zhihai Sun, Yin Zhang, Leyu Peng, Ziyuan Li, Zhongwei Zhang, Chengyan Liu, Fen Xu, Li-xian Sun, A SnTe-doped Ge thermoelectric material and its preparation method, ZL 202110195463.8, Aug. 01, 2023.
132. Yongjin Zou, Qingli Kui, Qingyong Wang, Cuili Xiang, Yumei Luo, Fen Xu, Li-xian Sun, A MOFs-derived PBA@Co-Ni-S composite material and its preparation method and application, ZL 202111179993.X, Aug. 01, 2023.
131. Li-xian Sun, Xiaoshuang Luo, Fen Xu, Yiting Bu, Li Kang, Yongjin Zou, Hailiang Chu, Huanzhi Zhang, A CoB-LDH-CNT nanomaterial with lamellar structure and its preparation method and application, ZL 202210014407.4, Jul. 25, 2023.
130. Huanzhi Zhang, Cunhao Han, Shendao Zhang, Cong Feng, Yulong Wan, Siyue Hui, Guangpeng Xu, Junhao Zhang, Li-xian Sun, Fen Xu, A light/heat driven shape memory and self-repairing functional material and its preparation method and application, ZL 202211352675.3, Jul. 21, 2023.
129. Huanzhi Zhang, Rui Jing, Qingfeng Zhang, Bojing Wu, Zongxu Sun, Sheng Wei, Yongpeng Xia, Xin Wen, Li-xian Sun, Fen Xu, A superelastic guar gum carbon aerogel and its preparation method and application, ZL 202111417660.6, Jul. 21, 2023.
128. Li-xian Sun, Zhen Sang, Fen Xu, Haopan Hu, Xinlei Jia, Chenchen Zhang, Yongpeng Xia, Li Kang, Zhaoyu Liu, A Nano Ni-Nb-O doped magnesium hydride hydrogen storage material and its preparation method and application, ZL 202111620801.4, Jul. 21, 2023.
127. Huanzhi Zhang, Shendao Zhang, Nayan Wang, Zongxu Sun, Li-xian Sun, Fen Xu, A hydrophobic high thermal conductivity composite phase change material based on electrostatic spinning and its preparation method and application, ZL 202210809277.3, Jul. 17, 2023.
126. Yongjin Zou, Zhiwei Tian,. Cuili Xiang, Fen Xu, Li-xian Sun, Tongxiang Chen, Weiping Mo, An SDS-treated mangosteen husk-based porous carbon-loaded Ni-Co-O nanoparticle material and its preparation method and application, ZL 202210953742.0, Jul. 07, 2023.
125. Yongjin Zou, Qingli Kui, Qingyong Wang, Cuili Xiang, Songwen Fang, Fen Xu, Li-xian Sun, A MOFs-derived Co-Ni-B-P composite material and its preparation method and application, ZL 202110813201.3, Jul. 07, 2023.
124. Fen Xu, Yingjing Wang, Li-xian Sun, Yaying Li, Yu Wang, Tianhao Zhou, Yukai Yang, Jianhao Lao, Yongjin Zou, A p-n type tin sulfide-zinc stannate semiconductor material and its preparation method and application, ZL 202210298995.9, Jul. 04, 2023.
123. Fen Xu, Yu Wang, Li-xian Sun, Lumin Liao, Yaying Li, Yukai Yang, Tianhao Zhou, Jianhao Lao, Yingjing Wang, Yongjin Zou, Hailiang Chu, Yanxun Guan, A coral-like NiCoMn-MOF material and its preparation method and application, ZL 202210060020.2, Jun. 27, 2023.
122. Li-xian Sun, Songwen Fang, Yulian Chen, Fen Xu, Qingli Kui, Feiyan Yang, Yongjin Zou, Cuili Xiang, A carboxylated CNTs loaded CoNiB composite material, ZL 202210598397.3, Jun. 02, 2023.
121. Hailiang Chu, Feng Xu, Yumie Luo, Qiushu Jun, Yunmeng You, Lingling Zhang, Dan Wei, Yongjin Zou, Fen Xu, Li-xian Sun, A polyhedral structured cobalt sulphide loaded NiGa-LDH electrode material and its preparation method and application, ZL 202210956639.1, Jun. 02, 2023.
120. Fen Xu, Tao Wang, Li-xian Sun, Xiaolei Guo, Yi Wu, Qingqing Yin, Chaowei Huang, Huanzhi Zhang, Yongjin Zou, An Al-BiOI composite hydrogen production material and its preparation method and application, ZL 201911012895.X, Mar. 24, 2023.
119. Li-xian Sun, Li Zhao, Fen Xu, Jinyang Hu, Cheng Luo, Yongpeng Xia, Kexiang Zhang, Bin Li. Peirong Chen, Degui Tu, Zhenyue Wang, Qingqing Yin, Wenlong Cen, A two-dimensional titanium carbide doped sodium aluminium hydride hydrogen storage material and its preparation method, ZL 201910881054.6, Mae. 24, 2023.
118. Li-xian Sun, Yiting Bu, Fen Xu, Yumei Luo, Shunshun Xue, A water-soluble fluorescent carbon dot and its preparation method and multiple heavy metal detection applications, ZL 202010860903.2, Mar. 14, 2023.
117. Li-xian Sun, Hao Zhan, Fen Xu, Jinghua Li, Yanxun Guan, Jinyang Hu, A Pt-GO-MW primary overflow body and its composite hydrogen storage material and its preparation method and application, ZL 202010278325.1, Mar. 07, 2023.
116. Li-xian Sun, Wenlong Cen, Fen Xu, Peirong Chen, Li Zhao, Jinyang Hu, Yongpeng Xia, Sheng Wei, Riguang Cheng, Chenchen Zhang, Hao Zhan, Yanxun Guan, A nickel titanate doped lithium aluminium hydride hydrogen storage material and its preparation method, ZL 201911263650.4, Feb. 28, 2023.
115. Qingyong Wang, Yumei Luo, Sensen Yu, Yiyin Wang, Yongjin Zou, Li-xian Sun, Weiping Cao, A manganese dioxide/carbon film composite with a core-shell structure and its preparation method and application, ZL 202111200907.9, Dec. 27, 2022.
114. Cuili Xiang, Xiaoqi Mao, Qiang Sun, Shunxiang Wang, Yongjin Zou, Fen Xu, Li-xian Sun, A structurally stable MXene composite material and its preparation method and application, ZL 202010695464.4, Dec. 23, 2022.
113. Hailiang Chu, Guiming Wu, Shujun Qiu, Yunmeng You, Xu Feng, Fen Xu, Li-xian Sun, A honeycomb porous carbon material with iron-nitrogen active sites and its preparation method and application, ZL 202110731107.3, Dec. 06, 2022.
112. Cuili Xiang, Yin Liu, Yongjin Zou, Qian Peng, Yaoyi Qin, Le Ou, Fen Xu, Li-xian Sun, A cocoon-like C@NiCo2O4 composite material and its preparation method and application, ZL 201910850672.4, Nov. 29, 2022.
111. Fen Xu, Qingqing Yin, Li-xian Sun, Yukai Yang, Meixiang Wu, Yuling Zeng, Huanzhi Zhang, Sheng Wei, Li Zhao, A polyethylene glycol/polyethyleneimine composite solid-solid phase change material and its preparation, ZL 202011414562.2, Nov. 29, 2022.
110. Shujun Qiu, Boyang Cui, Hailiang Chu, Xueying Qiu, Yongjin Zou, Fen Xu, Li-xian Sun, A porous carbon loaded Ru nanoparticle material with hollow polyhedral structure and its preparation and application, ZL 202110718898.6, Nov. 18, 2022.
109. Huanzhi Zhang, Rong Ji, Yue Huang, Sheng Wei, Yongpeng Xia, Chaowei Huang, Xiaoye Mo, Li-xian Sun, Fen Xu, A starch-based hollow carbon microsphere material, its preparation method and thermal storage application, ZL 201910553652.0, Oct. 21, 2022.
108. Cuili Xiang, Shunxinag Wang, Yongjin Zou, Fen Xu, Li-xian Sun, A CC-NiO-CuCoS composite material and its preparation method and application, ZL 202011171824.7, Oct. 11, 2022.
107. Li-xian Sun, Jinghua Li, Fen Xu, Riguang Cheng, Yu Zhu, Leilei Lu, Li Zhao, Wenlong Cen, Zhiyu Huang, A nitrogen-doped porous carbon material loaded with CoB nanoparticles and its preparation method and application, ZL 201910438482.1, Oct. 11, 2022.
106. Li-xian Sun, Riguang Cheng, Fen Xu, Yanxun Guan, Junkang Huang, Qi Lin, Hao Li, A three-dimensional porous carbon nanosheet-sulfur material and its preparation method and application, ZL 202110241317.4, Sep. 23, 2022.
105. Fen Xu, Xiaolei Guo, Li-xian Sun, Xingran Cai, Tao Wang, Jinghua Li, Huanzhi Zhang, Yongjin Zou, Tiebiao Qiu, A carbon-loaded bismuth aluminium-based composite hydrogen production material and its preparation method and application, ZL 201910573879.1, Sep. 20, 2022.
104. Li-xian Sun, Yanxun Guan, Fen Xu, Riguang Cheng, Yuanzhi Yuan, Chengxi Han, Hao Li, Qi Lin, An iron-doped porous carbon-sulfur material based on polypyrrole and its preparation method and application, ZL 201911169478.6, Sep. 16, 2022.
103. Hongliang Peng, Lei Yao, Fang Hu, Siyan Liu, Huitian Yang, Fen Xu, Li-xian Sun, An activated carbon material based on secondary fermentation lees and its preparation method and application, ZL 202110881315.1, Sep. 16, 2022.
102. Fen Xu, Tao Wang, Li-xian Sun, Lumin Liao, Qingqing Yin, Yaying Li, Huanzhi Zhang, Yongjin Zou, Zilong Cao, Botao Liu, Al-containing Bi compounds as porous bulk hydrogen materials and its preparation and application, ZL 202010695467.8, Aug. 30, 2022.
101. Hongliang Peng, Wei Gao, Jiaojun Ma, Siyan Liu, Huitian Yang, Pengru Huang, Xiangcheng Lin, Fen Xu, Li-xian Sun, A carbon loaded platinum-yttrium catalyst and its preparation method and application, ZL 202011481354.4, Aug. 12, 2022.
100. Fen Xu, Xiaolei Guo, Li-xian Sun, Tiebiao Qiu, Xinran Cai, Tao Wang, Jinghua Li, Huanzhi Zhang, Tongjin Zou, An Al-BiOCl/CNTs aluminium-based composite hydrogen production material and its preparation method and application, ZL 201910850829.3, Aug. 09, 2022.
99. Yongjin Zou, Ying Wang, Cuili Xiang, Li-xian Sun, Fen Xu, A polypyrrole-coated Zn-Co-S needle-cluster core-shell composite material and its preparation method and application, 202011514038.2, Jul. 26, 2022.
98. Li-xian Sun, Yiting Bu, Fen Xu, A carbon-coated Co-Ru nanomaterial with hollow structure and its preparation and application, ZL 202011417671.X, Jul. 05, 2022.
97. Li-xian Sun, Lin Jie, Fen Xu, Tao Wang, Lumin Liao,. Tianhao Zhou, Huanzhi Zhang, Yongjin Zou, Zilong Cao, Botao Liu. A magnesium matrix powder composite hydrogen production material containing Bi and Mo and its preparation method and application, ZL 202110493380.7, Jun. 17, 2022.
96. Hongliang Peng. Wei Gao, Jiaojun Ma, Siyan Liu, Huitian Yang, Wei Su, Pengru Huang, Fen Xu, Li-xian Sun, A carbon loaded PtNiY catalyst material and its preparation method, ZL 202011570573.X, Jun. 14, 2022.
95. Li-xian Sun, Jie Lin, Fen Xu, Tao Wang, Lumin Liao, Tianhao Zhou, Huanzhi Zhang, Yongjin Zou, Zilong Cao, BoTao Liu, A magnesium-based composite hydrogen production material based on in-situ preparation of Bi-Mo-CNTs and its preparation method and application, ZL 202110812958.0, Jun. 14, 2022.
94. Li-xian Sun, Li Zhao, Fen Xu, Kai Chen, Xu Gao, Xiaoxu Zhang, Hanyu Ju, Degui Tu, A porous nanorod-like cobalt titanate-doped lithium aluminium hydride hydrogen storage material and its preparation method, ZL 202110139286.1, Jun. 07, 2022.
93. Hongliang Peng, Diancheng Duan, Fang Hu, Jiaojun Ma, Wei Gao, Fen Xu, Li-xian Sun, A carbon material with nitrogen, fluorine and transition metal co-doped graphene structure and its one-step carbonisation preparation method, ZL 201910482806.1, May. 31, 2022.
92. Fen Xu, Yao Lu, Li-xian Sun, Yi Wu, Weiyi Wu, Ningkuan Zhong, Huanzhi Zhang, Fang Yu, Hailiang Chu, Nitrogen-doped porous carbon materials based on polyvinylidene dichloride and their preparation methods and applications, ZL 201910243578.2, May. 27, 2022.
91. Cuili Xiang, Jie Xu, Yongjin Zou, Xueying Yang, Songwen Fang, Tao Huang, Shunxiang Wang, Tongxiang Chen, Tianshuo Li, Fen Xu, Li-xian Sun, A silica metal sulfide composite material based on silica and its preparation method and application, ZL 202011425106.8, May. 24, 2022.
90. Hongliang Peng, Fang Hu, Yongjian Yang, Songtao Yang, Lei Yao, Fen Xu, Li-xian Sun, A kind of wine lees porous carbon/cobalt-nickel hydroxide electrode material and its preparation process, ZL 202011149172.7, May. 17, 2022.
89. Yongjin Zou, Songwen Fang, Yulian Chen, Cuili Xiang, Fen Xu, Li-xian Sun, Needle-like flower cobalt-nickel bimetallic hydroxide composites and their preparation methods and applications, ZL 201910880354.2, Apr. 29, 2022.
88. Cuili Xiang, Liang Li, Yongjin Zou, Yin Liu, Fen Xu, Li-xian Sun, A polypyrrole-coated Ni-Co-S nanoneedle array composite material and its preparation method and application, ZL 202010522101.0, Apr. 26, 2022.
87. Hongliang Peng, Diancheng Duan, Yangyang Wang, Fen Xu, Li-xian Sun, A fluorine and nitrogen co-doped three-dimensional graphene material and its one-step carbonisation preparation method, ZL 201811590067.X, Apr. 22, 2022.
86. Li-xian Sun, Yumei Luo, Fen Xu, Yongjin Zou, Cuili Xiang, Kexiang Zhang, Erhu Yan, Xiangcheng Lin, A graded nanoporous copper oxide material and its preparation Method and applications on sensing, ZL 201910035131.6, Mar. 25, 2022.
85. Yongjin Zou, Tongxinag Chen, Cuili Xiang, Fen Xu, Li-xian Sun, A hollow MXenes-based metal oxide composite material and its preparation method and application, ZL 202010540361.0, Mar. 15, 2022.
84. Huanzhi Zhang, Yucao Zhu, Rong Ji, Fuxi Zhou, Qingfeng Zhang, Chaowei Huang, Yongpeng Xia, Sheng Wei, Li-xian Sun, Xu Fen, A boron nitride/graphene dual thermally conductive aerogel composite phase change material and its preparation Method, ZL 202010616069.2, Feb. 08, 2022.
83. Li-xian Sun, Shilu Yin, Fen Xu, Feifei Wang, Peirong Chen, Jinyang Hu, Jinghua Li, A self-nitrogen-doped porous carbon material with three-dimensional network structure and its preparation method and application, ZL 201811056226.8, Jan. 07, 2022.
82. Li-xian Sun, Peirong Chen, Fen Xu, Feifei Wang, Shilu Yin, Guangli Cheng, Lizhi Cao, A LiAlH4-based hydrogen storage material and its preparation method, ZL 201810689813.4, Nov. 10, 2021.
81. Fen Xu, Yang Xia, Li-xian Sun, Fang Yu, Huanzhi Zhang, Xiaolei Guo, Yongpeng Xia, Peirong Chen, Hailiang Chu, Yongjin Zou, Preparation method and application of a manganese titanate-doped sodium aluminum hydride hydrogen storage material, ZL 201810524153.4, Sep. 24, 2021.
80. Huanzhi Zhang, Qingfeng Zhang, Yucao Zhu, Chaowei Huang, Rong Ji, Fengyuan Huang, Yongpeng Xia, Sheng Wei, Li-xian Sun, Fen Xu, A polyimide grafted polyethylene glycol composite solid-solid phase change material and its preparation method, ZL 201911068272.4, Aug. 31, 2021.
79. Li-xian Sun, Yongpeng Xia, Fen Xu, Jianquan Li, Xinghua Cen, Huanzhi Zhang, A two-dimensional titanium carbide-doped lithium aluminum hydride hydrogen storage material and its preparation method, ZL 201811095356.2, Aug. 20, 2021.
78. Li-xian Sun, Shilu Yin, Fen Xu, Changjian Lu, Peiwen Kang, Feifei Wang, Jinyang Hu, Peirong Chen, Lizhi Cao, A nitrogen-boron co-doped porous carbon material based on breaking BN bonds and its preparation method and application, ZL 201810292212.X, Jul. 16, 2021.
77. Huanzhi Zhang, Bojing Wu, Yucao Zhu, Qingfeng Zhang, Rui Jing, Zongxu Sun, Yongpeng Xia, Sheng Wei, Li-xian Sun, Fen Xu, A manganese dioxide-melamine formaldehyde resin double-shell composite phase change material and its preparation method, ZL 202011276895.3, Jul. 02, 2021.
76. Cuili Xiang, Xueying Yang, Yongjin Zou, Yin Liu, Le Ou, Fen Xu, Li-xian Sun, A Coral-like Cobalt Nickel Oxide/Graphene Oxide Composite Material and Its Preparation and Application, ZL 201910730891.9, May. 14, 2021.
75. Cuili Xiang, Xiaoqi Mao, Yongjin Zou, Weiquan Huang, Yaoyi Qin, Fen Xu, Li-xian Sun, A Co-Mo-O-S spherical flower cluster structure composite material and its preparation method and application, ZL 201910438330.1, Apr. 23,2021.
74. Hailiang Chu, Ying Zhu, Chunfeng Shao, Shujun Qiu, Yongjin Zou, Cuili Xiang, Li-xian Sun, Fen Xu, An egg white-based porous structure carbon material and its preparation method and application, ZL 201810486402.5, Apr. 13, 2021.
73. Pengru Huang, Jiaxi Liu, Xi Zhang, Qiang Huang, Yongjin Zou, Cuili Xiang, Li-xian Sun, Fen Xu, Tongxiang Chen, Preparation and application of a hydrophobic Schiff base cobalt@β-cyclodextrin-graphene porous carbon composite, ZL 201810486402.5, Apr. 13, 2021.
72. Cuili Xiang, Xueying Yang, Chenglong Cai, Yongjin Zou, Fen Xu, Li-xian Sun, Preparation method and application of a nitrogen-doped carbon nanosheet-Co3O4 composite material, ZL 201811436497.6, Apr. 09, 2021.
71. Huanzhi Zhang, Yucao Zhu, Chaowei Huang, Qingfeng Zhang, Rong Ji, Yongpeng Xia, Sheng Wei, Li-xian Sun, Fen Xu, A three-dimensional basic manganese oxide nanorod foam composite phase change material and its preparation method and application, ZL 202010114256.0, Mar. 23, 2021.
70. Yongjin Zou, Songwen Fang, Chenglong Cai, Ruijie Zhang, Cuili Xiang, Li-xian Sun, Fen Xu, Preparation method and application of a spindle-shaped cobalt manganese oxide composite material, ZL 201910262895.9, Jan. 05, 2021.
69. Yongjin Zou, Chenglong Cai, Cuili Xiang, Li-xian Sun, Fen Xu, A curing epoxy resin solvent and its application method, ZL 201710274180.6, Nov. 24, 2020.
68. Yongjin Zou, Ying Yin, Cuili Xiang, Fen Xu, Li-xian Sun, A porous carbon composite material based on ZIF-8 doped with nickel and cobalt and its preparation method and application, ZL 201810707466.3, Nov. 24, 2020.
67. Fen Xu, Jun Chen, Li-xian Sun, Peng Li, Yipeng Wu, Xia Yang, Hongliang Peng, Erhu Yan, Huanzhi Zhang, Preparation method and application of an Al-LiCl-Bi2O3 aluminum-based composite hydrogen production material, ZL 201711161209.6, Oct. 02, 2020.
66. Shujun Qiu, Wei Gao, Hailiang Chu, Hongliang Peng, Zehao Li, Huanbiao Liang, Li-xian Sun, Fen Xu, A high-performance ternary Fe-Co-Ni co-doped nitrogen-containing carbon material and its preparation method and application, ZL 201810066708.5, Sep. 29, 2020.
65. Siyue Wei, Li-xian Sun, Fen Xu, Yipeng Wu, Fang Yu, Preparation method and application of a new type of cobalt complex crystal material, ZL 201810523110.4, Sep. 22, 2020.
64. Hailiang Chu, Nianpu Li, Shujun Qiu, Yongjin Zou, Cuili Xiang, Fen Xu, Li-xian Sun, A nanofiber-supported cobalt-silver alloy material and its preparation method and application, ZL 201710469472.5, Aug. 28, 2020.
63. Shujun Qiu, Wei Zhao, Hailiang Chu, Yilin Liao, Feihong Shen, Yongjin Zou, Cuili Xiang, Li-xian Sun, Fen Xu, Preparation method and application of a nitrogen-doped CoB alloy, ZL 201710367563.8, Aug. 28, 2020.
62. Li-xian Sun, Tinghuan Wu, Fen Xu, Yubo Gao, A C-Co composite nanomaterial and its preparation method and application, ZL 201710590003.9, Jul. 24, 2020.
61. Z Yongjin ou, Jing Liang, Cuili Xiang, Hailiang Chu, Shujun Qiu, Li-xian Sun, Fen Xu, Preparation method and application of a graphene-polypyrrole-gold nanoparticle composite material, ZL201810524155.3, Jul. 17, 2020.
60. Li-xian Sun, Changjian Lu, Fen Xu, Feifei Wang, Shilu Yin, Yongpeng Xia, Chenchen Zhang, A nitrogen-doped porous carbon material based on agar and its preparation method and application, ZL 201710788445.4, Jul. 07, 2020.
59. Yongjin Zou, Xi Zhang, Cuili Xiang, Hailiang Chu, Shujun Qiu, Fen Xu, Li-xian Sun, Preparation method and application of a Cu-Mo-S core-shell structured nanocomposite material, ZL 201810280475.9, Jun. 05, 2020.
58. Cuili Xiang, Yin Liu, Yongjin Zou, Li-xian Sun, Fen Xu, A biopolymer-based three-dimensional graphene and its one-step preparation, ZL 201711081630.6, Jun. 05, 2020.
57. Yongjin Zou, Jing Liang, Cuili Xiang, Li-xian Sun, Fen Xu, A graphene-polypyrrole-cobalt-nickel bimetal hydroxide composite material and its preparation method and application, ZL 201810708455.7, May. 22, 2020.
56. Yongjin Zou, Jun Cheng, Cuili Xiang, Hailiang Chu, Shujun Qiu, Fen Xu, Li-xian Sun, Preparation method and application of a Co-B/Ni-B amorphous nanosphere composite alloy catalyst, ZL 201510387974.4, May. 05, 2020.
55. Yongjin Zou, Xi Zhang, Cuili Xiang, Li-xian Sun, Fen Xu. A polypyrrole@Ferrocene /gold nanoparticle composite and its preparation method and application, ZL 201810524154.9, Mar. 14, 2020.
54. Cuili Xiang, Yin Liu, Yongjin Zou, Fen Xu, Li-xian Sun, A porous carbon composite material based on graphene/chitosan and its preparation method and application, ZL 201810666436.2, Mar. 10, 2020.
53. Yongjin Zou, Cuili Xiang, Li-xian Sun, Fen Xu, Hailiang Chu, Preparation method and application of a Ni-P-B nanosphere alloy catalyst, ZL 201410808502.7, Mar. 10, 2020.
52. Fen Xu, Yipeng Wu, Li-xian Sun, Xia Yang, Fang Yu, Hailiang Chu, Huanzhi Zhang, Cuili Xiang, Preparation of a transition metal fluoride doped composite hydrogen storage material and its application in hydrogen storage materials, ZL 201711123813.X, Jan. 21, 2020.
51. Cuili Xiang, Liangjun Zheng, Jincan Xie, juanhui Huang, Yongjin Zou, Li-xian Sun, Fen Xu, Preparation method and application of a polypyrrole-graphene-prussian blue nanocomposite: ZL 201510136024.4, Jan. 3, 2020.
50. Huanzhi Zhang, Weiwei Cui, Yongpeng Xia, Li-xian Sun, Fen Xu, One form-stable phase change material and its preparation method, ZL 201610990460.2, Aug. 23, 2019.
49. Huanzhi Zhang, Weiwei Cui, Yongpeng Xia, Li-xian Sun, Fen Xu, Hongping Liang, Ke Li, One nano-thermal conductivity enhanced microcapsule composite phase change energy storage material and its preparation method, ZL 201610456325.X, Aug. 6, 2019.
48. Yongjin Zou, Chenglong Cai, Cuili Xiang, Li-xian Sun, Fen Xu, A CoO-nitrogen-doped porous carbon composite material and its preparation method and application, Zl 201710817682.9, Jun. 28, 2019.
47. Yongjin Zou, Chenglong Cai, Cuili Xiang, Li-xian Sun, Fen Xu, Preparation and application of a carbon @ CoO core-shell composite, ZL 201711071728.3, Jun. 28, 2019.
46. Fen Xu, Peng Li, Li-xian Sun, Jun Chen, Yongjin Zou, Erhu Yan, Hongliang Peng, Preparation and application of an aluminum matrix composite hydrogen production material by spark plasma sintering, ZL 201710494703.8, Jun. 18, 2019.
45. Shujun Qiu, Wei Gao, Chunfeng Shao, Hailiang Chu, Yongjin Zou, Cuili Xiang, Fen Xu, Li-xian Sun, Preparation and application of a strontium and nitrogen doped porous carbon material, ZL 201710686777.1, Jun. 4, 2019.
44. Yongjin Zou, Ying Yin, Cuili Xiang, Fen Xu, Li-xian Sun, Preparation and application of a CoO doped three-dimensional graphene, ZL 201711081621.7, May. 21, 2019.
43. Fen Xu, Peng Li, Li-xian Sun, Chong Zhao, Minghui Fan, Erhu Yan, Pengru Huang, Huanzhi Zhang, Cuili Xiang, Shujun Qiu, One Al-LiH metal oxide hydrogen production material and its preparation method, ZL 201710039768.3, Apr. 30, 2019.
42. Yongjin Zou, Chenglong Cai, Cuili Xiang, Fen Xu, Li-xian Sun, Preparation and application of a Co-Ni-Mn oxide composite, ZL 201710425065.4, Apr. 12, 2019.
41. Fen Xu, Peng Li, Li-xian Sun, Chong Zhao, Minghui Fan, Erhu Yan, Pengru Huang, Hailiang Chu, Yongjin Zou, One Co-Bi-B catalytic aluminum/water hydrogen production material and its preparation method, ZL 201611175543.2, Feb. 22, 2019.
40. Xu Fen, Fan Minghui, Li-xian Sun, Yu Fang, Wu Yipeng, Zou Yongjin, Chu Hailiang, A LiBH4-based hydrogen storage material and its preparation method, CN106477521B, Jan. 18, 2019.
39. Yongjin Zou, Ying Yin, Cuili Xiang, Fen Xu, Li-xian Sun, Preparation and application of a nickel and cobalt doped porous carbon composite based on persimmon tannin adsorption, ZL 201710810218.7, Jan. 11, 2019.
38. Yongjin Zou, ChenglongCai, Cuili Xiang, Fen Xu, Li-xian Sun, Preparation method and application of Co/Ni/W alloy oxide graphene composite material, ZL 201611016365.9, Sep. 07, 2018.
37. Fen Xu, Chong Zhao, Li-xian Sun, Xiangfei Zhang, Yongjin Zou, Chuliang Hai, Preparation method of Al-BiOCl aluminum-based composite hydrogen production material, ZL 201610149305.8, Apr. 17, 2018.
36. Li-xian Sun, Ni Gao, Huanzhi Zhang, Zhong Cao, One shape-stabilized phase change material for cold storage and preparation, ZL 201510063140.8, Jan. 30, 2018.
35. Cuili Xiang, Yongjin Zou, Dadi Jiang, Li-xian Sun, Fen Xu, Chuliang Hai, ShujunQiu, Huanzhi Zhang, Preparation method of an aesistive hydrogen sensor based on nano composite material, ZL 201410253734.0, Jan .12, 2018.
34. Li-xian Sun, Rong Cai, Fen Xu, Yongjin Zou, Chuliang Hai, Huanzhi Zhang, One expanded graphite/ LiBH4 composite hydrogen storage material and preparation, ZL 201510063138.0, Sep. 26, 2017.
33. Li-xian Sun, Zhibao Li, Fen Xu, Yixin Sun, Xia Jiang, Ziqiang Wang, One (NH4)2TiF6 doping boron-based hydrogen storage material and preparation, ZL 201510111016.4, Aug. 8, 2017.
32. Li-xian Sun, Yulong Shao, Fen Xu, Yongjin Zou, Hailiang Chu, One Al-BiBr3 aluminum-based hydrogen production material and preparation, ZL 201510359876.X, May. 3, 2017.
31. Li-xian Sun, Zhibao Li, Fen Xu, Yingjie Zhang, Tianbao Yang, One TiH2doping boron-based hydrogen storage material and preparation, ZL 201510111939.X, Apr. 26, 2017.
30. Yongjin Zou, Jun Cheng, Cuili Xiang, Li-xian Sun, Fen Xu, Chuliang Hai, ShujunQiu, Amorphous ternary alloy/graphene composite catalyst and its application in hydrolysis of boron hydride compounds, ZL 201410254394.3, Apr. 19, 2017.
29. Yongjin Zou, Jun Cheng, Cuili Xiang, Li-xian Sun, Fen Xu, Chuliang Hai, ShujunQiu, Preparation method of a catalyst of amorphous ternary alloy/graphene composite, ZL 201410253733.6, May. 29, 2017.
28. Li-xian Sun, Zhibao Li, Jian Zhang, Fen Xu, Fen Li, Shuang Liu, Preparation method of a catalyst doped magnesium-based hydrogen storage material, ZL 201210563368.X, Feb. 08, 2017.
27. Li-xian Sun, Zhibao Li, Fen Xu, Erhu Xu, Wei Dong Yuan and Rong Cai, One K2TiF6 doping Mg/PMMA composite and preparation, ZL 201510111394.2, Jan. 11, 2017.
26. Yongjin Zou, Cuili Xiang, Jun Cheng, Li-xian Sun, Fen Xu, Chuliang Hai, Shujun Qiu, Preparation of a nanometer porous quaternary alloy catalyst and its application in hydrolysis of ammonia borane to hydrogen One nano porous quaternary alloy catalyst and preparation, ZL 201410349446.5, Jun. 01, 2016.
25. Li-xian Sun, Ziqiang Wang, Fen Xu, Jian Zhang, Shuang Liu, Huanzhi Zhang, Anitrogen-containing carbon material with good carbon dioxide adsorption separation performance and application, ZL 201210562808.X, May. 11, 2016.
24. Chuliang Hai, ShujunQiu, Li-xian Sun, Fen Xu, Preparation method of a high-capacity light metal composite hydrogen storage material, ZL 201410230333.3, Jun. 06, 2016.
23. Li-xian Sun, Huanzhi Zhang, Fen Xu, Ziming Zhao, Jian Zhang, One Phase change sunscreen Film with temperature controlling and preparation, ZL 201210180166.7, Mar. 23, 2016.
22. Li-xian Sun, Shuang Liu, Jian Zhang, Zhibao Li, Ziqiang Wang, Xia Jiang, One carboxylic functionalized graphene and preparation, ZL 201310425628.1, Mar. 23, 2016.
21. Zhong Cao, Jinlei Xie, Yan Xun, Dan Chen, Juxian Zeng, Li-xian Sun, One preparation method of a nano-gold film electrode based on borosilicate, ZL 201410066303.3, Feb. 17, 2016.
20. Li-xian Sun, Yi Liu, Fen Xu, Jian Zhang, Zhong Cao and Fen Li, Preparation and application of Al-based hydrogen production material with high hydrogen production, ZL 201210563325.1, Jan. 20, 2016.
19. Zhong Cao, Shuangli Zhu, Jinglin He, Ping Wu, Julan Zeng, Li-xian Sun, One preparation method of a nano-gold film electrode based on silicon nitride, ZL 201410066383.2, Jan. 20, 2016.
18. Li-xian Sun, Shuang Wang, Fen Xu, Jian Zhang, Fen Li, Jiacheng Liu, One Al-NaBiO3 hydrolysis composite for hydrogen production and preparation, ZL 201210160229.2, Dec. 16, 2015.
17. Li-xian Sun, Chengli Jiao, Jian Zhang, Xiaoliang Si, Ziming Zhao, Preparation of Mixed Ligand Metal-Organic Framework Compound Materials and Their Sensing Applications, 201110249067.5, Jun. 24, 2015.
16. Li-xian Sun, Chengli Jiao, Jian Zhang, Fen Xu, Xiaoliang Si, Ziming Zhao, One LiAlH4/ carbon coated metal nanoparticles (Ni-Co@C) composite hydrogen storage materials and preparation, ZL 201210181590.3, Jun. 10, 2015.
15. Li-xian Sun, Song Lifang, Xu Fen, Zhang Jian, Zhao Junning, A Porous Coordination Polymer Material and Its Preparation and Application, ZL 201010176580.1, Jan. 01, 2014.
14. Li-xian Sun, Jiang Chunhong, Xu Fen, Zhang Jian, Zhao Junning, A Metal-Organic Compound Sensing Material and Its Preparation and Application, ZL 201010176603.9, Sep. 18, 2013.
13. Xu Fen, Lan Xiaofen, Li-xian Sun, Ru Huiying, Meng Xin, Wang Caiyun, Jiao Qingqing, An aluminum-based composite hydrogen production material and its preparation method, ZL 201110210825.2, Aug. 28, 2013.
12. Li-xian Sun, Zhao Junning, Xu Fen, Zhang Jian, Jiang Chunhong, A phase change material for high temperature energy storage and its preparation and application, ZL 201010215963.5, Mar. 27, 2013.
11. Li-xian Sun, Cao Zhaoxia, Xu Fen, Zhang Jian, Liu Yingya, Xiang Cuili, Zou Yongjin, Zhao Junning, Ferrocene-Porous Metal-Organic Framework Compound Composite Materials and Preparation and Application, ZL 200810011540.4, Nov. 28, 2012.
10. Cao Zhong, Wang Xingxing, Huang Qianqian, Dai Yunlin, He Jinglin, Zhang Ling, Zeng Julan, Li-xian Sun, LSPR sensor chip for detection of oncogene C-myc recombinant protein, ZL 201110000089.8, Nov. 28, 2012.
9. Li-xian Sun, Yong-Jin Zou, Cui-Li Xiang and Fen Xu, Preparation and application of piezoelectric hydrogen sensor, ZL 200710011035.5, Jan. 11, 2012.
77. Fen Xu, Li-xian Sun, Yusheng Liu, Jian Zhang, Zhaoxia Cao, Junning Zhao, Yao Zhang, An anti-copying film based on organic film structure and its preparation, ZL 200710011044.4, Jul. 20, 2011.
8. Li-xian Sun, Yingya Liu, Fen Xu, Jian Zhang, Lifang Song, Chunhong Jiang, Shusheng Liu, A metal organic framework compound material and its preparation and application, ZL 200710158290.2, Jun. 22, 2011.
7. Li-xian Sun, Yingya Liu, Fen Xu, Shujun Qiu, Hailiang Chu, Lini Yang, Zhaoxia Cao, A supported porous metal organic compound hydrogen storage material, ZL 200710010703.2, Jun. 08, 2011.
6. Fen Xu, Meiqiang Fan, Li-xian Sun, Jian Zhang, Julan Zeng, Yanni Qi, Yao Zhang, An aluminum alloy for hydrogen production by hydrolysis and its preparation, ZL 200710011042.5, Apr. 06, 2011.
5. Li-xian Sun, Ju-Lan Zeng, Fen Xu, Jun-Ning Zhao, Preparation method of a kind of phase change materials, ZL 200710012102.5, Sep. 1, 2010.
4. Fen Xu, Yanni Qi, Li-xian Sun, Lini Yang, Jian Zhang, Shujun Qiu, Yao Zhang, Conductive polymer/alloy composite materials for nickel-metal hydride batteries and their preparation, ZL 200710011049.7, Aug. 25, 2010.
3. Li-xian Sun, Jian Zhang, Fen Xu, Yingya Liu, Yanni Qi, Junning Zhao, Yongjin Zou, A mesoporous metal organic compound and its preparation, ZL 200710011957.6, Jul.21, 2010.
2. Li-xian Sun, Yong-Jin Zou, Li-Ni Yang and Fen Xu, One Microbial Fuel Cells and Preparation, ZL 200610047820.1, Jul. 8, 2009.
1. Xiaozheng Lan, Li-xian Sun, Zhicheng Tan, Fen Xu, Guanglong Zou, A Na2HPO4·12H2O Heat Storage Material and Its Preparation Method, ZL 03133734.1, May.10, 2006.