加拿大魁北克大学三河城分校Jacques Huot教授应邀到校讲座

作者: 时间:2024-04-16 点击数:10

应材料科学与工程学院、广西电子信息材料构效关系重点实验室、电子信息材料与器件教育部工程研究中心邀请,加拿大魁北克大学三河城分校Jacques Huot教授于415日下午15:30在花江校区一教1106讲学,具体报告信息如下:


报告题目:Hydrogen storage in metal hydrides

报告人:Jacques Huot教授

Hydrogen Research InstituteUQTR


报告摘要:This talk will give an introduction to metal hydrides as a mean to store hydrogen. After a brief discussion on the thermodynamics and crystal structure of metal hydrides, we will present three different metal hydride systems. First, the Ti-V-Cr based alloy where we will see the effect of changing the Ti/V ratio. Second, we will present the effect of adding Zr to TiFe in order to get a fast first hydrogenation. Thirdly, we will present the effect of mechanical deformation on the hydrogen absorption of magnesium. We will end the talk with a general conclusion and some perspective for future investigations.



Jacques Huot,加拿大魁北克大学教授,国际知名储氢材料专家,金化合物(Journal of Alloys and Compounds)编辑、MH2024金属-氢国际学会会议执委委员。Huot教授研究领域包括金属氢化物中金属与氢的相互作用,面向工业存储的新型低成本金属氢化物的合成与开发,纳米尺度塑性应变材料的储氢性能研究,氢扩散对金属涂层物理化学性质的影响。Huot教授在化学成分调控与晶体结构变化对储氢材料的影响上有独到见解,在材料表征,特别是中子衍射与同步辐射领域有扎实基础。

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